Migori News Issue 01

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December 16- January 6, 2013

ISSUE No. 001

Monday 16th -22nd December, 2013

New Assembly Hall with Public Gallery Unveiled as...

Obado Pledges Better Service



Ksh 50

Governor Backs Digitisation to Stop Revenue Loss

.A boda boda operator in Awendo town. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

By Sheck Ayal and Miller Omega

Governor Okoth Obado officially opening the new county assembly last week. It was built at a cost of Sh16million. Speaker Gordon Ogolla said the assembly will serve residents better: PHOTO: SHECK AYAL

Migori County government will digitise revenue collection to help curb corruption and increase internal revenue to boost development. Speaking last week during a meeting with National Anti-Corruption Campaign Steering Committee, governor Okoth Obado said that already plans are under way to roll out the plan that will help nab corrupt revenue collectors. The county government through the assembly has also put in place a Finance Bill expected to be passed by Christmas that will help in giving harsh penalties to culprits. “The digital system of revenue collection will help fast track revenue collection therefore fastening service delivery and also enable the county to account for all the tax collected,” he said. The county has been losing revenue collection which will be key in development programmes to be carried out by the county and have been undermining efforts to reach the projected Sh1billion target. Unscrupulous revenue officers who print fake receipts have been denying the county revenue and this move will seal this loophole. Already the local government has employed youth through groups to help in revenue collection.


County Saves Sh2million After Flashing Out Health Ghost Workers PAGE 2

Big Interview

Assembly to Ensure Corruption Doesn’t Cripple Budget



MIGORI NEWS December 16- January 6, 2013

Residents to Get Information on House Debate EasilySpeaker


The refurbished County Assembly PHOTO: SHECK AYAL

BY Fred Okoth and Miller Omega Good news to the Migori County Assembly members after the new countyassembly, refurbished to the tune of 15 million shillings was officially opened last week. The facility, which also has speakers’ office, a boardroom, Hansard editor’s office, sergeant-at-arm and other officials offices was opened after the repair work which took two months to complete. Speaking during the opening ceremo-

CONTINUED FROMPAGE 1 “My county is committed to engage the youths in any activity that we will be carrying out. Our county will grow only if we make the youths our development backbone,” he said. The county has been getting a bulk of its revenue from major markets in all eight sub-counties and along roads and will rely heavily on this revenue to be able to move development agenda forward. In an interview with Migori News Abedi Maroa, the assembly chairman of Budget and Appropriation Committee said this move will boost revenue collection. “We’ll seal the major loophole by the new bill in the receipting system and help get tax evaders to face stiff penalties,” he said. Abedi said that the assembly will also be keen in playing its oversight role in ensuring that all revenue collected and money spent is accounted for in the executive arm of the government. Already the county has employed Chief Executive officer in all her departments which will help so much in financing and budgeting for the county. The county is targeting to get Sh1billion in the current financial year which Abedi said can be achieved. “At first we were only collecting Sh9million every month which has been raised to Sh24million but still can reach the Sh80million mark when all loopholes are sealed,” he said. Sheikh Hassan Ali the NACCSC Chairman appealed to counties to help fight corruption in the county. Ali said they will sensitize counties o help in fighting graft. “Counties should use resources devolved to them by the National government properly to stir economic development and enrich their publics,” he said.

ny, Migori County speaker Gordon Ogolla said the new assembly will now enable the MCA’s to move ahead with their main job which is legislating for the county. “County residents can now expect us to move ahead fast and offer the necessary services,” he said adding that the facility will go a long way in offering information to members of the public as it also has a place for public to sit and

follow debates. According to Ogolla, when the County assembly was constituted, they lacked some of the basic facilities and the room could not even hold all the 60 Ward Representatives. He further announced that more will still be done at the assembly including a perimeter wall around it, a concrete driveway as well as a canteen within the assembly’s premises. “We want to make it one of the best assemblies in the country,” he said adding that he was sure that the MCA’s will take advantage of the good facility available and enact legislations that will move the county forward. He also warned Members of the County Executives that the county assembly will play its oversight role to ensure that the County Executives do their work well and serve members of the county. “We have a role of ensuring that you do your work well,” he said adding that now that most of the foundation had been laid, it was important that everybody did their work well. Speaking at the same forum, Governor Okoth Obado said the government started with inadequate infrastructure and facilities but are using available resources to ensure efficiency in construction. “We have little resources but we have to try and use them well to make the best of them,” he said adding that the county will only develop if the resources were used well and wastefulness avoided. According to the Governor, the County government inherited devolution with little and poor infrastructure and were still in the process of improving them so that they can be of County Standards.

3 Million Trees, Fruit Seedlings to Boost Environment Conservation

St.Joseph Ramwoma primary school pupils plant trees during the county forest day

By Miller Omega The Migori County is set to boost her forest cover with three million trees which will be planted by the end of this year. Dr. Polycarp Ating’a, the Executive Member in charge of Environment and Disaster Management said they are targeting public institutions in the move and the trees will help in absorbing excess carbon from the atmosphere. “The forests in Migori County will act as huge filter of air by absorbing dangerous chemicals and other pollutants,” he said.

Already several seedlings have been donated to Rongo University and primary schools like Nyarach, Ranen, Banda, Omware, Rapogi and Kakwara. “Trees planted in institutions and urban areas control noise pollution that affect studies and add more value to property values,” he said. Rongo University College principal Prof Samuel Gudu, whose institution will help to plant 3,000 tree seedlings in allocated 105 acres of land said the move will help in controlling soil erosion. His sentiments was supported by Gudu who said the university will plant over 3,000 tree seedlings in the allocated 105 acres of land in the institution to help in soil cover. At the same time the county is set to improve fruit farming by establishing fruit tree nurseries in all eight sub counties to enable farmers in the regions acquire seedlings cheaply and boost production. Moses Chamwada, the Executive Member of Agriculture said the move is set to reduce the dependency of the county on her fruits from outside the county. “We expect fruit farming to be commercialised since the county has a high potential for fruit production to improve our economy in line with the county plan to start a fruit processing plant to help increase revenue collection and job creation opportunities,” he said. “It is disheartening for areas that

He however said the assembly would only be a temporary one as the county had plans of building a much bigger and better ultra-modern assembly and county headquarters in the future. At the same time, Obado called on the county members to be patient with the county leadership and give them time to accomplish the plans they have initiated saying just like any new body, the county government needed time to accomplish its goal. “Let the county residents understand that we are still in phase of planning and laying down the foundation,” he said adding that county residents should be able to start noticing improvements in the county. Speaking at the same function, Migori Women representative Dennitah Ghati called on all elected leaders from the county to work together in order to improve the living conditions of the county residents. “As elected leaders, we have to ensure that we join hands in ensuring that the lives of our people is made better,” she said adding that it would be wrong if leaders ignored their electorates. On his part, Senator Wilfred Machage thanked the county leadership of using the resources well and said as the county’s senator, he will continue fighting for more funds to be brought back to the counties. “I am glad the money has been used well and all can see from the result,” he said adding that it was important that any resources which came to the county was well used for the benefit of the entire county and did not just end up in a few people’s pockets. Soon after the opening of the new assembly, MCA’s had their first sitting after having spent the last three months holding their meetings at Maranatha Assemblies Hall during the renovation of the assembly. However, all members of parliament from the county skipped the function.

can produce and sell already processed fruit Juice to accept to be exploited by middle men who are selling it at an exorbitant price denying farmers from the region opportunity of having it daily,“ he said. Chamwada encouraged farmers in the region not to heavily rely on sugarcane sugarcane and tobacco farming but also diversify to milk, fish and horticulture farming which has a ready market in the county. The move comes after Tobacco firms; British American Tobacco (BAT) and Alliance One promised to plant more than 1 million trees by the end of their year as a way to pay back to the community. Last month the National Bank in conjuction through their union Kenya National Sugarcane Farmers Union (KENSFU) offered 10,000 seedlings to be planted in the county. To get the desired forest cover in the county Dr. Ating’a said they will partner with the private sector to ensure trees are planted through Community Social Responsibilty (CSR). Lauding the move Central Kamagambo member Titus Onyango said the county is endowed with fertile soil good for farming and asked the area people to fully embark on farming as a sure way of income and eradicating poverty. He said people from the region should not complain of poverty and yet they have chunks of land lying fallow which can be turned in agro-forests.

