Migori News Issue 2

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January- February 2014, MIGORI NEWS

Travel & Adventure

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News Feature

Sony Sugar Privatisation Creates Jitters in The County PAGE 7


ISSUE No. 002

County Govt Buys 20 Tractors to Boost Farmers

Ksh 50

January- February, 2014

County starts implementing projects to improve lives...

Obado Launches MultiMillion Water Project


Elijah Gambere, county Chief Officer in charge of agriculture during the launch of two tractors. PHOTO: IAN OCHIENG

By Flemming Maikulla Migori County government has purchased two New Holland tractors each worth Sh4.8 million to boost food production in the county. According to Elijah Gambere Chief Officer in charge of agriculture said the two tractors go along with the county’s move to help the farmers boost food production and economic growth in the Migori County. Gambere said they want to mechanize agriculture especially in maize and rice production within the next five years. He said they chose New Holland tractors type because they are suitable for soil found in south Nyanza region and will help farmers prepare their lands land on time ready for planting season The Chief Officer revealed that the county intends to buy twenty tractors within the next five years to boost the farming in the county known for rich loamy soil. “Twenty tractors will have been procured by the end of five years to boost agricultural activities in the county.” he said. He said interested farmers will hire the tractors at an affordable rate to help them plough their lands and prepare them at the right time ready for the planting season starting this year. “The farmers will also hire the tractors at an affordable rate to help the rice and maize farmers prepare the land at the right time ready for the planting season starting this year,” he added. He however said they are selling 10 kilograms of maize and rice seeds at a subsidized price which aims at boosting food security in the county. He said the inputs are being accessed from the county governments which include 50 kg D.A.P fertilizer to help them in the planting season. “The farmers shall get farm inputs and D.A.P fertilizer to all the maize and rice farmers in the coun-


Governor Okoth Obado officially launches the Sh10million water tank project that will see over all 40 wards get atleast two tanks. The project is in line with county water projects. PHOTO: CLINTON OBALLA


January- February 2014, MIGORI NEWS 3

MIGORI NEWS January- February 2014

Water pans to boost fruit, fish farming in Arid areas CONTINUED FROMPAGE 1

By Yusufu Tonda and Miller Omega Migori county Governor Okoth Obado launched Sh10m water tank programme at the Migori County stadium on December. The governor flagged off 30 water tanks across the county in a project that will see over 100 tanks distributed in all 40 wards. “By the end of the project all wards will have received at least two water tanks to help in rain water harvesting,” he said. The tank will seek to first target schools and dispensaries across the county which will be in high need of clean water. “My government is committed to provide clean water to residents which will ensure improved living standards and a health life,” he said. The governor said the government target 10 litres for every person per day in the county for citizen access to clean and safe water for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation. “The county government will add several water pans especially in semi arid regions of Nyatike, Uriri, Kuria East and Kuria West sub counties t harness more water,” he said, The governor said that plans are underway to ensure the water pans and build in the dry spell and stocked with fish fingerlings to boost fish production. “Ready accessibility of water will go a long way in boosting growth of real estates and hospitality industry that need water to thrive,” he said. George Asiyo, the county director for water has encouraged residents to share water harvested the water tanks from institutions to make it more accessible. Apart from the water tank programme, the governor said they are working closely with partners to carry out a number of water

Governor Okoth Obado flags off a pickup truck with a water tank. The county government is working closely with the AfDB in a Sh986million water project. PHOTO: YUSUFU TONDA

projects in Isebania, Awendo and Migori towns. The Africa Development Bank (AfDB) and the national government for sponsoring the Sh986 million water project in the county. Earlier while visiting the project Obado said project which covers the whole county said it will help spur development and be able to generate 20,000 cubic metres of water per day which will offer the county clean and accessible water that attract investments. The project is set to serve an

Kuria West, Rongo Shine in 2013 KCPE

Collins Ateka from Kangimba Oasis Academy in Mwingi town scored 434 with his family at their Migori home. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

By Fred Okoth Kuria West sub county was the surprise winners when the results of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE was released late last month by Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi. The sub county took all the top three positions in school ranking in the county, with Bukuria schools in Kehancha town coming top with a mean grade of 385, followed closely by Kehancha progressive with mean grade of 384 while Momokoro Academy, also from the same sub county was third with mean grade of 383 marks. Rongo Success from Rongo, which also produced the best student in the entire county was fourth while Sony Complex from Awendo

