1 minute read
Brentwood school crunch isn’t district’s fault
Editor: I just read the article about the lack of space available for students in the Brentwood area
I just want to say that I was on the District Parent Advisory Council facilities committee in Burnaby back around 2014, and the lack of classroom space as Brentwood expanded was evident then
The Burnaby school district had information from the city on the expansion; they knew that another school would be needed, and when we presented our five-year plan to the B C government asking for a new school, it was denied
This went on for years as the numbers were presented showing lack of space, and the B C government did nothing The Burnaby school district did its job
Janet Reid
If you don’t hate children, don’t support pipelines
I did not agree to have my tax dollars spent
Just stop: If you don’t hate children, then get serious about stopping oil and gas expansion, this writer says PHOTO on a pipeline I do not want my tax dollars doing anything but protecting the environment that is remaining Please please, please, STOP Anyone who continues to support oil and gas expansion and who isn’t actively supporting a transition away from oil and gas (including their nasty downstream products, i e plastic) must hate all children and hate all natural life on Earth
If you say you don’t hate children but continue on as we have been, then your actions make you a liar A big, fat liar
Barbara Hubert
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