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Burnaby South Secondary
VALEDICTORIAN: Nathan (Nyles) Aquino

Take this time to look around the hall and acknowledge that the class of 2023 is at a turning point. We’re being thrust into a new phase lt’s scary; it’s chaotic; it’s exciting Where we are past this June may be a complete mystery, and it’s beautiful We don’t know what comes next; we don’t know where life will take us or where we’ll take it All we know is that after today, we’ll have earned the freedom we ’ ve worked towards Every fruit is ripe; every door is open! We did that Weputourselveshere Andjustaswecametogetherhere,wewillleavehere as one; as Burnaby South’s class of 2023.

Bc Provincial School For The Deaf
Our whole high school experience has been about change and how to navigate the bumps along the way With each obstacle or barrier, we held strong to our goals and we ’ ve persevered We’ve reached our goal and we are graduating! Within the BCSD wing of the school we have an area we call the Deaf Pod For us this is an amazing place where we can really be ourselves and communicate freely. It’s a place of communication access, socialization and connection with each other as well as a space respecting the different identities of BCSD students. I have so much respect for my graduating class, every one of you. You’re all amazing people and I know your lives are going to be filled with fun, amazing experiences.
Byrne Creek Community School

The lessons we ’ ve learned from school, sports, and hobbies are not confined to the walls of our classrooms or the boundaries of the court. They extend far beyond, into the vast realm of our existence. The ability to adapt, to learn from our mistakes, and to rise above our failures, will most definitely shape our journey in life. Carry the lessons we ’ ve learned from outside hobbies and life, and remember that failures are just stepping stones on the way to success
We should surround ourselves with a circle of individuals whohelpusriseaboveallANDpushustowardsgrowth.The world awaits us. Using the lessons we ’ ve learned in school, it can aid to build lives that are meaningful and powerful. We must work together to attain greatness while also uplifting others and changing the world for the better.
Cole Alpha Secondary School

Whateveryoudonextyear,whetherthat’sgoingtouniversity, starting a job, or taking a gap year, be confident in your choice! You chose that path for a reason Make the most of it Document it in your favourite ways I promise, you’ll want those memories stored somewhere Reach out to people, new and old Make new friends Say yes Take risks Go to that concert, dance with your friends at that party, take part
Cole Cariboo Hill Secondary School
Serena Gill
As I was gathering my thoughts for what I’d like to share with you, I was struggling to find the perfect metaphor to represent this class.Untilithitme…whilesingingaTaylor Swift song – more specifically, “Long Live.” And the metaphor was clear – “Long Live” the class of 2023. As I stand in front of everyone ’ s loved ones, surrounded by all my best friends, teammates, hallway acquaintances and classmates, I would like to emphasize the point that we grew up Graduation will be forever on our list of things to be remembered, but there are many other moments along the journey that should make it on our “Long Live” list in that competition that you ’ re not sure you’ll win. Form a newclub,fightforwhatyou’repassionateabout Stepoutside of your comfort zone, for that is where the growing happens And what are our late teen years for if not for growth and exploration? We are fortunate enough to have these liberties, let’s make the best of them
Cole Moscrop Secondary School

Alex Hong
Some of you may be scared to become a beginner again, to feel the nervousness of starting anew. But, think of the times when we were beginners and look at how far we ’ ve come: from bikes to cars, playgrounds to universities, and new desks to new homes. As Steve Jobs said, “The heaviness of being successful will be replaced with the lightness of being a beginner again.” So, today, I implore you to think differently about change. Don’t see today as an end of an era, but, instead, asthestartofabrandnewone.Thinkdifferentlyaboutthegoodbyes.Don’t see them as final farewells, but just as “until next time.” Think differently about the future. I’m sure that our brightest days are ahead of us, our proudest moments soon to come, and our greatest achievements just around the corner