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More to the story on B.C. energy and climate action
Editor: :
Re: “B C lacks the energy to meet its climate goals,” March 30
Keith Baldrey only tells half the story. While true the current (no pun) supply will be inadequate, measures are being taken to increase it and also to lower demand B C has thousands of hectares of roofs on which solar panels can be installed. The recent federal budget offers one of several assistance schemes
Also, our increasingly windy climate lends itself to turbines These do not have to be giant 100-metre-tall towers, but smaller vertical cylindrical ones which can be located on traffic islands, etc , all over cities The wind blows at night, too, by the way.
Remember, LNG is a relatively short-term energy source If we are serious about ending fossil fuel use, LNG has to go. The electricity it uses then becomes available to the grid
Hopefully, our children and grandchildren will have less severe weather to deal with if we do as Keith says: taking bold action. Now!
Colin Dover
Summer sky is best roof for Central Park pool
I could not agree more with Karin Alzner
(“Please don’t cover up Central Park pool,” March 30)
The Central Park pool is a gem Please don’t put any kind of roof over it.
My kids walk there, and it is a special part of their summer, right up there with camping and the music from the ice cream truck as it approaches
(And no, l don’t tell them the music means he is out of ice cream any more, they figured out l was lying about that years ago!)
Richard Farbridge
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