The Burnett County Sentinel 12-19-2018

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2018 VOL. 57 NO. 7 $1.00

HOLIDAY GREETINGS: Messages of thanks and well wishes from local businesses. INSIDE

County Airport dealing with ongoing beaver problem JONATHAN RICHIE EDITOR@BURNETTCOUNTYSENTINEL.COM


Christmas is Coming

BURNETT COUNTY–– “It’s been frustrating, so we had to bring in a guy to come in and do some beaver trapping,” Airport Manager Chuck Shultz told the infrastructure committee last week. “It’s a private trapper that the DNR in Grantsburg suggested.” Mike Rod, of Falun, is an independent trapper and has been helping trap the beavers in Siren since July. He is often the recommended trapper in the County. “This is a pretty common thing for Burnett County,” Rod said. “It’s hard to tell how many are left out there.” Rod explained that the beavers live in a 30-40 acre area surrounding the airport. In that area, they have built five different dams. Shultz said the dams create giant pools of water

The Siren Elementary School held their K-5th Grade Christmas Concert last week. Here are the Siren 1st Graders belting out their best version of “Jingle Bells.” More photos from area Christmas concerts on pages 10, 16 and 32.

Board approves permanent easement for Wayne’s Food JONATHAN RICHIE EDITOR@BURNETTCOUNTYSENTINEL.COM

WEBSTER––The Webster Village Board approved a permanent easement for Wayne’s Food property line after a survey was done and showed their loading dock is on Village land. The easement resolves the issue that goes back to what was described as a “wink-wink” handshake agreement. Rick Estridge and Mark Krause were at the meeting last week to explain the property

lines and also figure out a solution. Estridge explained they are planning on selling the grocery store and were asking for something to be put in place before the sale went through. Krause said a permanent easement on the building would make the most sense and Village President Jeff Roberts agreed. The permanent easement will allow Wayne’s to use the loading dock without having to buy the land. It will remain as long as the SEE VILLAGE BOARD, PAGE 2

NEWS 715-463-2341


The Christmas Story St. Luke 2: 1-20 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; because he was of the house and lineage of David.

ADVERTISING 715-463-2341

To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they went there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds SEE A KING IS BORN, PAGE 2

SUBSCRIPTIONS 715-463-2341




DECEMBER 19, 2018

BEAVERS: dams will be destroyed in the spring CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

at the airport and the nuisance beavers are the main concern. “We’ve trapped four beavers so far,” Rod recalled. “And we’ll take down those dams in the spring.” Shultz explained that the beavers have been creating dams in the area surrounding the airfield and not where the committee thought they were doing damage near Old 35. “They were even going in and out of a culvert we got out there,” Shultz said. “We put up a crusher screen to block the entry off.” As itt turned out one beaver was still in the culvert behind the screen. Chuck Shultz “And he let me know he was Airport Manager in there, so I called the trapper and had him take care of it,” he said. “Mike said there may be one more still out there.” The airport is scheduled to have one of their runways renovated next year. County Administrator Nate Ehalt said along with the runway project they will also be clearing trees in the surrounding area. Shultz and Ehalt both said clearing those trees should help with their beaver problem.

Sentinel donates to local food shelves The Burnett County Sentinel’s annual food shelf promotion, “Their Table is Waiting,” which runs in December raised $1,035 this year that was distributed among the three Burnett County food shelves. A special thank you goes out to all of the wonderful sponsors who make this possible every year. The food shelves serve hundreds of families each month, and your support is greatly appreciated.

Grantsburg Food Shelf

‘The trapper said there may be one more still out there.’

IN OTHER ITEMS: Shultz also reported fuel sales have continued to remain “pretty good” even for this time of year.

A KING IS BORN: the true meaning of Christmas

Stacy Coy of the Burnett County Sentinel (second from right) presents a check to Terri Andersen (right) of the Grantsburg Area Food Shelf along with volunteers Vickie Fry and Carmen Bouchie. KASSIE MULLINS | SENTINEL

Ruby’s Pantry Food Shelf Patti Hurd (left) of Ruby’s Pantry Food Shelf in Siren accepts a check from Kassie Mullins of the Burnett County Sentinel.


abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them in heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. ~~ -John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Indianhead Community Action Agency Josie Penberthy (left) and Laurie Denotter of the ICAA Food Shelf in Webster accept a check from Kassie Mullins (right) of the Burnett County Sentinel.


VILLAGE BOARD: Village reviews property line CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

building exists on Highway 35. Trustee Tim Maloney said this issue has been “discussed forever.” Trustee Greg Widiker asked why the village just doesn’t sell the chunk of land to Wayne’s and board members explained

they may want to extend Muskey Street to the south in the future. Maloney asked Krause and Estridge if they did a title search. They did and Krause said nothing came back. “It looks like there was a winkwink, nod-nod agreement on the zoning that goes back a long way,”

Krause said. The board agreed and approved the permanent easement. It will be written by the Village Attorney and on the agenda at the January meeting.


DECEMBER 19, 2018




THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 Grantsburg Elementary School Christmas Concert

FOURTH MONDAY Grantsburg School Board

GRANTSBURG—Performances at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Grantsburg High School Auditorium.

5 p.m.

Siren School Board 5 p.m.


Siren Pre-K Christmas Concert

Burnett County Repub. Party

SIREN—5 p.m. in the Siren Auditorium.




Town of Webb Lake

Interfaith Caregivers Christmas for Kids: Toy Pickup

6 p.m.


WEBSTER—8 a.m. - 7 p.m. at the Webster Fire Hall.

Otis Taylor American Legion Post 96


7 p.m.

Family Supper at the American Legion Hall


GRANTSBURG—Because of the Holidays, there will be no Family Supper at the American Legion Hall in Grantsburg on Dec. 27, 2018. The next supper will be Jan. 24, 2019.

Webb Lake Men’s Club

first Thursday after the first Monday, 2 p.m.


Grantsburg School Board

3:30 p.m.

Village of Siren


Cool Kids Fun Group

5 p.m.

SIREN–– 6-8p.m. DSI/Restorative Justice at 7726 Rasmussen Street in Siren. Group meeting for youth with disabilities. Have fun and get to know other kids with disabilities. Fun, games and food promised. Play games, talk about special interests, learn skills you can use everywhere you go. Call Caz at 715-566-0406 or Kim Campion at 715745-9656 for more information.

Town of Grantsburg 5:30 p.m.

Village of Grantsburg

District Attorney Schieffer sworn in

Disabled American Vets Chapter 66 6:30 p.m.

Town of Jackson

Burnett County District Attorney Joseph Schieffer was sworn in by Burnett County Judge Melissia Mogen on Monday, Dec. 17. He was appointed by Gov. Scott Walker earlier this month and will serve the next two years as District Attorney.

7 p.m.

Town of Meenon 7 p.m.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 Lily Lake Tavern 2nd Annual Ice Fishing Contest

6 p.m.


WEBSTER––9 a.m.-6 p.m. Lily and Peterson Lakes. Must be registered by 9 a.m.

Prizes and 50/50 raffle. There is a registration fee.

Town of Sand Lake 7 p.m.

Town of Scott 7 p.m.

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.


Town of LaFollette 7:30 p.m.


Webb Lake Community Club 1 p.m.

Grantsburg American Legion Auxiliary 5 p.m.

Call the Sentinel to see it listed here!

Town of Anderson


Town of Roosevelt

Town of Blaine 6 p.m. 7 p.m.

Town of Daniels 7 p.m. 7 p.m.

Town of Swiss 7 p.m.

ONGOING EVERY SUNDAY AA Meetings • 9 a.m. New Beginnings Club, Siren. 715-349-2588 • 1 p.m. Lakeview Methodist Church, Hertel. 715-468-7228 • 1 p.m. Dewey Town Hall, Hertel Wellbriety Meeting 6 p.m. at St. Croix Tribal Hall, Danbury Contact Shara’lanee’ Skinaway, 715-645-9515

EVERY MONDAY Adult Day Care 9 a.m.–3 p.m., Crexway Court, Grantsburg.

Burnett Cty. Family Resource Ctr. Playgroup 10–11:30 a.m. at 24062 St. Rd. 35/70, Siren Ruby’s Siren Food Shelf 10 a.m.–2 p.m. 24534 St. Rd. 35/70, Siren AA Meetings • 7 p.m. Senior Citizens Center, Webster • 7 p.m. Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Frederic Divorce Care Recovery and Support Group 7 p.m. First Baptist Church, Osceola 715-294-4222 or 651-214-5251 (after 5 p.m.) Overeaters Anonymous 7 p.m., New Beginnings Club, Siren. 715-349-2588

Lions Bingo 7 p.m. Webster Community Center

• 7 p.m. New Beginnings Club, Siren. 715-349-2588

‘Lost Voice Club’ meeting

EVERY TUESDAY Adult Day Care 9 a.m. –3 p.m., Birchwood Manor, Siren

Grantsburg Rotary Meeting

7 p.m. Moose Lodge Meeting Room, Siren. 715-866-7585


12 p.m., T-Dawgs, Grantsburg

Adult Day Care

Alanon Meeting 7 p.m. Lakeside Community Lutheran Church, A & H Grief Support Group 6:30 p.m., St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Frederic Contact Margaret McAbee 715-653-4270 Celebrate Recovery 6 p.m., Adventure Church, Siren Contact Pastor Carolyn, 715-349-5750

9 a.m.–3 p.m. Birchwood Manor, Siren

Forts Folle Avoine History Library

7 p.m.

Town of Dewey 8 p.m. MS Self-Help Group 6 p.m. Larsen Family Library

WEATHER Last Week Temps:

Grantsburg Area Food Shelf





To qualifying residents of Grantsburg School District 9:30–1:30 a.m., 320 S. Brad St., Grantsburg

Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17

32 45 45 39 29 29 29

19 16 14 22 24 14 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Siren/Webster Rotary Meeting 12 p.m. The Pour House, Siren

Narcotics Anonymous 7 p.m. New Beginnings Club, Siren. 715-349-2588

New Life Recovery Program


Grantsburg American Legion Post 185

7 p.m. Wood River Christian Fellowship, Grantsburg 715-463-3941

10 a.m.–4 p.m. Other days by appointment

AA Meetings

Ruby’s Siren Food Shelf 10 a.m.–4 p.m. 24534 St. Rd. 35/70, Siren Pre-School Story Hour 10:30 a.m., Grantsburg Public Library AA Meetings • 1 p.m. Dewey Town Hall, Hertel

• 12 p.m. United Methodist Church, Danbury • 7 p.m. Crossroads Church, Webster

EVERY FRIDAY Free Bread Friday 9 a.m. until gone, Trinity Lutheran Church, Falun. 715-689-2271

Readings taken at 8 am reflect the previous 24-hour period.


I have a new philosophy. I’m only going to dread one day at a time. --Charles M. Schulz

4 BURNETT COUNTY SENTINEL www burnettcountysentinel com

DECEMBER 19, 2018

‘Baby, it’s cold outside so feel free to leave’ The first time I heard the phrase “political correctness” I was about 15 years old and my percussion instructor said it. I was just about to start driver’s education and he said something to the effect of, thanks to political correctness they don’t use the first week of that class to show gruesome crashes and mangled bodies being pulled out of burning vehicles. I would not have minded watching those videos. They were called “Driver’s Education ‘Scare’ films” and I think I would have enjoyed knowing what happens when one steel trap collides with another. Anyway, back to the PC world we live in. A couple of weeks ago National Public Radio published a story saying that some radio Sentinel stations have begun banning the Christmas song “Baby, It’s Cold Editor Outside.” It’s odd that the song Jonathan Richie is facing a backlash, even to this millennial. The bans are being led by people who live their lives on the Internet. I call them the outrage police. They get outraged about this shiny thing so-andso says and then get angry when he or she doesn’t apologize in a way that is acceptable to them. Apparently, these people are angry that the female in the song sings the line, “what’s in this drink’ and the male sings “what’s the point in hurting my pride.” The song was written by Frank Loesser in 1944. Dean Martin sang it, so did Barry Manilow and Bette Midler (three different recordings.) Even Rod Stewart and Dolly Parton have recorded the song. In 2014 Broadway star Idina Menzel and modern-day crooner Michael Bublé covered the song. The reason the outrage police hate the song is simple, Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby is a convicted felon, who was found guilty of aggravated indecent assault earlier this year. Loesser’s relatives have directly blamed Cosby who, for decades, has allegedly drugged women by putting something in their drinks. Is that what we do in 2018? We go back and nitpick Christmas songs. My favorite Christmas song is “Father Christmas” by The Kinks. One line is very questionable for today. “But if you’ve got one I’ll have a machine gun, So I can scare all the kids on the street.” But I don’t hear anybody saying, “let’s ban The Kinks from classic rock Christmas.” Loesser’s song is a hyper example of what the outrage police are capable of. So watch out. I’m all for ending discrimination and homophobia, which is what I believe PC culture is supposed to curtail, but sometimes, like everything in life, they go too far. Lastly, Merry Christmas! JONATHAN RICHIE is the editor of the Burnett County Sentinel. He can be contacted at or by calling 715-463-2341.


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Christmas is for children of all ages Well, Christmas is knocking on our doors. I hope you are ready and are able to spend time with friends and family, which is the best gift one can receive. Throughout my newspaper career, I have run the following editorial, the most famous newspaper editorial of all time, reprinted here because it fits the season. As children grow older and wiser, parents inevitably are faced with the question, “Is there a Santa Claus?” When Virginia O’Hanlon asked that question of her parents in 1897, From the they suggested she write the New Publisher’s York Sun for an answer. She did, and Francis P. Church, a Civil War Desk correspondent, wrote an editorial Tom Stangl response which has become an American literary classic. Mr. Church died in 1906. The New York Sun closed its doors in 1950. Virginia O’Hanlon Douglas died in 1971 after a distinguished career as a teacher and administrator in the New York City school system. However, the letter from Virginia, and Mr. Church’s response, will live forever as a part of our Christmas heritage. It is still a wonderful answer to a very difficult question. Dear Editor: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun it’s so.” Please tell me the truth: is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O’Hanlon Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s are little. In this great universe

HOW TO REACH US: Our office is located at 114 W. Madison Ave., Grantsburg, WI 54840. We are open from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Friday. Call: 715-463-2341; Fax: 715-463-5138; Mail: P.O. Box 397, Grantsburg, WI 54840; Web: Tom Stangl, Publisher

Teresa (Terry) Nordrum, Front Office

Jonathan Richie, News Editor

Glen Skifstad, Sports

Teresa Holmdahl, Sales Manager

Nicole Gagner, Production

Stacy Coy, Sales

Cathy Nelson, Production

Kassie Mullins, Sales


Russ Erickson, Mark Smith, Terry Fry, Couriers

of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. No Santa Claus! Thank God, he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now. Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the hearts of childhood. From The New York Sun, September 21,1897 To our valued friends, subscribers and advertisers, best wishes for a happy holiday season - Merry Christmas! As always, I welcome your comments. You can reach me by email at tstangl@theameryfreepress. com, telephone 715-268-8101 or write me at P.O. Box 424, Amery, WI, 54001. Thanks for reading. I’ll keep in touch. Feel free to do the same.

Guarding Your Right To Know Since 1875

The Burnett County Sentinel was the county’s first newspaper when Matthew Westcott began publishing on Feb. 19, 1875. The Sentinel continued weekly until its building and presses were destroyed by fire in 1909. The business was sold to its competitor. The Journal changed its name to “Journal and Sentinel”, but later reverted to the Journal of Burnett County. When the Journal folded in 1962, Wilbur A. Nelson revived the Burnett County Sentinel. Following his death in 1975, his wife, Marjorie Nelson and son, Gary Nelson operated it until Feb. 1, 1994, when it was purchased by Mainstream Publications. It was then purchased by Eugene Johnson on Dec. 1, 1998. The Burnett County Sentinel makes every effort to insure accuracy in all classified and display advertising, but will not be liable for errors beyond the cost of first insertion. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time.

The Burnett County Sentinel is published every Wednesday by Sentinel Publications, LLC. USPS No. 080020. Second-Class Postage Paid at Grantsburg, WI 54840. POSTMASTER: Send change of address form to the Burnett County Sentinel.


DECEMBER 19, 2018




Gov. Walker defends, signs Republicans’ lame-duck legislation BY WISPOLITICS

Republicans at the Capitol are trying to counter the narrative that the lame-duck bills passed by the GOP are a power grab meant to undermine incoming Democrats Tony Evers, the future governor, and Josh Kaul, the next attorney general. And the leading voice for Republicans is outgoing Gov. Scott Walker, who on Friday signed the three bills into law. Walker on Dec. 11 said the lame-duck legislation doesn’t amount to “a fundamental shift in powers” away from Evers and Kaul. During the signing ceremony Friday in Green Bay, Walker told reporters “the overwhelming executive of authority I have as governor today will remain constant with the next governor.” Criticizing the “huge misinformation out there” about the bills, Walker told reporters at

a stop in Pewaukee that Evers would still have authority to appoint cabinet officials, offer a biennial budget and wield a powerful veto pen, adding: “none of that goes away.” “So for all this hype and hysteria, much of which I think is driven by fundraising for political purposes, the bottom line is there’s not a fundamental shift in powers, no matter what happens with this legislation,” he said. Walker’s comments came after he issued a statement hinting at his support for some of the extraordinary session bills. He also said he shut down suggestions from lawmakers to go after the governor’s sweeping veto powers in the extraordinary session bills. “I said, ‘No, I would not support that. There’s no way I would support that, because that would take power away from the governor,’” he said. Walker signed all three bills in their entirety,

despite suggesting he’d “most likely” use his line-item veto power on parts the bills that cleared the Legislature amid controversy and after an all-night session. One change Walker said he had been considering was altering language that would give the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. board the power to pick the CEO, he said. Evers’ ability to appoint the agency head would be restored Sept. 1. Walker said Evers raised the issue in a call between the two. And Walker said he had “concerns” with provisions surrounding Medicaid, though he didn’t elaborate. The legislation includes language that would codify the implementation of a waiver to make changes to the state’s program. Health care organizations warned the changes could lead to “unforeseen implementation challenges” that could harm the program and its mem-

bers. Walker wrote in a social media post his criteria for signing the extraordinary session bills Republicans approved included if they improved transparency, increased accountability, affirmed stability and protected taxpayers. In a Facebook post, Walker argued the “new governor” would still have significant powers if he signed the bills. Walker wrote that includes the broadest line-item veto of any governor, the ability to make appointments, sign off on administrative rules and pardon convicted felons, among other things. “Let’s set the record straight — the new governor will still have some of the strongest powers of any governor in the nation if these bills become law,” Walker wrote to open the post. Britt Cudaback, a spokeswoman for Governor-elect Tony Evers, said Walker knows voters

“demanded a change” on Nov. 6 and urged Republicans to “stop putting politics before people and to start working together with the incoming Evers administration on the pressing issues facing our state.” “Governor Walker knows this and needs to decide whether he wants the final act of his legacy to be overriding the will of the people,” she said. Walker highlighted four provisions in the post in describing his criteria: » He wrote it seemed “reasonable” for the public to know if a convicted felon is pardoned by the governor. » He wrote it “makes sense” that lawmakers should “have some say in how the state might spend a multi-million legal settlement.” One provision would require the attorney general to submit settlements to the Legislature for review. » He also wrote it “makes sense” to put in


LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor: This holiday season and throughout the year, our goal is to help make roadways as safe as possible for everyone. As part of these efforts, the Burnett County Sheriff’s Department, along with the Grantsburg, Siren and Webster Police Department will join law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin during the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” holiday campaign from December 14 through New Year’s Day January 1, 2019. Whether it’s caused by alcohol, legal or illegal drugs, getting behind the wheel when impaired is a dangerous and irresponsible decision. Impaired drivers risk injuring or killing themselves, their passengers, and all other travelers along our roadways. Alcohol-related crashes remain a significant concern in Wisconsin, resulting in 169 deaths and over 3,300 injuries last year. A growing problem in Wisconsin and many other states involves drugged drivers – people whose ability to safely operate a motor vehicle is compromised by prescription or over-thecounter medications and illegal drugs such as heroin. To help address these challenges, Wiscon-

sin has: • 25 multi-jurisdictional, high-visibility OWI enforcement task forces operating across the state throughout the year. • Nearly 3,800 law enforcement officers with Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) training - enhancing our ability to identify impaired drivers and get them off our highways. • 292 highly-trained Drug Recognition Experts - among the most in the nation. There are several ways citizens can help. If you see a driver that you suspect is impaired, call 911 and provide as much detail as you can. Never allow someone else to drive impaired. Finally, protect yourself and your passengers every trip by buckling up, set aside the phone, watch your speed, be patient and alert. We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Won't shift

printed). Anonymous letters will not be published. Only letters originating from writers who live, have lived or work in the Burnett County Sentinel circulation area or have some other relevance to the community area will be published. Special rules apply to election-related letters. The Burnett County Sentinel reserves the right to withhold publication of any submitted content for discretionary or space concerns. For questions about policies on letters contact the editor at 715-463-2341 or editor@burnettcounty

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon. FIEDLER FORD, INC.



Fiedler Ford, Inc. Downtown Grantsburg, WI (715) 463-5367











1993 F-150 4X4 XLT Only

The Burnett County Sentinel encourages readers to share their viewpoints of community issues by writing Letters to the Editor. Submit your letters via email to, by mail to the Burnett County Sentinel, PO Box 397, 114 W. Madison Avenue, Grantsburg, WI 54840 or by fax to 715-463-5138. We reserve the right to edit for accuracy, clarity, libel, and civility. General letters to the editor are limited to 400 words or less. Readers may submit one letter for consideration every 30 days. Letters must include the writer’s full name, address, and phone number (address and phone number will not be

Ron Wilhelm, Sheriff Jeff Schinzing, Grantsburg Police Chief Chris Sybers, Siren Police Chief Stephanie Wedin, Webster Police Chief


Value Strip

statute waivers the state received from the federal government. » Walker also signaled support for a provision that would make clear new revenue from online sales would go to income tax reductions. The 2013-15 budget included a provision saying revenue from some online sales would go to tax cuts if Congress approved states collecting the money from retailers that don’t have a physical presence in their jurisdictions. But the collections were approved by a U.S. Supreme Court decision. The Capitol Report is written by editorial staff at, a nonpartisan, Madison-based news service that specializes in coverage of government and politics, and is distributed for publication by members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Copyright © WisPolitics. com



DECEMBER 19, 2018

Judge Mogen pushes for full-time assistant District Attorney JONATHAN RICHIE EDITOR@BURNETTCOUNTYSENTINEL.COM

Burnett County Judge Melissia Mogen took time out of her schedule to address the Administration committee on Monday. She was asking the committee to do more than pass a resolution to send to Madison asking for a full-time assistant district attorney (ADA). “I’ll go down to Madison with members of the County Board. I’ll go down

there with the new District Attorney,” Mogen said. “I don’t ask for things I want. I come to your for things that I need.” Mogen stressed that she is handling, on average, 250 more cases a month more than Ken Kutz and “they all represent criminal cases.” She said after a year Judge Mogen and a half as the judge

her eyes “are wide open” and seeing the county’s problems clearly. She said after the meeting that the county leaders need to band together in the fight to get a full time ADA. County Chairman Don Taylor said that the county has sent many resolutions to Madison on the issue and also have tried alternatives to a full-time ADA like increasing the pay for public defenders. He continued to explain that it is diffi-

cult for Madison to listen to representatives in the Northwoods of the state. “It’s tough to get funding north of Highway 8,” Taylor said. He also noted that salaries of DA’s and ADA’s are paid by the State and not the County they serve. “I want to do whatever can be done to better our county,” Mogen concluded. “We have a great county and I don’t want to see it slide backwards.”