December 16- January 6, 2013


County Saves Sh2million After Flashing Out Health Ghost Workers


through Hon. Hillary Maeri and Director of Health Dr. Joel Gondi. “This cooperation was key in the recent World AIDS Day and we have also toured all public health facilities to form a report which inspired the sector’s strategic plan,” she said. According to the plan the county has set aside Sh135million which will constructed the new college and Sh25m to complete outpatient ward and construct a surgical and pediatric ward at Migori County Hospital. Sh20m will construct two theaters at Rongo and Awendo sub counties, Sh10m will build a morgue in Kuria while Sh8m will help in procuring medical equipment. Sh27m will be used to construct general wards and ablution blocks at Karungu, Ntimaru and Kegonga hospitals while Sh30m will buy four double cabins, two ambulances and one official car. Migori County has a population of 1,028,579 spread over its eight sub counties who are served by 169 health facilities: Public-112, Private-32, NGO-1 and Faith Based-24 Hospitals offering basic minimum health care services. The county has a bed capacity of 1169 with public hospitals leading with 808. Faith based organizations FBO 385, private 361 with NGOs having only 35. The new Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) which currently has 50 nursing students, with 50 per cent of them from Migori PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA Additionally, the average distance to the nearest heath facilities is 5 km makthe sector from the national governagreement with with Kenya Medical ing health care services not easily accessible By Cyril Odek ment,” she said. Supply Agency (KEMSA) to procure to the rural population especially in the Migori county government will save close to She added that the county drugs to ensure consistent supply of hard to reach areas like Migingo Island. Sh2million after weeding out 150 ghost workers in has developed a County Health Sector drugs,” she said. Women of reproductive age constithe health sector. Strategic Plan (2013-2018) to provide a The Executive member said tute about 22 per cent of the total popula The report conducted by Human Resource road map of the sector’s contribution to her sector has partnered with Kenya tion and a fertility rate of 5.6. Of all deliverAudit to provide evidence based information on the attainment of the MGDs and Vision Relief Organization and will receive ies, only 43.8per cent are under skilled care. staff gaps and requirements in the county revealed 2030. medical equipment valued at Sh34mil- In Migori, infant Mortality rate is that out of 925 devolve health care staff only 767 She also said her department lion next month. 92/1000 almost double the national rate can be accounted for The other 158 are just ghost has established Kenya Medical Training “The sector has mapped out all of 52 while children fully immunized is workers. College (KMTC) in the county hosting partners plus their respective functions recorded at 78 per cent. Addressing press in her office, county 50 nursing students with 50 per cent of and interventions in the county to en Latrine and community unit covexecutive member for Health Services Hon. Iscar them from Migori county. hance strategic engagement informed erage in the county is 52.4 per cent and 37 Oluoch said that the loophole is from the nation “It is envisaged that this will by their respective core competencies,” per cent respectively while access to safe al government which has been paying the health contribute to addressing the perennial Isca said. portable water is only 18.4 per cent. workers. human resource gaps currently biting To be able to spearhead Generally, the social indicators “Following a call for devolution we carried the county and the health sector,” she smooth devolution of the sector, the have scored poorly and this has been exacout a head count and found out the ghost workers said. county government has initiated the erbated by high HIV prevalence rate; 13.5 whose payment will be stopped when we receive The county has also signed an culture of dialogue with assembly per cent.

Rongo University College Holds First Graduation By Sheck Ayal

Rongo University College, the only University in the county held its first ever graduation last week where 242 students graduated with Masters, Degree and Diplomas. During the graduation, Universities across the country were urged to desist from the rush to open new constituent colleges without proper personnel. Speaking at the graduation, Deputy Director of Education Dr. Nyangate Areba asked the chartered universities in the country to put up proper mechanisms before opening constituent colleges. Areba argued that this in turn creates strain in terms of personnel and delays students’ education as they are forced to share lecturers with the main universities. “All the public universities who are planning to open constituents colleges to ensure they are properly prepared to run those institutions efficiently.” Areba said adding that the quality of education given there should be the same as those in the main campuses. He further urged members of the public who are interested in pursuing higher educa-

A section of graduates at the first Rongo University College PHOTO: SHECK AYAL

tion to take the initiative and go back to school without being held back by factors like age saying education was a lifelong learning process which had no limit. Speaking at the same function, Moi University Chancellor Professor Miriam Were challenged all the political leaders to help bright needy students finance their education by offering them sponsorships and Bursaries. “It is unfortunate that many bright students are forced to stay athome because of lack of school fees,” she said adding that leaders should start programs aimed at ensuring that bright but needy students do not miss the chance to learn because of lack of school fees.

At the same time, Were urged the students to ensure they work hard and excel in their academics since the job market is looking for the best. “The current job market is looking for the best excelled graduates. Let those in higher institutions of learning not relax in their studies, they should strive to compete for the less job vacancy out there,” Were said. She challenged all the universities to embrace the spirit of innovation, cooperation and partnership to ensure they made higher learning education a success in the Country. The ceremony was also attended by Deputy Governor Mwita Mahanga,

Four Illicit Brewers Nabbed By Clinton Oballa

Four suspects were last week arrested as 980 litres of chang’aa was destroyed during a raid on changaa brewers in Lichota area in the outskirts of Migori town. The raid was organised by Ngege Assistant Chief Alphonce Aseno and targeted changaa dens which have been blamed for the recent increase in changaa consumption within the region. During the 5.00pm raid, the assistant chief, in company of some of the area residents caught the brewers by surprise as some of them were going about their normal businesses of selling the brew. Speaking after the exercise, Aseno thanked the residents for joining in the war against the brews and promised that he will not rest until all those involved in the trade were flushed out of the region. “We cannot just sit down and let a few people ruin the lives of youths,” he said adding that the brews were also to blame for the increase in crime rate in the region. He also called on those with information on where the brew could be to provide information to his office so that they can take action and deal with the brewers. He further urged the youth to get involved in developmental activities. The operation was conducted when a man died after a drinking spree in the area. The deceased complained of stomach ache, dizziness and pain in the eyes to his wife. Attempts at first aid where failed as he died when he was being rished to Migori Level Four hospital for treatment. Aseno said the fight against illicit brew will go on until the vice is stumped out .


MIGORI NEWS December 16- January 6, 2013

Opinion & Analysis Picture Of The Week

Let’s Work Together To Move Migori Forward This is the tenth month since the March 4th elections were held under a new Constitution. During those elections, the people of Migori, like in other counties countrywide, got a chance to elect their first Governor, Senator and Member of County Assembly. The intervening period has been one of trials… and triumphs… for in the difficulties and challenges of establishing a new order of governance. There have been successes that have made smiles crease the faces of frustrated leaders and the led. There have been almost equal moments of laughter, pain and frustration as the County has trudged on that path to progress and self-realization. In any new activity that seeks to bring prosperity, especially actions that seek to pry away control of resources from those that have to those that do not, there will be pain. Right from the annunciation of the election results, there was a feelings of loss; some felt that they had not lost fairly, which is normal. Unfortunately, some people who campaigned at the elections have refused to accept their loss – probably due to false promises of riches and opportunities that do not exist - and that is time to move ahead to start a fresh and establish something new. Something that all the people of Migori could be proud of. However, that moment of regeneration a rebirth, has not been lost for Migori; she can pick up the pieces and start afresh, a new beginning that will assure the people of a bright future without unnecessary and expensive distractions. Those who lost at the elections must know that this is the time to work. Those who have supported the County Government should continue their support knowing that setting up structures takes time and the time spent doing so should not be lost for the people of Migori. It is public knowledge that the losing candidate in the gubernatorial race appealed and the matter is now in the hands of a competent Judiciary which will deliver its verdict in the next few weeks. However, that matter must not be allowed to distract the County from the purpose of growing her economy – there is no vacuum as there is a Government in place and it is pursuing policies that seek to better the lives of the people of Migori. Let the people of Migori concentrate energies, not on distractions and activities that do not take this County forward but on those things that will make a difference in the lives of the people. The County Government will soon unveil programmes that will kick-start development. The delay in starting the programmes, we are reliably informed, was due to the stringent procurement processes, which are to ensure that public money is not spent on the wrong priorities or goes to enrich individuals in the name of acting on behalf of the public. Unlike some populist County Governments that have been in the press with news of mega-projects – some of which are pipe dreams and may never see the light of day, the Government of the County of Migori deliberately chose to abide by the regulations. It is now ready to roll out – hospital facilities will be built and completed for the people; youth and women will be trained in enterprise and empowered to start creating wealth; roads will be paved; seeds will become available to farmers and markets will become places to sell goods and meet new people with new opportunities. All this is possible if the citizens of Migori come together as one irrespective of their tribe or affiliation; if the citizens realize that the progress of Migori lies in their hands and that they must start to work on what they will bequeath their posterity NOW.