Sub County was fifth. In terms of the county’s performance, Migori emerged position 26 nationally with a mean grade of 291 marks. In the former Nyanza province, the county was ranked position four after Kisumu, Homa bay and Siaya counties, beating Kisii and Nyamira who came home fifth and sixth respectively. And soon after the release of the results, it was celebration in Kehancha town as teachers, parents and pupil of Kehancha Progressive school marked through the streets of the town to celebrate the good performance. Speaking during the celebrations, Reuben Onyango the school’s

ultimate population of 200,000 people by 2034. The project is also set to build 10 ablution blocks and modern water closet toilets placed strategically within Migori town and estates. “The project shall sufficiently supply resident of Migori town and its outskirts with clean and accessible water improving their living standards as it will ensure the health of the people,” he said. He promised that his government in conjunction with other development partners will harness other reliable water head teacher hailed the result and said it had been achieved through dedication and hard work by everybody concerned. “We have been able to achieve this due to our hard work and unity,” he said adding that that was the reason the school had managed to stay on top for three years now. The school which was started in 2003 managed topped the county in both 2011 and 2012 before losing out by a single mark in the last year’s exams. On his part, the school’s director Chacha Nyamohanga said the school was hoping to recapture the top position this year to prove that it was the best in the region. “We are happy of our performance but are keen to go back to the very top,” he said adding that part of the reason for the good performance was the consistency of the teaching staff with very low turnover rate. “We have a staff of 26 teachers who we motivate to offer their best for the students which has brought the current success as the school only started as a nursery school. And in Rongo, it was more celebration Osano Ryan of Rongo success Academy was ranked the top performer in the county, beating thousands of candidates in the process. Speaking after the results were announced, a visibly elated Osano who scored 431 marks said he was very happy with the performance and was looking forward to becoming a medical doctor in future. “I am very pleased with the results and I want to thank god for having enabled me to pass so well,” he said .

sources for consistent supply of clean water to other major urban centers in the county. The governor was accompanied by the Migori Kuria and Transmara Company (MIKUTRA) Managing Director, Elias Otieno Ongowa who said the completion of the project will see revenue generated from water supply increase from the current Sh0.4 m to 1.5m in the first year which will ensure better services. The project will come in line with the plan by the county government to establish fruit processing plants after starting up fruit tree nurseries in all eight sub counties. This will enable farmers to acquire seedlings cheaply and boost production and will have a boost by water fro irrigation of farms. “We need to reduce dependency of the county to get fruits in other regions and the boost in water will help in the project especially in semi arid area,” Moses Chamwada, the Executive Member of Agriculture said. Chamwada said county water projects will help boost fish production in the county by opening up new avenues of fish farming away from Lake Victoria. Currently Lake Victoria produces 60 per centage of fish output in the country in a multi-billion sector which is set to more than double with the intake of fish farming in the province. Simon Munguti the Migori fisheries officer said the county has about 1,500 ponds have been constructed by individual efforts with ability to produce 2,000 metric tones of fish fillet under the Economic Stimulus Programme nationally. “This will increase income per capita of families since a 300 square meter space for a pond is able to earn a farmer ksh 30,000-70,000 which is higher than any crop and can be earned through partial harvesting,” he said. Munguti adds that since fish is not prone to disease and fluctuating water like drought a farmer is assured to reaping from his investments.

We Wont Discriminate Migori Over Voting Pattern- DP Ruto

Migori County Governor Okoth Obado (L) and DP William Ruto (R) share a light moment at Ranen SDA conference center during the fund rasing drive. PHOTO: YUSUFU TONDA

By Sheck Ayal Deputy President William Ruto has moved in to assure Nyanza voters that the Jubilee government would develop all parts of Kenya irrespective of tribe or political affiliation. Mr Ruto, who was visiting Migori County for the first time since his election as the deputy president called on the people to support the Jubilee administration and sought to allay fears that the region would be ignored by the Jubilee government.