Siren School passes resolution moves forward with two separate referendums JONATHAN RICHIE EDITOR@BURNETTCOUNTYSENTINEL.COM

SIREN–– The Siren School board passed two separate resolutions on Monday night. The board also selected general contractors. Kraus-Anderson was selected for the building upgrades. That referendum will include upgrades to the FACs lab, science classrooms, bathrooms and adding secured entrances. Rettler Corporation was chosen for the football field and track facilities referendum. The board has held two special meetings leading up to the decision to pick a general contractor for the referendums. The first referendum, for upgrades to the school, is set not to exceed $4 million and the second, for the football field and track, is set no to exceed $2 million. Both referendums will be on the April 2 ballot. Siren Superintendent Kevin Shetler said their 1998 referendum will be paid off by the end of the year. If both referendums pass, taxes would go down $23 per $100,000 appraised home value. If the building referendum is the only one that passes taxes would still go down about $43 per $100,000 appraised home value. Board members expressed skepticism that either of the contractors, that specialize in K-12 buildings, would be able to handle the football field project. Rettler Corporation has already done preliminary work on the football field for a previous project. In a special board meeting last Monday Unesco said they would be willing to bring on Rettler Corporation to work on the football field. Associate Principal Wayne Koball said Kraus-Anderson was at the school for over two hours and said

Plan Perfect the


Siren school board members (left to right) back row: Tiffany Meyer, Rhonda Highstrom, Chris Engstrom, and Mark Pettis. Front row: Duane Emery, Peggy Moore, and Susie Imme.

they asked him questions he had no idea what the answer was. “They asked why do we have the IMC here,” Koball recalled. “I have no idea why it’s there.” The board was also appreciative that Kraus-Anderson said during their presentation that they would reach out to local contractors for the bidding process.

Former School Board member Syd Sherstad was at the meeting and during the public comment asked the board about public input. Shetler responded that the school will be holding open meetings throughout the process before the election, including informational sessions for the public to attend.

Wedding Read the Sentinel! Presenting your local resources you need to plan the perfect wedding


Flowers /Tuxes

Adventure’s Catering

Village Floral & Gifts

Siren, WI

Grantsburg, WI



Invitations Carlson Craft

Austin Lake Greenhouse

Burnett County Sentinel Grantsburg, WI



Webster, WI

To advertise your business in the Wedding Directory call the Burnett County Sentinel at 715-463-2341

Get a glimpse of what it is like to have demenƟa by going through the DemenƟa Live™ experience. The Demetria Live™ experience is specifically designed to help individuals who do NOT have demenƟa understand what their loved one, friend or person they care for (who has demenƟa) is going through on a daily basis. To coordinate a DemenƟa Live™ experience at your community event or for your organizaƟon, contact the ADRC of Northwest Wisconsin at 877-485-2372.

DECEMBER 19, 2018



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$10.99 Sirloin Steak Night

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$5 Cheeseburger Basket

Bloody Mary Brunch 11-4

Same Day Crowns




2016 F-150 S-Crew 2011 F-350 4x4, XLT 5.0, V8, 4x4, V8, a.t., needs a.t., full power, work but big savings low miles 2016 F-150 4x4 2010 F-150 SuperS-Crew XLT, a.t., Crew F.X.4, V8, full power, lots of a.t., full power, economy miles, save 2015 F-150 4x4 2007 F-150 4x4, Super Crew, a.t., a.t., full power, XLT, big savings, full power economy 2015 F-150 XLT 4x4 S-Crew, V6, 2007 F-150 4x4 a.t., full power, S-Crew XLT, V8, a.t., full power, save save 2014 F-150 4x4 S-Crew XLT, a.t., 2003 Explorer 4x4 XLT, V6, a.t., air, full power, nice economy, save


$5 Boneless Wings




2009 Taurus S.E., 4 dr., V6, a.t., full power, economy 2014 F-150 4x4 2008 Mustang HT, XLT, V6, a.t., full V6, a.t., full power, power, economy low, low miles 2012 F-150 4x4, 2005 Ford 500, 4 V8, a.t., reg cab, dr., V6, a.t., full economy power, economy 2012 Escape Lim2003 Cadillac ited, a.w.d, full Seville, 4 dr., nice power, V6, a.t., economy car, big savings Collector Car 1966 2012 F-150 4x4 Mustang H.T., S-Crew LariV8, 3 spd. manual, at, V8, a.t., full inside decor pack- power, lots of toys age, a nice toy 2011 F-150 4x4 PRE-OWNED S. Cab XLJ, V6, a.t., full power, TRUCKS & save


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Bottomless Mimosa 11-2 Dinner Special Prime Rib Sandwich $10.99

72 Months Financing



Hopkins Sand and Gravel, Inc. as well as Evergreen Landscaping of Siren, Burnett County government, Wisconsin Workforce Resource and Northwest Wisconsin Concentrated Employment Program (NWCEP). SOFTEC is a not for profit organization, with a WIOA, credentialed Industry Certified Training Model; featuring customized 5 to 6-week training inspired by regional Industry needs and “is focused on organically growing northwest Wisconsin’s workforce.” SOFTEC is committed to developing highly employable personnel with certified technical and soft skill sets tailored to our client’s needs. With this accelerated and Industry certified training, SOFTEC will provide participants with an educational foundation to enter the workforce with the necessary skills to become part of a retained workforce.

2010 Fusion S.E., 4 cyl., a.t., full power, economy



program must pass a drug test, be capable of lifting 50 lbs, have basic skills aptitude, understand heavy equipment operation and safety, have a GED and be at least 18 years old at the completion of the course. Individuals referred through SOFTEC’s industry partners will be given priority consideration as the program launches. The training covered by the grant will initially focus on industry targets that have identified needs for new employees, including: Forestry, a key regional industry, with a six-week training program using CAT Simulator virtual reality for heavy equipment operation such as Track Feller Buncher. Construction/Excavation with a similar six-week program but that focuses on operating Small Wheel Loaders integrating the CAT virtual reality simulator. SOFTEC partners with regional industries such as Webster-based

2014 F-150 4x4 XLT SuperCrew, V8, a.t., 2012 Focus S.E., full power 4 dr., a.t., air, full Transit power, economy 2014 5-pass Wagon, 2011 Fusion, S.E.L., a.t., air, tilt, a.t., full power, low cruise, low miles, miles, economy economy, war2011 Focus S.E.L., ranty 4 dr., a.t., full 0% & power, economy


Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development Fast Forward program has awarded SOFTEC, a 501C3 non-profit corporation headquartered in Burnett County, a $120,000 grant to start a Pilot Training Program for Certified CAT Simulator Virtual Reality (VR) Heavy Equipment Training. Fast Forward Grant Opportunities are highly competitive and require partnerships with regional businesses and industries, WI Workforce Resource and other workforce entities to qualify. SOFTEC’s Pilot Training Program is targeted to start in January 2019 at its location at 25070 Hwy 35N, Siren, WI 54872. The program incorporates the industry-leading CAT virtual equipment simulator for heavy equipment. SOFTEC was recently approved for WIOA funding which allows students to participate for little or no out-of-pocket cost. Applicants for the new training



SOFTEC awarded Workforce Development grant

Downtown Grantsburg, WI • (715) 463-5367


work to finish sometime in 2021. “The STP allocates federal funds to complete a variety of improvements to rural highways, primarily county highways,” Hoefs


Mike Hoefs Highway Commissioner



‘The objective of the STP is to improve federal-aid-eligible highway outside of urban areas on roads classified as major collectors or arterials.”’



BURNETT COUNTY––Burnett County Highway Department has been awarded $2.1 million in federal grant funds to make improvements to County Highway D between County Highway M to N. Williams Road in the Town of Wood River. Design and permitting work is scheduled to begin in 2019 “This segment of road is the fourth oldest in the county in terms of when it was last reconstructed and by 2021 will be the oldest,” Highway Commissioner Mike Hoefs said. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation sent a letter to the Highway Department last month explaining that the funds are through the 2018-2022 Surface Transportation Program (STP)

said. “The objective of the STP is to improve federal-aid-eligible highway outside of urban areas on roads classified as major collectors or arterials.” Hoefs explained that this project is one of only 19 statewide projects selected for the five-year cycle. He said they are already planning to submit another application for the next STP cycle for work on County Highway X from Webster to Dongola Road in the Towns of Meenon and Sand Lake. “This segment is a perfect candidate for grant funding since it involves many unique and challenging aspects, especially from a geotechnical (soils engineering) perspective but also environmentally,” Hoefs said. “This makes it worth spending the funds to hire a professional engineering firm to navigate all the issues we expect to encounter.”



cycle. The application was submitted in early 2017 and is scheduled for




Highway Department receives federal grant




DECEMBER 19, 2018

Tree of Life Ceremony held at BMC On the evening of Dec. 11 Regional Hospice Services held its first Tree of Life Ceremony at Burnett Medical Center in Grantsburg. Regional Hospice Services recognizes that for some the holidays are a time of joy and excitement, while for others the holidays can be a difficult time- especially if grieving the loss of a loved one. The Tree of Life Ceremony gave those attending a time to reflect with the memorial reading of the names and seeing their loved ones’ ornament on the lighted tree. Those who wished to honor their loved one were given the opportunity to purchase a personalized ornament as a remembrance. A welcome to those in attendance from Lynda Anderson, Executive Director, started the evening followed by a reading from Jim Stroede, Chaplain for Regional Hospice. Music was provided by St. Croix Community Orchestra and their students. Memorial Reading of names by Bonnie Prazak, Social Worker for Regional Hospice. Memories, conversation, renewed friendships and refreshments followed the ceremony. Special thank you to Burnett Medical Center for their assistance with this event, Regional Hospice volunteers and staff, Roz Barrick for the beautiful tree topper donated in memory of her husband, Richard Barrick, and all who ordered ornaments and attended the event. The Regional Hospice Tree of Life with memorial names will be on display in the lobby of Burnett Medical Center throughout the holiday season.


Webb Lake Community Club Makes Donation Webb Lake Community Club donated $3,000 to Webb Lake Area First Responders. Kathy Altman and Nick Clementi matched this donation with $3,000 and worked with the Voyager Community Page members and Voyager Dinner Club members to donate $780. These funds will go towards having an equipment backpack at their A & H station for use when the ambulance is on a run. Dawn McConnell (center) of the Webb Lake Area First Responders accepts the Webb Lake Community Club donation from Pam Freiberg (right) and the matched donations from Kathy Altman(left).


STUDY: Valve hole set off refinery blast, fire in Wisconsin



K-9 TRACKER and his team would like to thank the Burnett County Community for their continued support of the K9 program! They have been working hard on combating Crime and Drug use and distribution in our neighborhoods! Without your contributions, this would not be possible.

Mi i g w e c h!

The Burnett County Historical Society could not accomplish its educational mission at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park without the dedication and support of our Members and Volunteers, the County Board of Supervisors and Townships, individual donors and foundations, and community organizations and businesses. We thank ALL our supporters who so generously shared their time, talent and resources to ensure the success of our 2018 Season of events, activities and programs! Please visit our website for upcoming . . .

Tax-Deductible contributions can be sent to: Burnett County Sheriff’s Office Auxiliary P.O.Box 541 Siren,WI 54872 Checks can be made out to: B.C.L.E.C.A

2019 Events & Programs Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park

(We will mail you a receipt for your contribution)

715-866-8890 • 8500 Co. Rd. U Between Danbury & Webster, WI

THANK YOU, Woof-Woof!!

SUPERIOR—A hole in a valve was cited as the source of an explosion at a Husky Energy refinery in northwestern Wisconsin last spring that injured 36 people and required the evacuation of a large part of the city of Superior. The latest findings of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board were shared Wednesday at a town hall meeting in Superior. According to the update, erosion created a hole in the slide valve, allowing air to mix with hydrocarbons. The resulting blast sent debris hurtling into an asphalt storage tank. The puncture spilled about 15,000 gallons (12,490 imperial gallons) of hot asphalt, which later ignited. A spokesman for Husky Energy says the Canadabased company will continue working with the board to understand the cause of the explosion.

FOR SALE 0.86 acre in Siren near Lakeview Rd and Hwy 70

$9,000 for sale by owner


Thank you for reading the Burnett County Sentinel. Check us out online at:

We appreciate our readers!

DECEMBER 19, 2018



2-1-1 cards arriving soon


Traders Round–A–Bout Bar & Grill Makes Donation Terry Erickson owner of Traders Round A-Bout Bar & Grill donated $5,000 to Connections store and more, Burnett County Food Shelf, and ICAA. (l to r) Laurie Denotter, sales associate; Josie Penberthy, community service specialist; Terry Erickson; and Jan Kelley, sales associate

As we mentioned last week, it’s that time of year again. In the not-too-distant future, your annual Burnett County Property Tax statement will be arriving. This year, there will be something special that we hope you take out and save next to your telephone. 2-1-1 is your resource for quick community service information. The County will be sending out the 2-1-1 cards in annual tax statements. The Burnett County Emergency Management Department has obtained 2-1-1 information cards from the United Ways to help make communities aware of services offered by dialing 2-1-1 from any phone. This week, the focus is on services for the community following a disaster. The N11-numbers are used to access to special services. For example: 2-1-1: Community services and information 4-1-1: Directory assistance 5-1-1: Traffic information 6-1-1: Telephone company (telco) customer service 7-1-1: TDD and Relay Services for the deaf and hard of hearing 8-1-1: Underground public utility location (United States) – Digger’s Hotline 9-1-1: Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance and rescue services) 2-1-1 service, provided by the United Way, can be used in times of natural disasters. They partner with the local emergency management offices to help field phone calls, receive damage and un-met needs reports, and give out information to those affected by the disaster. Remember, United Way’s 2-1-1 is always available and can help in many different situations. Give them a call when you are looking for community resources in your area; 2-1-1 is ready to help and is as close as your telephone.


The world’s most expensive bread can be made at home: Pain d`épices On my last trip to Switzerland, my friend insisted I taste traditional European spice bread. Typically, we would visit at least one open-air market. There was usually someone selling loaves of spice bread. I’ve always just walked past because the price was outrageous—$49F per pound, the equivalent of almost $50 U.S. Each loaf appeared to weigh 3 pounds! Thank goodness you can buy one slice. We each bought a slice of bread made with our favorite spice, mine cardamom and hers ginger. $12F Wild Chow was for each slice later, we were sinking Lisa Erickson our teeth into the best slice of bread we’d ever tasted. The spices were perfect—not too “spicy” or bland.

The color and scent were enticing. I still don’t know why the bread is so expensive. It is delicious, but not worth the price—if you can bake. The bread is not made with anything crazy special--honey, spices, and almond flour. What makes this bread so special is the texture. It’s sturdy enough to load with cheese or butter, but it melts in your mouth. I know my recipe is not as good as what I ate in Switzerland—but it’s pretty darn close! I’m sure families have been perfecting the recipe for decades. Give me some time and mine will be perfect, too! This bread is a wonderful handmade gift to give during the holidays. It’s part of many traditional Christmas celebrations in parts of Europe. Make it one of yours, too!

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Traditional European Spice Bread (Pain d`épices) 1 1/2 cups flour 1 cup almond flour 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon cardamom 1 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter, melted 1 cup honey 1/3 cup whole milk 2 eggs Zest from one orange, about 2 teaspoons packed Preheat oven to 325°. Butter and flour a 9x5 loaf pan; set aside. In a bowl, combine flour, spices, and salt. In another bowl, beat butter and add honey in a slow stream. Add the eggs, milk, and orange zest. Add the flour mixture and stir until no flour remains; do not over stir. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until a toothpick comes out dry. Cool and turn out onto a wire rack to cool. Slice and serve with Grana Padano (Sweet Italian cheese in the Parmesan family) and dried fruit or butter.

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.



DECEMBER 19, 2018

Webster Elementary School Christmas Concert


(from left) Connor Haessly and Kennedy Rand


Webster Elementary School held their annual Christmas Concert last Friday, Dec. 14.


Kindergarten kids: (from left) Brantley Spafford, Isabella Ward, and Sabrina Howard singing “A Kitty for a Present.”

The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.

Burnett County Law Enforcement officers to participate in ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ holiday campaign through New Year’s Day Burnett County Law Enforcement Officers to participate in holiday campaign Dec. 14 through New Year’s Day. To help deter impaired driving, the Burnett Co. Sheriff’s Department and the Grantsburg, Siren and Webster Police Departments will join law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin during the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” holiday campaign from Dec. 14, 2018 through Jan. 1, 2019. “The goal of these comprehensive law enforcement efforts is to help make roadways safer for everyone by discouraging people from making the dangerous and irresponsible decision of getting behind the wheel

impaired,” Chief Jeff Schinzing said. Last year in Wisconsin, alcohol-related crashes resulted in 169 deaths and more than 3,300 injuries. While alcohol-impaired drivers remain a concern, a growing problem involves drugged driving – people whose ability to safely operate a motor vehicle is compromised by legal or illegal drugs including prescription and over-the-counter medications. To help combat impaired driving, Wisconsin has: • 25 multi-jurisdictional high-visibility enforcement task forces operating throughout the year, across the state • About 3,800 police officers trained in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), enhancing efforts to detect and remove impaired drivers from the roadways • 292 highly-trained Drug Recognition Experts among the most in the nation There are many ways that citizens can help: • Report impaired drivers to law enforcement by calling 911. Provide as much detail as possible on the driver, vehicle, and location; • If you plan to celebrate, identify a sober designated driver. Never allow someone else to get behind the wheel impaired; • Download the free “Drive Sober” mobile app from the WisDOT website. The app includes a “find a ride” feature to help locate mass transit and taxi services; • Some taverns and restaurants have programs to provide patrons a safe ride home. Visit www. and click on Safe Ride; and

‘Last year in Wisconsin, alcohol-related crashes resulted in 169 deaths and more than 3,300 injuries. While alcohol-impaired drivers remain a concern, a growing problem involves drugged driving – people whose ability to safely operate a motor vehicle is compromised by legal or illegal drugs including prescription and over-the-counter medications’ •

Make sure that everyone in your vehicle is buckled up – every trip. Watch your speed and eliminate distractions. Burnett County Law Enforcement Officers want to help ensure a safe, enjoyable holiday season and they need the cooperation of all motorists to accomplish this.


DECEMBER 19, 2018



IS MIDNIGHT TOO LATE FOR YOU TO CELEBRATE NEW YEAR’S EVE? Join us for a Spanish New Year’s Eve Party • Ring in 2019 as if in Spain! 5pm Wine & Treats • Dinner to follow $12 includes Churros, Empanadas, Chicken Paella Embrace your inner Christopher Columbus and dress in your best Spaniard gear • $100 prize for best dressed






Webster, WI

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OUR SPECIAL MENU INCLUDES: Smoked Salmon Dip Cajun Shrimp Smothered New York Strip Garlic Crusted Prime Rib Mediterranean Grilled Chicken Pasta Tomato Butter Salmon Skillet Reservations Highly g y Recommended • 715-349-8500 Adventures closes at 2 on Dec. 24 and reopens at 11 on the 26

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Since 1934

Bar Hours: Mon.-Thur. Open At Noon Fri., Sat. & Sun. Open at 11 a.m. Kitchen Hours: Mon. - Wed. Open Till 8 p.m. Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Open Till 9 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Happy Hour Mon. - Fri. 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Drink & Food Specials

Celebrate the holidays with us!


PRIME RIB DINNER New Year’s Eve • 5-8 King Cut $21.95 Queen Cut $17.95 Live Music by Those Guys Starting at 9pm Free Food @ 10pm Party Favors & Champagne @ Midnight

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MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 DJ Digger Ugly Sweater Contest $100 Cash for first prize • Judging at 10pm


24787 Clam Lake Dr. Siren, WI 54872 715-349-5120

709 Hwy. 70 Grantsburg, WI

(715) 463-3360




DECEMBER 19, 2018

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer

COVER TO COVER - Grantsburg Public Library Free family matinee movie, Enjoy a free showing of a family movie and popcorn at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 27. He’s back! Dr. Seuss’s infamous Grinch character is back at the library this December. He’s hiding in the library stacks, reading books and sometimes, causing mischief! Everyone is invited to search him out and enter to win fun prizes. Dec. 1-21 Stuffed Animal Storytime & Sleepover 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 26. kids can bring their stuffed animal to storytime, tuck them in and say goodnight. Then Thursday, Dec. 27 kids can pick up your stuffed animal and see what they did at the library overnight. Countdown to Noon Year’s Eve 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 31 celebrate the countdown to the New Year ... at noon! It’s the last day of 2018, and the Friends of the Library are hosting a special celebration for anyone who can’t stay awake until midnight. We’ll start the festivities with a comedy magic show, then enjoy a light lunch and end-off with a countdown to the New Year! Register at Free knitting class 6:30 p.m., Thursdays Jan. 3-24. Adults, teens and children 10+ accompanied by an adult are welcome to join instructor Karen Paap in this fun, supportive knitting class. If you have knitting needles and yard, please bring them,

if not, the library will provide supplies to practice with. Call or stop in the library to register. New items coming soon! Books: The Three Beths by Jeff Abbott, This Is Cuba by David Ariosto, A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne, The New Iberia Blues by James Lee Burke, Milkman by Anna Burns, The Best of Us Robyn Carr, Lord of the Butterflies by Andrea Gibson, His Promise by Shelley Sheperd Gray, The House Next Door by James Patterson, Verses for the Dead by Douglas Preston, Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield, One Day in December by Josie Silver, The Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith, A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel, Turning Point by Danielle Steel, It’s Not Supposed to Be This by Lysa TerKeurst, I Am Mrs. Jesse James by Pat Wahler, The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox by Katie Wells Audio books: Flying Lessons & Other Stories by Ellen Oh, The House Next Door by James Patterson, Turning Point by Danielle Steel, The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein Movies: Kin, Smallfoot, A Star Is Born Library hours and information 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Phone number 715463-2244. Website: To find out about the latest library events, follow us on Facebook.

Adults and children alike are familiar with the tale of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” As the lyrics of the song illustrate: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose / And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows. Popularized by the song written by Johnny Marks and sung by Gene Autry, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer dates back to 1939. A copywriter named Robert L. May created the story of the misfit reindeer in 1939 when working for Montgomery Ward. The retail giant was producing marketing holiday coloring books for children and wanted to come up with a clever character. Although Rudolph is now beloved, May’s original ideas included Rollo and Reginald. Also, Rudolph’s famed red nose almost didn’t come to be. Because a red nose at the time was viewed as a sign of alcoholism, Montgomery Ward was hesitant to be on board with the bulbous, red

snoot. A blue nose was considered, but later changed. In its first year of publication, Montgomery Ward had distributed 2.4 million copies of Rudolph’s story. The catchy tune came thereafter, followed by a cartoon short in 1948. In 1964, the stop-motion animated television special further propelled Rudolph to celebrity and became the most recognizable Rudolph adaption. Today, Rudolph is known across the globe as the reindeer responsible for navigating Santa’s sleigh through tricky weather on Christmas Eve. He continues to be loved by many, young and old.

at your Grantsburg Public Library. We have thousands of books from the preschool to the adult level to spark everyone’s interest.

Student the Week

Preschoolers’ Story Hour ~ Wednesdays at 10:30am Regular Library Hours ~ Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 10am-6pm • Thur. 12pm-8pm • Sat. 10am-2pm

A salute to excellence in our schools


Tap Into★Your Imagination ★ ★ ★ ★ Monday-Thursday 10 am - 7 pm ★ ★

★ Katie Byers

Jeramiah Liljenberg

Malaky Olson




Grantsburg’s Student of the Week is Katie Byers. Katie is the senior daughter of Miranda Johnson and Joe Byers. Katie’s teachers say she is an active learner in Spanish 4 and her contributions to class discussions prompt high-quality conversations among her classmates. Katie enjoys film and photography. Her empathy and care for her classmates is notable. She has a summer job working at Wild River Outfitters. Katie will be attending Iowa State University in the fall to study psychology and would like to go into psychiatry as a career.

From Siren Jeramiah Liljenberg is the Student of the Week. He is the sophomore son of Fred and Betsy Liljenberg. Jeramiah’s teachers say he is very caring and is an understanding friend. His favorite class is Metals and plans to work in construction. Outside of the classroom Jeramiah is on the football and basketball team. He also enjoys hunting, fishing, hanging out with friends and working.

Webster High School’s Student of the Week is Malaky Olson. She is the freshman daughter of Monty and Heather Olson. Malaky has a strong work ethic and always puts effort and creativity into the projects that she is working on. Staff say she is fun to be around and that Malaky has a positive, upbeat attitude and is not afraid to help out her classmates. She is involved with volleyball and basketball. Outside of school she enjoys playing sports, fishing, baking and shopping. After graduation she plans on going to college and studying the medical field.