Group Editorial Director: Hon Maneno Mwikwabe Managing Editor: Fred Okoth Administration Editor, Chief Sub Editor: Miller Omega Writers: Atieno Otieno, Flemming Maikula, Cyril Odek, Odhiambo Opundo, Sheck Ayal Clinton Oballa

Migori News is published in Migori town, Migori County along police line. PO BOX 195-40400, SunaMigori

South Africans place flowers at a statue of former President Nelson Mandel in Sandton district of Johannesburg City. PHOTO: AP

Village Polys Hold Key to Industrial Growth By Maneno Mwikwabe Village polytechnics were started in 1968 by the National Council of Churches as institutions for youth who could not continue with education. The polytechnics were to be managed by local communities, NGOs and religious bodies. Just as they were then, they are supposed to offer a route for acquisition of technical skills, knowledge, attitude, entrepreneurship and business skills. They have over the years however been faced with a myriad of challenges like: a) Lack of policy framework as they are not mainstreamed in national education and training system; b) Inadequate and obsolete tools and equipment; c) Negative perception as institutions for school failures and dropouts hence low enrolment; d) Inadequately trained and poorly paid instructors; e) Inappropriate and obsolete skills imparted to trainees. Inconsistencies witnessed in management and policies of youth polytechnics have occurred partly due to the impermanence of their ownership. They were initially under the Ministry of Culture and Social Services before they were moved to Ministry of Labour & Human Resource Development, then Directorate of Industrial Training AND Department of Small & Micro Enterprises and finally Ministry of Youth & Sports. This impacted greatly on policy, training and growth. But it is at the last home, Youth and Sports, that the role of Polytechnics appears to have been appreciated and being properly defined – this is where policy has been concretised and is finding expression in planned development through structured management and co-ordination Village polytechnics continued to suffer equipment shortage, which did not help in attracting enrolment. The variety of subjects offered was also narrow, which made it difficult to attract new students and retain the old. Particularly, girl student enrolment remained poor due to the types of courses on offer, which seem to attract and target male students. The current enrolment for village polytechnics is: 1st Year (2013) Male: 622 or 70.28%; Female: 263 or 29.72% and 2nd Year (2013) Male: 526 or 73.16%; Female: 193 or 26.84%. A committee of Polytechnic Managers noted the enrolment of girls was very low and needed to be improved as many girls were either entering early marriages or were staying at home without acquiring skills that would improve their lives. The committee recommended that to improve enrolment, feeding programme be introduced in the village polytechnics; Water harvesting tanks be acquired for the polytechnics to discourage girls from going out and possibly falling prey to ma-

rauding men. It also recommended the introduction of targeted courses to help encourage girls to consider joining village polytechnics. These courses include: a) Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy; b) Food and Beverage; c) Information & Communication Technology. Unlike in the past when these courses did not have a proper curriculum, the new courses will be tested up to professional level – students will not stop at Artisan level but will be expected to proceed to higher levels through a new curriculum being introduced. The new curriculum introduced by the national Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, is rolling out of the National Vocational Certificate in Education and Training curriculum in phases. Phase I involves a total of 88 Youth Polytechnics countrywide this calendar year, 2013. Phase II will involve a further 135 Youth Polytechnics add will commence in 2014. This new programme assures the students of upward mobility – students can study in their areas of interest up to and including university. The County of Migori has embraced theses efforts at making village polytechnics relevant in industrial growth and embarked on a programme of equipping village polytechnics. This programme also arises from the realization that previously equipment was haphazardly supplied to polytechnics before any need assessment was done. This has been the basis of starting the Ministry’s Village Polytechnic Equipment Scheme for the existing 13 (thirteen) village polytechnics with a view to expanding it to include new village polytechnics. Under this programme, the Ministry has allocated Ksh14 million. The allocation was informed by the realization that already, some polytechnics have equipment that is simply underutilized because they have no students e.g. Mechanics and Carpentry. This equipment was donated to the polytechnics by the National Government to registered village polytechnics – which means that those polytechnics that were not registered at the time did not receive it. The department in Migori has also embarked on efforts to increase enrollment in the polytechnics by attracting girls and those male students who were not inclined to physical training by acquiring equipment for relevant departments. This acquisition was informed by the courses recommended by the Ministry of Youth under which the polytechnics fell before devolution. It is intended that the equipment be distributed equally to ALL the existing village polytechnics while more should be acquired for those polytechnics that manage to attract more students in any department.

December 16- January 6, 2013

Opinion & Analysis Letter Of The Week

With Elections Over, County MPs Need to Work with Gov. Obado


yanza (Migori) Residents must wake up to the reality that MP’s from the region are either not development Conscious or just keep away from matters development because of reasons better known to them but my judgement tells me that they don’t care and want Nyanza to continually lag behind development wise. That Migori County Assembly built at a tune of Sh16 million was being officially opened last week and only Governor Okoth Obado, Senator Wilfred Machage, Women Rep Dennitah Ghati, Speaker Gordon Ogolla and MCA’s present while all the 8 elected MPs are not present tells a lot on their character. Electioneering period ended in March after people voted for their choices, and whomever the residents voted for is the one that should be supported until they complete their five years. After those five years we can then judge the people we elected against their polices, and what

they had enshrined in their manifestos. We must stop this syndrome of politics year-in year-out, we cannot place Nyanza as an area where politics carry the day from day one to five years; Yesterday Ugenya MP David Ochieng had a Harambee for the youths in his area. The Harambee was to raise funds to assist pupils who complete the primary and secondary level and have no cash to join secondary or universities to do some technical courses to enable them have something to do in life. Only a handful of our Local leaders attended the event, in fact the ones who did contributed poorly compared to what Jubilee officials (Joy Gwendo Sh200k, William Ruto Sh500k, Johnson Sakaja Sh200k, Justin Muturi Sh500k among others) contributed. At the end of the Harambee Ochieng

managed to raise Sh3.8 Million, if he uses this money for its purpose many of the orphans and less fortunate youths will get something to do, what shocks me is that after that Harambee some of our people started calling him (Ochieng) a Jubilee mole. They fail to remember that even Baba walks, shares and drinks with Uhuru and William Ruto whom they fought with politically during the elections. We must stop this culture of alienating people we perceive never supported us or stood on a different political party. We should focus on developing our regions, or else after five years we will be a laughing stalk.

