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Notice Of Public Hearing
Burnaby City Council hereby gives notice that it will hold a Public Hearing to receive representations in connection with: a) proposed amendments to “Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965”; and b) proposed retention and protection of historic property seeking Heritage Designation.
TUESDAY, June 27, 2023 AT 5 PM
Zoning Bylaw Amendments
1) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No 16, 2023 - Bylaw No 14579
Rez. #22-11
Unit #5 - 8063 North Fraser Way
From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on M2 General Industrial and M5 Light Industrial Districts)
To: Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on M2 General Industrial and M5 Light Industrial Districts, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “New Mezzanine for Unit #5 - 8063 North Fraser Way” prepared by Zeidler Architecture)
Purpose: To permit a minor increase in interior floor area in an existing stratified industrial building which includes the addition of a 225.75m2 (2,430 sq. ft.) mezzanine for office use, as well as minor changes to parking and loading
Applicant: TJ Reavley; Zeidler Architecture (Representative)
2) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No. 15, 2023 - Bylaw No. 14578
Rez. #22-02
7388 Southwynde Avenue
From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM2 Multiple Family Residential District)
To: Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM2 Multiple Family Residential District, RM2r Multiple Family Residential District, P5 Community Institutional District, and Edmonds Town Centre Plan as guidelines and in accordance with the development plan entitled “Southwynde Rental Apartments” by Integra Architecture Inc.)
Purpose: to permit the construction of a residential multiple-family development and childcare facility which includes a six-storey nonmarket rental building with a childcare facility for up to 37 children fronting Southwynde Avenue
Applicant: Jotty Gill, Metro Vancouver Housing
3) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No 14, 2023 - Bylaw No 14577
Rez. #22-01
7118 and 7280 MacPherson Avenue
From: M2 General Industrial District
To: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM3 Multiple Family Residential District, RM3r Multiple Family Residential District, and the Royal Oak Community Plan as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “Proposed Multi-Family Development” prepared by Integra Architecture Inc.)
Purpose: to permit the construction of a multiple-family development which includes a four-storey non-market rental building, a six-storey apartment building, and three-storey townhouse buildings
Applicant: Collin Truong, Integra Architecture Inc. (Representative)
4) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No. 13, 2023 - Bylaw No. 14576
Rez. #20-31
7330 Sixth Street
From: C4 Service Commercial District
To: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on C9 Urban Village Commercial District and Sixth Street Community Plan as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “Six on Sixth” prepared by Lovick Scott Architects Ltd.)
Purpose: to permit the construction of a six-storey mixed-use multiple-family rental development with commercial retail uses at grade, and underground parking
Applicant: Andrea Scott, Lovick Scott Architects Ltd.
5) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No 12, 2023 - Bylaw No 14575
Rez. #18-49
6645, 6659, 6675, 6691, 6707 Dow Avenue
From: RM3 Multiple Family Residential District
To: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on the RM5s, RM5r, RM4s, RM4r Multiple Family Residential Districts, C2 Community Commercial District, C3 General Commercial District and Metrotown Downtown Plan as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “6465 Dow Avenue” prepared by Boniface Oleksiuk Politano Architects)
Purpose: to permit the construction of a high-density mixed-use development above underground parking. The development is comprised of two high-rise residential strata buildings, a nine-storey commercial podium, street-fronting retail, street-oriented townhomes, and a six-storey rental building
Applicant: Eric Hughes, Dow Beresford Development Limited Partnership
1) Burnaby Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 1, 2023Bylaw No. 14573
7828 Stanley Street
Purpose: to designate the Alice and Robert Travers Residence at 7828 Stanley Street as a protected heritage site and authorize the listing of the subject property on the Burnaby Community Heritage Register as a Protected Heritage Property
2) Burnaby Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 1, 2023 - Bylaw No. 14574
7828 Stanley Street
Purpose: to provide for the retention and protection of the Alice and Robert Travers Residence at 7828 Stanley Street to ensure specific design controls and provide necessary zoning variances to allow for the subdivision and development of the existing R2 Residential District property as a City heritage site
All persons who believe they are affected by a proposed bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard:
• email: legislativeservices@burnaby ca
• mail: Mayor & Council, c/o Legislative Services, 4949 Canada Way
• fill out the webform: Burnaby ca/PublicHearings
• see details and instructions on City’s website (Burnaby ca/PublicHearings)
• via live webcast at Burnaby.ca
Reports, bylaws, and related information respecting the zoning bylaw amendments are available on the City’s website at Burnaby.ca/PublicHearings from June 8, 2023. Any questions regarding the Public Hearing processes and agenda items may be directed to Legislative Services, 604-294-7290
Please note all submissions must be received by 2:45 pm on the day of the Hearing and contain the writer’s name and address which become a part of the public record. NO PRESENTATIONS OR SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING.