1 minute read
The planet needs us to take climate action
Editor: :
I have worked in the resource industry and am a retired B C teacher and grandparent looking back from 2035 and saying wake up!
I see no emergency action in Canada to the 2021 IPCC report that UN Secretary General António Guterres described as a “code red for humanity”
He said, “The alarm bells are deafening” and “This report must sound a death knell for coal and fossil fuels, before they destroy our planet”
Let’s divest in big oil that is killing us and make the upcoming Federal Clean Electricity Regulations and other measures to enable a massive scaling up of wind, solar, energy storage and energy efficiency measures for a livable future.
Bill Willson
The pool path not taken

I see the roofing over Central Park Pool as a necessary evil. However, it has been mismanaged starting three or four years ago when the plans for closure of CG Brown were being finalized A bright light (or perhaps a committee of bright lights) did not foresee any potential recreational service deficit by shutting down 25 per cent of the swimming pool access for a minimum of 3.5 years. Suddenly it is a scramble to react to the community outrage, and the city chooses a less-than- optimum solution that was quicker to implement but inferior in concept
The optimum temporary solution would have been a large inflatable dome as seen on tennis courts that are used in winter months. For some reason, this option was not chosen for Central Park, disappointing the users who enjoyed swimming and seeing the surrounding trees and sky
Paul McGown
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