Bass Lake Lumber “The only number for lumber.”

12469 State Road 48 • Grantsburg 715-488-2471 •

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25425 Lakeland Ave S, Webster, WI 54893 • 715-866-4271

Sam’s Motor Express 24061 State Rd. 35/70 Siren, WI 54872 715-349-2774

Timothy L. Meister, E.A. P.O. Box 421, 7716 Main St. Siren, WI • (715) 349-2581

715-349-5563 • 24133 St. Rte. 35, Siren, WI

Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 1 pm Sunday - Closed ★

Email: (715) 866-7697 • Fax (715) 866-8842


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New patients 10 years of age & up at their new patient appointment which includes: •Examination •Cleaning •X-Rays will receive a FREE ElectricToothbrush!

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DECEMBER 19, 2018




The countdown has begun. As we’re scrambling to get the last preparations done for those Christmas gatherings. Lots of last-minute trips to the stores to complete our shopping lists. Or maybe finishing the baking of those mouthwatering goodies. As we will be busy spending time with our families and friends, there will not be any Senior news until after the New Year. So, I’ll take this time to say on behalf of the Grantsburg Senior Center to Wish everyone: “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

We offer Wi-Fi, coffee and goodies, and check out the book nook. Questions on meal reservations, hall rentals, or other requests, call the center at 715-4632940 or email us at Coming Events: • Business meeting the third Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome! • Christmas Eve – Senior Center Closed • Christmas Day – Senior Center Closed • Fun with Friends, every day!

SIREN SENIORS by Nona Severson

The Siren Senior Center is offering free coffee the entire month of December. Stop in and look at our decorative center. We have stockings hung on the fireplace. Angels on the piano and many table decorations. Our tree looks very festive with decorations and lights. Are you looking for a good deal on Christmas cards? We have new cards with low prices – a bargain you should not miss. We have packages of cards for 50 and 35 cents. The Siren students will be at the center to entertain us on Dec. 20 at 10:30. Come and enjoy the children. The Nutritional program will not be serving lunch on Dec. 24 and 25. Lunch will be served on Dec. 26 and Jan. 2. Cards will be played on Dec. 26 and Jan. 2. Kathy Barber was the lucky Bingo dollar game winner for $19. Our sympathy goes out to the Doriott family. Candace Doriott plays cards with us. She lost both of her parents three weeks apart so this is rough and hard for the holidays. Jack Swedberg of Webster passed away this week. Our thoughts go out to the family. I just came back from the free Christmas commu-

nity dinner. Everything was good. The music was very enjoyable. Lots of work goes into events like this and we just want to say, “THANKS”. The week of Nov. 21, the 500 winners were Sue Newberger, Lorna Erickson, Dean Elkin, Rusty Helland. Pat Bresina got the 9 bid. Spade winners were Sue Newberger, Steve Wenthe and Suc Christensen. Lorna Erickson and Roger Greely shared the 9 bid. The week of Nov. 12, the 500 winners were Lorna Erickson, Barb Geske, Wade Rufsholm, Tim McNitt and Dave Peterson. Ben Anderson and John LaFond shared the 9 bid. Spade winners were Laryn Larson, Sue Christensen, Tim McNitt, Steve Wenthe. Barb Geske got the 9 bid. We want to wish everyone a happy holiday and safe traveling as you travel to relatives. Dates to Remember • Dec 20 Monthly meeting –school children entertain us at 10:30 • Dec 21 – First Day of winter • Dec 22 – Full Moon • Dec 24 – Christmas Eve • Dec 25 – Christmas Day


Read the


Do you need community resources but don’t know where to turn? Do you have questions like: “My electricity is going to be disconnected soon, who can help me?” “My daughter is in need of counseling, where do I call?” “I am cleaning out my mother’s house and have items to donate, who can take them?” United Way’s 2-1-1 information and referral line receives thousands of calls like these every day. By using a database of local, statewide and national community agencies, 2-1-1 is able to answer questions regarding housing, food pantries, utility assistance, natural disasters, alcohol and drug addiction services, mental health services, counseling services and much more. It is a great resource for the community to use. Each and every caller is provided assistance by connecting them with the appropriate resource(s). Thankfully, 2-1-1 is always available, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It is confidential, completely free to use and is available nationwide. Almost every state in the country has 2-1-1, so you can get help no matter where you are. 2-1-1 is always looking for agencies that help people in local communities. If you are part of an agency that helps others please contact us so we can see about adding you to the database. 2-1-1 lists non-profit agencies, churches that offer help to the public and for-profit agencies that offer a sliding fee scale for their services. Remember, United Way’s 2-1-1 is always available and can help in a lot of different situations. Give them a call when you are looking for community resources in your area.

by Bernie Bolter


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715-463-2341 Trade Lake Mission Church


Saturday, December 22 • 4pm Gather with friends and family for an old fashioned Christmas at the Historic Swedish Mission Church in Trade Lake. Coffee and cookies will be available at the church at 3:30pm with the program following at 4pm. Parking at the Trade Lake Town Hall with a shuttle bus up the hill to the church. Limited parking at the church. Trade Lake • County Rd. M & Agate Rd.

Everyone Welcome!

Santa Claus is coming soon, I hope everyone has been good. Sixteen came to play dime bingo and Darrald was the winner of the big pot. Remember there will be no bingo on Dec. 26 or Jan. 2, we will be back on Jan. 9. There were a lot of 200 games in Wii bowling this week. Pat had high individual game, 257. Bill P had high individual series 439. Barry’s Harem had high team game 880. The Royal Pins had high team series 1632. Splits picked up were: Gladys 5-7-9, Bill P 2-7-8, Harvey 2-7-8, Sharon 5-10, Deanna 6-7-10, Dana 5-10 twice. Last week Dana picked up the 5-10 five times. That surely must be a record. There will be no bowling on December 21 and 28. We will return on Jan. 4. Be sure to call in and sign up for lunch that day if you weren’t here this week. There will be no news next week as the activities are taking a vacation. There will still be lunches served except for Dec. 24 and 25 and Jan. 1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thank you

Advent services at Faith Lutheran On Sunday, Dec. 23 at 9:30 a.m. Faith Lutheran at 421 S. Russell Street in Grantsburg will be holding their fourth Sunday of Advent worship service with Holy Communion. Then on Monday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. they will hold their Christmas Eve candlelight worship service with Holy Communion. They will be holding their Lessons and Carols worship service on Sunday, Dec. 30 at 9:30 a.m.

A Heartfelt

The family of Anna K. McCarthy wishes to extend our profound thanks to all our family and friends who helped support us during Anna’s fight with end stage Alzheimer’s disease. Her journey ended 11/21 where she went to her Heavenly life to be with her husband Pat, children Michael, Gayle, and David, and grandchildren - Crystal, Mikey and Nickie. Thank you to Pastor Tom Cook for officiating the service and Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home for their gracious assistance. A Very Special Thanks to SCFMC Hospice Pastor Lynette; Hospice Main Nurse Lindsey along with all other Hospice nurses; and Frederic Nursing and Rehab Center. Your kind words, thoughts, and gestures of sympathy have given us the gifts of love and comfort as we now go forward to live our lives with the many great memories of our mom, Anna.

- Terry, Laurie and Darryl

Monetary donations have been given in Anna’s memory to Alzheimer’s Research and the local animal humane society.

Yellow Lake Lutheran Church invites you to attend a Christmas Eve Service with us! Service Times: 3:00 pm and 4:30 pm 7615 County Rd U Danbury, WI 54830 715-866-8281



DECEMBER 19, 2018

Summer Blooms with Lois Nestel

WEEKLY WAG News and Updates from the Humane Society of Burnett County

The residents at HSBC want you to know that adult dogs and cats make wonderful pets. With fully developed personalities, adult pets are finished growing and are full of love to give. A few of them may be shy at first glance b but a little time and pattience will have them in y your lap in no time! These former Weekly W Wag stars are still waitiing for their families to d discover them: Dogs: Meadow—threetto-four-year-old female W Weimaraner; Rowdy— ttwo-year-old male mastiff m mix; Max—two-year-old Meadow male black and tan coonhound; Ruger—sevenyear-old female black lab mix; Hunter—five-yearold Springer Spaniel; and Mollie—three-year-old female American Terrier mix. Cats: Shasta—two-year-old grey tabby female; and Kita—six-month-old black female shorthair. There are also several other dogs and cats available that we have not introduced yet. Learn more about the available pets at the HSBC website or Facebook page If you are looking for a timely book or movie for the season, “A Dog Named Christmas” by Greg Kincaid is a great choice. Written in 2008 and made into a Hallmark movie in 2009, the plot centers around a family when their local shelter asks people to foster dogs over the Christmas-to-New Shasta Year’s week. HSBC would like to remind you that fostering one of our residents gives a cat or dog an opportunity to have a mini-vacation from the stresses of shelter life. It also allows them to practice home living and gives you a chance to help mold them into better citizens. Simply put, fostering gives pets a better chance at getting adopted. HSBC would love to see any of our residents have a foster family experience, but it is a special treat for our long-term pets. Fosters until adoption are wonderful, but shorter stays may be possible. If you would like to open your home to a shelter pet, contact HSBC for more information. HSBC information—7347 Midtown Road, Siren, WI 54872. Telephone: 715-866-4096. Email hsbc@ Website: Facebook: Public hours: Tuesday - Friday, 12-5 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Peggy Schilling Animal Adoption & Education Center—Facebook: schillingadoptioncenter.


Well, by the time you read this I will have returned from a nine-day trip in Costa Rica with a group of Museum members. While I’m off gallivanting in a tropical rainforest, I thought I’d give my readers a short break from the winter weather, too. Please enjoy this little taste of summer from June 2017. I’ll have more tropical reports when I return! *** On a recent mountain bike ride with a group of women, I quickly fell behind the lead group while easily staying far ahead of the beginner group. Alone in the forest on the first hot day, it was bliss. The Makwa Trail flowed gracefully through deciduous woods south of Seeley, WI, and as evening fell, I wallowed in the rich smells of the summer woods. Riding alone allowed me to stop and smell the roses. The bright white flowers of wild strawberries and the canary yellow flowers of barren strawberry (both in the Rose Family) lined the trail. The first produces a juicy red berry, the second, despite its similar set of three toothy leaves and five-petaled flowers, only makes a few dry seeds. Trilliums, violets, starflowers, bluebead lily, and a late-blooming wood anemone also caught my eye.

banks and around old stumps, and nearby the yellow bloom of Clintonia or bluebead lily may be found. “But from now until autumn the floral emphasis will be upon the blossoms of open areas, roadsides, fields and glades—and the variety seems endless. Drifts of color along roadsides and in meadows are more spectacular than are the more modest flowers of spring. Daisies, hawk-weed, and other composites now dominate the scene, and the yellow-flowered salsify, best known in late summer for its huge dandelion-like seed head (commonly known as goat’s beard), is one of the most interesting. It is related to the oyster plant grown in gardens.


Grass-pink orchids are a delightful thing to discover in a bog.


Bunchberry flowers are a lovely summer bloom.

I’m pretty sure that Lois Nestel, the Museum’s first naturalist and director, would never have joined me on a mountain bike ride, but I know I would have loved walking attentively through the woods with her. This week, I’d like to share her description of the residents of woods and fields as summer begins to bloom. Slow down a minute with me, we’ll smell the roses, and I think you’ll find it rewarding. Lois wrote, “Although the woodland flowers of spring are passing as increased foliage cuts off the light, there are still numbers of delightful varieties to be found. Both pink and yellow lady-slippers are blooming now as are some of the bog orchids. Many smaller shade-loving blooms may also be found if one cares to expend the extra energy to find them. Dainty gold-thread, pipsissewa, and twinflowers lift their lovely blooms only two or three inches above the forest duff. The dwarf dogwood, known as bunchberry, masses its four-petaled green and ivory flowers along

“Perhaps the loveliest flower of the season is the wild rose, and differences in varieties and habitat allow their season to be quite extended. While color may vary from deep pink to almost white, the typical rose fragrance varies little. Simple perfection personifies the rose. “In damp meadows, golden alexanders spread their wheels and along the edges, in sheltered nooks, wild columbine nods its spurred bells. In drier fields and roadsides, flat-topped aromatic heads of yarrow vary from dingy white to mauve or pink. From hillside to hallow, from northern to southern exposure, great differences can be seen in the development of the floral community. In sunny, open areas some plants will already be seeding while their counterparts in cool depressions are only in bud. “Summer’s profusion together with our modern way of life can be a disadvantage. Traveling swiftly by car, one sees sheets and belts and blurs of color… sees and yet does not see. The quantity bedazzles, the quality is not seen. “Take time to walk, to examine the intricacies of the individual flower; look for the less obvious. It is rewarding.” Special Note: Emily’s book, Natural Connections: Exploring Northwoods Nature through Science and Your Senses is here! Order your copy at http://cablemuseum. org/natural-connections-book/. Listen to the podcast! For 50 years, the Cable Natural History Museum has served to connect you to the Northwoods. Come visit us in Cable, WI! Our new exhibit: “Better Together—Celebrating a Natural Community” is now open!

Comet named after Wisconsin astronomer to pass by Earth MILWAUKEE—A comet named after a Wisconsin astronomer will soon streak past Earth and be the brightest comet of the year. Comet 46P/Wirtanen will fly by Earth in the next week, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported . It will be one of the closest comet flybys since the 1950s, but will look like a dim blur of glowing gray light. “It will be very diffused, a spread-out

graying glow,” said Jim Lattis, director of University of Wisconsin Space Place, UW-Madison’s astronomy outreach center. “You’ll see green colors, which is mostly caused by carbon, only if you’re taking photos or you’ve got a pretty good telescope.” The comet is named after Carl Wirtanen, who first spotted it in 1948 while surveying the movement of faint, distant stars. Wirtanen was born in

Kenosha in 1910 and became fascinated in astronomy at the age of 12. He studied astronomy, math and physics at the University of Virginia before working at the Lick Observatory in California. Comet Wirtanen orbits the sun every five-and-a-half years. The comet will be closest to the Earth on Monday, when it’ll be about 7 million miles away. “Another reason it’s getting so much attention, it’s well-placed for us,” Lattis

said. “You can see it high overhead in the early evening hours in the Northern Hemisphere. That’s stimulating a lot of people to get out and see it.” The comet can be spotted by looking toward the Taurus constellation. It will sit between two bright star clusters, the Pleiades and the Hyades.


DECEMBER 19, 2018




Jane M. Wilcox Jane was born on a cold winter night in January of 1932 on the family farm in La Follette Township in Burnett County. Her parents were Howard Wilcox and Elsie Mundt Wilcox, and she joined a brother, D Delbert, in completing tthe family. Jane attended C Coomer Grade School while h helping out on the farm. In 11947 the family moved to S Siren, where she attended h high school. She was 15 y years old when she began w working at the Siren Post O Office. Jane worked for the Siren P Post Office from 1947-1987, b becoming Postmaster in 1975. She retired at age 55 and began traveling, touring all fifty states and parts of Canada. Jane had great interest in discovering our country and enjoyed the friends she went traveling with, and met along the way. Jane started traveling when she started bowling and got on a league. Goldie’s Girls traveled all over the country to various tournaments. Jane was a good bowler and even won the Bowlerama winning a large trophy and 150 silver dollars when she was in her 20’s. Jane enjoyed many sports including bowling, softball, golf, horseshoes, cross country skiing, hunting, and fishing. She also enjoyed watching football, baseball, and golf. Jane loved to go for a drive. She knew where the new swan families were and which nests had the baby eagles. She enjoyed going out to Crex Meadows and seeing all the wildlife there. It was always appropriate to stop for an ice cream on the way home. Jane joined the Siren Lioness Club and helped in the big yard sale every year. She really enjoyed pricing the toys at the shed, especially finding the ones that started talking to her though the box. She helped serve cookies every year and decorate the trees at Forts Folle Avoine. Service to her community was very important, and Jane received the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. Jane is preceded in death by her parents and brother. She is survived by her sister-in- law, Dianna Wilcox, nephew Howard Wilcox (Linda), nieces Sandra Meyerhoff (Steve, daughters Danielle and Allison), Denise Brennan (Jeff, daughters Liza and Caitlin), and Pamela Yates (Ron). Jane’s family gives a big ‘thank you’ to the wonderful people at Lawson Manor who assisted Jane these last four years. You made it possible for her to live comfortably near her hometown. Thank you to all the people of Burnett County who were Jane’s friends and her “local family” as well. Memorials for Jane may be given to the Siren Lion’s Club, or Bethany Lutheran Church in Siren. A memorial service for Jane will be held in the spring of 2019.

John R. Swedberg Jr. John Raymond Swedberg Jr. (Jack), of Webster, WI, passed into the arms of Jesus on December 13, 2018 with family by his side. Jack was born on March 4, 1941 at the Frederic, WI, h hospital to John Raymond S Swedberg Sr. (Ray) and L Lucille (Doetsch) Swedberg. H His home was in Webster h his entire life. He is preceded in death by h his parents; brother, Tim; w wife, Marjorie. Jack is survived by his lloving wife, Karen; daughtters: Jonna (Al) Klisch, A Angela (Kevin) Manbeck a and Pamela (Chris) Rosequist; step-daughters, Michelle Hophan and Melissa Warden; grandchildren: John R. Swedberg IV (Cassie), Bryce and Britta Rosequist; step-grandchildren: Katherine and Adrienne Manbeck, Matt and Megan Hophan, Miranda Rosequist; brother Lon (Ellen) Swedberg; brother-in-law, Arnold (Barb) Holcomb;

Marjorie Ann Lawson

Arlen “Arnie” Waldron

Marjorie Ann “Mama John” (Peterson) Lawson, age 85, of Hertel, WI passed away peacefully on Monday, December 10, 2018 at Shell Lake Health Care Center in Shell Lake, WI. Marjorie was born on August 10, 1933 in Hawtthorne, WI to Marcelia Rasm mussen. She was baptized a at Trinity Lutheran Church a and graduated from Spoone er High in 1951. She marrried John Lawson on May 117, 1952 in Pine City, MN. To tthis union, 10 children were b born. Marjorie spent her early m married years raising her c children. She loved gardeniing and fishing with a cane pole. Cooking was a large part of Marjorie’s life, and cooking for 10 children prepared her for owning and operating Papa John’s Restaurant in Hertel, WI for 19 years. Marjorie was a hard-working woman who served and loved her family and friends with grace and style. Survivors include children Linda Liczkowski, Marian Lawson, John Lawson, Jr. (Marsha), Michael Lawson (Jody), James Lawson (Roberta), Barb Roy (Roger), Brenda Williams, Tooter Barnes (Mike Mooney), Patty Hernandez (Alfonso), and Deb Owan (Jodi); brothers, Gerald, Ed, Glen, and Fred Meister; loving aunt and best friend Evie Gardner; 26 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren, and 8 great-great-grandchildren;, and many other relatives and friends. Marjorie was preceded in death by her husband John; mother; son-in-laws Dewey Barnes, Raymond Liczkowski, and Tom Williams; granddaughter, Stacy; grandson, Christopher; great-granddaughter, Kaylee; and great-grandson, Ross. The visitation will be held on Monday, December 17, 2018 from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner, WI. The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 11 a.m. (viewing and visitation from 10-11 a.m.) at Trinity Lutheran Church in Spooner, WI. Pallbearers are Jon Lawrence, Matt Randt, Jayme Lucas, Jeremy Lawson, Jesse Lawson, Nick Roy, Bert Barnes, Bob Barnes, Aaron Bytnar, and Aiden Hernandez. Arrangements have been entrusted to SwebergTaylor Funeral Home in Webster. Online condolences may be expressed at

Arlen “Arnie” “Shorty” Waldron, age 70, of Grantsburg, WI, passed away on December 8, 2018. Arnie was born on October 28, 1948 in Deer River, MN, to parents, Ruth (Jensen) and George Waldron. He graduated from Big Fork High School in 1966. On August 14, 1968, Arnie e enlisted in the United State N Navy Seabees. During his sservice, he spent 9 months iin Vietnam. And on August 113, 1970, Arnie was honora ably discharged. Arnie worked for Amundsson Archery in Superior ffor 2 years and Barko H Hydraulics for 27 years. H He then went on to work at R Rice Lake Weighing for 14 years. He also worked part-time for Menards in Rice Lake for 10 years and at the Pine City Walmart for 9 months. Arnie loved woodworking, making toys and repairing most anything. He also enjoyed playing cribbage and checkers. He loved his family, especially his grandchildren. He will be dearly missed. Arnie is survived by his loving wife of 49 years, Mary “Pegg” of Grantsburg; children, Rebecca “Becky” (Martin) Flores of St. Bonifacius, MN, and Joshua Waldron of Superior; grandchildren: Kaleb, Karina, Mateo, Lilly, Azaleya; siblings: Gary (Margie) Waldron of Effie, MN, Duane (Gwen) Waldron of Hibbing, MN; brothers-in-law, Jim (Mary Beth) Merritt of Iron Wood, MI and Tom (Joann) Merritt of Vadnais Heights, MN; and several nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. The Memorial Visitation was held in Grantsburg. Interment was held at Fort Snelling National Cemetery with full military honors commencing at the cemetery. Honorary pallbearers are: Rickie Rhea, Martin Flores and Arlen’s grandchildren. Arrangements have been entrusted to Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home in Grantsburg. Online condolences may be expressed at

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon. sister-in-law, Linda (David) Fellenz; along with many other nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Jack graduated from Webster High School in 1959, attended UW Superior and graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Mortuary Science in 1962. He joined his father, Ray, in the operation of Swedberg Funeral Home in Webster, a 3-generation family business. In 1972 he took over the business and upon retirement in 1993, he sold the business to Pat Taylor. Jack is known nationwide for his handcrafted fishing lures. He enjoyed deer hunting and fishing, especially for muskies. His 42# musky won a “Big Fish” award in Ontario and was netted by Jim Olson. Jack hunted for many years up at “Doc’s Camp” with friends and family. He made elk hunting trips out west and pheasant hunting trips to South Dakota. Jack and his pals tapped trees and processed maple syrup at Swedberg’s sugar bush. Jack was a charter member of the Webster Lions and had 25 years of perfect attendance. While a Lion, he helped form the Wild River Boys, a raucous parade unit that brought fun and laughter to many parade events, winning their category for many years. His woodworking skills were that of a perfectionist and his inventive mind created many projects, both

large and small. Jack was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis, a rare cancer of the bone marrow, in September 2017. He fought it valiantly until this November, when it transformed to acute leukemia. Memorials are preferred to Yellow Lake Lutheran Church or the Webster Schools Backpack program, which benefits hungry children. The family thanks St. Croix Hospice for their care and compassion for Jack. A visitation will be held on Friday, December 21, 2018 from 4-8 p.m. at Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home in Webster. A Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, December 22, 2018 at 11 a.m. (visitation from 10-11 a.m.) at Swedberg-Taylor Funeral Home in Webster, with Pastors Doug Olson and Ralph Thompson officiating. Pallbearers: Paul Holec, John Neinstadt, Jim Olson, Ron Proffit, Roger Tollander and Mike Whiteside. Honorary Pallbearers: David Fellenz, Arnold Holcomb, Dair Stewart and Jim Taylor. Arrangements have been entrusted to SwedbergTaylor Funeral Homes, Webster. Online condolences may be expressed at



DECEMBER 19, 2018

Siren High School Christmas Concert Photos by Jonathan Richie Left–Siren’s High School Band led by band director Bryn Anderson at the Siren High School Christmas Concert on Monday Dec. 17. Bottom left– The Siren High School Choir led by Therese Muus singing “Caroler’s Noel” to kick off the evening. Bottom center– Siren High School Swing Choir singing “Peppermint Winter” Bottom right– The trombone section of the band was featured during the concert.

Siren Elementary Christmas Concert Photos by Jonathan Richie Left: Mackenzie Killen (baritone-far right) and Libby Swanson (saxophone-far left) along with the rest of the fifth-grade band playing “Jingle Bells.”