“You have no apologies to make over the way you voted because that was your democratic right,” he said adding that both President Uhuru Kenyatta him were determined to change the face of Kenya through a grand development programme that targets all counties in the country. He further urged the regional leaders to ignore party loyalty and cooperate for development. Mr Ruto said that President Kenyatta would make an extensive tour of Luo Nyanza in January to assure residents that

they are part of the government. “We do not want to align our people on tribal or political affiliations, to be elected is one part but to deliver on development is true leadership,” he said The deputy president further challenged leaders from Nyanza to address problems afflicting the people and avoid petty politics. The Deputy President said these when he presided over a fundraiser in aid of Ranen Seventh Day Adventist Church’s media centre and radio station project. Speaking at the same function, Migori County Governor Zachary Okoth Obado pledged that he would continue cooperating with all elected leaders for the sake of development in the area. “We have to work together with everybody if we are to develop the region,” he said adding that the time for politics was over and what people wanted now was development. The governor further called on the discontinuation of the cases facing Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto in The Hague for lack of merit. “Let the cases be dropped and the two be allowed to concentrate in leading Kenya.” Obado added. His sentiments were shared by Rongo MP Dalmas Otieno who called on governors n Cord zones and Luo Nyanza to work closely with Jubilee government. “We can say that former PM Raila Oding approves for Jubilee leaders vist in the region and calls for mutual cooperation and partnership in case of development,” Otieno said. He called on Siaya, Homa Bay, Kisumu and Migori county governments to work closely with jubilee government.

Fight on Bhang Trade Escalates

CONTINUED FROMPAGE 1 ty to help them in the planting season and also make the farmers prepare their land on time,” he said. The farmers will also make the county be economically viable in the whole region and also enable the county be secure in food. The agriculture docket will come in line with the provision of fruit seedlings to help in food production and engage the farmers in horticulture farming as many of them are subsistence farmers in the county. The officer went ahead to allude that the Migori county Governor Zachary Okoth Obado will soon launch the project to enable the farmers do a lot of horticultural farming and also provide greenhouses to all the boarding secondary schools in the county. “The Governor will soon launch the fruit seedlings project in the county that will make the county have enough fruit for its citizens. “he said. The initiative was reached at after the recent market research showed that the county fruit market traders import more fruits from other counties of Nakuru, Nyamira and Kisii. The docket is also ready to make more fish ponds to cushion the farmers and promote more eating of white meat in the county since the statistics show that it is nutritious and affordable to the residents. The fish ponds shall also enable the farmers to make the fishing of fresh water fish in the larger Lake Victoria less viable and also enable the

Mabera DO Japhet Nyingesa and APs showing the bhang haul nabbed when bikes tried to illegal bring drug from Tanzania. County police police and leaders have called on intensified patrols to end the drug menance. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

By Flemming Maikulla

A week later in January Sh1.6million bhang was nabbed as it was being transported Migori county police bosses have intension motorbike to a home in Sori town to be fied the campaign to end bhang trafficking packed and sent to Nairobi. menace in the county and beyond due to the During the two incidents six people porous border with the neighboring country were arrested and three motorbikes imTanzania. pounded. According to the Nyatike police The Migori town police station which boss Richard Mukwate, bhang trade in is used as holding area for bhang exhibit to be Migori has to be curbed to avoid youths used in court also holds Sh50million worth of from being addicted in drug menace. the illegal drugs in vaults. Security officers and leaders in the “We want to assure leaders and county are afraid that bhang traders have residents that we are up in arms to help reopted to plant bhang in the county apart duce bhang trafficking in Nyatike and Migori from Tanzania where due to laxity of law county and put local police to task,” Governor and enforcement the crop is grown visibly Okoth said. in large scale. Obado said that Tanzania growers In December last year police in boosted by a thought that Kenya offers a Nyatike managed to get Sh50million bhang ready market have been growing the crop in grown in seven acres farm at Wath Onger large scale and use Migori as a conduit area. area.