VMMC Won’t Reduce the High HIV/AIDS Prevalence Rates in Nyanza

dom consistently. Circumcision only helps one’s manhood to be clean. -Philip Orwa.

that will bring down the high Aids prevalence rates in Nyanza since it forms part of the fight against the virus. The good part with this program is that people who get circumcised are encouraged to test for the virus get counseling. What we need to know that the prevalence rate (number of people living with the virus) in the region was high before the program and issuing of ARVs have prolonged life hence number of afffected poeple. I welcome the move as it will go along way and should be stopped. -Gilbert Maroa

Checking the high status of HIV prevalence in South Africa is enough to show that Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) is not enough to end the high rate in Nyanza province. What residents should know that whether you are circumcised getting the virus is possible. What matters is self discipline and adhering to the ABC’s way: Abstain, Be Faithful and use Con-

People especially youths should abstain from sex before marriage or have only one partner of whom they know their status as it’s the only remedy to this monster killing us. The married should also be urged to remain faithful to their partners throughout their marriage. VMMC is not a remedy to this and consistent use of condom will be a key preventive measure. -Moses Oketch VMMC project is among many measure

Parents should take seriously anti-polio campaigns which is a very commendable move which is very commendable. Personally, I suffered polio 35 years ago out of sheer ignorance of my parents then. The consequences are painful and bitter but I have to contend with it. Ensure each and every child under 5yrs gets vaccinated in each drive. The Rongo MOH Diana Odhiambo has called on adults who were never vaccinated against polio earlier and feel symptom of the deadly disease like weak joints and fatigue to also take the vaccine, this should be included in polio campaigns

Article 196 of the constitution gives the powers, privileges and the immunity of the county assembly members while carrying their legislative duties, the same article provides for the public participation in conduct of the county assembly members and i think public participation in some legislative processes has not been handled well but the opening of the new assembly will rectify this. Residents should now follow legislation of the house are closely to avoid public misinformation.

Caleb Juma.

Philip Orwa, Awendo Sub-County

The Editor welcomes comments and opinion from county residents. To write ‘Letters to The Editor’ email us on migorines@gmail.com

Mark Ouma, Uriri Sub County



Migori is Making Strides By Matiko Bohoko

The Migori County government has made great achievements which have put us in the right track for development. Compared to other counties nationally we have in place smooth and seamless working relation between the executive and assembly arm of the government, and also between boards and committees. This is shown by having in place a working cabinet, Public and Assembly Service Boards which have been nominated and vetted by the public and assembly. Additionally we have in place Chief Executive Officers, directors and sub-county administrators are in place to help in implementing our county development blue print which is key road map for development in the next five years. This unity was shown during the opening of Sh16million county assembly sets to offer a sitting arrangement to all MCAs, press and public. The assembly will be break from the house sitting we had at Maranatha Hall which is across Migori town. The meeting was attended by Governor Okoth Obado, Speaker Gordon Ogolla, Senator Wilfred Machage and Migori MP Dennitah Ghati, board members and all MCAs. Members of the public and press were also present. We have an inclusive government that is key in taking people’s views which has been done with the ‘The Migori We Want’ that gave birth to the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). This plan has given us 80 per cent of our development plan and the residents should be patient because within a year only we’ll start seeing major plans and ground breaking exercise. Migori is destined to greater things because the current tarmac project of Muhuru Bay-Migori-Kehancha C13 road which will connect us with Nairobi and multi-million water project funded by African Development Bank (AfDB) will open avenues for better infrastructure. I beleive in this strides to make us the best county nationally.

The writer is a Media Consultant with the Migori County Government Compiled by Sheck Ayal

Migori Voices: Should the county headquarters be moved from Migori town to Lichota farm? Migori Top Comment: AGNES OMUNDO, Retired teacherSuna East Yes: The move is long overdue and if carried out will encourage expansion of Migori town by spurring property and development to build up areas like Number and Ojele. It’ll also good

JOHN OGILE, Teacher- Nyatike

JOHN OTIENO, Shoe shiner- Suna East

JEFF NYAKUNDI, Barber- Suna East

Yes: I have no problem with where the headquarters will be located and only wish for development so i will welcome move because it will spur development by opening up Migori.

No: This will mean taking services further from the people and will cost too much for the county government in building new offices from scratch. Lichota will also not have skyscrapers as it will interfere with flights at the nearby airstrip.

Yes: This relocation will improve infrastructure like roads which will serve the new headquarters to help common mwananchi. Lichota is also centrally placed compared to other counties.

LENIN MUJUKANE, Businessman- Suna East. Yes: The location is very strategic and has a large field to expand the town and it’s close to the airstrip. This will help decongest Migori town.


MIGORI NEWS December 16- January 6, 2013

Migori County is considered among one of the richest among the 47 in the country. It is endowed with massive natural resources including mineral resources. The county has been allocated Sh4.1B by the Commission for Revenue Allocation this financial year 2013/2014.

Big Interview

Assembly to Ensure Corrution Doesn’t Mar County Budget- Abedi Maroa, Chairman Public Accounts Committee

Hon WILLIAM MWITA ABEDI MAROA, the County Member for Masaba Ward in Kuria West Constituency and chairman of Committee on Budget and Appropriation spoke to our writer ATIENO OTIENO on the county budget, a process which begun on 30th April 2013 and what residents should expect in this financial year. Migori News: Briefly explain the process of making the county budget? Hon Abedi Maroa: Budget making is not an activity but a very long process which starts on 31st August every calendar year. The current budget didn’t go through the full cycle as elections were done on March 4th and swearing in done on April 22nd. This meant that as a committee there was a lot of things we didn’t do as that was carried by the Transition Authority which midwife the budget making for all Counties. MN: When exactly was your committee engaged during the budget making process then? AM: 30th April, interim Principal Finance Officer and Assembly Clerk submitted executive and assembly budget estimates respectively for the current financial year. Later the speaker collected views from different sectors and committees like agriculture and roads which were tabled before our committee which took a five day retreat to come up with the budget. The final outcome was on June 29th with a budget of Sh5.3billion where the assembly was allocated Sh875Million with the rest going to the executive. MN: Why did executive get the lion share of the budget at Sh4.1billion? AM: Most of development is done by the executive while the assembly just do the oversight, but Sh2million is awarded to 40 ward offices for residents to feel devolution closer to them through development. MN: The Constitution puts a lot of emphasis on citizen participation, at what point did you involve county residents? AM: The public participated at Maranatha Hall in Migori town to debate on budget estimates and appropriation bill. After this public input we came up with the Migori County Appropriation Bill No. 1 which was accented to by the Governor on the June 30th to be an Act of Parliament to govern implementation of the budget. MN: Migori is one of counties whose budgets were returned by the Controller of Budget, what happened? AM: We had to comply with the requirement to have a balanced budget as our first one had Sh1. 2billion deficit. MN: In this budget Transport and Road had the highest allocation at Sh300m followed by Health’s Sh260m and Water and Energy with Sh263m, what priorities lead in sharing of funds? AM: The roads and transport department got the highest allocation because there is a need to open up new road networks especially in the rural areas to connect the farmers to the market. Health department is fully devolved and we needed to open new dispensaries as well as improve efficient drug supply to our hospitals. While clean water and electricity supply to families and learning institutions was also key in allocation.

Hon William Mwita Abedi Maroa, the County Member for Masaba Ward in Kuria West Constituency and chairman of Committee on Budget and Appropriation PHOTO: CLINTON OBALLA MN: What is a Supplementary Budget? AM: This is the spending ability of the county and we have a lot of surplus in the recurrent expenditure. Let’s say we allocate Sh100,000 to run an officer and for two years and in Sh20,000 is used to have a surplus of Sh80,000 while in the second year only Sh30,000 is used. This creates a surplus which will require a supplementary budget to manage this ‘floating’ money.

a trust in the Central Bank. So any amount not spent will still remain in the treasury. When county wants its money it will make requisition to the office of the Controller of Budget for the money to be released to the County Operation Account and later to various spending account. MN: What measures are in place to increase revenue collection? AM: We have several loopholes in the finance department especially the receipting system where fake receipts are many. But I believe that the Finance Bill which will be law by end of this year will offer the best remedy to seal this loopholes. The bill has heavy penalties and fines for offenders.