Holiday Subscription Special j

Left: Elementary students were in the spotlight singing the Christmas classics at their annual concert on Dec. 13. Above: Flutists in the Siren 5th grade band playing “Hot Cross Buns.”


$25.00 for 548 area $30.00 outside 548 area






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DECEMBER 19, 2018



Defense strong in Tiger win Pardun took over part of the scoring leadership in the second half with 15 points, nine of which were on three point shots. Pardun and Gustafson each ended the game with 15 tallies. Coleton Peterson had 13 and Jack Washburn led all scorers with 25 points. Lucas Torgerson had 18 points for the Lakers with Brendan Strenke adding 15 and Casey Kahl 11. “It was a total team win,” praised Coach Scherrer. After hosting New Auburn this past Tuesday, the Tigers host St. Croix Falls on Thursday before entering the Christmas holiday break.


WEBSTER––“I thought we cranked up the defensive pressure this evening,” commented Coach Rob Scherrer of the Webster Tigers following an 82-57 win over the Turtle Lake Lakers on Friday night. “We are starting to get into the groove of the basketball season. I am seeing a lot of improvement on both sides of the ball. We had sickness ravish our team early in the season, but it looks as we might have gotten out ahead of it now. Tanner Pardun had a really nice game off the bench. I thought he played aggressive defense and looked for his shots offensively.” The Tigers held a commanding 43-28 halftime advantage. In the first half, Jack Washburn had 16 points, with Trevor Gustafson adding 12 and Coleton Peterson 11. EUGENE SIKORSKI | SENTINEL

Webster’s Tanner Pardun (left) stretches for the ball in the Tigers’ win over Turtle Lake on Friday night in which he scored 15 points.


GRANTSBURG—The Grantsburg-LuckUnity-Webster gymnastics team hosted the Rice Lake Warriors on Monday and came out on top by a 125.85 to 103.65 margin. Gracie Gerber had three firsts, in the vault (8.95), the bars (8.175) and the beam (8.75). Jeni Petersen had the other first which was the floor (9.275). Petersen had seconds in the aforementioned events and Gerber had the second

place in the floor exercise. Allison Peterson took third in both the vault and bars, and fourth in the beam and floor exercise. In the overall, Gerber was first, Jeni Petersen second and Allison Peterson fourth. Rice Lake had a third and a fifth in the overall, those gymnasts being Trinity Roberts and Justine Berg. The gymnasts continue their schedule January 7 when Rush City comes to Grantsburg for a 6:30 p.m. event.

Tiger gals throttle Winter GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS


Jeni Petersen took a second place finish on the balance beam on Monday night.

WINTER—“We finally had some offensive production against a team, scoring 36 points in one half and 39 points in the other half.” praised Coach Mat Wood after a 75-50 defeat of the Winter Warriors. “We got a lot of really good looks early and kind of got Winter out of their comfort zone. Four girls scored in the double digits with Hannah McDowell scoring 21, Jenna Gomulak scoring 13, Julia Gavin adding 12 and Makena Buffington with 11. The kids were relieved with their performance as well,

knowing that we finally played up to where we can be offensively. Ten of the 11 girls on our roster scored points against Winter,” said the Coach. He continued, “Defensively we started off well holding Winter to two points in the first eight minutes. Once the tempo started to speed up, we started to forget how to help on dribble penetration and got beat on a few possessions to make it close. So there is always something to work on for the next game.” Jasmine Goebel scored 24 for the Winter Warriors.


Cardiac Rehab y Anticoagulation Clinic Cardiac Stress Tests y Holter Monitors Hospital, Nursing Home, Family Practice & Specialists 257 W. St. George Ave. • Grantsburg, WI 54840 • (715) 463-5353 or (800) 293-5353 Evening Clinic Hours until 8 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.




DECEMBER 19, 2018

Pirates take down Cardinals BY STACY COY SENTINEL SPORTS

LUCK—The Lady Pirates traveled to Luck on Friday night to face the Cardinals in a West Lakeland Conference match-up, with the Pirates coming out with the 50-35 win. The win puts the Pirates at 2-1 in conference play and tied with Unity for the second place spot in the standings. Both teams started strong on offense, jumping out to a 6-6 tie. But the shooting cooled quickly as both teams struggled to find the rim. The fouls started to rack up for the Pirates as well, with one of their leading scorers, Olivia Ohnstad, picking up three first half fouls.

Fortunately for the Pirates, lone senior Olivia Brock stepped up and took over the offense for her squad. Brock dominated in the paint, racking up a first half double-double with 10 points to go along with 10 rebounds. At the break the score was 19-17 in favor of the Pirates. Grantsburg outscored the Cardinals 31-22 the second half to seal the win. They stepped up their defense, which created turnovers they were able to convert into points. The Pirates outrebounded the Cardinals on both ends of the court, giving themselves second chances while limiting Luck’s attempts. Brock and Brooke Quimby led the Pirates in scoring

with 20 points each. Ohnstad was next in the scorebooks with six points on the night. Sarah Chenal and Jadyn Watt chipped in two points each to round out the scoring. The Pirates will host the Siren Dragons on Thursday night in a 5:45 game. They will be off for the holidays, returning to the court on January 4 at St. Croix Falls.


Grantsburg’s Olivia Brock (left) had a strong night under the basket, recording her first double-double of the season in the win over Luck.


WEBSTER––“Turtle Lake was an extremely scrappy team,” said Webster Tiger coach Mat Wood following the Webster 45-41 win on Friday night. “They pushed us in the first half, switching up their defenses on each dead ball. Once our girls got the hang about what they were doing, we were able to score the basketball. Turtle Lake came out on fire attacking us with their size down low. They got out to a five point lead at half time. Our girls did a great job of clawing back into the game, out scoring Turtle Lake by nine in the second half. Julia Gavin had some clutch put backs for us late and Jenna Gomulak and Mahi Mosher came up with some clutch free throws to clinch the game.” Hannah McDowell led the Tigers in scoring with 14 points. Julia Gavin

Dragons find rough road; lose to Frederic, Bruce GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS


Mahi Moser (4) stretches for a rebound in the win over Turtle Lake on Friday.

added 10 with Mahi Mosher and Brooke Hetfeld tallying eight apiece, Brooke going six for eight at the free throw line. Jenna Gomulak put in two with Makena Buffington and Morgan Mulroy adding one each. “The girls are playing a bit better than they have the week before going

2-0 this week,” exclaimed Coach Wood. “Hopefully we can keep the streak alive going up against New Auburn on Tuesday and get back to .500 (record for the season).” The Tigers also host St. Croix Falls on Thursday.

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.

SIREN–The road is currently going through some construction phases and is tough traveling for the Siren Dragons as they experienced an overtime loss to Frederic, 55-47, and a road loss to Bruce, 43-37. “They are a good team,” said Dragon coach Ryan Karsten. “They have a good group of seniors. Usually the first team to 40 wins.” Frederic did get to 40 first, but Siren was right on their tails and tied it at 44 to force the overtime session. The Dragons started out well with Hannah Lemieux getting a three pointer and Karlee Sybers a field goal. Frederic tied it at six on a field goal and free throw by Hannah Schmidt. Nearing the end of the first half, Frederic was up 18-16, but a field goal by Jade Horstman and another by Maddie Nichols put Siren up by two at the intermission, 20-18. Four minutes into the second half, Siren still maintained a lead at 25-22 and the Vikings called a timeout. The game see-sawed and the Dragons were still up 31-30 when Frederic called timeout with 8:36 remaining. Three minutes later, Frederic had pulled ahead 43-42. The Vikings managed only one out of three free throws in the remaining time whereas Siren got a field goal by Jade Horstman to knot the game and send it into overtime. In the overtime session, Frederic went 9 for 12 from the line along with a field goal. The Dragons could only get one field goal and a free throw. “When we play hard, we’re tough to beat,” said the coach. “But we didn’t play well. We didn’t do what we were supposed to do and we looked terrible. We just got to show up and play. When we don’t show up to play, we don’t go anywhere.” Jade Horstman had 15 points for the Dragons. Cassie Maslow added 13. For Frederic, Hannah Schmidt tallied 14 and Sydney Domagala put in 11. Against Bruce, the Dragons trailed by just two at the half, 24-22. Seven different scorers contributed in the half with Cassie Maslow

leading the way with six. Hannah Lemieux had a three point connection also in the half. Even though Paeyton McKnight and Angel Lightfeather got three’s in the second half, it wasn’t enough to get past the Raiders. The Dragons were able to get four field goals in period two, but the Raiders got five. In the free throw shooting department, Siren was 6 for 14, whereas Bruce shot 5 for 21. High scorer for the Dragons was Cassie Maslow with eight. Madison Thiex tallied six. Jade Horstman and Angel Lightfeather had five apiece. A total of 10 different Dragons scored in this game. Siren will have played at Washburn on Tuesday and will travel to Grantsburg on Thursday. They resume their schedule after the Christmas break on Jan. 4, going to Webster.


Jade Horstman brings the ball up the court for the Dragons.


DECEMBER 19, 2018



Pirates shut down Cardinals BY STACY COY SENTINEL SPORTS

LUCK—The Grantsburg Pirates tallied their second conference win of the young season with a convincing 75-42 win over the Luck Cardinals on Friday night. The Pirates jumped out to an early lead, and never looked back, leading 40-16 at the half while sailing to a win. “Our defense is getting better and our offense is proving to be balanced,” Pirates head coach Nick Hallberg said. “We are starting to figure a few things out that we didn’t know or do consistently enough the first few games.” The Pirates look strong and quick, despite playing with a depleted roster. They are without senior Luke Anderson who fractured his leg during the football team’s playoff run. They are hoping to have him back on the court in January. Point guard Tyrell Brande has also been dealing with a football injury to STACY COY | SENTINEL his hand and has missed several games. Joey Grantsburg’s Carson Knutson drives around a Cardinal defender on his way to Duncan has an ongoing hip injury he has been the hoop on Friday night.

battling, which is day to day struggle for the senior. “We’ve thrown a lot of different combinations of kids out there and we’ve got guys that are stepping up into roles on both ends of the floor,” Hallberg said. Grantsburg outhustled the Cards, both on the boards and for loose balls which paid off for the visiting squad. Jared VanWatermeulen led all scorers with 25. Freshman Carson Knutson was next on the list with 11 followed closely by Gabe Chenal with 10 points. Gus Bergman played strong off the bench to give his Pirate squad nine points. Leo Chenal chipped in six points with Austin Wedin adding five. David MacKean had four points, Jacob Phillips hit a long ball for three and Duncan rounded out the scoring with two points. The Pirates will host the Siren Dragons on Thursday night in the late game of a doubleheader. Tip off is at 7:15 p.m. They are off for the holidays until they head to St. Croix on January 4.

Vikings hold off Dragons for a win GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS

SIREN––The Frederic Vikings defeated the Siren Dragons 60-52 on Friday night in Siren. The Dragons started off quickly, getting a 5-0 advantage early on a three pointer by Brady Kosloski and a field goal by Nathan Kosloski. After scoring exchanges by each squad, the Dragons were up 9-6. Midway through the first half, on a time out, the Dragons were still up 15-10, but the Vikings quickly tied it at 15 on a three point shot by Logan Lillehaug and a field goal by Ashton Sventek. Frederic then scored the next four to go up 19-15 with 2:57 left until intermission. The Dragons Kanaan Christianson then put in two field goals, one coast-to-coast to knot it at 19. Then a 5-3 run by Frederic put


Kanaan Christianson makes a move towards the bucket.

them in the lead at halftime, 24-21. A fast start early in the second half had the Vikings outscore Siren 9-7 and the last two points to

this point of time were on a dunk by Nathan Kosloski after which Frederic called time out. Siren lost a starter due to five fouls with a little over eight minutes left in the contest and moments later Siren called time with 8:07 left in the game and the Dragons trailing 42-37. At the 1:18 mark, Frederic had increased their lead to 56-46 and called time to plan the last minute of play. A little too late for the Dragons as the were able to get a 6-4 run which made the final 60-52. Nathan Kosloski led all scorers with 25. Brady Kosloski had 10 additional points for the Dragons. For Frederic, Adam Drier had 21 with Logan Lillehaug scoring 19. After playing at Washburn on Tuesday, the Dragons will travel to Grantsburg on Thursday. They will also participate in the Clayton Holiday Tournament Dec. 28.

Pirates silence Hurricanes for win BY STACY COY SENTINEL SPORTS

HAYWARD—The Grantsburg Pirates traveled to Hayward on Tuesday, Dec. 11 for a non-conference match up with the Hurricanes and came away with a convincing 53-37 win. “We played our best game of the year tonight, on both ends of the floor,” coach Nick Hallberg said. “Austin (Wedin) and Carson (Knutson) took care of the ball and we played with a sense of urgency on defense that I hadn’t seen yet. Hayward is a solid opponent, so to go over there and pick up a win on their home floor is a good sign for what our boys are capable of.” The Pirates had a dominating first half and held a 25-10 lead heading into the break and were consistent the second half, adding 28 to their total. The Pirates were down three players and everyone on the roster saw court time this game. “I will say that this team has had to endure a lot to start the season,” Hallberg said. “We’ve been shorthanded in every game, but continue to battle and find ways to stay in games and win a few.” Wedin led all scorers with 16 points. He hit two from behind the arc and was six of seven from the charity stripe to go along with a couple of buckets. Leo Chenal was next on the list with 15 and Jared VanWatermeu-


Gus Bergman stretches to put up a shot for the Pirates.

len was also a double-digit scorer with 10. Knutson and Gus Bergman each chipped in four while David MacKean and Gabe Chenal added two points each.


Coleton Peterson plays tight defense on a Spartan.

Tigers defeat tough Spartans BY GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS

SOMERSET—“It was a good test tonight against a scrappy Somerset team,” reported Webster coach Rob Scherrer after a 79-69 win. “They (Somerset) were ready to play and jumped on us early. At one point, they had a 25-10 advantage. We did a nice job of closing the gap. Going into halftime, we were down by a single point (3231). In the second half, we started to pull away and finished strong for a ten point victory.” Trevor Gustafson had 25 points to lead the Tigers in scoring. Jack Washburn tossed in 20. Coleton Peterson added 18 and Hunter Gustafson chipped in with 14. Said the coach, “I am impressed everyday with the play of Carsen Stenberg. He doesn’t score a lot of points, but runs our offense to perfection. Trevor (Gustafson) had a monster game finishing around the hoop and Coleton Peterson was very involved offensively. Overall I am proud of my guys.” “We have a bulls eye on our backs night in and night out (because we are defending conference champs, and a sectional team last year), so we see opponents’ best games. We have done a nice job up to this point of being up for games and taking the challenge head on. Obviously there are some wrinkles we have to iron out, but I feel we are in a pretty good spot to this point.”




DECEMBER 19, 2018

Blizzard win one, fall at Marshfield GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS

PINE CITY–– “The game against Pine City (JV) was just a great game and win for the boys,” related Blizzard hockey coach Tim McDonald after a 4-3 win. “They rallied behind our goalie, Ben Johnson of Grantsburg, who just began skating three weeks ago and was playing in his first hockey game ever. Our team played tough defensively and controlled the game through physical play.” The Blizzard scored twice in the first period. Bryce Roufs got the first goal at 5:06 with assists going to David Doty and Jared Lee. Lee got the second goal for the Blizzard just before the end of the period, going it unassisted with the team short-handed.

Goal three came in period two with Roufs getting his second of the game at 4:12. Doty and Trent Zenzen got the assists. Pine City got two goals in the early part of period three, but Roufs got his hat trick at 12:27 with an assist to Doty. Pine City got the last goal of the game, but the Blizzard held on for the victory. REGIS-ALTOONA-MCDONELL WINS 6-5 “The game against RAM was a character check game for us,” shared the coach. “We had a short bench due to injuries and fell behind 3-0 in the first period. Midway through the second period I think we finally got our feet moving and settled down enough to make some plays. In the third, we battled back and with just over two minutes remaining on the clock, down by two goals, we

Wrestlers take ugly loss GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS

SHELL LAKE––“Well,” said Coach Chris Bartlett, “this was and old-fashioned beat down. We didn’t wrestle well and it was a steam roller affect. Once they got rolling, it didn’t stop. The 145 and 160 our guys never got going. They had a lot more energy than us. The best thing we can do as a team is learn from this and be better prepared for the match. Hats off to them, they came to wrestle and took it to us.” Hunter Sellent had a 15-0 technical fall. Dominic Caroon pinned his opponent and Taedon Nichols decisioned his. There were six pinfalls by Shell Lake upon LFGS wrestlers.

Wrestlers 2-3 at Osceola Duals GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS

OSCEOLA––At the Osceola Duals on Saturday, school wrestling teams gather to face each other as teams rather than as individuals. The Luck-Frederic-Grantsburg-Siren team wrestled against five other schools and came out with a 2-3 record. LFGS lost to Osceola 42-23, to Boyceville 42-29 and to Barron 43-35. They defeated St. Croix Central 35-30 and Clear Lake 52-21. Nolan Johnson, Taedon Nichols and Hunter Sellent had 5-0 records through the day. Dominic Caroon went 4-1. Landyn Johnson and Ben Berglund were 3-2. Merlin Hibbs, Brad Lucas and Sam Turrene went 2-3. Donald McLafferty was 1-2 with Logan Czech going 1-5. Coach Chris Bartlett said of his wrestlers, “As a team I think we wrestled well. We had more energy all day. They didn’t look as flat as we did on Thursday. They just wrestled. I received compliments from other coaches on how the kids looked. As we get a couple back from injury and kids move to different weights, I think we are going to be a tough match up for teams.” Specifically, Nolan “had a good day and is wrestling well.” Taedon “had a good match against Boyceville. Logan had a thriller against Barron. It went back and forth. We gave Donald some JV matches to get him more mat time. Hunter had a rematch of the finals at Barron; came out on top again.” Landyn “wrestled well. He is giving up a lot of weight and it goes against him some times.” Merlin “was in a tough weight class. He wrestled a three time state champ. He’s getting closer to the Clear Lake kid each time he wrestles.” Brad “lost a close one against Osceola. He moved better.” Dominic “knows what he needs to work on.” Ben “had his first matches of the season.” Sam “ is just getting started and has a lot to learn.” The team goes to Unity on Thursday and then will attend the Northern Badger tournament in River Falls Dec. 28-29 where 42 schools will be in attendance.

pulled our goalie and took advantage with a quick goal, pulling us within one. Towards the end, we had our chances with a sixth attacker on the ice, but just couldn’t get the puck to bounce our way.” RAM led 1-0 after one period of play and scored two in period two. The Blizzard also got one score in period two on a goal by Jared Lee, short handed, unassisted. RAM got the first goal of the third, but the Blizzard scored the next two. David Doty, assisted by Dane Jensen, got the first goal of the Blizzard in this period on a power play. Jensen followed up less than three minutes later with one of his own, assisted by Jared Lee. RAM came back with two, but so did the Blizzard. Doty, unassisted, got an even strength goal at 13:57, and Ross Anderson (assists

to Doty and Jensen), to one at 14:42, but the Blizzard got no further. MARSHFIELD 14-2 Marshfield jumped off to a 6-0 advantage in the first period and went on to win 14-2. Burnett scored at the 4:22 mark of period two with Jared Lee getting an unassisted goal, and they got their second goal in period three near the end of the game on a goal by Trent Zenzen, assisted by Ross Anderson. “We will hopefully get some players back and be ready to go this week with two games before our Christmas break,” concluded the coach. After hosting Cambridge-Isanti on Tuesday, the Blizzard go to Ashland on Thursday and then are off until the Barron Tournament Dec. 27-29.

Dragon girls win one after two losses GLEN SKIFSTAD SENTINEL SPORTS

BAYFIELD––After taking two conference losses to St. Croix Falls and Unity, the Siren Dragons girls basketball team came back with a non-conference road victory over Bayfield last Tuesday. Against St. Croix Falls, the Dragons were on the short end of a 73-20 loss. The Dragons had 10 points in each half. Elle Emery, Kyleigh Lightfeather and Cassie Maslow were the scoring leaders for Siren with four points apiece. Olivia Miron scored 23 with Emily McCurdy’s 18 to lead the Saints attack. UNITY 65, SIREN 27 Unity jumped off quickly in the first half, leading


SIREN––The Unity Eagles came from behind to defeat the Siren Dragons 40-34 in a conference game Dec. 7. Siren led by one at the half 23-22 behind the three point shooting of Riley Churchill and Brady Kosloski. Both Dragons had two three point shots with Churchill also having a field goal totaling eight points. Zayden Anderson also had a three pointer in the first half. However, in the second half, the Dragons could muster only 11 points, only one of which was a three point shot. Unity had six field goals go go along with six free throws. Cullen Feist of Unity led all scorers with 21. Riley Churchill of Siren scored 13 to lead the Dragon attack. The Dragons were four for four from the free throw line, committing 16 fouls. Unity was 6 for 18, committing just eight fouls.

37-12 at the intermission and went on to win 65-27. Cassie Maslow was high scorer for the Dragons with eight. Jaiden Jewell added six and Maddie Nichols had five. Unity had four girls in double figures. Sierra Swanson, Raegan Sorenson, Myah Nelson and Madison Strange had 17, 16, 13 and 11 points respectively. SIREN 58, BAYFIELD 42 The Dragons had better success up north as the team led 32-20 at the intermission and went on for the win in Bayfield. Cassie Maslow was the high scorer for the Dragons with 14 with Elle Emery adding 11.Karlee Sybers tallied nine and Hannah Lemieux eight.

GAME DAY SPORTS SCHEDULE Dec. 19-26 Boys Basketball Thu. Dec. 20 Siren at Grantsburg, 7:15 p.m. St. Croix Falls at Webster, 7:15 p.m. Fri. Dec. 28 Siren at Clayton Tournament, 12:30 p.m.

Girls Basketball Thu. Dec. 20 Siren at Grantsburg, 5:45 p.m. St. Croix Falls at Webster, 5:45 p.m.

Boys Hockey Thu. Dec. 20 Blizzard at Ashland, 7 p.m. Dec. 27-29 Blizzard at Barron Tournament

Wrestling Thu. Dec. 20 LFGS at Unity, 7 p.m. Dec. 28-29 LFGS at Northern Badger, River Falls, 8 a.m.

Gymnastics Mon. Jan. 7 Rush City at GLUW (Grantsburg Comm. Ctr.), 6:30 p.m.