He said that even though the bhang trade is a multi-million shillings business farmers and middle men are always paid peanuts with big cats and barons getting a huge share of the cut. “If we need to end drug trade we should first work closely with security officers who should tell us who are the drug barons using Migori county,” he said. The county Government has pledged to increase border patrol to help the police curb the drug in the region and the Tanzania border by providing the police with more patrol vehicles. Clement Gatogo, the c ounty police commandant speaking to the press at the time the bhang haul seizure said all senior police officers from the county will intensify patrols. “The bhang haul has to be de-

Illegal Firearms to Blame For Migori Insecurity

By Cyril Odek

Illegal firearms in wrong hands are one of the main challenges facing authority in Migori county being one of border counties in Kenya. These were revealed by Migori County Commissioner Anne Ng’etich explaining that there are same communities though in different bordering countries who share things in common and for their own reasons they interact a lot ending up acquiring weapons too at a cheaper price. The commissioner said Kuria East and West regions are the most affected areas because of rampant cases of cattle rustling promising that her officers will deal with the two illegal activities accordingly Ng’etich asked Migori county residents to give information to the authority and to try to promote Nyumba Kumi initiative appealing to residents possessing illegal firearms to surrender them to the government before the law catches up with them. “The government is set to deal will the illegal fire arms which are being used in the rampant cases of cattle rustling and insecurity in the county,” she said. She warned parents who still practice Female Genital Circumcision saying their days are numbered. Earlier in December, police officers in Kuria West district arrested circumcisers and eight other people. Japhet Nyongesa, the Masaba-Mabera Divisional Officer said apart from the circumciser they arrested 3 parents while the rest were found in the homestead. He said circumcisers and parents have gone underground for fear of arrest. stroyed to the limit to make the area more drug free to make the area more secure and also make the trade end in the region” he said. The police boss has also said that the region has a lot of porous regions in the whole of the Tanzania that borders the county and the whole of south Nyanza region. Traffickers are also using the Lake Victoria to transport the drug making it hard for the security officer to know who they as the confuse them of being fishermen in the lake. Tanzanian Agnes Boke, 64, admitted that she plants the drug on the four acre land in the Mara region which he intercrops with beans and maize and said that Kenya’s region offer ready market for the drug and it has a lot of cash. “Bhang has a lot of cash in the ready market of Kenya and I plant it on my four acre land as it fetches a lot for me and my family” she admitted to the press. This comes a few days after the area police boss intensified the campaign in the region to flush out bhang traffickers. “The bhang menace has enabled the youths not to participate in the development activities making the whole region being unproductive in the farming sector”. he said. Migori County has had many cases of drug trafficking in the recent past with the bhang being transported to major towns in the country and the culprits being arraigned in court of law. The trade intensifies in the county when the drug is harvested in the Mara region of Tanzania and then dried before it is transported using tinted vehicles to major towns of Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret and Nakuru. “Immediately the drug is dried it is transported past the region in the towns of Mombasa, Nairobi and the North Rift region,” said one police officer. During the end of last year drug business intensifies in the county as the police nab a lot of the drug in worth a lot of money. The drugs are often packed into small bags or placed in coffins to evade polce road blocks as theyre tranposrted in tinted vehicles hired in Nairobi.


Opinion & Analysis

MIGORI NEWS January- February 2014

Picture Of The Week

Embrace Technology for Growth

Writers: Ian Odhiambo, Flemming Maikula, Cyril Odek, Orinda Ouso, Yusufu Tonda, Wicks Nyakwana, Odhiambo Opundo, Sheck Ayal, Clinton Oballa

Migori News is published in Migori town, Migori County along police line. PO BOX 195-40400, SunaMigori

Letter Of The Week


ast year during Migori Investment Forum held in Migori Teachers College and attended by investors and county residents, Governor Okoth Obado made an appeal to members of the county to put more effort on promotion of local investment. According to the Governor, counties will only develop faster when the locals took it as their role to develop their counties and not wait for people to come from outside to help them in developing them. The Governor’s call could not have come at a better time. Especially at this time when counties across the country seem to be obsessed with looking for ‘investors’ to come and invest in their counties As counties, we have to accept that


Managing Editor: Fred Okoth Administration Editor, Chief Sub Editor: Miller Omega

Opinion & Analysis not wait for any person to come from out and help us sort out. And we are lucky; we have the solution to most of the challenges we are experiencing. To begin with, Migori is the second richest county in terms of natural resources, only second to Kwale County. This means that we have to get the the development of our counties solely lies in our hands and that nobody will best way of managing our resources well and ensure that the county is able to use them to travel all the way from USA, Europe, our advantage. Middle East or Asia just to come and From fish in Lake Victoria, to Gold help us develop the county. in Nyatike and Rongo, Copper in Nyatike to What we should be asking Sugarcane in Awendo, Thim Lich Ohinga to for is for the respective county govSandy beaches of Lake Victoria, we have to ernments to come up with rules and regulations which will make it possible get the best way of exploiting them and using for our investments to thrive as well as them to develop the county. We must embrace partnership as a encouraging more county residents to key component for development. invest within their counties. Another area we must put more em Like all counties in the coun- phasis on is in the Human Resource departtry, Migori faces a number of chalment. lenges among them unemployment, poverty, diseases, poor infrastructures among others and these are areas that Alfred Okusa, Rongo we have to address by ourselves and

Local, not foreign investors will push county forward


here will be bigger and more noises in village polytechnics starting February this year when first batch of students report. Most of them will be KCPE graduates who did not get placement in form one classes. This initiative is started by the national Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to build five institutions nationally and in Migori, Governor Okoth Obado has supported the initiative. The construction is funded by the Chinese Government at the national level. Obado’s administration has already identified five sites for these institutions. Although this idea may appear rushed at the moment, it is logical since formal devolution of village polytechnics is complete which warrants the support they have. Village polytechnics will be the new centre for skill development to power the County economy which will rely on young people with technical skills to move ahead especially in operating, repair of machines and entrepreneurship skills. Diverse programmes will be offered to meet demands arising for economic growth since bourgeoisie interests need to be addressed like salon treatment, masseuses or barbers. There are many people with international reputations yet their only claim to skill is that they can make hair look really good. Others make very good cloth designs – Giorgio Armani, Yves St Laurent all made themselves famous through fashion. The era we’re going into is one of Knowledge-based economies – emerging trends show that we must revise our curricula in polytechnics and offer relevant knowledge. The era we’re going into is one of Knowledge-based economies – emerging trends show that we must revise our curricula in polytechnics and offer relevant knowledge. In the new era, the manufacturing process will be unpacked, coded and used by computers for more efficient production. That is why our village polytechnics must start the move towards embracing technology in the production process by offering competitive training for our youth in information and communication technology. These are the people – simple as they may be at that stage – to produce phone apps, machines and start a mass production process. We want to give our youth the chance to shine in fashion and making people look good through hair design and beauty care. The era we’re going into is one of Knowledge-based economies – emerging trends show that we must revise our curricula in polytechnics and offer relevant knowledge. In the new era, the manufacturing process will be unpacked, coded and used by computers for more efficient production. As we embrace the new students, we need to move our institutions from providers of rudimentary agricultural training to information age and ensure that the graduates they produce are relevant. Modern economy will not be driven by rudimentary production techniques and beliefs that certain skills are less important than others – the skills complement each other. Productivity will increase once we can start appreciating that some of the apparently useless things, those that we do not take seriously, will drive the economy in the future. The modern economy will not be driven by rudimentary production techniques and beliefs that certain skills are less important than others – the skills complement each other. Let us therefore welcome the new admissions into our village polytechnics as the first step towards the growth of a skilled, youthful population that will help power Migori into the future. Karibuni!

5 January- February 2014, MIGORI NEWS

Corruption Should Not Be Devolved

John Odhiambo a gold miner in Macalder mines, Nyatike crushes mineral ores. Miners have compmlained of low prices and middle men who buy from them cheaply and sell off their ores at a better price. Mining industry in the county is underdeveloped. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

