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TAKE NOTICE THAT Burnaby City Council proposes to adopt the following bylaws:
Bylaw No. 14569 cited as “Burnaby Highway Closure Bylaw No 3, 2023” (Road Closure #22-02) pursuant to Section 40 of the Community Charter The purpose of the proposed bylaw is to close certain portions of highway –closure of a portion of Carrigan Court (that portion of road dedicated by Plan 36433 in District Lot 4, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 1991m²) as shown outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP129106 prepared by Patrick Korabek, B.C.L.S.
The proposed Bylaw and Plan may be inspected on the City’s website (see April 25, 2022 and June 5, 2023 Council agendas).
Bylaw No. 14570 cited as “Burnaby Highway Closure Bylaw No. 4, 2023” (Road Closure #22-05) pursuant to Section 40 of the Community Charter The purpose of the proposed bylaw is to close certain portions of highway – closure of portions of Gatineau Place abutting 9850 Austin Road (those portions of road dedicated on Plan BCP26417 containing 1,739.3 m² , and that portion of road dedicated on Plan 43016 containing 615.1 m² all of District Lot 2 and 4, Group 1, New Westminster District) as shown outlined in bold and identified as Parcel A and Parcel B, respectively, on Reference Plan EPP129157 prepared by Patrick Korabek, B.C.L.S.
The proposed Bylaw and Plan may be inspected on the City’s website (see April 25, 2022 and June 5, 2023 Council agendas).
For additional information, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 604-294-7400 It is proposed to place these bylaws before City Council for consideration of Final Adoption at the regular Council Meeting scheduled for July 10, 2023.
Anyone who considers themselves affected by the proposed bylaw is provided an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting the bylaw to Burnaby City Council by submitting a letter addressed to: Mayor and Council, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2.
All submissions must be received by the Director Legislative Services no later than noon, Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
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