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LGBTQ2SAI+ Community
HIM —Men’s Sexual Health Centre www.checkhimout.ca
Provides physical, sexual, social, and mental health services for communities of gay, bi, and queer men, as well as two-spirit and gender diverse people (GBT2Q) in BC. Services include HIV and STI testing, counselling, online sexual health resources, and virtual groups and events.
I Belong (LGBTQ2SAI+ Community) www.mosaicbc.org/i-belong
Offers a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ2SAI+ newcomers to meet new people, share experiences, and make positive changes through one-on-one social mentorship, group counselling, and a peer support group.
Back in Motion —Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants
Provides occupation-specific resources and support to help immigrant job seekers move into careers that match their qualifications.
BIPT —Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table
Website compiles news stories, reports, and resources that document and investigate immigrant issues at the local, regional, and national level. Provides an inventory of organizations and people who help newcomers integrate successfully into the community.
Burnaby Neighbourhood House www.burnabynh.ca
Provides newcomers with first language settlement and integration services and support. Includes programs for individuals, families, youth, and seniors in 12 languages with focus on newcomers’ access to Canadian benefits, settlement resources, and opportunities for community engagement. Case management support is provided for multi-barrier cases with complex needs.
Conversations for Life
Pflag Vancouver
604.626.5667 www.pflagvancouver.com info@pflagvancouver.ca
Offers support, education, and resources on sexual orientation, gender identity/expression for LGBT2Q+ individuals, their families and friends. Offers telephone support line and monthly support group meetings. For more information look up on Facebook as Pflag Vancouver.
QMUNITY www.qmunity.ca
1170 Bute St, Vancouver
Offers a variety of services and support for the LGBTQ2SAI+ community, including information and referral services, drop-ins and one-on-one support, peer support groups, low-cost and free short-term counselling, education and training services, and social events.
Youth Services (14-25yrs) youth@qmunity.ca
Older Adult Services (55+) seniors@qmunity.ca
Volunteer Inquiries volunteer@qmunity.ca
Trans Care BC
1.866.999.1514 www.phsa.ca/our-services/programs-services/trans-care-bc transcareteam@phsa.ca
Works to ensure people have the information they need to access gender-affirming health care and supports. Supports those who identify as Trans, Two-Spirit and gender diverse, their families, friends and loved ones, as well as service providers.