DECEMBER 19, 2018



SCOREBOARD Boys Basketball

West Lakeland Conference Team Conf All Grantsburg 2-0 5-2 Webster 1-0 5-1 St. Croix Falls 1-0 2-1 Unity 1-1 4-3 Frederic 1-1 2-4 Siren 0-2 2-3 Luck 0-2 2-4 Results Last Week Dec. 14 Frederic 60, Siren 52 Grantsburg 75, Luck 42 St. Croix Falls 69, Unity 48 Webster 82, Turtle Lake 57 Dec. 11 Turtle Lake 66, Luck 62 Birchwood 67, Frederic 37 Cumberland 67, St. Croix Falls 57 Grantsburg 53, Hayward 37 Unity 64, Osceola 54 Webster 79, Somerset 69 Dec. 10 Frederic 54, Drummond 38

Grantsburg 53, Hayward 37

Grantsburg 2 L. Chenal 7 C. Knutson 2 D. MacKean 1 G. Chenal 1 A. Wedin 2 G. Bergman 2 J. Van Watermuelen 5 Totals 20

Hayward M. Cot C. Burger C. Phillips R. Dobbs J. Boss T. Tiffany M. Chipman Totals

2 1 4 0 2 0 1 0 8

3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 4

FT 1-4 0-0 0-0 0-0 6-7 0-0 0-0 7-11 FT 0-0 3-4 0-0 2-2 0-0 2-4 2-2 9-12

F 2 2 0 0 3 1 4 12

TP 15 4 2 2 16 4 10 53

F 3 2 3 1 0 1 5 15

TP 8 14 0 6 3 4 2 37

Score by halves Grantsburg 25 28-53 Hayward 10 27-37

Grantsburg 75, Luck 42

Grantsburg 2 L. Chenal 3 C. Knutson 4 J. Duncan 1 D. MacKean 2 G. Chenal 4 A. Wedin 1 G. Bergman 3 J. Phillips 0 J. VanWatermuelen 11 Totals 29

3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3

FT 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 2-2 0-0 3-4 0-0 3-5 8-12

F 2 2 0 1 5 5 2 0 3 20

TP 6 11 2 4 10 5 9 3 25 75

Luck C. Eley G. Johansen A. Moos W. Jensen R. Runnels B. Smith Totals

3 1 3 0 0 0 0 4

FT 1-1 6-7 0-0 0-0 5-9 2-4 14-20

F 4 4 3 1 1 3 16

TP 6 15 0 6 11 4 42

2 1 0 0 3 3 1 8

Score by halves Grantsburg 40 35-75 Luck 16 26-42

Fredereic 60, Siren 52 Frederic O. Lahti L. Lillehaug G. Rank A. Drier B. Nick C. Engen T. Ovik Totals

2 1 1 0 7 2 0 2 13

3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4

FT 4-4 5-7 0-0 7-11 5-6 1-4 0-1 22-33

F 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 9

TP 6 19 0 21 9 1 4 60

Siren N. Kosloski C. Songetay Z. Anderson J. Liljenburg K. Christianson J. Webster B. Kosloski Totals

2 8 0 0 0 3 1 2 14

3 3 0 0 0 1 2 2 8

FT 0-1 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-2 0-0 0-7

F 5 5 3 5 3 4 3 28

TP 25 0 0 0 9 8 10 52

Score by halves Frederic 24 36-60 Siren 21 31-52

Unity 40, Siren 32 Unity J. Flaherty H. Hermanson T. Teschendorf H. Foeller L. Flaherty Z. Collins C. Feist D. Sorenson Totals

2 1 0 0 3 0 10 0 14

3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

FT 0-2 0-0 5-11 0-0 0-0 0-2 1-1 0-2 6-18

F 0 2 3 1 1 0 0 1 8

TP 5 3 5 0 6 0 21 0 40

Siren N. Kosloski C. Songetay Z. Anderson K. Christianson

2 2 1 0 0

3 0 0 1 0

FT 2-2 0-0 0-0 0-0

F 5 3 0 1

TP 6 2 3 0

J. Webster B. Kosloski R. Churchill Totals

2 0 1 6

Score by halves Unity 22 Siren 23

0 2 3 6

0-0 0-0 2-2 4-4

4 1 2 16

4 6 13 34

18-40 11-34

3 1 1 6 1 2 20

0 0 2 0 0 0 3

3-9 1-2 0-2 2-2 1-1 0-0 9-25

Bayfield 2 3 FT Box statistics not available.

Webster 79, Somerset 69 Webster C. Stenberg T. Pardun H. Rosenbaum T. Gustafson J. Washburn C. Peterson Totals

2 0 1 4 11 8 7 31

3 0 0 1 0 1 1 3

FT 0-0 0-0 3-5 3-4 1-2 1-5 8-16

F 3 4 0 0 0 0 7

TP 0 2 14 25 20 18 79

Somerset A. Shertin B. Sheridan M. Ortiz J. Cook W. Piletich T. Kreibich T. Madden M. Cook J. Gaztik Totals

2 0 0 4 2 1 1 4 2 0 14

3 0 3 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 9

FT 0-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-4 2-2 10-10 0-0 0-2 14-20

F 2 1 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 9

TP 0 9 11 4 4 4 32 4 0 69

Score by halves Webster 31 Somerset 32

K. Sybers K. Lightfeather H. Lemieux C. Maslow Player J. Nelson Totals

48-79 37-69

Webster 82, Turtle Lake 57 Turtle Lake L. Torgerson B. Thill C. Kahl B. Strenke C. Helfner R. Davis C. Hansel Totals

2 4 2 4 3 2 1 0 16

3 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 6

FT 7-7 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 7-7

F 2 0 3 1 0 2 1 8

TP 18 7 11 15 4 2 0 57

Webster O. Washburn T. Pardun H. Rosenbaum T. Gustafson J. Washburn C. Peterson A. Sigfrids Totals

2 3 3 1 6 9 5 0 27

3 0 3 2 0 2 1 0 8

FT 0-0 0-0 0-0 3-5 1-2 0-0 0-0 4-5

F 0 2 2 1 3 2 1 8

TP 6 15 8 15 25 13 0 82

1 2 0 1 0 0 9 F

9 3 8 14 3 4 58 TP

Score by halves Siren 32 26-58 Bayfield 20 22-42

2 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 4 0 12

3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 3

FT 0-0 3-4 0-0 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-4 1-2 0-2 0-0 0-0 6-14

F 2 2 3 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 5 1 20

TP 4 5 3 1 0 5 6 1 3 3 8 0 39

Bruce L. Sturzl M. Hopkins E. Lindau M. Mansky H. Anderson B. Gauthier C. Strom Totals

2 0 1 0 3 4 5 0 13

3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 4

FT 3-5 0-4 0-0 0-3 1-8 1-1 0-0 5-21

F 0 3 1 2 2 5 1 14

TP 12 2 0 6 9 11 3 43

Score by halves Siren 22 17-39 Bruce 24 19-43

St. Croix Falls 73, Siren 20

Score by halves Turtle Lake 28 29-57 Webster 43 39-82

Girls Basketball West Lakeland Conference Team Conf All Frederic 2-0 7-0 St. Croix Falls 2-0 6-1 Unity 2-1 3-3 Grantsburg 2-1 3-4 Luck 1-2 3-3 Webster 0-2 3-4 Siren 0-3 3-6 Results Last Week Dec. 17 Grantsburg at Cumberland Dec. 15 Bruce 43, Siren 39 Dec. 14 Frederic 55, Siren 47 Grantsburg 50, Luck 35 St. Croix Falls 58, Unity 53 Webster 45, Turtle Lake 41 Dec. 13 St. Croix Falls 41, Baldwin-Woodville 29 Dec. 11 Frederic 48, Birchwood 34 Clayton 68, Unity 44 Luck 52, Turtle Lake 36 Siren 58, Bayfield 42 Webster 75, Winter 50

Grantsburg 50, Luck 35 Grantsburg S. Chenal O. Ohnstad T. Gronski O. Brock B. Quimby J. Watt Totals

2 1 2 0 8 6 1 18

3 0 0 0 0 2 0 2

FT 0-0 2-4 0-0 4-5 2-2 0-0 8-11

F 4 4 1 2 2 3 15

TP 2 6 0 20 20 2 50

Luck Christenson Melin Engstrand Delany Thoreson E. Johnson Uhlig Asper Totals

2 0 0 1 2 2 6 2 0 13

3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2

FT 2-4 0-1 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 3-7

F 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 14

TP 2 0 6 4 4 15 4 0 35

Score by halves Grantsburg 19 Luck 17

31-50 18-35

Siren 58, Bayfield 42 Siren P. McKnighyt M. Nichols M. Thiex

2 4 1 1

3 1 0 0

FT 0-0 2-2 0-2

F 3 0 2

TP 11 4 2

St. Croix Falls 2 K. Miron 4 Kahl 3 Bergmann 3 Gatten 2 McCray 4 B. Miron 10 Edwards 1 Totals 27

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FT 0-2 0-0 0-0 2-2 0-0 0-0 2-2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 4-7

F 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 3 0 14

3 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3

FT 2-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 4-4 3-6 1-1 10-13

F TP 2 13 3 6 0 6 0 4 2 18 1 23 1 3 11 73

TP 4 0 0 2 0 2 4 2 2 4 1 20

Score by halves Siren 10 10-20 St. Croix Falls 38 38-73

Frederic 55, Siren 47 (OT) Frederic C. Tharmert E. Lahti H. Ennis H. Schmidt S. Domagala K. Robertson K. Alexander K. Alseth Player Totals

2 4 2 0 5 5 0 1 1 0 18

3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Siren J. Horstman P. McKnight M. Nichols A. Lightfeather M. Thiex K. Sybers K. Lightfeather H. Lemieux C. Maslow J. Nelson Totals

2 3 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 10 15

Score by halves Unity 37 Siren 12

0 0 0 1 0 2

0-2 0-0 0-0 3-4 0-0 5-10

2 1 1 2 2 14

2 2 0 6 8 27

FT 0-0 2-3 0-0 4-12 1-6 6-8 0-0 2-4 1-1 16-34

F 5 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 14

TP 8 6 0 14 11 9 2 4 1 55

FT 4-9 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 7-11 0-0 12-22

F 3 2 1 3 3 4 0 2 4 1 23

TP 15 2 5 0 1 2 3 6 13 0 47

Score by halves Frederic 18 26 11-55 Siren 20 24 3-47

Unity 65, Siren 27 Unity R. Sorenson S. Swanson S. Stryker M. Nelson M. Strange S. Bader A. Bowers M. Kolu Totals

2 6 7 1 5 2 3 0 0 24

3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2

FT 1-4 3-4 0-0 3-3 4-4 0+-0 0-0 0-1 11-16

F 0 1 0 2 2 3 1 0 9

TP 16 17 2 13 11 6 0 0 65

Siren E. Emery J. Horstman P. McKnight M. Nichols E. Lindquist

2 0 1 0 1 0

3 0 0 0 1 0

FT 0-0 2-2 0-2 0-0 0-0

F 1 2 1 0 1

TP 0 4 0 5 0

Penalties: Blizzard, 6 for 12 minutes; RAM-6 for 13 minutes. Goalies: Blizzard-Caleb Johnson, 26-32; RAM-Dane Engstrom 28-33.

Girls Hockey 28-65 15-27

Burnett Blizzard (Independent)

Siren E. Emery J. Horstman P. McKnight V. Rightman M. Nichols A. Lightfeather M.Thiex K. Sybers K. Lightfeather H. Lemieux C. Maslow J. Nelson Totals

2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 8

1 1 0 0 4 8

Boys Hockey

Bruce 43, Siren 39

Siren E. Emery J. Horstman P. McKnight M. Nichols A. Lightfeather K. Sybers K. Lightfeather J. Jewell H. Lemieux C. Maslow J. Nelson Totals

M. Thiex K. Sybers K. Lightfeather J. Jewell C. Maslow Totals

Current Record: 2-5-0 Results Last Week Dec. 11 Blizzard 4, Pine City JV 3 Dec. 15 RAM 6, Blizzard 5 Marshfield 14, Blizzard

Blizzard 4, Pine City JV 3 Blizzard 2 1 1-4 Pine City 0 0 3-3 PERIOD 1: Blizzard-Bryce Roufs (David Doty, Jared Lee), even strength, 5:06; Blizzard-Lee (unassisted), short handed, 16:55. PERIOD 2: Blizzard-Roufs (Doty, Trent Zenzen), even strength, 4:12. PERIOD 3:PC-Justin Gamec (Seth Linnell, Parker Sell), even strength, 2:53; PC-Tim Thole (unassisted), even strength, 3:19; Blizzard-Roufs (Doty), even strength, 12:27; PC-Peyton Smetana (Jared Carpenter, Stapek), even strength, 12:44. Penalties: Blizzard, 3 for 6 minutes; PC, 3 for 6 minutes. Goalies: Blizzard-Ben Johnson 2124; PC-Mason Olson 23-27.

Marshfield 14, Blizzard 2 Blizzard 0 1 1-2 Marshfield 6 4 4-14 PERIOD 1: Marshfield-Peyton Smith (Ryan Krueger, Seth Peterson), even strength, 4:03; Marshfield-Evan Weister (Peterson, Nick Urban), even strength, 5:21; Marshfield-Sawyer Schindler (Smith, Peterson), even strength, 6:17; Marshfield-Adam Maki (Schindler), power play, 8:02; Marshfield-Dalton Halvorsen (unassisted), even strength, 9:33; Marshfield-Krueger (Nate Boson, Weister), even strength, 16:02. PERIOD 2: Marshfield-Halversen (Dom Lange, Ben Classens), even strength, 0:26; Marshfield-Ethan Meissner (Boson, Isaiah Balert), even strength, 2:52; Blizzard-Jared Lee (unassisted), even strength, 4:22; Marshfield-Ian Haugen (Krueger), even strength, 5:05; Marshfield-Smith (Krueger), even strength, 14:35. PERIOD 3: Marshfield-Peterson (Balert), even strength, 2:27; Marshfield-Henry Hoerneman (Urban, Weister), even strength, 4:15; Marshfield-Max Heller (unassisted), even strength, 4:46; Marshfield-Damyon Hains (Halvorsen, Weister), power play, 13:50; Blizzard-Trent Zenzen (Ross Anderson), power play, 16:24. Penalties: Blizzard, 2 for 4 minutes; Marshfield, 4 for 8 minutes. Goalies: Blizzard-Ben Johnson, 3347; Marshfield-AJ Trierweiler, 5-6; Hoyt Hall, 5-6.

Regis-Altoona-McDonell (RAM) 6, Blizzard 5 Blizzard 0 1 4-5 RAM 1 2 3-6 PERIOD 1: RAM-Nick Madison (unassisted), even strength, 2:13. PERIOD 2: RAM-Madison (unassisted), short handed, 1:16; RAM-Nolan Hellegers (Peyton Mayer), power play, 11:13; Blizzard-Jared Lee (unassisted), short handed, 13:28. PERIOD 3: RAM-Drew Goettl, Hellegers), even strength, 0:58; Blizzard-David Doty (Dane Jensen), power play, 3:50; Blizzard-Jensen (Lee), even strength, 6:27; RAM-Mayer (Hellegers), even strength, 11:10; RAM-Hellegers (Mayer), power play, 12:43; Blizzard-Doty (unassisted), even strength, 13:57; Blizzard-Ross Anderson (Doty, Jensen), even strength, 14:42.

Hayward Hurricanes (Independent) Grantsburg co-ops with Hayward Current Record: 3-2 Results Last Week Dec. 15 Hayward 6, Onalaska 0 Emma Quimby goalie, 10-10 Dec. 11 Hayward 1, Chippewa Falls/Menomonie 0 Emma Quimby goalie, 5-5

Gymnastics Grantsburg-Luck-Unity-Webster 125.85, Rush City 103.65 Results Dec. 17 VAULT: Gracie Gerber 8.95; Jeni Petersen 8.8; Allison Peterson 8.65; Alethea Simmons 8.45. UNEVEN BARS: Gerber 8.175; J. Petersen 7.05; A. Peterson 6.7; Kate Weiss 5.85. BEAM: Gerber 8.75; J. Petersen 8.1; A. Peterson 7.45; Simmons 6.6. FLOOR EXERCISE: J. Petersen 9.275; Gerber 9.125; A. Peterson 7.275; Simmons 6.65. ALL AROUND: Gerber 35.00; J. Petersen 33.225; A. Peterson 30.075.

Wrestling Shell Lake 47, LFGS 20 106, Double forfeit. 113, LFGS won by forfeit. 120, Taedon Nichols (LFGS) decisioned Tyler Schunck (SL). 126, Cody Swan (SL) pinned Logan Czech (LFGS). 132, Benjamin Coen (SL) pinned Donald McLafferty (LFGS). 138, Hunter Sellent (LFGS) TF over Cade Hanson (SL). 145, Daniel Nielson (SL) pinned Landyn Johnson (LFGS). 152, Garrett McClain (SL) pinned Roberto Dominguez (LFGS). 160, Cory Kidder (SL) pinned Merlin Hibbs (LFGS). 170, Double forfeit. 182, Blake Flach (SL) TF over Brad Lucas (LFGS). 195, SL won by forfeit. 220, Dominic Caroon (LFGS) pinned Michael Allar (SL). 285, Seth Symond (SL) pinned Brett Swanson (LFGS). As a team Osceola 42, LFGS 23 Boyceville 42, LFG 29 Barron 43, LFGS 35 LFGS 35, St. Croix Central 30 LFGS 52, Clear Lake 21 106, Nolan Johnson, 5-0 113, Taedon Nichols, 5-0 120, Logan Czech, 1-5 126, Donald McLafferty, 1-2 132, No one 138, Hunter Sellent, 5-0 145, Landyn Johnson, 3-2 152, No one 160, Merlin Hibbs, 2-3 170, No one 182, Brad Lucas, 2-3 195, Dominic Caroon, 4-1 220, Ben Ben Berglund, 3-2 285, Sam Turrene, 2-3

Bowling Black & Orange Early Risers W L Black & Orange 6 2 10th Hole 4 4 Gandy Dancer Saloon 3.5 4.5 Webster Automotive 2.5 5.5 High Team Single Games: Black & Orange 727; Gandy Dancer Saloon 688; Webster Automotive 677. High Single Games: Claudia Peterson 172; Pam Dildine 169; Shelly Kollar 159. High Team Three Games: Black & Orange 2112; Webster Automotive 1997; 10th Hole 1957. High Three Games: Pam Dildine 466; Mary Reese 450; Judy Olson 439. High Individual Averages: Pam Dildine 147; Judy Olson 145; Claudia Peterson 144; Mary Reese 139; Krystal Gorman 129. Splits: Millie Hansen, 3-10. TNT Ladies W L Northwoods Lumber 41 15 Josh’s Mini Donuts 36 20 Flower Power 30 26 Vacant 5 51 High Team Single Games: Josh’s Mini Donuts 714; Northwoods Lumber 693; Flower Power 663.

High Single Games: Jennifer Kern 192; Becky Reynolds 176; Mary Ellen Smith 166. High Team Three Games: Josh’s Mini Donuts 2030; Northwoods Lumber 2011; Flower Power 1915. High Three Games: Jennifer Kern 465; Becky Reynolds 447; Mary Ellen Smith 431. High Individual Averages: Jennifer Kern 161; Sue Eytcheson 145; Cheryl Scallon 141; Shannel Reynolds 140; Sandy Buhil 138. Splits: Millie Hansen, 9-10; Sue Eytcheson, 3-10.

Early Birds W L Sweeny’s 8 0 Gandy Dancer Saloon 4 4 The Tap 3 5 Black & Orange 1 7 High Team Single Games: Sweeny’s 938; Gandy Dancer Saloon 878; Black & Orange 868. High Single Games: Sally Casey/Judy Olson 179; Joan Java Hahr 177; Bonnie Fischer 160. High Team Three Games: Sweeny’s 2764; Gandy Dancer Saloon 2528; Black & Orange 2502. High Three Games: Judy Olson 498; Sally Casey 495; Joan Java-Hahr 488.. High Individual Averages: Judy Olson 144; Pam Dildine 142; Michelle Lysdahl 139; Claudia Peterson/Sally Casey 138; Joan Java-Hahr 135.

Monday Night W L Bruce’s Auto 30 14 Black & Orange 25 19 Josh’s Mini Donuts 22 22 Vacant 11 33 High Team Single Games: Black & Orange 850; Josh’s Mini Donuts 795; Bruce’s Auto 763. High Single Games: Chris Johnson 212; Josh Johnson/Dave Hall 187; Curt Phelps 181. High Team Three Games: Black & Orange 2378; Josh’s Mini Donuts 2246; Bruce’s Auto 2165. High Three Games: Josh Johnson 523; Tony Wilson 485; Dave Hall 483. High Individual Averages: Tony Wilson 199; Chris Johnson/Josh Johnson 180; Curt Phelps 171; Dave Hall 164; Lloyd Katusky 158. Splits: Tim Vasatka, 2-10.

Wednesday Night W L Black & Orange 23 21 Lily Lake Tavern 23 21 Bullwinkle and Friends 21 23 Northwoods Lumber 21 23 High Team Single Games: Lily Lake Tavern 1102; Black & Orange 1095; Northwoods Lumber 1015. High Single Games: Sean Holwell 230; Neil Huppert 223; Mike Zajac 209. High Team Three Games: Lily Lake Tavern 3258; Black & Orange 3205; Northwoods Lumber 2922. High Three Games: Neil Huppert 605; Josh Johnson 554; Sean Holwell 545. High Indivdual Averages: Mike Zajac 190; Tony Wilson 185; Josh Johnson 181; Neil Huppert 177; Fred Zajac 174.

Denny’s Downtown Lanes Tuesday Nite Ladies W L Hway 70 Storage 32 20 Kelli’s Kitchen 29 23 Rod’s Broads 27 25 Country Store 26 26 McNally’s 22 30 Denny’s Divas 20 32 High Team Single Games: Rod’s Broads 609; Kelli’s Kitchen 604; Hwy 70 Storage 584. High Single Games: Amy Bertelsen 191; DeDe Bosak 176; Casey Schuur 174. High Team Three Games: Kelli’s Kitchen 1750; Rod’s Broads 1737; Hwy 70 Storage 1713. High Three Games: Patty Meyer 479; Amy Bertelsen 475; Judy Lien 457. High Individual Averages: Amy Bertelsen 160; Patty Meyer 148; DeDe Bosak 147; Casey Schuur/Molly Byers/Kim Koster 146; Barb Benson/ Carol Soderbeck 145; Judy Covey-Johnson 141; Deb DeMarre 140.

Wednesday Night Men’s Pts Denny’s 43 Grantsburg Sanitary 40 Erickson Auction Service 37 Fiedler Ford 34 Darrell’s Hardware 31 High Team Single Games: Grantsburg Sanitary 701; Fiedler Ford 683; Darrell’s Hardware 655. High Single Games: Don Wicklund 245; Leo 224; Brian Erickson 212. High Team Three Games: Grantsburg Sanitary 2065; Fiedler Ford 2077; Darrell’s Hardware 1876. High Three Games: Leo 627; Alan Melin 544; Dennis Hanson 524.

EARLY DEADLINE: The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!




DECEMBER 19, 2018



Reports Dec. 2 - 15 Calls for Service

1 Unwanted person/ordinance violation

3 Assist Other Agency 1 Background check 1 Child Abuse 1 Gas Driveoff 2 Juvenile 1 Out of Control Subject 1 Property Return 1 Harrassment 1 Sexual Assault 1 Suspicious Person 7 Traffic 1 Trespass 10 Truancy 1 Welfare Check

Incidents Dec. 7, Melanie A. Findlay, 23, Sycamore, Ill., Was cited for failure to obey stop sign. Dec. 8, Officer Petersen assisted St. Croix Tribal PD with securing occupants of a vehicle that had fled, then crashed, near CTH X and Gaslyn Rd. Dec. 15, Officer Petersen removed an unwanted party (juvenile) from a place of alcohol sales. Dec .15, Daylan W. Feuerhake,

21, Sandstone, Minn., was cited for failure to transfer title, operating without insurance and operating while suspended. Dec. 15, Mark R. Geske, 57, Siren, was cited for displaying false registration plates, failure to transfer title and operating without insurance. Dec 15, Martin Cardenas, 54, Frederic, was cited for operating without insurance.

Reports from police and sheriff agencies are simply arrest reports.

Athena Maeve Ryals MacKenzee Hays and Jordan Ryals of Dresser announce the birth of their daughter, Athena Maeve Ryals, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, born on December 7 at St. Croix Falls Medical Center in St. Croix Falls.

Breanna Mae Egyhazi Amy and Jeremy Egyhazi of Saher, Minn. announce the birth of their daughter, Breanna Mae Egyhazi, 6 pounds, 8.5 ounces, born on December 9 at St. Croix Falls Medical Center in St. Croix Falls.

Owen Jordan Hunting Alex Hunting of Luck announces the birth of her son, Owen Jordan Hunting, 6 pounds, 13 ounces, born on December 11 at St. Croix Falls Medical Center in St. Croix Falls.

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.

GRAB... a big deal in the Classifieds.


The scene on Highway 35 near 140th Ave. in the Township of St. Croix. It took crews over five hours to clear the debris off the roadway. The crash remains under investigation by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office and the Wisconsin State Patrol.

Early morning fatal crash in St. Croix Township On Dec. 18, at 4:34 am, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center received a report of a crash on Hwy 35, approximately one quarter mile north of 140th Avenue, in St Croix Township, Polk County. It was reported there were serious injuries to the occupants of both vehicles. Kenneth Joseph Jones of St. Paul, Minn. was found deceased on the scene due to injuries sustained in the crash. Upon arrival, Deputies observed there were two vehicles involved in the crash. Both vehicles were sitting near the center of the roadway. Both vehicles had severe

damage to the front center of the driver’s sides. The vehicles came to rest a short distance from each other. Based on the preliminary investigation, it appears that Jones was traveling north bound on Hwy 35. He was operating a 2004 Saturn Ion. As he was traveling, it appears his vehicle began to travel left of the center line. At that time, there was a southbound vehicle approaching Kenneth Jones’ vehicle. The southbound vehicle was driven by Dustin Joseph Coury of rural Balsam Lake, WI. Dustin Coury was driving a 2007 Chevrolet Impala.