County Governtment Officials are Accesible By Maneno Mwikwabe


umours exist to fill an information void,” a friend declared with certainty during a discussion. “Where there is information,” he continued, “there will be no need for rumors because no one will listen to or heed them.” He seemed to rest his case and looked around as if to confirm that what he had said had sunk. To many of those in that small room, among them information professionals the statement may have sounded convincing – after all, don’t rumours provide explanations, even if they may not always be true, for events, the whys certain things happen and others don’t? Don’t they fill gaps in logic? Are rumours not an integral part of some religions? Throughout history, rumours have been used to explain away certain things. The need for information is never satisfied by formal channels so rumours thrive. Only where information exists, is the need for rumours reduced – but it is clear that in human nature, the ‘juiciness’ of a rumour will twist a story even where a formal source of information is available. Some institutions choose to pass information to employees by way of rumours while others choose silence, making way for the creative, those who want to influence things, to appear to be providing the missing information. Those organizations that choose to communicate by way for rumours do so because they prefer it to other means of communication while others do so because they want to see certain decisions made, to see employees taking certain directions, without having to issue direct commands. In government, rumours can serve a very important purpose – they can be used to provide information, to add to the mystery around leaders and to ignite fights among subjects and politicians, giving way to the rulers to continue with their activities unfettered or disturbed by considerations of what the general public or rivals may be thinking. Rumours may also be used to test the ground – what would the reaction of the subjects be if we did this or that or what would the intended victim of our actions do if we took that action? So as a communication tool, rumours are often used in governance – it is what is sometimes called propaganda. In Migori, there have been rumours circulating about politicians, the Executive, MCAs and other officers of the County Government. Most of these rumours have been unfounded and appear intended to test the targets. Some Govern-

ment actions have been announced, by rumours, to have been taken, while in reality nothing has happened. However, the effect of frenzied activity starting to take place, people starting to target each other in lethal but silent political fights has often been observed. Rumour-mongers may then be seen perched on high bar stools laughing their heads off or just gleeful that they had activated something. There is a danger that unless the people of Migori, in particular a section of the political leadership that has sometimes turned to rumours to fight for their lives, abandons the use of rumours to pass information and target their enemies, there could be serious repercussions. Indeed thinking about rumours and their place in information and governance reminds me of the government of Daniel arap Moi. The former president was a very interesting person, I concluded when I practiced as an information professional publishing a newspaper. That is when I came into contact with some of Moi’s known fixers whom he sent to the press when he wanted to deal with a recalcitrant person in his government – and there were many who he may have wanted removed because there often too many hanging around Statehouse to extort money from people on the pretext that they could get them appointments with the president. He would engineer a rumour in the media about someone he was targeting. It could be a rumour about that person’s sex life, his marriage or performance in office. If the rumour had some elements of truth, it would become evident from the person’s reaction. More often than not, the target ended up being removed because the rumour would confirm the suspicions or allegations and the next stage would simply be to take action. It is however strange that someone in Migori could resort to relying on rumours for information because the Government, both Executive and Assembly, is very accessible. It is easy to reach the Governor, His Excellency Zacharia Obado, his Deputy His Excellency Nelson Mwita, the Executive, the Speaker, the Majority and Minority Leaders and the MCAs. Yet there are still people whose specialization is spreading rumours! The Governor or his officers in the Cabinet have not suddenly realized the wisdom of Moi’s ways nor is there an information gap. There is therefore no need for rumours as a part of governance in Migori. Nor do the people need them to explain happenings in government.


ver since the quest of establishing the Kenyan new constitution started over 2 decades ago, the new counties have been heavily debated. In the run up for last referendum the issue played a center stage in the campaign showing how the subject is dear to Kenyans. The appeal was bringing governance closer to the citizens with devolved funds from Nairobi for development. Additionally, the provincial administration used by the colonialist and successive government to oppose the citizens is annulled. With this appeal will the 47 counties in the county have their full potential or like the devolved funds like CDF and LATF be

marred with corruption and tribalism? In colleges the fad is high with the administration requesting county details to districts. Student organizations with tribal living have shifted from constituency to county associations! Corruption and tribalism need to be rooted out least they permeate to the 47 counties in the country. Imagine having minor scandals, political shoddy deals and leaders shouting their selves hoarse in 47 counties of Kenya! The tip of the iceberg is already showing with opportunistic politicians not only jostling for positions but also the county headquarters with ethnic underlying. This is worrying if you consider the turmoil in Somali although they have one tribe and one religion. Often

Thimlich Oinga:

in Kenya, the tribalism, clanism and family card will be played. Additionally, the grandiose plans already being unleashed by economically endowed counties against laggards may cause contention in future. With these counties taking more tax to the central government the question raised on equitable distribution of the 15 per cent on GDO. Finally, the issue of counties frantically determined how Kenyans voted in the last elections where Cord and Jubilee think of ‘ownership’ shows a bad blood of leadership. Lastly these new dispensation should be jealously guided against tribalism, corruption and patronage for success.

Musa Ochieng, Suna West.