MN: So when is the county expecting a supplementary budget? AM: We are in the process recruitMN: Devolution has been in effect for ing a chi officer in charge of finance over 8 months, how can you rate and who will tell us compare Migori on expenditure or county nationally? where the budget “We have that potential in first AM: It’s a short a is low before we time to rate counmonths we only collected Sh9mil- ties because money see what is in supplement. implementation lion which has been pushed to for Areas to seek for only came in earsupplementary Sh24million in a month. When ly September and will be the new two months period all loopholes are sealed we can is short to achieve MTC as there are new students hit Sh80million per month.” much. But the county to be admitted has made major and in estabstrides we have a lishing a county decent assembly, govradio station and ernor and his deputy later a TV studio offices. which will assist We have in place an in disseminating information to Integrated Development Plan which is our residents and also air live assembly development blue print. We have many onproceedings. going development projects but people over expectation has clouded the gains made. MN: We have reports that over Sh70m for the county wasn’t MN: There is a lot of talk about spent in first transition allocaMigori being unable to get foreign intion, was the money taken back vestors compared to other counties. to the Treasury? AM: Foreign investors don’t come to do AM: This was a rumours and like things for free, they’ll have investments all rumours it lacks any iota of truth which will have to be secured by land lease in it. Under the Public Finance of up to a century which will be gagging us. Management Act all money to the We shouldn’t have poverty mentality where county and CDF are safeguarded when you see a Mzungu, even a carpenter, and in case of the county it is held as is seen as an investor. So when the governor

tells residents to invest in our county doesn’t mean we can’t get foreign investors. We have residents, and those living in Diaspora who can invest home. MN: What measures is the County Assembly putting in place to curb Corruption? AM: The assembly has three mandates key among them being oversight which we are currently enforcing. At the moment the Public Accounts Committee is doing a number of investigations, already several people have appeared before it. We want to ensure that corruption isn’t devolved in Migori. What was budgeted and every shilling used will be accounted for, believe me on that. MN: Any other upcoming bill within your committee? AM: There is Wards Development Fund Bill which is a replica of the CDF which recommends at least 10 percent of annual county budget being allocated to wards. So in the current budget of Sh5.3billion the assembly will be allocated Sh530million which if shared among 40 wards will see a Sh10million allocation each. MN: Internal revenue collection was pushed to Sh1billion in a year by the assembly, do you think this can be achieved? AM: Yes, we have that potential in first months we only collected Sh9million which has been pushed to Sh24million in a month. When all loopholes are sealed we can hit Sh80million per month. MN: Your partying shot to county residents? AM: Residents should criticise their government both negatively and positively with open eyes focused on good things. As a member of the assembly we are ready to work for them.

December 16- January 6, 2013



News Feature

TOBACCO: A Blessing or Curse to County? The crop has also been blamed for the rising cases of child labour and even though Migori County produces 70 per cent of the crop in the country, her over 20,000 farmers have nothing to show for their effort By Odhiambo Opundo and Fred Okoth

A tobacco farmer tends to her crops while (R) a tobacco smoking kiln used to cure the leaves. The county government has taken an initiative to ensure farmers are paid well for their crops. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA


part from being on the lead in gold production, Migori County is the chief producer of tobacco crop country wide as it produces 16,000 tonnes out of 22,000 tonnes of tobacco that the country produces yearly. However, even though the County boasts of such an encouraging production, it’s over 20,000 farmers contracted to different tobacco companies in the region have remained wallowing in poverty due to poor working environment and peanut payments they get from the companies. Mr. Nicholas Okinyi, a farmer for over 8years from Wiga Ward in Suna West Constituency explains that the tobacco companies fail to pay them good money despite having spent nine months to produce the crop. “The Alliance one and BAT which are the major tobacco companies are underpaying us, we use a lot of energy and time to see their companies survive in this region but they have failed to recognize our efforts,” said Okinyi. Currently the tobacco farmers are paid sh220 as the highest payment for the best grade which the farmers complain is very difficult to get with majority getting an average price of Sh78 per kilogram. The crop has also been blamed for the rising cases of child labour where children who are still under the age of 18 years are forced by their guardians to assist them in the production. This according to the county director for labor Mr. Francis Otieno Kodiya who say that over 50 per cent of the duties performed on tobacco plantation are done by children. “We seriously have problem with the tobacco farming and gold mining zones as they are the key areas which expose children to indulge in the hectic duties,” said Kodiya. According to Kuria West region Divisional leaf manager, Mr. Valentine Ogongo, tobacco farming begins at nursery where it takes three months before it is transferred to the bed, he adds that in the seed bed the product takes another two to three months before they start plucking the leaves. The plant is then plucked from a period of three months before the farmer rests for the next season. “For quality tobacco production, a farmer should prepare adequately for three months in nursery that in-

cludes land preparation before it’s transplanted in a seed bed where it takes three months to mature then another three months in the currying process” said Ogongo. He was speaking during a consultative forum between the county government, stake holders and tobacco company owners Following the uncalled for suffering facing the farmers, the Migori county government through Governor H.E Zachary Okoth Obado is currently laying down rules to protect farmers and promote tobacco production to benefit farmers in the region. This has been seen through different forums that have been organized by the county government to bring to board all the tobacco companies and has given farmers hope in growing the product as Mastermind which has been on the worst for mistreating and under paying farmers was stopped from conducting business in the county. The company was accused of poaching tobacco from farmers contracted to other companies and that the company delay farmers’ payments for over two years a nuisance that forced the county government through the deputy governor Nelson Mahanga to send home the company. “We cannot allow the company to continue mistreating farmers we therefore resolve to disown their license to trade in Migori County because the license is meant to enable them execute legal business as well as services but they have failed to do so” said Mahanga. Besides the mastermind’s paddle, the other two companies, Alliance one and British American Tobacco (B.A.T) have also been put on notice over poor payment to their contracted farmers. Revealing this to one of the radio stations in the county, the governor Obado said that they are lobbying with an international company that will pay farmers well as the current companies re rough up to the farmers. He said that the company will process tobacco in the region unlike other companies which transports

the product from the county to Thika for processing, the step which is seen as a way of creating employment to over 3000 workers thereby reducing unemployment which is acute problem in the county. “We will only work with the company that is ready to pay our farmers well and process tobacco in the county and that is why my government is soon hosting another international company which is willing to boost the living standards of our farmers” said Obado. The tobacco menace has also incited the reaction of the meteorologists who blame the plantation for unpredicted weather conditions in the county. According to a retired meteorologist Mr. Abade Milewa, , a lot of trees are cut down during the currying process which destroys ozone layer leading to drought and floods in case of heavy down pour. Milewa adds that through the deforestation process trees to attract rain are not available making food crop farmers fail to predict good planting time hence food insecurity. He suggests for other alternative cash crops that will not hinder the environment. “We do not in long term need this tobacco crop in the county because farmers keep on cutting trees and the tobacco companies in the region have not taken seriously forestation as a way of conserving our environment and saving lives of majority,” asserted Milewa. The suggestion has started receiving support from the County government with the county executive member

for environment and disaster management Dr. Polycarp Ating’a through his docket taking the lead in planting over 3M trees along river banks, public schools and road sides to see forest cover is restored in the area. Meanwhile, Migori County government has now done away with the zoning of the region by tobacco leaf processing companies with immediate effect in a move aimed at liberalising the market. Speaking in Migori town after a meeting held to discuss the way forward for the tobacco industry in the region, County Executive for Agriculture Moses Chamwada said the move had been made to ensure that the farmers were able to take their leaves to whichever company they felt offered better rates. “We cannot continue forcing our farmers in particular region to only take their leaves to particular companies,” he said adding that the zoning had been used by the companies to force farmers into delivering their products to some companies which did not even pay them money. He was speaking over the weekend during a meeting attended by representatives from all the tobacco leaf processing companies: British American Tobacco, Mastermind Kenya and Alliance One, farmers’ representatives and other leaders from the county. Under the zoning rule, every region of the county could only give their leave s to a particular company regardless of the price or the farmer’s preference, something the farmers have been against. At the same, the county government announced that it was lifting the indefinite ban it had put on leaf trading within the county to allow the companies to start collecting leaves. The ban on tobacco trading was imposed by the county leadership after the companies and the county government failed to agree on the tobacco pricing for this year. However, when announcing the lifting of the suspension, Chamwada said the move was meant to give the tobacco companies time to go back to Nairobi and consult with their seniors on the price issues. “We recognise that they cannot make the decision by themselves here and should include more senior people in Nairobi,” he said adding that the tobacco leaf companies will now be allowed to go on leaf buying as the price issue is being discussed.


