1 minute read
Objection to plan based on outdated standards
I was in attendance at the April 24 Burnaby city council meeting. During a brief review of the Emerald Place development proposal for the Brentwood area, a too-short discussion was had pertaining to the proposal, and some questions were raised to city staff why the non -market rental units included in the development did not have any three-bedroom units
City staff reasoned that their formula to determine the need for three-bedroom units has something to do with a development’s proximity to schools One council member referenced an outdated 1980s National Occupancy Standard that suggested boys and girls after the age of seven should have their own rooms
Between the city staff reasoning and the council references, I was left thinking that the council members are either too old to get it, or too young to understand The 1980s are over
A three-bedroom rent split six ways is simply cheaper than a two-bedroom rent split four ways It’s not a difficult concept to understand This is why you see people lining up to shop at Costco
Thanks to Mayor Hurley’s initiatives to rapidly expand community centres and outdoor space in Burnaby, and the B C government’s recent grant to local governments to help build community infrastructures, it is completely tolerable if not enjoyable to live with many people in a small apartment.
A three-bedroom apartment is not simply for a mommy, daddy, daughter and son. Those days are way gone and council and city staff need to wake up to what is actually going on in Burnaby right now today.

I beg city staff to please step up and bring some reality to city council
We need three-bedroom non-market and market homes in Burnaby for anyone who wants to live there.

Morgan Nicholsfigueiredo
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