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Paint the town rainbow at this year’s Burnaby Pride Celebration
The annual celebration aims to build a stronger sense of community while breaking down barriers and prejudices
Burnaby is gearing up for a vibrant celebration of love and diversity this month.
This year’s Burnaby Pride Celebration will take place on July 22, 2023 at Civic Square
The event aims to create a safer space for 2SLGBTQAI+ individuals, youth, and families, fostering meaningful connections and strengthening the sense of community in Burnaby
“Even though there has been a disturbing rise in hatred and violence towards the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, advocates and activists have been working tirelessly to advocate for more action and support from the Canadian government,” says Athena Affan, Chair of Burnaby Pride.“We are happy to say that we feel prepared ahead of our festival We will be communicating any safety information to the community well in advance and we’re looking forward to a safe and fun celebration of Pride this year ”
With a strong focus on visibility, inclusivity, and fostering a greater understanding, Burnaby Pride seeks to overcome prejudice and celebrate the diverse experiences within the 2SLGBTQAI+ community The organizers are committed to creating accessible and respectful spaces that engage people of all ages and backgrounds.
The Burnaby Pride Celebrations will serve as a platform to showcase and celebrate local talent, businesses, and organi- zations, highlighting the strength and resilience of the community. By prioritizing partnerships with agencies and organizations based in Burnaby and surrounding areas, the event aims to authen- tically represent the spirit of the city
This year’s festivities include a range of exciting events, including the Burnaby Pride Celebrations on July 22 at Civic Square and the Youth Movie Night on July 28 These events provide opportunities for education, compassion-building, and fostering a greater understanding of the 2SLGBTQAI+ community
Now in its sixth year, this year’s Burnaby Pride will feature a variety of live music, drag, comedy and more along with community engagement booths and fun activities

Pride festival We will see on stage some returning faces, but our line-up also includes new, emerging, and youth artists that we are excited to share with the community. We are looking forward to a really fun day,” adds Affan Burnaby Pride Celebrations 2023 is an inclusive and empowering event that celebrates diversity and strengthens the 2SLGBTQAI+ community in Burnaby for the whole family. This fun and inclusive event is the perfect time to pull out your most colourful clothing, break out the glitter, and celebrate diversity in our community
Attendees are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs, picnic blankets and water, and to dress appropriately for the weather. The event is free of charge and welcomes all members of the community to join in the festivities
“This year, we started looking at our artist curation a little bit differently and we are really pleased with what we have in store for our
Burnaby Pride acknowledges that the event takes place on the unceded and traditional territories of the skwxwú7mesh and Hul’q’umi’num’/ Halq’eméylem/ hən ´ q ´ əmin ´ əm ´ speaking people. They recognize this acknowledgment as a small step toward challenging the legacies of colonialism and working towards true reconciliation.
For more information about Burnaby Pride Celebrations, please visit www.burnabypride.com or contact info@burnabypride.com.
BurnabyPrideisacollaborativecommunityinitiative.Its organizersincludeanumber ofagenciesinBurnabythat supportourcommunitywith theirprogramsandservicesaswellasindividual 2SLGBTQIA+folksandallies whoarepartofPCAN(Pride CommunityActionNetwork)