MIGORI NEWS December 16- January 6, 2013

Obama, world leaders praise ‘giant of history’ at Mandela memorial

US President Barrack Obama addresses a crowd at former South Africa president Nelson Mandela memorial Johannesburg (CNN) -- They gathered in the tens of thousands -- presidents, prime ministers, royals, celebrities and ordinary South Africans -- all united to say farewell to a man hailed as a global symbol of reconciliation. In what has been billed as one of the largest gatherings of global leaders in recent history, representatives from around the world joined street sweepers, actors and religious figures to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela. From President Barack Obama to Cuba’s Raul Castro, praise came from all sides in a four-hour memorial service at Johannesburg FNB stadium for the revered statesman, who died Thursday at age 95. “We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again,” Obama said in a speech to roaring cheers. Nelson Mandela, the prisoner-turned-president who reconciled South Africa after the end of apartheid, died on Thursday, December 5, according to the country’s president, Jacob Zuma. Mandela was 95. “To the people of South Africa -- people of every race and every walk of life -- the world thanks you for sharing Nelson Mandela with us,” he said, calling him a “giant of history.” Gray skies and pouring rain throughout the service did little to dampen the mood. Inside the stadium, the atmosphere was celebratory, with people dancing, blowing vuvuzela plastic horns and singing songs from the anti-apartheid struggle. Around them, huge poster pictures of Mandela hung inside the stadium. In that same place 23 years earlier, Mandela had delivered his first speech after he was released from prison, hailed by supporters as the hope of a new South Africa. Also known as Soccer City, the stadium was where Mandela made his last public appearance at the World Cup final in July 2010. On Tuesday, many people carried banners honoring “Madiba,” Mandela’s traditional clan name. Others were draped in materials covered with his face or the green, yellow, black, red and blue colors of the South African flag. Some had skipped work and lined up for hours to secure seats so that they could pay their respects to a man who’s considered a moral compass and South Africa’s symbol of the struggle against racial oppression. “There is no one like Madiba. He was one of a kind,” South African President Jacob Zuma said. “Everyone has had a Mandela moment when this world icon has touched their lives.” ‘Tata Madiba’ The memorial service, coinciding with U.N. Human Rights Day, was the centerpiece of a week of mourn-

ing. It began with a marching band playing the national anthem. The joyous cries died down as speeches from Mandela’s family and friends, members of the African National Congress, as well as a fellow Robben Island prison inmate, began. Anguished faces listened quietly as a sorrowful chant to “Tata Madiba” filled the air. “Tata” means “father” in Mandela’s Xhosa tribe. Mandela’s gift for uniting foes across political and racial divides was still evident at the service. Walking up the stairs onto the stage to deliver his speech, Obama shook hands with Castro, an unprecedented gesture between the leaders of two nations that have been at loggerheads for more than half a century. He earlier gave a warm greeting to Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, kissing her on both cheeks, despite recent tension between the two countries over reports the U.S. government was spying on her communications. Obama, who like Mandela was his nation’s first black president, has cited Mandela as his own inspiration for entering politics. He said his death should prompt self-reflection. “With honesty, regardless of our station or our circumstance, we must ask: How well have I applied his lessons in my own life?” Obama said. “It is a question I ask myself, as a man and as a president. We know that like South Africa, the United States had to overcome centuries of racial subjugation. As was true here, it took sacrifice -- the sacrifices of countless people, known and unknown -- to see the dawn of a new day.” The presidents of Namibia, India, Cuba and South Africa were also designated speakers, as were Roussef and Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao. “South Africa has lost a hero, they have lost a father. The world has lost a beloved friend and mentor,” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said to loud cheers. “Nelson Mandela was more than one of the greatest leaders of our time, he was one of the greatest teachers. And he taught by example.” The stadium, which can seat around 90,000 people, was not full, and speeches were hard to hear at times. But the celebratory mood was evident as thousands clapped and waved South African flags throughout the service. SOURCE: CNN.COM

Prayers, songs for Nelson Mandela at services in South Africa

Soweto, South Africa (CNN) -- There are still bullet holes in the stained-glass windows of this church. They’re a reminder, Tommy Zwane says, of the dark days before Nelson Mandela became his country’s first democratically elected president. The Regina Mundi Catholic Church in Soweto was at the heart of the uprising against apartheid -- most famously on June 16, 1976, when young students rebelled against the education system and were fired upon by police. “Things were difficult for everybody, for black people in this country. We used to run and come to this church to pray to God so that he could come and assist us, because we were in trouble at that time,” Zwane said. “There was no understanding between us and the government of South Africa.” On Sunday 8th, people filled the church’s pews for a very different reason -- to sing, pray and honor Mandela’s legacy days after his death in a home nearby. Services at churches, synagogues and mosques throughout South Africa honored Mandela. The national day of remembrance is one of a string of events planned to say farewell to the iconic figure who helped South A massive memorial service is scheduled for Tuesday 10th in Johannesburg’s FNB Stadium, which can hold 94,000 people. A state funeral will be held December 15 in Mandela’s ancestral hometown of Qunu in the Eastern Cape province. At least 70 heads of state and 10 former heads of state have said they’re coming to South Africa this week, government international relations spokesman Clayson Monyela said. From the United States, officials said, U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will be accompanied by President Jimmy Carter, President George W. Bush and President Bill Clinton and their wives. More than two dozen U.S. lawmakers are also scheduled to attend. South African President Jacob Zuma, who announced Mandela’s death Thursday, used the revered leader’s well-known clan name Sunday as he asked churchgoers to remember the former president’s values. “When I say we pray for the nation, (it) is that we should pray for us not to forget some of the values that Madiba stood for, that he fought for, that he sacrificed his life for,” he said. “He stood for freedom. He fought against those who oppressed others. He wanted everyone to be free.” In a suburb of Pretoria, parishioners said they were grateful for the man who saved them from revenge. “His presence in our lives meant so much for the Afrikaaner people, allowed them to get rid of their guilt feelings and to participate in the journey that he invited us to join,” Wilhelm Jordaan said. In Soweto, Kathy and Stewart Allen said they don’t normally attend the Regina Mundi church. But they wanted to be there on Sunday. “We believe that this church embodies all the history, and everything that he stood for,” Kathy Allen said. Once again, Stewart Allen said, Mandela has brought the country together. SOURCE: CNN.COM

December 16- January 6, 2013

News Feature




Mrs. Millicent Atieno, a bamboo farmer from Ngege village in Migori town who has so far increased her area to 5 acres after getting the befit of bamboo farming. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

Bamboo: County Farmers’ New Cash Cow By Miller Omega A group of bamboo farmers in Kadika Village of Migori County are reaping major benefits after veering away from the common tobacco and sugarcane farming. About 80 farmers HAVE benefited from an initiative by Maseno University which gave them 30 seedlings each a decade ago to start a venture. Farmers have received a boast of a steady income and are safe from health risk from tobacco curing and smoking which causes TB and study shows make children to be smokers when they grow up. In addition the farmers are now avoiding the long queues and delays they had to be content with to get their pay from tobacco and sugarcane firms in the area. Among the farmers who started with only a quarter an acre when approached is Mrs. Millicent Atieno who has so far increased her area to 5 acres after getting the befit of bamboo farming. “I started harvesting my bamboos after two years and haven’t stopped ever since which gives me a steady income, a shoot can give up to 200 suckers in one hole and can be used in different stages and functions” Atieno says. “When the shoots are young they only require minimal tendering as the leaves that fall at the base of the bamboo grooves act as a herbicide and mulch which goes on to retain moisture and preserve the soil” she adds. The farmers are now turning the venture on a full scale basis as they benefit from making furniture, buildings, firewood and twigs and trunks used to make ornaments and sandals. “Right now I’m sitting on a chair and using a table made of bamboo with my house having structures from bamboo. Apart from making ornaments to sell in the market, I have a steady supply of firewood and charcoal in my homestead which i also sell to my neighbours” she adds. When the farmers started harvesting the bamboos they came together to help cut out middle men who were exploiting them and help give value to their products. Under the Kadika Bamboo Sacco, the farmers have established a workshop at the village which is only four kilometres from Migori town to make out finished products, look for the market and offer advise with the farmers getting 90% if

