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Proposed non-market project can help ease rental crisis
Editor: I am surprised at the opposition shown by homeowners in the Edmonds Town Centre towards the proposed non-market rental building at 7388 Southwynde Ave.
This development has the potential to address the pressing issue of affordable housing in a city plagued by high rents and dwindling purpose-built rental units, yet this development also brings out the NIMBYs
It is crucial to understand the broader context and the urgent need for affordable housing in the city Burnaby currently ranks as the thirdworst city in the country in terms of rental affordability As residents struggle to find suitable housing within their means, purpose-built rental units are being lost over time The proposed non-market rental building, including a child-care facility, offers an opportunity to alleviate this crisis.
The City of Burnaby has taken a proactive approach by partnering with Metro Vancouver Housing to address the affordable housing shortage. The project intends to provide 122 rental units, with a significant portion offering rents at below-market rates. The City of Burnaby would lease the land at a nominal rate, ensuring the long-term affordability of the housing
As a community, we must recognize the importance of embracing affordable housing initiatives By opposing such developments, we risk perpetuating the housing crisis and denying fellow community members the opportunity to live in safe and stable homes.
I urge homeowners and community members in Edmonds Town Centre to consider the long-term benefits of the proposed non-market rental building. Let us come together and work towards creating an inclusive community that prioritizes the well-being of all its residents By embracing affordable housing initiatives, we can foster a more equitable and prosperous future for Edmonds Town Centre
James Wong
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