1 minute read
Call for Applications: Burnaby Chinese Canadian Reconciliation Advisory Committee

The City of Burnaby is seeking up to four community members to serve on a new Chinese Canadian Reconciliation Advisory Group. The Advisory Group will provide input to City staff on a community consultation process to identify potential actions for reconciliation for historical discrimination against people of Chinese descent, including acknowledgement, a formal apology, and actions for reconciliation.
Members will represent a range of Chinese Canadian perspectives, including recent and established immigrants and people from different occupational backgrounds, and who reflect the many languages, source countries, and generations that form the Chinese community in Burnaby The Advisory Group will be convened by City of Burnaby staff and will meet up to four times a year between June 2023 to July 2025. If you are interested in joining the Advisory Group, please complete the application form at Burnaby.ca/AdvisoryGroup
Public Input Opportunity
Liquor Licence Application #23-01

Subject: Proposed extension of liquor service hours at the subject establishment
Location: 7868 EDMONDS STREET
Public Input Deadline: June 14, 2023
Dahlak Restaurant has applied to amend its food primary liquor licence to extend the hours of liquor service past midnight The requested extended hours of liquor service are from 9 am-2 am, daily
For further information on this Liquor Licence Application, contact the Planning Department at 604-294-7400
Public input on this application is invited prior to Burnaby City Council submitting a resolution regarding the application to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch
Written comments may be sent to the Planning and Development Department by:
Letter: 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC, V5G 1M2; or email: planning@burnaby.ca
Please note, all submissions must contain the name and address of the writer which will become part of the public record.
Deadline for written submissions is 4:45 pm June 14, 2023
N Best
Notice Of Disposition
TAKE NOTICE THAT the City of Burnaby gives notice that it intends to grant a statutory right of way (“SRW”) to Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (“GVS&DD”) over the 843 5m2 portion of City-owned property, as shown on Plan EPP127108, located at 3676 Kensington Avenue, Burnaby, B C and legally described as NPA, Lot A DL 77 Gp 1 NWD Plan EPP116882 (the “Lands”), in consideration for $15,800 00 and the release of an existing SRW registered under number A32793 in favour of GVS&DD over a 356 1m2 portion of the Lands, as shown on Plan NWP27811
TAKE NOTICE THAT the City of Burnaby proposes to transfer an 11 0m2 portion of closed lane dedicated by Reference Plan 12756, as shown outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP125513, to SHRI GURU RAVIDASS SABHA (VANCOUVER) (Inc No S17405), in considerationfor road dedication comprising 312 6m² as shown on Subdivision Plan EPP122703