Dustin Coury did sustain severe injuries and was flown from the scene by an air ambulance. Coury’s medical condition is unknown to the Department at this time. Assisting with incident were the City of St Croix Falls Police Department, Centuria Fire and First Responders, Lakes Area Ambulance, Life Link Air Ambulance, Polk County Medical Examiner’s Office and the Wisconsin State Patrol – Traffic Reconstruction Unit. This matter will be further investigated by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office and the Wisconsin State Patrol.

114 W. Madison Ave. • Grantsburg • 715-463-2341


Associate Degree Nursing Instructors - Adjunct Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College ALL Campus Locations Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is seeking a learning-focused, creative and dynamic individuals for part-time Associate Degree Nursing Instructors at ALL WITC Campus Locations; Ashland, New Richmond, Rice Lake & Superior. The ideal candidates will demonstrate interest in and potential for excellence in facilitating student learning and development. For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply: Visit our website at: https://www.witc. edu/about-witc/employment

Deadline to apply: January 31, 2019


WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator

Associate Degree Nursing Instructors - Full Time Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Superior Campus Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is seeking a learning-focused, creative and dynamic individuals for a full-time Associate Degree Nursing Instructor at our Superior Campus. The ideal candidates will demonstrate interest in and potential for excellence in facilitating student learning and development. For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply: Visit our website at: https://www.witc. edu/about-witc/employment

Deadline to apply: January 11, 2019 WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator TTY 711

Accommodation Specialist (765 hrs/Year) Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Superior Campus Coordinate Disability Services & Ensure in Equal Access! Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is seeking candidates for an Accommodation Specialist at the Superior Campus. This position is responsible for coordinating disability services and ensuring equal access for student with disabilities. Work schedule is 765 hours scheduled over 38 weeks/year and requires flexibility to meet student demand. For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply: Visit our website at: https://www.witc. edu/about-witc/employment

Deadline to apply: December 21, 2018 WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator TTY 711

TTY 711

HELP WANTED Church Custodian (to maintain the building interior, including ceilings, walls & floors)

Faith Lutheran Church • 421 S. Russell St. Grantsburg, WI Application, cover letter and letters of reference are due by Dec. 31st. Application is located in the church office or can be found on the church website (www.; From main page, go to "Home", and then to "Help Needed"). You may contact the church office for a full job description (715-463-5388). Please email the application materials to or mail them to: Faith Lutheran Church • Attn: Jennifer P.O. Box 68 • Grantsburg, WI 54840

PHONE: 715-463-2341 | FAX: 715-463-5138

DECEMBER 19, 2018





Services Erickson piano service. Bryan Erickson Tuning-RegulationRepair 715-463-5958 \ 507-475-2584

POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Applications are now being accepted to fill one part time position of 20 hours/week. This individual also must be willing to work other hours as needed. This position will report to the Chief of Police of the Grantsburg Police Department. Salary: Salary depends on qualifications. Qualifications: U.S. Citizen; 18 years of age or older; high school diploma or it’s equivalent with preference given to those who have attended college/business school or training. Must have excellent working knowledge in computers and word-processing. Skills: Persons must possess good oral, written, problem solving skills and positive work ethic, excellent moral character and enjoy working in a team environment. This position is sensitive and requires confidentiality. Accuracy is a must. This position will also include light cleaning of the police department offices. Apply: By submitting a resume and letter of application by 4:30 p.m. on January 2, 2019 to the Village of Grantsburg, 316 South Brad Street, Grantsburg, Wisconsin 54840, 715-463-2405. Applications will be screened and those most qualified for the position will be invited for the interview process. The selected candidate will be offered a conditional job offer and subjected to a background check. There will be a one-year probationary period.

Early Deadlines

The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon. The deadline for the Jan. 2 issue will be Friday, Dec. 28 at noon.

The Village of Grantsburg is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

NotiďŹ cation of Employment Opportunity GRANTSBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT Job Title:

Custodian at Grantsburg Middle School

QualiďŹ cations: High School Diploma or equivalent (Preference given to those with school maintenance and supervisory skills) Hours

Full-time, second shift, 12 month position

Requirements: The ideal candidate for this position will be highly professional, conďŹ dent, and possess a great deal of energy and pride in workmanship. The person will have a sincere interest in children and be able to perform a wide array of duties while contributing to a nurturing learning environment. Must be able to work both collaboratively and independently, follow written and/or oral directions, and maintain good work habits. Excellent communication skills are a must. Having proof of a stable work history will be essential. Responsibilities: Daily cleaning and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the building. Position requires ability to utilize custodial equipment to perform duties, such as: stripping and resurfacing oors, dry mopping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning restrooms, snow removal, and ability to stand for extended periods of time and safely lift 65 lbs.

Paul A. Kloek, DDS • Spooner, WI

To Apply:

Send a letter of application, resume, credentials (three current letters of recommendation) and a copy of any pertinent licenses. This position will remain open until ďŹ lled.


Lisa Danielson, Principal Grantsburg Middle School 500 East James Avenue Grantsburg, WI 54840

SEEKING: DENTAL OPERATIONS MANAGER Green Valley Dental Care is looking to add a full-time Dental Operations Manager (DOM) to our growing practice. The DOM will oversee daily dental clinic operations in conjunction with our Office Manager with a focus on ensuring a superb patient experience. The DOM will supervise front desk and clinical team members ensuring that there is proper communication and a smooth workflow. Daily duties of the DOM also include answering phone calls, filing insurance claims, registering and checking out patients. Previous experience in the dental field is required; management experience is preferred. Our ideal candidate would be a team-oriented problem solver and have knowledge of of the insurance claims process. Benefits include paid time off & holidays, 401k, & dental care- GVDC does not offer traditional health insurance. Position approximately 36 hours/week; starting salary dependent on experience. Please email CV to or deliver in person.

Webster’s Most Charming... /Fl CE 3PACE





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Call now to see for yourself!

Certified Nursing Assistant Instructors - Adjunct Faculty

The School District of Grantsburg is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, religion or handicap.

Outreach Center Technician Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Balsam Lake Outreach Center

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is seeking qualified candidates for part-time Certified Nursing Assistant Instructors. Teaching assignments will be on as as-needed basis and include both classroom and clinical hours. Opportunities are available in and around St. Croix Falls, New Richmond and Grantsburg, Wisconsin.

Applications are being accepted from qualified candidates for a part-time Outreach Center Technician at our NEW Balsam Lake Outreach Center. This 1,400 hour position will be responsible to provide high quality customer service and share out information about all WITC programs as well as courses. Additionally, this position will foster relationships, coordinate campus events, provide hospitality services for groups at the outreach center and maintain accurate financial records. This position averages 26 hours per week annually, but actual weekly hours may vary due to supervisor expectations. This position is located at our Balsam Lake campus and is an extension of the New Richmond campus.

For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply: Visit our website at: https://www.witc. edu/about-witc/employment

For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply Visit our website at: https://www.witc. edu/about-witc/employment

Deadline to apply: December 28, 2018

Deadline to apply: December 21, 2018

WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator

WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator

TTY 711

TTY 711

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College St. Croix Falls, New Richmond & Grantsburg




STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JEFFERY & LISA HURSH And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘710’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $653.51 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF OAKLAND Tax ID: 13233 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-020-2-40-16-13-4 03-000-011000 13-40-16W SW SE (W/ ESMT 597/199) That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: RICHARD M GOIFFON REV TRUST; THERESA A GOIFFON REV TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘116’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $144.28 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF DANIELS Tax ID:

2635 Acres: 32.69 PIN: 07-006-2-38-17-28-5 05-004-021000 28-38-17W GOV LOT 4 EX E OF PUBLIC HWY That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: STANLEY J & MYRTLE H STIRRAT TRUST And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of these tax certificates: number ‘307’ dated 9/12/2014 issued for unpaid 2013 taxes of $24.45, and number ‘288 dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $23.70 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF JACKSON Tax ID: 7642 Acres: 0 PIN: 07-012-2-40-15-10-5 15-290-083000 10-40-15W HONEY TREE ADD TO VOYAGER VILLAGE LOT 75 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

TOWN OF JACKSON BURNETT COUNTY WISCONSIN Town of Jackson has amended section V. of Ordinance J-52 ATV-UTV Route Ordinance. The following routes are designated all-terrain vehicle [and utility terrain vehicle] routes in the town: Mallard Lake Rd., Sewall Rd., Alden Rd., Clear Sky Rd., Greeder Rd., Pratt Rd., Greer Rd., Leef Rd., Overland Trailway, Sweger Rd., Sieben Rd., Ham Lake Rd., Mail Rd., Eagle Lake Road, Lang Rd., Deer Path Rd., Shore Rd., Chalet Rd., Three Mile Rd., Loon Creek Trail, Kilkare Rd., Booner Lake Rd., Voyager Rd., Treasure Island Rd. and Treasure Island Trailway., Treasure Island Court, Treasure Island Drive, Whispering Pines Rd., Loon Lake Rd., Meyers Rd., Ford Rd., Moro Road, Fox Ridge from County C to Morningstar, Morningstar Drive, Bushey Road, Fox Rd., Thompson Rd., Thompson Bay Rd., Moser Rd., Pope Rd., Skylight Rd. and Green Trail. Section VI D. Additional restrictions: All all-terrain vehicle [and utility terrain vehicle] routes in the Town of Jackson are closed from April 1st to the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. (Burnett County forest trails are also closed during this time frame). This paragraph is deleted. WNAXLP

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JEFFERY & LISA HURSH And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘709’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $1,211.01 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF OAKLAND Tax ID: 13232 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-020-2-40-16-13-4 02-000-011000 13-40-16W NW SE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JEFFERY & LISA HURSH And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘711’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $221.10 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF OAKLAND Tax ID: 13234 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-020-2-40-16-13-4 04-000-011000 13-40-16W SE SE (W/ESMT 597/199) That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin

this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: TRENTON TOMBERLIN And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘761’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $17.64 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF OAKLAND Tax ID: 13594 Acres: 1.65 PIN: 07-020-2-40-16-23-5 05-006-039000 23-40-16W LOT 2 CSM#1839 V10 P54 (GL 6)#236255 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JEFFERY & LISA HURSH And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘762’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $686.20 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF OAKLAND Tax ID: 13622 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-020-2-40-16-24-1 02-000-011000 24-40-16W NW NE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is here-

NOTICE Burnett County is declaring December 31st, 2018 as the last day that County wildlife crop damage assessments can be requested for the 2018 crop year under Wisconsin’s Wildlife Damage Abatement and Claims Program. This date is based on the County’s policy for crop damage claim payments on late harvested crops. Anyone seeking additional program information may contact Cindy at Burnett County Land Services Department at 715-349-2109. WNAXLP

DECEMBER 19, 2018

by given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘792’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $485.69 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15545 Acres: 55.84 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-1 01-000-011000 01-39-14W FR N1/2 NE1/4 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘793’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $2,176.88 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15546 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-1 03-000-011000 01-39-14W SW NE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin

this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘794’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $559.60 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15547 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-1 04-000-011000 01-39-14W SE NE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘795’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $456.80 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15548 Acres: 57.44 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-2 01-000-011000 01-39-14W FR N1/2 NW1/4 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


DECEMBER 19, 2018




STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘796’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $498.05 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15549 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-2 03-000-011000 01-39-14W SW NW That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘797’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $491.19 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15550 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-2 04-000-011000 01-39-14W SE NW That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or un-

known, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘798’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $355.06 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15551 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-3 01-000-011000 01-39-14W NE SW That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘799’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $618.74 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15552 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-3 02-000-011000 01-39-14W NW SW That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘800’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $13.75 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit:

TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15558 Acres: 0.94 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-3 04-000-012000 01-39-14W PCL DESC 628/83 (NOT TO BE CONVEYED W/O OTHER LANDS) That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘801’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $559.60 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15559 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-4 01-000-011000 01-39-14W NE SE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘802’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $537.92 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15560 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-4 02-000-011000 01-39-14W NW SE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law.

FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘803’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $469.18 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15561 Acres: 40 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-4 03-000-011000 01-39-14W SW SE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘804’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $302.49 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15562 Acres: 20 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-01-4 04-000-012000 01-39-14W SE SE EX E 20 AC That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin

this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘805’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $41.25 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15570 Acres: 10 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-02-1 04-000-011000 02-39-14W E 20 RDS SE NE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘820’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $20.63 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15851 Acres: 1 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-12-1 02-000-013000 12-39-14W PCL NW NE COM 180’ E OF 1/4 POST ON N LN OF SEC 12 TH W TO 1/4 POST TH S 240’ TH NELY TO PT BEG That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


Notice of Public Hearing, State of Wisconsin, County of Burnett, Wednesday, January 2, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., at the Burnett County Government Center in Room 165, Town of Meenon, Siren, Wisconsin, regarding the following: BURNETT COUNTY LAND USE/SHORELAND PROTECTION ORDINANCES 1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #CUP-19-01 – HULSEY Public notice is hereby given to all persons in the Town of Oakland, Burnett County, Wisconsin, that Mark Hulsey has made application for a conditional use permit per the terms of the Burnett County Land Use and Shoreland Protection Code of Ordinances to allow a camper year around, for up to three years, on Yellow Lake, located at 8151 Park St, in the RR-1 zoning district, the Westerly 165 feet of Lot 34, Block 10, Jensen’s Lakeshore Division of Yellow Lake, Sections 19 and 30, T40N R16W.

2. MAP AMENDMENT #MAP-19-01 – LIND, KASEL & MEISTER To rezone the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 19, T38N R14W, Town of Dewey, from A (Exclusive Agricultural) to A-2 (Agricultural-Residential) zoning district. Zoning change requested by John Rawlings. Details of the proposed revision are available at the Burnett County Land Use/ Zoning Office, the Burnett County Clerk’s Office, and on the Burnett County website at http://www.burnettcounty. com/index.aspx?NID=1108. Burnett County Land Use and Information Committee Siren, WI Dated this 10th day of December, 2018 WNAXLP (Dec. 12, 19)


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAROLD JULIUS DIESTERHAFT Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 18 PR 54 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth 02-02-1931 and date of death 11-03-2018, was domiciled in Burnett County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 1821 Boyd Rd., Barronett, WI 54813. 3. All interested persons have waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is March 7, 2019. 5. A claim may be filed at the Burnett County Courthouse, Siren. Wisconsin, Room 205. /s/ Jacqueline O. Baasch Probate Registrar December 7, 2018 Robyn Heinecke 137 27-1/2 Ave. Cumberland, WI 54829 715-822-3524 WNAXLP (Dec. 12, 19 & 26)




DECEMBER 19, 2018


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered '822' dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $254.37 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF RUSK Tax ID: 15857 Acres: 22.75 PIN: 07-024-2-39-14-12-5 05-002-011000 12-39-14W PCL NE NW & GOV LOT 2 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘990’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $502.40 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SCOTT Tax ID: 18887 Acres: 8.9 PIN: 07-028-2-40-14-36-5 05-005-011000 36-40-14W GOV LOT 5 EX PLAT OF MEADOW CREEK AC That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘991’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $355.73 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SCOTT Tax ID: 18888 Acres: 17 PIN: 07-028-2-40-14-36-5 05-006-011000 36-40-14W GOV LOT 6 DESC IN 439/79 & IN 519/586 EX W 100’ That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘992’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $17.76 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SCOTT Tax ID: 18889 Acres: 0.984 PIN: 07-028-2-40-14-36-5 05-006-012000 36-40-14W S 26 RDS OF W 100’ GOV LOT 6 EX THE PLAT MEADOW CREEK AC That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JOHN ZEHM And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County

is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘993’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $1,039.05 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SCOTT Tax ID: 18903 Acres: 30.33 PIN: 07-028-2-40-14-36-5 05-007-017000 36-40-14W PCL GOV LOT 7 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: JAMES A BROWN And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1192’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $1,640.11 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF TRADE LAKE Tax ID: 23720 Acres: 2.03 PIN: 07-034-2-37-18-20-5 05-005-012000 20-37-18W LOT 2 CSM V 15 P 44 (GOV LOT 5 & NW SW) That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: NICOLE M CHUTE; AMARI MASSEY And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1404’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $657.16 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF GRANTS-

BURG Tax ID: 29702 Acres: 0 PIN: 07-131-2-38-19-14-5 15-023-030000 14-38-19W ANDERSON’S ADDITION LOT 3 BLK 2 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: NICOLE M CHUTE; AMARI MASSEY And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘1405’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $118.75 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF GRANTSBURG Tax ID: 29703 Acres: 0 PIN: 07-131-2-38-19-14-5 15-023-031000 14-38-19W ANDERSON’S ADDITION E 47’ LOT 4 BLK 2 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: KEVIN S FLODIN; LAWRENCE D POWERS And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘579’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $901.33 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MEENON Tax ID: 32050 Acres: 3.77 PIN: 07-018-2-39-16-08-2 04-000-011001 08-39-16W E 5 AC OF PCL

IN W 1/2 SE NW EX CSM V22 P65 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF TAX DEED STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: DONNA NELSON And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘161’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $6.66 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF DEWEY Tax ID: 33917 Acres: 0.23 PIN: 07-008-2-38-14-23-1 02-000-012011 23-38-14W N 264’ OF W 300’ EX N 165’ OF NW NE That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this November 30, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)

STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BURNETT COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NOREEN K. SABELKO DOD: 09/17/2015 Order and Notice for Hearing on Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) Case No. 16 PR 10 A petition for final judgment was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth 12/16/1942 and date of death 09/17/2015, was domiciled in Burnett County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 27775 Ettinger Road, Oakland, WI 53538. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition will be heard at the Burnett County Courthouse, Siren Wisconsin, Room 220, before Hon. Melissia R Mogen, Court Official, on January 2, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 2. Notice by publication is

required. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. The names or addresses of the following interested persons (if any) are not known or reasonably ascertainable: Marie Sabelko If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 715-349-2177 at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. David H. Raihle, Jr. 99 E. Grand Avenue Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 715-723-3256 1020147 /s/ Melissia R. Mogen Circuit Court Judge November 28, 2018 WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT T. SABELKO DOD: 09/02/2013 Order and Notice for Hearing on Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) Case No. 16 PR 09 A petition for final judgment was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth 11/11/1939 and date of death 09/02/2013, was domiciled in Burnett County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 27775 Ettinger Road, Oakland, WI 53538. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition will be heard at the Burnett County Courthouse, Siren Wisconsin, Room 220, before Hon. Melissia R Mogen, Court Official, on January 2, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 2. Notice by publication is required. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. The names or addresses of the following interested persons (if any) are not known or reasonably ascertainable: Marie Sabelko If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 715-349-2177 at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. David H. Raihle, Jr. 99 E. Grand Avenue Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 715-723-3256 1020147 /s/ Melissia R. Mogen Circuit Court Judge November 28, 2018 WNAXLP (Dec. 5, 12, 19)


DECEMBER 19, 2018




STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: LEROY THOMPSON And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered '256' dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $23.70 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF JACKSON Tax ID: 6702 Acres: 0 PIN: 07-012-2-40-15-10-5 15-128-019000 10-40-15W DEERPATH ADD TO VOYAGER VILLAGE LOT 9 That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this December 7, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 12, 19, 26)


STATE OF WISCONSIN, BURNETT COUNTY TO: DAN NELSON; MARGARET A SLACK And/or Mortgagees, and/ or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You or each of you are hereby notified that Burnett County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate numbered ‘121’ dated 9/3/2015 issued for unpaid 2014 taxes of $6.63 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF DEWEY Tax ID: 33934 Acres: 0.16 PIN: 07-008-2-38-14-02-5 05-011-015300 02-38-14W OUTLOT 1 CSM#4537 V25 P44 #428717 (GL 11) (RD) That such amounts will bear interest and related costs as provided by law. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that after expiration of three months from the date of the completion of service of publication hereof upon you, Burnett County will apply for a tax deed on the above described real estate. Dated at Siren, Wisconsin this December 7, 2018 Judith Dykstra, Burnett County Treasurer WNAXLP (Dec. 12, 19, 26)

STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BURNETT COUNTY U.S. Bank National Association successor by merger

with Firstar Bank, N.A. Plaintiff, v. Erika J. Burger, et al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 2018CV000022 By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure made in the above-entitled action on July 11, 2018 in the amount of $60,593.38, I will sell at public auction in the main lobby of the Burnett County Government Center, located at 7410 County Road K, Siren, WI 54872, on January 22, 2019 At 10:00 AM, all of the following described premises, to wit: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE IN BURNETT COUNTY, STATES OF WISCONSIN: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (S 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 NE 1/4), SECTION SEVENTEEN (17), TOWNSHIP FORTY(40) NORTH, RANGE SEVENTEEN (17) WEST, BURNETT COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Street Address: 28662 North River Road, Danbury, WI 54830 Tax Key No. 07-036-2-4017-17-1 03-000-01200 Legacy PIN 036-4417-01 900 THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED FUNDS, payable to the Clerk of Courts (10% down payment at sale, balance due within ten (10) days of Court approval; down payment to be forfeited if payment not received timely). Buyer must comply with minimum bidder qualifications as set forth in Wis. Stat. § 846.155. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition to the purchase price. Ronald L. Wilhelm Sheriff of Burnett County, Wisconsin Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 50-18-00400 WNAXLP (Dec. 12, 19, 26)

GRANTSBURG VILLAGE BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 2018 The Village of Grantsburg Board of Trustees met on Monday, December 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Grantsburg Village Office, Village Board Room 316 S. Brad Street. Present: Village President, Larry Ebersold. Village Trustee’s: Diane Barton; Gary “Goob” Coy; Mike Longhenry; Caylin Muehlberg; Greg Peer and Russell Stone. Absent: None. Others Present: Village Clerk, Patty Bjorklund; Village Treasurer, Sheila Meyer; Police Chief, Jeff Schinzing; Public Works Director, Chris Bartlett; and other members of the public. Village President, Ebersold moved, seconded by Village

Trustee, Stone, to accept the minutes as presented. And that the reading of the minutes from the Board of Trustees Meeting held on November 12, 2018 be suspended since all board members received copies of the same prior to tonight’s meeting. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Muehlberg moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Barton to approve Resolution #18-14 Library Levy Exemption. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Longhenry moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Barton to approve Employee Manual Changes for Lunches and Breaks for Village Crew and Fire Department and/or Emergency Responders effective January 1, 2019. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Muehlberg moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Coy to approve Leave Employment additions to the Employee Handbook effective January 1, 2019. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Peer moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Stone to open all streets to ATV/UTV traffic except for Madison Ave. from the corner of Pine St. and the corner of Oak St. Also, James Ave. from Robert St. to the schools and Johnson St. from State Hwy. 70 to the schools. All entrances and exits from the village will be marked as well. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Longhenry moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Coy to approve Ordinance Amendment #05-18 Purchase or possession of tobacco and vapor products by minors. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Coy moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Longhenry to approve Ordinance Amendment #06-18 Harassing or obscene communication after change was recognized from the agenda to the actual document. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Coy moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Peer to approve Ordinance #07-09 Smoking which adds Vaping in Educational Facilities and Educational Facility and Electronic Delivery Device Definitions to § 407-29 Smoking.

Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Coy moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Longhenry to approve Pay Request #3 for A-1 Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $22,856.70. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Muehlberg moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Barton to approve WEA Trust/Western WI Municipal Consortium Option #3 with Village Contribution of $1,000 Single HRA and $2,000 Family HRA and 50¢ cost of living raise. Or, Option #4 with Village Contribution of $1,500 Single HSA and $3,000 Family HSA and 75¢ cost of living raise. The employees who are currently on full insurance with the village will vote for which coverage they prefer. The chosen option will be effective January 1, 2019. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Muehlberg moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Longhenry to approve 2018 Budget Changes for General Fund & Capital Fund; Water Fund; Sewer Fund and Storm Water Fund. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Stone moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Muehlberg to approve Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick, P.A. as bond counsel for issuance of $144,922 Water System Revenue Bond, for a loan from the State of Wisconsin Safe Drinking Water Loan Program. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Peer moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Coy to approve Resolution #18-15 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $144,922 Water System Revenue Bond, Series 2018 to cover expenses for the Wisconsin Avenue Project. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Muehlberg moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Stone to approve the Wisconsin DNR FAA (Financial Assistance Agreement) which was included in Resolution #18-15 and will be signed as a separate document. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Barton moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Stone to approve Class “A” Beer and “Class A” Liquor License for EG Retail, LLC dba Minit Mart, LLC for

a period of: December 11, 2018 June 30, 2019. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Coy moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Barton to approve Cigarette/ Tobacco License for EG Retail, LLC dba Minit Mart, LLC for a period of: December 11, 2018 June 30, 2019. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Coy moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Peer to approve the December 2018 Snow Policy with changes to Ordinance References within the Policy. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee Barton moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Longhenry to approve payment of bills in the amount of: $274,650.22 Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried Village Trustee, Longhenry moved, seconded by Village Trustee, Stone to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting at 8:00 p.m. Ayes: Ebersold, Barton, Coy, Longhenry, Muehlberg, Peer, Stone Nays: NONE Motion to approve: Carried ***These minutes will be approved at the January 14, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Patty Bjorklund Village Clerk WNAXLP (Dec. 19)

STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BURNETT COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: Amy Lynn Mrdutt By (Petitioner) Amy Lynn Mrdutt NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 2018 CV 165 NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: Amy Lynn Mrdutt To: Amy Lynn Wright Birth Certificate: Amy Lynn Wright IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Burnett County, State of Wisconsin: HON. MELISSIA R MOGEN Burnett County Government Center 7410 County Road K #220 Siren, WI 54872 Date January 29, 2019 Time 9:30 a.m. If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process please call 715-349-2147 at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the

date of the hearing in the BURNETT COUNTY SENTINEL a newspaper published in BURNETT COUNTY, STATE OF WISCONSIN. BY THE COURT: /s/ Circuit Court Judge Hon. Melissia R Mogen December 7, 2018 WNAXLP (Dec. 19, 26, Jan 2)

VILLAGE OF GRANTSBURG Code of Ordinances Amendment #05-18 Amendment to Village of Grantsburg Code of Ordinances

The amendment is to read as follows: § 344-9. Purchase or possession of tobacco and vapor products by minors. A. “Add” VAPOR PRODUCTS – Shall mean noncombustible products, that may or may not contain nicotine, that employ a mechanical heating element, battery, electronic circuit, or other mechanism, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce a vapor in a solution or other form including but not limited to an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or similar product or device. “Vapor products” shall include any vapor cartridge, solution, or other container, that may or may not contain nicotine, that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. B. (6) The purchase or possession of vapor products by any person under the age of 18 is prohibited. No retailer, direct marketer, manufacturer, distributor, jobber or sub-jobber, no agent, employee or independent contractor of a retailer, direct marketer, manufacturer, distributor, jobber or sub-jobber and no agent or employee of an independent contractor may sell or provide for nominal or no consideration any vapor products to any person under the age of 18. *A copy of the full ordinance is available at the Village Office for inspection. Larry Ebersold, Village President Attest: Patrice Bjorklund, Village Clerk Dated this 10th day of December 2018. WNAXLP (Dec. 19)

Early Deadline: The deadline for next week’s issue is this Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.




DECEMBER 19, 2018


Amendment to Village of Grantsburg Code of Ordinances The amendment is to read as follows: § 407-6. Harassing or obscene communications. Whoever commits any of the following acts shall be subject to the general penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code: A. Makes any comment, request, suggestion or proposal which is obscene, lewd, lascivious or indecent. B. Makes any electronic communication, by telephone, email, text, or by any similar communication via electronic social network, or by use of any device for transmitting or receiving such communications, whether conversation ensues, with the intent to abuse, threaten or harass any person at the called number or numbers or receiving device. C. Makes or causes the telephone or any electronic device for sending or receiving electronic communications as described in (b), above, or another repeatedly or continuously to ring or signal


activation to the recipient, with intent to harass any person at the called number or numbers or receiving device. D. Makes repeated electronic communications, by telephone, email, text or any similar communication via electronic social network, or by use of any device for transmitting or receiving such communications, during which conversation ensues, solely to harass any person at the called number or numbers or receiving device. E. Knowingly permits any electronic device for sending or receiving electronic communications as described in (b), above, under his/her control to be used for any purpose prohibited by this section; F. In conspiracy or concerted action with other persons, makes repeated or simultaneous electronic communications as described in (b), above, solely to harass any person at the called number or numbers or receiving device or devices. *A copy of the full ordinance is available at the Village Office for inspection. Larry Ebersold, Village President Attest: Patrice Bjorklund,



Village Clerk Dated this 10th day of December 2018. WNAXLP (Dec. 19)

VILLAGE OF GRANTSBURG CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDMENT #07-18 Amendment to Village of Grantsburg Code of Ordinances The amendment is to read as follows: § 407-29. Smoking. C. Smoking and Vaping in Educational Facilities. It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke in any educational facility in the Village. Any person violating this section shall be subject to the general penalty set forth in § 1-4 of the code. D. Definitions. The following definitions shall be applicable in this section: EDUCATIONAL FACILITY Any building used primary for educational purposes in which a school is located, or a course of instruction or training program is offered that has been approved or licensed by a state agency or board. ELECTRONIC DELIVERY DEVICE Any product containing or delivering nicotine,


or any other substance intended for human consumption that may be used by a person to simulate smoking through inhalation of vapor or aerosol from the product. This includes any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e-hookah, or vape pen, or any other product name or descriptor. SMOKE Burning or holding, or inhaling or exhaling smoke from any of the following: (1) A lighted cigar (2) A lighted cigarette (3) A lighted pipe (4) Any other lighted smoking equipment. Smoking also includes the use of an electronic delivery device which creates an aerosol or vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device. *A copy of the full ordinance is available at the Village Office for inspection. Larry Ebersold, Village President Attest: Patrice Bjorklund, Village Clerk Dated this 10th day of December 2018. WNAXLP (Dec. 19)




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WAUSAU—A Wisconsin man is headed to the 2019 World Wheelchair Championship for Team USA. Matt Thums, 42, of Weston will be competing in the 2019 World Wheelchair Championship for Team USA, according to the Wausau Daily Herald . The event will take place early March in Scotland. This is the first time Thums will be a part of an international competition in the top five. The team is selected by a variety of factors, including performances in national curling competitions, camaraderie with other team members, ice presence and skills. He was chosen after a team camp and competition held earlier this month in Utica, New York. Thums was paralyzed about 13 years ago after a fall from a tree stand. He’s been curling since 2012, and by 2014, he made it to national teams competing on an international level. Thums was one slot away from the 2018 Paralympic Games. If one of the athletes that were chosen for the Paralympics would have gotten injured, he would have been tapped to go. “You don’t want a bunch of greenhorns going to the Paralympics for Team USA,” he says. “I knew my time would come. I just kept working at it.”



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DECEMBER 19, 2018



Area churches deliver for Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, and has so far reached 157 million children in 160 countries through its shoebox ministry. A group of two people from area churches left Siren early Tuesday morning, Dec. 4, heading for Lakeville, Minn., to help prepare Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for delivery across the world. This year the Siren Team for Operation Christmas Child collected 1,279 shoeboxes from 18 churches. The Siren Team area covers Burnett, Washburn and Rusk counties, along with the areas of Polk, Barron and Rusk north of Highway 8. The boxes were taken to the processing center in Lakeville, Minn., where they joined hundreds of thousands of other

boxes that will be distributed to underprivileged children around the world. Volunteers Jeff Ecker along with George French, Jim Becker and Byron Wickman helped load the boxes onto a U-Haul truck donated by Daniels Plumbing.



Among those who volunteered for the day were Gail Ward, Deb Anderson, Lynn Inouye and Kandis Olson.

Helping out at the Operation Christmas Child processing center in Lakeville, Minn., put a big smile on the faces of Terry Fry, left, and pastor Dale Van Dusen of Trade Lake Evangelical Free Church.


Siren Tourism Commission










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DECEMBER 19, 2018

Light in the Darkness


“He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners�– Isaiah 61:1. The school principal of Paradise, California, whose school was destroyed in the fire, faces the task of providing a learning facility for his students. Paradise was dark with smoke and destruction. The sky over Judah was dark. Roman military rule was oppressive. People were landless and became day workers. They asked where is God? A poor couple walked to Bethlehem to be counted in the Roman census. God’s presence glowed brightly over

the Bethlehem hillside where shepherds lay asleep with their sheep. Awakened, they heard a visitor say, “Do not be afraid...good news... to you is born this day...a savior...a child...lying in a manger� Luke 2:8-12. Immanuel – God with us in our darkness. Today we know the darkness of drug addiction, health crises, low incomes, aging, discrimination, gun violence, hunger which stalks our neighbors. Migrant families walk to our southern border to escape terror. The sky is dark. Jesus, in Nazareth, announces, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon proclaim release to the captives...bring good news to

Pastor Marilyn Crossfield Worship: 9 am | Sun. School: 9 am (Sept. - May) Wheelchair Accessible

10 - 11 am coffee & fellowship 10:15 - 11 am Sunday School (Sept. - May) A class for all ages | Everyone welcome Communion Every Sunday | Everyone welcome






Pastor Curtis Denney | 715-327-4956 Benson Rd. | Saturday Service Sabbath Sch. 9:30 am | Worship 11 am



A&H CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Pastor Tryg Wistad | 715-635-4816 28509 County Road H 1/8 mile north of A&H intersection Sun. Worship: 10 am Thurs. Women’s Bible Study: 1:30 pm Sat. Men’s Bible Study: 8 am

(A Wesleyan Church) | Pastor Earl Leach 715-244-3649 | 33921 State Rd 35 Sunday Worship: 10:30 am Bible Study: 6:30 pm, Wed. with potluck


Pastor Bill Schroeder | 715-635-7791 Cty Rd. H, 1/2 mile N. of Cty. A on H Sunday Worship: 9 am (June-Aug), 10 am (Sept-May) Sunday School: 9 am | All welcome Wednesday Outdoor Worship: 7 pm (June-Aug)

Pastor Peter Johnson 7615 County Rd U, Danbury, WI A church of the unchurched for the unchurched Sunday - Soup in the Coop 5:30 pm | Worship 6 pm

Rev. Randall Knauf, Pastor | 715-866-7321 Junction of Cty. Rds A & H Crescent Lake Voyager Village Area Mass: Thurs. 9:30 am | Sun. 8:00 am Reconciliation as per bulletin & by appointment

ALPHA CALVARY COVENANT Scott Sagle, Pastor | 715-689-2541 11530 St. Rd. 70, Grantsburg Sun. Worship: 10:30 am | Sun. School: 9:30 am Bible Study: Wed. 7:30 pm

ASKOV CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Just west of Askov on Hwy. 23 Auxiliary Meetings start at 9:30 am Sacrament Meeting: 11:20 am

ATLAS ATLAS UNITED METHODIST UPPER ST. CROIX PARISH Pastor Kookho Kim & Pastor Ran Yoo 2110 295th Ave. Cty. Rd. B Worship: 11:00 am | Sunday School: 11:15 am

CUSHING LAKETOWN LUTHERAN Pastor Marilyn Crossfield 2738 220th St. | Worship: 10:45 am Sun. School: 10:45 am (Sept. - May) Wheelchair Accessible



Pastor Paul Peterson | 715-327-8012 507 Wisconsin Ave. N. Sunday Worship: 8:30 am Communion 1st & 2nd Sundays LWF3: 5-7 pm - 1st & 3rd Wed of month

UNITED METHODIST Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor 715-866-8646 | 7520 Water St. | Sunday Worship: 8:45 am

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Randall Knauf, Pastor 715-866-7321 | 7586 St. Rd. 77 Mass: Fri. 9 am & Sat. 4 pm Reconciliation as per bulletin & by appointment


Pastor Jody Walter Office: 715-866-7191 | Home: 715-866-4622 10:45 am Church Service | 9 am Sunday School Communion 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Joseph Madanu Mass: Sunday 8:30 am Saturday 6:30 pm (Memorial Day - Labor Day)


715-656-4010 | 7535 Peet St. Sunday - Adult Sunday School: 9 am Morning Service: 10 am | Evening Service: 7 pm Monday - Bible Study: 6:30 pm


Pastor Kookho Kim & Pastor Ran Yoo 715-463-2624 | Worship 9 am | Fellowship 10 am Christian Ed. Class (all ages) 10:30 am Nursery Available




the poor....recovery of sight to the blind...let the oppressed go free.� Then Jesus began to say to them (to us), “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing� Luke 4:21. On the cross of Jesus, God entered into the darkness of our loneliness, burdens, our death and the grave. God raised Jesus. “What came into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it� John 1:3-5. Let us be hopeful and care for the welfare of all people. Amen.


Minister: Guy McCarty, Gene Olson, Robert Rutherford 107 Elm St. | 715-327-8387 Sunday 9 am - 12 pm Worship & Study

Doug McConnell, Senior Pastor Chris Radtke, Youth Pastor 715-463-5794 Worship: Sunday 9:30 am | Sun. School 11:30 am Held at Grantsburg HS Auditorium



Pastor Greg Lund | 715-327-8767 505 Old County Road W Sunday School 9 am | Worship 10:15 am Look for us on Facebook

ST. LUKE’S UNITED METHODIST Pastor Arveda “Freddie� Kirk Church: 715-327-4436 | Parsonage: 715-327-8383 Sunday Worship: 10:30 am | Fellowship following Wed. Service: 5:15 pm | Church Sch: Wed. 3:45 - 5 pm Wheelchair accessible | Childcare available

Interim Pastor Michael Peterson 715-463-5388 | Worship 9:30 am Service on WCMP Radio (100.9 FM) Communion celebrated every Sunday Christian Education - Wed. afternoon & evening

GRACE BAPTIST Rev. Brad Moore, Sr. Pastor George Selbher, Assoc. Pastor 715-463-5699 Sunday Worship 9 am | Wed. 5:30 pm Supper for all 6 pm All Stars, Youth Connection Grace Nursery Sch: Tues. & Thurs. 9 am

Pastors Douglas Olson, Myron Carlson. Danny Wheeler & Ralph Thompson 7615 County Rd. U | 715-866-8281 Sunday Worship Services: 9:30 am Communion: 1st & 3rd Sunday

WEST SWEDEN GRACE LUTHERAN Pastor John Peterson 1638 345th Ave. | 715-327-4340 Worship 9:15 am | Sunday School 10:30 am Communion 1st & 2nd Sunday





Pastor Mike Fisk | 715-472-8660 5 mi. E. of Frederic on W | 2 mi. S. on I Sun. School 9:15 am | Sun. Worship 10:30 am Communion 1st Sunday Contemporary Service 3rd Sunday


Mike Kleven, Pastor Sunday School for all ages: 9:30 am Church Service: 10:45 am Youth Ministries: 6:30 pm, Wed. Adult Bible Study: 2 pm, Thurs.

Pastor Jay Ticknor | 715-463-5746 Worship 11:00 am | Sunday School 9:30 am Nursery is available

Dan Slaikeu, Pastor | 715-488-2456 Worship 10 am | Sun. School 10:30 am Mid-Week Bible Study | Call for info

ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Joseph Madanu | 715-327-8119 Mass: Sat. 4:30 pm | Sun. 10:30 am

TRINITY LUTHERAN Jay Ticknor, Pastor | 715-689-2271 Worship 9:00 am (Nursery prov.)

EKDALL COMMUNITY CHURCH Dan Shadish, Pastor | 715-463-5408 8 mi. North on Cty. Rd. F, Fire #13295 Sunday Service 9 am | Potluck lunch 10 am Everyone welcome

The church news and information on this page courtesy of the following concerned businesses Bass Lake Lumber


12469 State Rd. 48, Grantsburg Complete Bldg. Supplies • Free Estimates

488-2471 or toll free 877-488-2271

139 W. Madison Ave. • Grantsburg • 715-463-5322

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Hwy. 35 North, Frederic • 715-327-8068

Patrick Taylor, F.D. • 715-866-7131 • Webster, WI



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715-463-2848 Grantsburg, WI

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Wayne Lake Construction

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27760 Hwy. 35, Webster, WI 54893 715-866-4157

Corey Arnold Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. Corey T. Arnold, Agent 107 Wisc. Ave. S, Frederic, WI 54837 Bus. 715-327-8076 Fax: 715-327-8162


Remodeling New Construction Home Repairs Insured

715-488-2727 • Grantsburg, WI

FIEDLER FORD, INC “Complete Ford Sales & Serviceâ€? 463-5367 • Grantsburg, WI

Grantsburg, WI

Advertise Your Business Here! Call for info 715-463-2341

For more information on how to advertise your business here, call 715-463-2341


DECEMBER 19, 2018



NEW HOPE LUTHERAN Emory Johnson, Pastor 685 W. State Rd. 70 | 715-463-5700 Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 am Sun. School & Adult Bible Study: 11:15 am Watch live and recorded sermons on our website








Carl Heidel, Pastor 715-222-6712 | Council Chair: 715-244-3301 Worship: 11 am | Sunday School: 10 am


LAKEVIEW UNITED METHODIST Ferdinand B. Serra, Pastor S. of Hertel | Worship & Sunday School: 9 am

LEWIS MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor 3482 115th St. | 715-866-8646 Worship 8:45 am | UMM/UMW 6:30 pm, 3rd Wed.

LUCK LUCK LUTHERAN Gregory Ofsdahl, Pastor 5th St., 510 Foster Ave. East | 715-472-2605 Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am (Sept-May) Sunday School: 9 am (Sept-May) Sunday Worship Service: 9 am (June-Aug) Mon. Evening Cont. Worship: 6:30 pm (June-Aug)

ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN Roger Kastelle, Pastor Hwy. 35 & Cty. Rd. B | 715-472-8190 Sun. Worship Service: 9 am | Sun. School: 10 am

WEST DENMARK LUTHERAN Linda Rozumalski, Pastor | 715-472-2383 1 mi. west of Luck off Cty Rd N on 170th Worship: 10:00 am | Fellowship following Holy Communion: 1st & 3rd Sunday Bring for food shelf.

Lead Pastors: CJ and Cheryl Johnson Assoc. Pastors: Jeremiah and Bek Stavne Care Pastor: Carolyn Marquardt Teens Pastors: Josh and Abby Larsen Kids Pastor: Crystal McDonald 23811 State Rd. 35/PO Box 21 | 715-349-5750 Sunday Worship: 9 & 10:30 am

Gene E. Jahnke, Pastor Juct. Hwy 53 & 70 | 715-635-7672 Worship: 9:30 am Sunday/Bible Class: 10:45 am Sun. 7:40 am “Voice of Salvation” broadcast WJMC 96.1 FM

ST. ALBAN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Father David Bauer Corner of Elm & Summit Streets | 715-635-8475 Holy Eucharist: Sunday 10:30 am Holy Days as announced


BETHANY LUTHERAN Paul Peterson, Pastor Worship: 10:30 am | Sunday School: 9:30 am Coffee Hour: 9:30 am | Nursery available

John Peterson, Pastor 11841 Cty. Rd. Z | 715-327-8384 Sun. School: 9:45 am | Sun. Worship: 11 am Communion: 1st & 2nd Sunday



Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor 24025 1st Ave. S. | 715-866-8646 Worship: 10:15 am | Sunday School: 9 am Nursery available | Youth Ministries: Wed., 6 pm UMW: 1st Wed., 12 pm | Bible Study: Wed., 9 am

SIREN COVENANT Brian Pardun, Pastor 7686 Lofty Pines Dr. | 715-349-5601 Sunday School: 9 am | Worship: 10 am Fellowship follows | Wheelchair Accessible

JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Sun. Public Talk: 10 am | Watch Tower: 10:40 am Cong. Bible Study: Tues. 7:00 pm Ministry School: 7:35 pm | Service Mtg.: 8:05 pm

David Prince, Pastor | 715-327-8402 20750 Cty. Rd. Z (Just South on Cty. Rd. Z off Hwy. 48) Sunday Mornings – Something For Everyone Sunday School: 9:15 am | Worship: 10:15 am Wed. Eve.: 6:30 pm AWANA & Adult Bible study Everyone is Welcome! | Nursery is provided!

TRADE RIVER EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Rev. Dale Van Deusen, Pastor 715-488-2296 9 miles So. of Grantsburg on Hwy. 87 Worship: 9:30 am | Sunday School: 10:45 am Wednesday Nights: 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group

Rev. Eddie Crise, Sr. Pastor Rev. Thomas Cook, Assoc. Pastor 26503 Muskey Ave. So. | 715-866-8646 Sun. Worship: 10:30 am | Sun. School: 9:15 am Bible Study: 1 pm, Tues. | UMW 2:15 pm, 2nd Tues.

OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN LCMS Jody Walter, Pastor Office: 715-866-7191 | Home: 715-866-4622 Church Service: 9:30 am Communion: 1st & 3rd Sunday Sun. School & Choir Practice: 10:45 am

CHURCH OF CHRIST 7425 W. Birch | 715-866-7157 Sunday Bible Class: 9:30 am (all ages) Worship: 10:30 am | Bible Study: 7 pm, Wed. (all ages)

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WEBSTER Jeff Jowers, Pastor Cell: 864-607-5605 | 7422 Kola Street | 715-866-4111 Sun. School: 9:30 am | Sun. Worship: 10:45 am Wed. 6:30 pm AWANA (Ages 3-6th Grade) & SIGN (Grades 7-12 Youth Group)

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Randall Knauf Cedar and Muskey Ave. | 715-866-7321 Fri. Mass: 9 am | Sun. Mass: 10 am Reconciliation as per bulletin & by appointment

DWELLING POINT CHURCH OF GOD Bryan Davis, Pastor 7697 Johnson St Worship: Sundays at 10 am | Nursery Available




1. Pairs 5. Try to gain favor 10. Bloodsucking African fly 12. Preserve a dead body 14. Philly delicacy 16. Early multimedia 18. Agency 19. Teenagers’ test 20. Net 22. Computer memory 23. Drove fast 25. Expression of annoyance 26. Google certification 27. A way to caress 28. Charles S. Dutton sitcom 30. OJ’s judge 31. Pack up 33. Croc hunter 35. Extract 37. Leg parts 38. Herbal tea 40. Humans have 10 41. Autonomic nervous system 42. Swiss river 44. Paddle 45. Taxi 48. Something to break 50. Hoarse 52. Flow’s partner 53. Famed English cricketer 55. Parts per thousand (abbr.) 56. Peacock network 57. Sports highlight show 58. Great generosity 63. Barbary sheep 65. Agave 66. Crab (German) 67. Egyptian god of life

CLUES DOWN 1. Speedy ballplayer Gordon

2. Utah athlete 3. Former CIA 4. Teeter totter 5. Sporting dog 6. Woman (French) 7. Greek sophist 8. Gathered leaves 9. Milliliter 10. African nation 11. In a brazen way 13. Aquatic mammal 15. Pouch 17. Denies 18. Germany 21. Brightness 23. Cool! 24. Department of Defense 27. Indian city 29. “Our Betters” director 32. Ice cream brand

34. Midway between north and northeast 35. Postage are one type 36. Balearic island 39. Body part 40. Scotland’s longest river 43. Where rafters go 44. Type of Kia 46. Where monks live 47. UK TV station 49. A way to raise an objection 51. Sunscreen rating 54. Unfriendly 59. Catch 60. Panthers’ QB 61. Self 62. Type of sister 64. Alright




DECEMBER 19, 2018

Grantsburg Holiday Indulgence JAY GILHOI

Left top: Grantsburg High School Choir at last weekend’s Holiday Indulgence Concert. Left below: The Travelers preparing to sing “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” Below: Sam Prusinski soloing during the Jazz Band’s performance of “Up on the Housetop.” Bottom: Vocal Jazz Group sings “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”




Make this Holiday Season a little brighter for those in need.When you purchase both pairs of shell pearl earrings for only $10, we will donate the entire amount to the St. Croix Falls Food Shelf. Limit 1 Per Customer Quantities are limited

Give her a gift that captures the beauty and magic of wintertime snowfall. This glistening snowflake pendant features sparkling sterling silver and blue and white topaz gems for added color and shine.

