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Crazy for
Well folks, that’s another Island Wide paper in the books, and once again we received a wide range of amazing submissions which you will find throughout these pages. They cover a diverse set of topics including housing (stats and on-the-ground reporting), art, mental health, and letters galore. Plus some photos too Thank you all for helping make this issue come together once again, and ensure it is full of awesome content!
This of course extends to my story and photo subjects as well (this week and every week) for being so generous and enthusiastic with your time I learn something new each time I talk with one of you, and getting out and engaging with the community on stories is by far the best part of my job
We hope you enjoy this issue, hopefully learn something new, and most importantly have fun reading And remember we are always open for submissions, Island Wide issue or not
So get out there and explore! If you have a favourite place to go, whether it’s inside or outside, don’t hesitate Because you never know what changes tomorrow may bring
- Alex Kurial, Editor

Letters To The Editor
On behalf of the Food Bank at Bowen Island United Church I would like to thank all individuals and Island organizations for their generous support in 2022. This support keeps the doors open and is our only source of income
The Food Bank is well used on a 24/7 anonymous basis out of the Narthex or entryway to the Church and has to be replenished to some degree every day. So we are so very grateful for all
However, with the greatest of respect I would like to add that we don’t accept household items, only non-perishable food items, unopened and currently dated. We are not a dumping ground for opened and partially used food or household items, much of which we have received recently resulting in valuable volunteer hours spent disposing of it!
So once again thank you Bowen Islanders so very much for supporting us, a much needed Island institution which has been in existence and growing for over 25 years For any questions please contact me at -2364, or at pottysue@shaw.ca
E-transfers welcome at biucfoodbank@gmail.com
- Sue Clarke
or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com.