the income with the remaining being ploughed back into running the Sacco. The Sacco makes trays for display which sell at Sh250, office pens and mobile holder for Sh200, yacht for Sh250, Sh1,200 tables, chairs for Sh650 among other products. “From these proceeds we have managed to employ 5 artisans and sales people who are helping us with turning finishing the products and get the bamboos directly from farmers” Mr. Ezekiel Onganjo, a farmer who also the manger at the Sacco says. Ongajo adds that the Sacco runs a tree nursery of the three species of bamboo with the giant specie mainly used for making building and chairs going for Sh250 while bambusa and vulgaria going for Sh150. “The sales from these seedling is high as it surpasses eucalyptus which seedlings which are sold at Sh2 and grows three times with easy propagating as only a shoot can producer over 200 suckers” he says. “The roots of the giant and bambusa species are also used as tubers as food and vegetables. With the most buyers being from Chinese and Korean constructors in the county involved in water and infrastructure projects” he adds. Mr. Zabedeus Nyamari, the Migori county forest officer has lauded the group and calls on Kenyans to take bamboo farming seriously to help reach the 10% forest cover in the country as envisioned in Vision 2030 and Millennium Development Goals, MDGs “Bamboo has the ability to absorb up to 12 tonnes of carbon for every hectare which makes it ideal for reducing the effects of global warming in the world. Sadly for over 150,000 hectares of 22 species of bamboo in the country, 95% are protected in government forestes which gives the number in farmers’ hand to be very little even with this huge benefits” Mr. Nyamari says. In Africa Ethiopia leads with over 1 million hectares of the plant while China is the biggest producer in the world at 80% with 60% consumed internally. This shows how far Kenya is placed in the bamboo industry is globally worth $11 billion annually and sustains over 1.5 billion people according to figures obtained from the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR).

Migori County Public Service Board is a created under chapter 13 of the Constitution of Kenya and subsequent legislation of County Government Act Article 57. It is body corporate with perpetual succession and a seal; and capable of suing and being sued in it’s corporate name. Its independence in the exercise of its Constitutional powers is clearly guaranteed under the Constitution. Migori County Public Service Board’s vision is “to be a bench mark for a high performing dynamic and ethical County Public Service” and it’s mission is to “transform Migori County Public Service to become professional, efficient and ethical for the realization of the county development goals” The Board, therefore, invites competent Artists and designers for the design of its Logo to be used on all its documents and other publications. The Logo design which should depict some features of the county’s heritage, geographical features, agricultural products, culture and any other unique features of the county should be submitted in full colour. Eligibility i. Entrants must be Kenyan citizens, ii. The competition is open to individuals and organized groups but not to any corporate entity; iii.. Entrants must be eighteen years and above; iv.. Youth, women and persons with disability are encouraged to participate. Prizes Winners will be awarded as follows: The winning Logo Ksh 50,000/= 2nd best designer Ksh 30,000/= 3rd best designer Ksh 20,000/= The design in 2CD-ROMs enclosed in plain sealed envelope marked “DESIGN OF MIGORI PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD LOGO” should be possed. or hand delivered to Board’s offices located at Msomi Teachers College later than 28thDecember 2013.10.00am The documents should be addressed to Chairman Migori County Public Service Board P.O Box 356-40400 Suna Once submitted, the logo becomes the property of the Migori Public Service Board


MIGORI NEWS December 16- January 6, 2013

County Entertainment

I’ll Bring trophy Home: Miss Tourism Migori By Fred Okoth

The first Miss Tourism Migori County Elizabeth Otieno poses after being crowned winner PHOTO: Miller Omega


t was pomp and colour as Elizabeth Atieno, a student of Agriculture at Kenyatta University was crowned as the Miss Tourism Kenya Migori chapter during a colourful ceremony in Migori town. Atieno who hails from Uriri constituency beat off strong competition from eight other models during the finals, which took place at Florence Hotel in Migori town on Saturday night to take home the trophy. “I’m happy and ready to represent the county in national levels and i’m positive the national tiara will come to the county,” she said. Gladys Nyambeki a graduate at Catholic University emerged first runners up while Sharllete Obado,

the daughter of Governor Okoth Obado and who is a Political Science student at University of Nairobi came the second runner-up. The pageant said er main duty will be to try and market the tourist attractions within the county, most of which had immense potential but were virtually unknown to most Kenyans from other parts of the country. “I want to try and see that people know of the county tourists’ attractions especially the Thimlich Oinga heritage site,” she said adding that although the site had rich historical background and a mysterious architectural design, not so many people knew of it hence very few visitors visiting it. She said the site, found in Nyatike constituency within the county and popu-

I’m Good At Entertaining People- Owago Onyiro By Miller Omega

larly referred to as ‘Western Fort Jesus’ needed to be aggressively marketed to ensure that as many people as possible knew about it if it was to attract more visitors. Another area she said she will be putting more emphasis on is marketing Lake Victoria beeches to attract both local and international tourists saying it was sad that most people, even from the county still preferred to go on holiday along the beaches in the coastal region not knowing that they were leaving beach hotels with similar standards within the county. Atieno, who was overjoyed said she looks forward to win the forthcoming Miss Tourism Kenya and promised that she will do all that was possible to ensure that she represent the county well at the finals. Atieno won Sh15,000, a soap stone caving and gift hampers from GoTv and Venus Beuty products. The first and second runners took Sh10,000 and Sh5,000 respectively among other gift The three were picked after competing through African, casual and creative wear category before they answered questions about how they will promote tourism in the county. Speaking during the event, County


umour has defined the life of Mr. Byron Otieno commonly known as Owago Onyiro to lovers of Churchill Show on NTV. From the time he was as a student at Kanyawanga High School in Rongo where he sat for his national examination in 2003, Onyiro has been a comedian who entertained his classmates and teachers. In an interview with Migori News the comedian who also doubles as an emcee said that a major misconception about him is that he always come across as a comedian even in serious issues. “People don’t take me seriously as I come across as a joker even when I’m serious,” he said. During his high school days, Onyiro said Physics was his best subject and wished to be a lecturer in an Engineering department in a top college before his passion and talent as a comedian saw him change the course of his career. He got his education at Railways Training Institute before finishing at Kenya Polytechnic University. To be able to record for the Churchill Show which is done every Thursday at Carnivore Grounds in Nairobi Onyiro said they have to be on rehearsals between 1012:00pm on Tuesdays and Wednesday from 2-5pm.

Executive member for Agriculture Moses Chamwada, who represented the Governor at the event lauded the contestants for showing casing their talent. “We have been impressed by the kind of talent within the county and we believe we will do well at the national finals,” he said adding that the county was committed to promoting and nurturing talents as well as promotion of the tourist attraction sites within the county. The pageant is calling for the county government and residents to always support her in her quest at the national levels. Other pageants included Mercy Manono of Rift Valley Institute of Science and Management, Lolah Ayot of Nairobi Aviation College and Edith Night of University of Eldoret. Lindah Ashley Oketch of Kisii Medical Training College and Rinah Atieno Ododa of Regional Institute of Business and Management also participated. “On Thursday we often arrive at the grounds at 10am for final rehearsals before we shot both Churchill Show and Churchill Raw Shows aired on NTV from 6pm to almost midnight,” he said. Afterwards he sleeps until Midday the following and prepares for a gig as an emcee. “I’m very good at entertaining people as it’s the only way I can be myself, avoid shortcuts in life and follow my talent to success,” he said. Hailing from Uriri Sub County just next to the DC’s office has come out as a top entertainer in Churchill Show and received many fans across nationally. “When I have shows in Central area I’m overwhelmed by the support which also cuts across his social media platforms,” he said. The comedian encourages youths from Migori County to always follow in their talent and look for hobbies that capture their talents. “Talents is a major way in face what we wish to become in life,” he said. He said education is the pillar and youths should strive to complete their course and never be discouraged by employment prospects. “Getting an education is a step in life which pushes you to next level to make it easier to cope with life,” he advised.