These and other fine jewelry selections at: Reg.$300

105 S Washington Street Across the street from the Cobbler Shop, in Attorney Steve Swanson building

St. Croix Falls • 715-475-9784

Holiday Hours: Mon- Fri 10-6 Saturday 10-4, Sunday noon to 4

EARLY DEADLINE The deadline for the Dec. 26 issue of the Sentinel is Thurs., Dec. 20 at noon.

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1280 Chandler Drive, Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-2111

Burnett County Sentinel’s 2018

A collection of thanks and best wishes from your favorite local businesses

Season’s Readings! As we turn the page to another holiday season, we’d like to take a moment to thank you, our loyal readers, for your trust and support. We are so proud to be a part of this fine community, and we consider it an honor to be the local and trusted news source you turn to throughout the year. Thank you for your readership and support.





DECEMBER 19, 2018

19 fun facts you probably didn’t know about Christmas

For starters, it wasn’t always on December 25. Though Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, there is no mention of December 25 in the Bible. (Most historians believe he was actually born in the spring.) It didn’t become the official holiday until the third century. Some argue that the date was picked because it coincided with the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which honored the agricultural god Saturn by celebrating and gift-giving. You can thank Prince Albert for your Christmas tree. The origin of Christmas trees goes all the way back to ancient

Egyptians and Romans, who marked the winter solstice with evergreens as a reminder of spring, according to But it wasn’t until Prince Albert of Germany introduced the tree to his new wife, Queen Victoria of England, that the tradition took off. A drawing of the couple in front of a Christmas tree appeared in Illustrated London News back in 1848, and royal fever did its work. St. Nick was actually more generous than jolly. Sure, you probably knew that the idea of Santa Claus came from St. Nicholas. According to legend, the fourth-century Christian

bishop gave away his abundant inheritance to help the needy and rescued women from servitude. As his story spread, his name became Sinter Klaas in Dutch, which later morphed into Santa Claus. Coca-Cola played a huge part in Santa’s image. According to Coca-Cola, Santa used to look a lot less jolly — even spooky. When the company hired an illustrator named Haddon Sundblom in 1931 to create im-

ages of Santa for magazine advertisements, the warm and friendly Santa we know today was born. The tradition of hanging stockings started with an accident. According to legend, it came from the tale of a poor man who couldn’t afford his three daughters dowries. Apparently St. Nick dropped a bag of gold down their chimney one night so that the SEE FUN FACTS, PAGE 4

Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas! We light the lights, but its your warmth and kindness that truly brightens the season. Wishing you a string of bright wishes at this illuminating time of year.

Frederic, WI • 715-327-4217



Thank you for allowing us to be your electric servant. Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company Serving Burnett And Polk Counties Since 1920

Frederic 715-327-4231

Grantsburg 715-463-5371

Toll Free 1-800-261-1200

All around town, north, south, east and west, we’re sending our neighbors all of our best! With wishes so warm and merry and bright, we hope your holiday is a sheer delight! Thanks for your support in making 2018 a great year for us. We appreciate this wonderful community’s trust in us, and we look forward to serving you in the future.

BASS LAKE LUMBER 12469 State Road 48 • Grantsburg, WI • 715 488-2471 • Toll Free 877 488-2271 “The Only Number For Lumber”


DECEMBER 19, 2018


From Our Family to Yours, Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas! Brightly wrapped boxes… stockings stuffed with surprises… fresh Christmas cookies… twinkling trees all aglow… w… Of all the special gifts the holiday season delivers, we appreciate the friendship of good folks like you most of all.

11631 State Road 70, Grantsburg, WI 54840 715.689.2468

Best Wishes to the Best Folks Around

Thank you for delighting us with your visits this year. We look forward to serving you again soon, and we wish you the merriest of holidays.

We’re so grateful to be surrounded by good friends and neighbors like you at the holidays and all year. Thank you for visits and continued loyal patronage! Merry Christmas!

Village Floral & Gifts

Corner of Hwys. 70 & 48/87, at the stoplight, Grantsburg

Wood River Garden Store 4 mi. east of Grantsburg on Hwy. 70


800-262-2426 • 715-463-5695

H Home -C Cabin bi - FFarm - R Rentals t l -C Commercial i l 11733 Hwy. 48 • Frederic, WI 54837 800-247-7304 • Find us on Facebook!

May you be blessed with good fortune this holiday season and throughout the year. Your trust means everything to us, and we thank you for the privilege of serving you.



We Hope You Get Your Fill of Good Times This Christmas! As another Christmas comes in for a landing, we’re Älled with cheer and gratitude for wonderful customers and friends like you. We appreciate your pulling for us this past year, and we’ll continue to go the extra mile for you in 2019 and beyond.

715-327-4339 102 Traffic Avenue Frederic, WI

Hope your holiday has it all! With best wishes and heartfelt thanks from our entire staff. Thank you for your trust in us.





DECEMBER 19, 2018

FUN FACTS: Christmas decorating sends nearly 15,000 people to the ER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

eldest could get married — but it fell into a stocking that was drying by the fire! Celebrating Christmas used to be illegal. Although the Jamestown settlers created the first American batch of eggnog, by the time the Puritans settled Boston, Christmas was outlawed. (The word nog comes from the word grog; that is, any drink made with rum.) From 1659 to 1681, you’d face a fine for celebrating the once-pagan day. And after the Revolutionary War, the new Congress found the day so unimportant that they held the first session on December 25, 1789.

Merry Christmas from Our Place To Yours

How sweet it is serving good people like you! We appreciate your visits this year and look forward to seeing you again, soon!

Kozy Kitchen 1/2 block south of Hwy. 70 on 48/87 • Grantsburg • 715-463-2200

It wasn’t proclaimed a federal holiday for nearly another century. Christmas decorating sends nearly 15,000 people to the ER. From hanging lights on ladders to taking a roast out of the oven, making merry can prove hazardous. In fact, the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 14,700 people visit hospital emergency rooms each November and December from holiday-related decorating accidents. To top it off, dried Christmas trees spark about a hundred fires, cause an average of 10 deaths, and result in $15.7 million in property damage. Are you convinced to switch to an artificial Christmas tree yet? Santa has his own zip code in Canada. Every year, letters to Santa Claus flood post offices across the world. Some Canadian Post Office workers even started answering them — but as more letters arrived, they set up a special zip code for Santa as part of a “Santa Letter-Writing Program” literacy initiative. The zip code? HOH OHO. The term “Xmas” dates back to the 1500s. According to From Adam’s Apple to Xmas: An Essential Vocabulary Guide for the Politically Correct, the word “Christianity” was spelled “Xianity” as far back as 1100. X, or Chi, in Greek is the first letter of “Christ” and served as a symbolic standin. In 1551, the holiday was called “Xtemmas” but eventually shortened to “Xmas.” We ship a crazy amount of packages around the holidays. Wishing You Stacks of Happiness HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU & YOURS!

MAKE MERRY Here’s hoping your holiday is as special as you are! Thanks for creating so much joy with your visits this year. We wish you all the best.

Happy Holidays!

Here’s hoping your Christmas is piled high with friendship, fun, laughter, love, joy and goodwill. May you get your fill of good times with enough cheer left over to last all year! Thanks for making our days merry and bright with your visits. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege serving you, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2019.

G AR 7711 Park Street West • Siren, WI 54872 • 715-349-8900

Deck the Halls & Have a Ball!

About 90% of Americans celebrate Christmas. That explains all those packages the U.S. Postal Service has to deliver. Additionally, the Pew Research Center’s findings found that less people think of Christmas as a religious holiday nowadays. Only 51% of those people who celebrate attend church on Christmas. And they spend nearly $1,000 on gifts. According to the National Retail Federation’sfindings in 2017, consumers say they’ll spend $967.13 for the holidays on average. For 2018, total retail sales in November and December are expected to hit $717.45 billion. Ham, not turkey, is the festive favorite. The dinner debate rages on. Searches for “ham” and “turkey” both spike during the month of December, according to Google Trends data. (Though it’s nowhere near how frequently “turkey” is hunted for online in November!) But despite the popularity of both festive entrees, spiral-cut ham remains the more popular choice for a Christmas table. Candy canes got their start in Germany. The National Confectioners Association says a choirmaster originally gave the candies to young children so they’d stay quiet during long church services. But when a German-Swedish immigrant decorated his tree with candy canes in 1847, they became popular as a Christmas candy.

WITH THANKS Here’s hoping this holiday delivers your fill of special surprises. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

MUD HUT GIFTS & CRAFTS Stamp & Scrapbook Supplies Largest Rubber Stamp & Memory Book Store in NW Wisconsin!

7721 W. Main St. • Siren, WI 715-349-2536

114 W. Oak St. Downtown Frederic, WI 715-327-8903

Have a Merry Little Christmas

We will be open until Noon on Christmas Eve but will be closed Christmas Day and January 1st

Fiedler Ford, Inc. “Complete Ford Sales & Service”

We’re Your Quality Care Award Winning Dealer!

(715) 463-5367 Downtown Grantsburg, WI

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot like Christmas!

Here’s hoping your Christmas is filled with childlike wonder and excitement!

Here’s hoping your holiday season delivers fun to spare. Merry Christmas & Thanks From Our Entire Team!

Thanks for your trust in us. We wish you and your loved ones all the best this holiday season.

g Center Ea rly Lea rnin715-463-5044

Denny’s Downtown Lanes


Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day last year, the U.S. Postal Service delivered an estimated 850 million packages — in addition to 15 billion pieces of mail.

12137 State Rd 70 • Grantsburg

Downtown Grantsburg 715.463.5399

24467 Hwy 35 Siren, WI 54872 715-349-8262

With glad tidings from our entire staff this holiday season. We thank you for your kind patronage and look forward to seeing you again, soon!

715-349-2SEE (2733) 24082 State Rd. 35 Siren, WI


DECEMBER 19, 2018


Santa Letters from Grantsburg 2nd Graders

Cookies and candy may be sweet, but customers like you are our favorite treat! As we enjoy another holiday season, we’d like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation for the friendship and support of our many customers here in the community. Your trust means the world to us, and we thank you for making 2018 such a wonderful year. It is truly our pleasure to serve you, and we look forward to seeing you again soon. From our family to yours, best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!

139 W Madison Ave. • Grantsburg, WI 54840 715-463-5322

We will be closed for the Winter season Nov. 15 - February. Opening for Summer season in March for March Burger Madness!





DECEMBER 19, 2018

Christmas Movie Trivia A Christmas Story (1983) 1. Which department store has the item in its window that Ralphie wants? 2. Which Christmas gift does Ralphie want so badly? 3. What TV station runs A Christmas Story for 48 hours straight from Christmas Eve to Christmas day? 4. In what state does A Christmas Story take place? 5. Who gets their tongue stuck to the iced pole? Christmas With the Kranks (2004) 1. In the 2004 Christmas comedy Christmas with the Kranks, what country does the Kranks’ daughter leave for on the day after Thanksgiving, causing them to decide to forego Christmas festivities? 2. Which two actors play the movie’s leads, Mrs. and Mr. Krank? 3. What do the Kranks decide to do instead of having a traditional Christmas? 4. Who comes home for Christmas to


surprise Luther and Nora? Which adjective best describes the Christmas tree in Christmas with the Kranks: verdant, scraggly, or dying?

Elf (2003) 1. In the 2003 film Elf, what name is given to the human child Santa accidentally carries to the North Pole? 2. In the 2003 Christmas comedy Elf, what was the first rule of The Code of Elves? 3. In the 2003 film Elf, what is the make and model number of the “500 reindeer-powered” jet turbine engine that powers Santa’s sleigh? 4. The actor who plays the elf Ming Ming also appears in A Christmas Story. What is that actor’s name? 5. What kind of company does Walter start?

3. 4. 5.

George Bailey lives in? Who plays George Bailey? Despite being set during Christmas, what was the weather like during the filming? What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel?

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) 1. In the 2000 feature film version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, what was

4. 5.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) 1. In 1989’s National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, how long has Cousin Eddie been unemployed? 2. In the 1989 comedy National

As another holiday season comes swirling in, we’d like to extend our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Christmas. May all of your dreams and wishes come true!

Merry Christ mas


the name of the mountain range where Whoville was located? Who wrote the picture book that was inspiration for the 2000 film How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Where does How the Grinch Stole Christmas take place? How many sizes does the Grinch’s heart grow once he gets feelings? What does Cindy Lou Who give Max, the Grinch’s dog?

Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 1. In what city did the 1947 film Miracle on 34th Street take place? 2. Not including made-for-TV movies, how many Miracle on 34th Street movies are there? 3. Who is put on trial? 4. In what month was the 1947 Christmas film Miracle on 34th Street released? 5. At what department store does Kris Kringle work at?

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) 1. Who directed the 1946 classic Christmas film It’s a Wonderful Life? 2. In the 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life, what is the name of the town that

We’re grateful for all you’ve done to make our dreams come true in 2018. We owe our success to kind customers and friends like you.


Answers on page 11


With Our Gratitude at Christmas Your goodwill and friendship give us much cause for celebration this year – thanks!

24138 Ellis Ave. • Siren, WI • 715-349-5591



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Make It Merry! Thinking of you

at Christmastime. Wishing you peace, joy and good fortune always! May your heart and home be Àlled with all the happiness this special season brings. We thank you for your friendship and support.

The spirit is building and we want to say Merry Christmas & happy new year! Thank you for your business! — Quality Service Is Our Specialty —

McNALLY INDUSTRIES 340 W. Benson Ave. • Grantsburg, WI 54840 • 715-463-8300

26637 Lakeland Avenue N Webster, WI 715-866-4238


DECEMBER 19, 2018


Santa Letters from Grantsburg 2nd Graders

Merry Christmas, One And All!


Home SWEET Home For The Holidays There’s no place we’d rather be, Than here in this community For there is nothing that we’d rather do, Than to serve good folk like you! With best wishes and sincere gratitude from our entire team.

:[H[L 9VHK 5 à ® :PYLU >0 6ɉJL! 715-349-7035 ;VSS -YLL! à ® -H_! ,THPS! X\LZ[PVUZ ZPYLU'LKPUHYLHS[` JVT

Webster School District





DECEMBER 19, 2018

Happy Holidays from all of us at the Burnett County Sentinel

Here Comes Santa Claus.. and he’s delivering our best wishes for a fun-filled Christmas!

Here’s hoping your season is gifted with all the best blessings, including health, happiness, friendship, love, peace and prosperity. Visits from folks like you brings us joy all year, and we appreciate your trust in us. Merry Christmas & Many Thanks!

Wonder & Light

Here’s hoping the season surrounds you with that magical feeling only Christmas can bring!

We thank you for Àlling our year with so many great memories, and we look forward to serving you again soon. Dan Ohnstad, PT 715-463-2075 445 State Road 70 Gateway Plaza Grantsburg, WI 54840

Happy Holidays! Grantsburg 715-463-5515 Spooner 715-635-8273 Superior 715-392-4524 1-800-645-9391

Happy Holidays From the Siren School District


DECEMBER 19, 2018



How Sweet It Is....

May the message of the season fill your heart and soul with glee!

To Know People Like You! Serving you has been a real treat for us. Merry Christmas and many thanks!

Siren Dairy Queen 24165 St. Rd. 35/70 Siren, WI 715-349-5209

Thank you for choosing us. Having earned your trust is what makes our work most meaningful— at the holidays and throughout the year.

Superior Service from Professionals Who Care Luke Thoreson, Owner 330 Industrial Ave., P.O. Box 705 • Grantsburg, WI 54840

715.463.3499 or 715.463.FIXX •

Filled With Our Gratitude We’re hoping your holiday season is an equal mix of harmony and joy. For your goodwill and trust, please accept a generous measure of our sincere gratitude.

Yellow River Pharmacy Webster, WI • 715-866-8644

Merry Christmas


Cheer! To Our Dear Friends at Christmas…

May your cart overflow with glad tidings and joy, and may your heart be full with love and contentment this holiday season and beyond.

THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US! Serving Spooner since 1937 700 S. River St., Spooner

e economart


The finest meats & more for your holiday table Our best and brightest New Year’s wishes are with all of you! Thanks for being such great customers and friends.

See us for your holiday needs. Gift Cards Available

Luck, Wisconsin • (715) 472-2141 • 1-800-924-8142 Open 6 Days a Week! Mon-Fri 8 to 5:30 & Sat 8 to 2

Thanks from our entire team! We wish you and yours all the best.

Atlas Co-op Feed Store 2120 295 Ave./Cty. Rd. B Luck, WI • 715-648-5356

We hope your season is delightful in every way!

Thanks & Best Wishes

Luck MIutual nsurance Company 715-472-2861 400 MAIN ST. • LUCK, WI

Fresh & Festive

Holiday Florals Fresh flower arrangements • Christmas trees poinsettias • house plants We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!

Hope it’s merry, bright and beautiful! Thanks for treating us to your visits this year. Friends and customers like you mean the world to us. Timothy L. Meister, E.A. 7716 W. Main Street Siren, WI 715-249-2581 Fax: 715-349-2580




DECEMBER 19, 2018

A Wish Trimmed With Joy To our fine friends and neighbors here in the community, we wish you a most merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

We Hope You Get Your Fill of Good Times This Christmas!

May 2019 bring much happiness to you and yours.

Thank you for your kindness in 2018.

As another Christmas comes in for a landing, we’re Älled with cheer and gratitude for wonderful customers and friends like you. We appreciate your pulling for us this past year.


Merry Christmas & Many Thanks From Our Entire Crew



7396 Co. Rd. U • Between Webster & Danbury 715-866-7315

315 Oak St. • Frederic, WI 54837 • 715-327-4456

Filled With Our Gratitude Thank you for your patronage!

Happy Holidays to You Soon it will be Christmas Day, so we’re chiming in with our best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday!

Happy Holidays to you and your family! With best wishes at the holiday season, and heartfelt thanks for your loyal patronage all year long.

Grantsburg Family Foods 24787 Clam Lake Dr. • Siren, WI 715-349-5120

State Rd. 70 West • Grantsburg, WI 715-463-2662 Open Everyday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

We’re Filled With

Merry Christmas, and thanks for your patronage.

Corey Arnold Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.

Name Business

Corey T. Arnold, Agent 107 Wisc. Ave. S, Frederic, WI 54837 1234 Washington StreetFax:| 715-327-8162 Somersville Heights Bus. 715-327-8076 000-000-0000 |

A Message to Our Valued Customers


We’d like to say thanks, and best wishes too. For making our year so special, we’re grateful to all of you!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From Our Entire Team! As we gear up for Christmas, we’d like to share our thanks and best wishes with you, our valued customers and friends here in the community. Your support and goodwill have really made our year special, and we sincerely appreciate your patronage. Happy Holidays!


Wheel Filling StationAlignment

Service Station

1234 Washington Street • Somersville Heights 26548 Lakeland 000-000-0000 • Gas, Convenience Store, LP, Lotto

Ave. North Webster, WI • 715-866-4166


Ben Franklin

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas!

COMMUNICATIONS 24461 St. Rd. 35/70 Siren, WI 54872 715-349-5057

160 Evergreen Square SW Pine City, MN 55063 320-629-6808

January 1-11

24556 WI-35, Siren, WI 54872 • 715-349-2582


DECEMBER 19, 2018



MOVIE TRIVIA: How much do you know about these classic Christmas movies? CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6

3. 4. 5.


Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, what had Clark Griswold been planning to buy with the Christmas bonus he expected from work? As the Griswold’s are putting up their Christmas tree, what Christmas classic can be seen in the background? What once-popular slang is this movie inadvertently responsible for creating? What Lindsey Buckingham song is featured in every other Vacation installment except this one?

Scrooged (1988) 1. Referring to the 1988 comedy film Scrooged, what was Bill Murray’s character’s name?

3. 4.


In the 1988 Christmas film Scrooged, what is the name of the dead executive who visits Bill Murray’s character to warn him of the three Christmas ghosts’ visits? How many of Bill Murray’s brothers appear in this film (however briefly)? The film’s tagline, “Bill Murray is back among the ghosts, only this time, it’s three against one,” is a reference to which other Bill Murray movie? The Ghost of Christmas Past appears as what mythological creature?

The Polar Express (2004) 1. In the 2004 animated feature The Polar Express, what letters does the conductor punch into the main character Billy’s Polar Express ticket

2. 3. 4. 5.

when he punches it? What noted actor provided the conductor’s voice for the 2004 animated film The Polar Express? In the movie, how many children on the train are referred to by their names? How did the hero boy lose the bell? For whom does the bell ring?

The Santa Clause (1994) 1. In the 1994 film The Santa Clause, what is the restaurant that Tim Allen’s character, Scott Calvin, takes his son to after burning the Christmas turkey? 2. Referring to the 1994 film The Santa Clause, what is the name of the darkhaired head-elf that Scott Calvin meets when he first arrives at the North Pole?

Christmas Movie Trivia Answers

A Christmas Story (1983) 1. The gift Ralphie wants is in Higbee’s. 2. Ralphie wants a Daisy “Red Ryder,” a carbine-action, 200-shot, range-model air rifle. 3. TNT. 4. Indiana. 5. Flick. Christmas With the Kranks (2004) 1. The Kranks’ daughter heads off to Peru. 2. Jamie Lee Curtis and Tim Allen. 3. A ten-day Caribbean cruise. 4. Their daughter Blair and her fiancé Enrique. 5. Scraggly.

Elf (2003) 1. The human child is named Buddy. 2. The Code of Elves’ first rule is “Treat every day like Christmas.” 3. Santa’s super-sled engine was called “The Cringle 3000.” 4. Peter Billingsley. 5. A publishing company.

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) 1. Frank Capra. 2. Bedford Falls. 3. Who plays George Bailey? 4. The movie was

filmed during a heat wave. 5. Clearance Odbody. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) 1. The mountain range is called “The Pontoos.” 2. Dr. Seuss. 3. Inside of a snowflake. 4. His heart grows three sizes. 5. She passes him a plate of green eggs and ham. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 1. New York City. 2. Two. 3. Kris Kringle. 4. June. 5. Macy’s. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) 1. Eddie has been unemployed for seven years. 2. Clark Griswold was going to get a swimming pool. 3. It’s a Wonderful Life. 4. “Griswold House,” meaning an over-decorated home. 5. “Holiday Road.”

Scrooged (1988) 1. Frank Cross. 2. Lew Hayward, the dead executive, visits Frank Cross in Scrooged. 3. Three. 4. Ghost Busters. 5. A fairy.

The Santa Clause 2 (2002) 1. In the 2002 film The Santa Clause 2, what appropriate number is Santa wearing in his sweater during the football game with the elves? 2. According to the 2002 film The Santa Clause 2, how many days does Santa have to find a wife when he is first told he has to marry? The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) 1. In the 2006 film The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, which member of the Counsel of Legendary Figures is the film’s villain?

Answers below



We hope you enjoy every moment of this special season. May it find you surrounded by love, friendship and happiness!

The Polar Express (2004) 1. Billy’s ticket has the letters B&E punched into it. 2. Tom Hanks voiced the conductor. 3. Only one: Billy. 4. He has a hole in his pocket that it falls through. 5. The bell’s ring can only be heard by those who truly believe. The Santa Clause (1994) 1. They go to Denny’s. 2. Bernard. The Santa Clause 2 (2002) 1. Santa’s sweater had the number 25 on it. 2. Santa had 28 days to find a wife. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) 1. The film’s villain is Jack Frost.

Thanks for choosing us. We greatly appreciate your trust and support!


CHIMNEY SERVICE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 1234 Washington Street Somersville Heights Hwy. 48 & Main |Street, Luck 715-472-8200 or 1-800-843-7658 000-000-0000 |



DECEMBER 19, 2018

wishing you a very


Hospital, Nursing Home, Family Practice & Specialists 257 W. St. George Ave. | Grantsburg, WI 54840 (715) 463-5353 or (800) 293-5353

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