1 minute read
City community plan process‘undemocratic’
Blocking participation by limiting access is undemocratic

City hall badly underestimated the interest of Burnaby citizens to participate in the Burnaby 2050 official community plan to “share your ideas through open dialogue”

I was put on a waiting list when registering on June 8 for the June 14, June 15 and June 20th events The last one, June 21 at Confederation Seniors Centre, still had availability.
Each event is limited to 100 persons for facilitated groups.
So city hall has capped attendance to 400 people who are able to attend Clearly, many are interested, as can be seen how quickly they were full, in a city of 216,830 people who are 15 years old and over, according to the 2021 Census
Why not allow everyone to go to one or even all four visioning events so as to better understand what directions and visions are out there?
This is the most important plan of our lifetime, which will be referred to going forward as the official community plan guiding growth and directions of Burnaby for the next 38 years!
Parks acquisitions and neighbourhood density planning Keeping mountain view corridors so that not all the mountain views and the setting sun are blocked by highrises Transportation, security, density within the city.
All who are interested in providing input to planning the most important official community plan should be allowed to attend one or all the Burnaby 2050: Visioning Dialogues Register at Burnaby.ca/Burnaby2050 or phone 604-294-7775 Phone or e-mail mayor and councillors to not block access to any of the sessions
Karin Alzner
THE BURNABY NOW WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length Please include a phone number where you can be reached Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave , Burnaby, B C , V5A 3H4, email to: editorial@burnabynow com (no attachments please) or fax to: 604-444-3460
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