December 16- January 6, 2013



County Profile

MAKOMA: Police Boss who Shaped Migori County Security Operations By Flemming Maikula


lfred Muia Makoma, the immediate former Migori OCPD completely fills his seat which creaks each time he stresses a point during the interview. An endowed man with a warm smile, Makoma doesn’t cut across as a crime buster but when he talks about security situation in Migori, Rongo, Awendo and Uriri where he started work in 2009 then you realise he has big shoes to be filled. As the police boss for two years the father of five, two girls and three boys has brought change in security and was recently feted by colleagues, journalists and opinion leaders during a farewell bash at Grabo Hotel During the ceremony he his wife Annastancia Muia Makoma who praised her husband as courageous and a family man who served all diligently with respect regardless of one’s status in the society His colleagues reckon that since he came a lot of efforts have been done to weed area of criminals terrorising residents as 7pm creating fear and havoc. Elija Juma standing next to his recovered bike while in the background is Migori OCPD Alfred Makoma The officers who were drawn from (gesturing) and Migori Police Station OCS John Waswa (in cap) last month . PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA the Criminal Investigation Department, the GSU, Administration, Regular and Anti So thorough was the patrol that Migori prisons with the bhang haul being narcotics police units praised the work the traffickers chose to use rural; roads and burnt and destroyed by the police and the 57 year old. Lake Victoria to smuggle in the drug that is judiciary officers in the county. “Regular police officers really apgrown in large scale and cheaply in Tanza “The fight against drug abuse and preciate his work to foster peaceful co-exnia and has a ready market in Kenya. trafficking has to be an all round process istence among the residents of the police Aggrey Ukiru, the Migori Traffic that should not be left to the police officers stations” said Abdi Ahmed the regular Base Commandant said Makoma coordinatalone but the general public should parpolice officer attached to Migori police post. ed well the traffic unit in the busy highway ticipate in it to wipe it out in the society,” But the best part of Makoma’s legwhich has been key to not only curb the Makoma said. acy is the fight against drug abuse where he high road carnage but a means of nabbing Makoma said that after seeing his made it tough for bhang traffickers to use traffickers through prompt intelligence junior officers living in a shanty at Matopethe Sirare-Kisii to road to take their illegal sharing. ni Police Line he chose to motivate and drugs all the way to Nairobi and Mombasa. “His with the traffic uunit to make encourage them by building them better Within his time bhang worth over our operation easier,” Ukiru said. quarters using his own money. Sh50million has been impounded at Migori Makoma passion to fight illicit Makoma organised an in house Police Station alone and several vehicles drugs ensured many culprits were arcollection with senior officers who raised used by the traffickers are packed at the raigned in court and others jailed at the money to build the houses. police vehicle yard.

The project that is near its completion by the end of the year will house close to ten junior police officers who have been living in poor working conditions and the general public expects them to perform better in the day to day activities in the police division. “I took the initiative to build the junior police houses using my own money in order to enable the officers have good housing units to enhance their urge to work in the division.” he told Migori News. The police boss is also credited for working out methods on how to curb violence before and after the general elections as his fellow police officers had told him that Migori County is one of the hotspots in the country where violence erupts every general election.

“After being briefed by the intelligence on the plans that were ahead during the campaign period, the elections and its aftermath he came out with the plans to curb any form of violence that he thought would occur in the police divisions’ he was mandated to serve.” said the Kuria East Police boss Gladys Ogonda. Worked With Boda Boda Opeerators The boda boda operators through their chairman Jack Omondi laudd the officer for holding various meeting with them that reduce motrobike thieves greatly. He is also credited for dismantling a criminal ring that will take alot of time to regroup and start terrorising the peaceful residents in the various places in the areas where he used to work. As he moves to his new work station in Lari police division fellow police officers have asked his successor Joshua Opiyo to work the same way as his predecessor.

Found In Kehancha Town


MIGORI NEWS December 16- January 6, 2013

County Sports

Ulinzi Stars Donate Balls to Migori Talent Youth Academy

joined Ulinzi stars U-19 for trials while the other groups have been in different trips within the county. “We always produce good players within the team and this majorly because we take the groups to play outside the county and this has helped improved the teams experience in the game,” added Mr. Aziz. Last month the academy received training from the Bandari FC technical bench led by their coach and former Harambee Stars technician Twahir Muhiddin and his two assistants Ali Breik and Nassor Mwakoba. About 40 lads were trained on technical games and inspired on football. “This move is set to give the youngsters exposure and should be done all over the country by FKF. Similar programs should be boosted through money and sponsors to help in boosting soccer in the country,” Muhiddin said. He challenged FKF technical director Jacob ‘Ghost’ Mulee to support academies across the country to help boost football in the country. Azziz Abdi, the academy’s director said that two graduates from the academy: James Imonje and Lee Oluoch joined the KPL’s Ulinzi under 19 team. “We have benefitted from technical aspect and better approaches on training the youngsters from this meeting,” Azziz said. Meanwhile different teams in the leagues within the county are to assume after a week break following a heavy rainfall that has been experienced in various part of the county causing travelling hard destroying various fields. Speaking on the issue Suna East league coordinator Mr. George Omondi says the teams should now be ready for the events to help plan for the next season’s activities. “We are ready to start the league again after a short break and I hope all will go well in the remaining games,” he says.

The academy with the balls. (L) Youngsters playing at the Migori County Stadium PHOTO: CLINTON OBALLA

By Clinton Oballa Ulinzi stars have offered Migori Talent Youth Academy (MTYA) a total of 15 standardized football balls that will help them in their normal training and friendly games. The premier league team has been in partnership with the academy since the beginning of the year and as result the academy has benefited from them in different ways. Aziz Abdi (Pictured) the MYTA director said they are happy that premier league team have partnered with them and promise that more is still expected to arrive in the youth academy.

“This type of initiative will always support and improve the youth’s talent and we are happy Ulinzi stars have considered us but we expect more from them,” he said. Aziz also requested different leaders to help in supporting the youth and help nature the talents around. “Migori youths are talented and with the right support more talent will be found for the national teams and thus our main objective,” he added. The academy has four different units of U-12,U15,U-17 and the senior team and this year they have a reason to smile as three players from the academy have

Drama as Sony FC Escapes Relegation on Final League Day

By Fred Okoth

Migori County can now be sure of enjoying hosting soccer giants in the country among the League champions Gor Mahia, AFC Leopards, Tusker and Sofapaka. This is after Sony Sugar FC, the only team from South Nyanza escaped relegation on the last day of the league after they beat Bandari FC 2-0 in Awendo Green Stadium over the weekend. Sony, who have spent most of the season flirting with relegation and went into the game still facing a prospect of being relegated from the league they have been in since 1993 and which they won in 2006. After a terrible start, the club was forced to change managers mid through the first leg, dismissing Sammy Omollo and recalling Zedekiah Otieno Zico who came for his second stint after having left at the end of the season. However, one thing the club still had on its side is that it still had its fate on its own hand and a win against the Coastal based opponent was enough to guarantee their stay in the league, regardless of what the other team fighting relegation did. However, fears of the only team from South West of the country being relegated to the Nationwide league

were soon vanquished, thanks to a first half brace from Moses Arita to send the fans into frenzy. Soon after the final whistle from the match referee, fans celebrated wildly with players and team officials with hundreds jumping into the field to join in the celebration. Speaking after the game, Sony FC chairman Chris Odero expressed delight at the performance and said that he had always been sure that the club will be able to avoid relegation. “We have the quality to play in the top league and I was convinced we would beat the drop,” he said adding that the team will now start immediate preparation for next season to ensure that they do not get involved in regelation fight again. Odero however hit out at some forces which he said had been determined to ensure that Sony was relegated but insisted that the club had decided to just do its work on the pitch and avoid boardroom politics. Speaking after the game however, the fans blamed the club for not providing clear direction for the club and not working hard to ensure that they sign better players. “The club must always aim to improve on its last performance and sadly that’s not the case here,” Lucas Otieno Lele, the spokesperson of the fans said adding that the club has to aim to compete for the championship and not just scrape to survive.

Migori News is published in Migori town, Migori County along police line. PO BOX 195-40400, Suna- Migori

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