As the dispensation of devolution is taking root i would like remind the Governor Okoth Obado to look at ways of refurnishing the famous cultural site Thimlich Ohinga which will automatically attracts more local tourist and even international to visitors to our county. Migori is very rich in terms of sceneries and natural resources, If we achieved all these the people especially from Nyatike will never cry again.

Devolution is a pipe dream in our county because of disjointed leadership and cheap political squabbles, let our leaders stand up and start working beyond party lines and affiliations. We will play politics at the expense of development for the next five years. Migori residents must stand up and dance to the development tune and not politics.

Ondiek Joseph Otieno, Ndiwa Ward- Nyatike

The Editor welcomes comments and opinion from county residents. To write ‘Letters to The Editor’ email us on migoricountynews@ gmail.com

Fred Okoth, Central Kanyamkago- Uriri

Give Youths and Women a chance! By Fred Okoth


he devolution process and the coming into effect of the County governments across the country has seen huge amount of resources being devolved from the national government and into the county government. This has meant that together with the Constituency Development Funds, CDF, County governments now have several big contracts which companies can now competitively bid for during the tendering process. And while these tenders are being given out, it is important that both the County Government and the CDF committees across the eight constituencies in the county ensure that women and youths are given priority. It is encouraging that the County government has indeed awarded a number of tenders to young people, most notably the ones on waste management around the county. It is also worth noting that the County government has also employed a number of youths in the Revenue collection department where several youths have been able to earn their living, something highly commendable. The same has also been witnessed in the employment where the county government has so far done a commendable job in ensuring that there are enough women getting county jobs. However, more can still be done. To begin with, it is important that permanent measures are put in place to ensure that the provision calling for youths and women to be given equal opportunities like their male counterparts in the construction industry. According to the constitution, at least 30 % of all government tenders should be given to the youths and women, a figure I believe we are still not reaching as a county. And the same should not just take place at the county, but also at the constituency level where several contracts are awarded out every year.

The writer is the Managing Editor, Migori News. freddyokoth@gmail.com

Migori Voices

Are you satisfied with county government performance? Compiled by Sheck Ayal

Top Comment: JUNE AKINYI. Accountant, Uriri Sub-county

KEN OPASSY. Businessman, Suna East Sub-County

YES: With the help of the county government we have acquired first medical school which has helped our children to acquire medical skills closer home. On the other hand many youth groups will access Uwezo funds which is helping them improve their lives.

NO: We are still experi-

encing alot of insecurity within the major towns in the county, besides that all the major towns in this county such as Migori,Isebania and Awendo are not having bypasses to ease traffic congestion.Lastly virtually all the major towns in the county are in dark.

DICKSON OKOTH, Newspaper Vendor. Rongo Sub-County.

YES: The county government has opened new roads which will help ease congestion and boost trade in the County an example of these is the Migori- Masara road. With the purchase of new tractors and vehicles Migori shows commitment towards service delivery to her people,and its my believe that with all the pilot projects which have been initiated, we are on the right track. Lets give them a chance to and space to work.

SAMUEL OCHIENG, Cobbler. Rongo Sub-County



NO: We have eight

The county government have increased levies and doubled rates on business permits, they are equally taxing people living with disabilities despite the constitution of Kenya exempting them from taxation. Besides tenderer payment is taking long creating bad blood between them and their contractors.

sub-counties in Migori and major offices are still based in headquarters denying many people services due to transport cost. On the other hand towns are dirty garbages are still being dumped all over and yet people were given tenders of cleaning the towns.


7 January- February 2014, MIGORI NEWS

MIGORI NEWS January- February 2014

County Features

News Feature

County To Provide More Patrol Vehicles to Enhance Security

A boda boda rider transporting seven passengers, the bikes have turned into a new death trap. PHOTO: COURTESY

A police patrol from Migori Police station arrives at a scene in Migori town where a suspect was lynched by angry residents. More cars will increase response time. PHOTO: CLINTON OBALLA

By Flemming Maikulla,


igori county Government with the aid of the Jubilee Government has teamed up together to enhance security in the county by providing more police patrol vehicles in all the eight sub counties of the cosmopolitan county. According to the Deputy president William Ruto, the Government will provide the county with more patrol vehicles in the eight sub counties in order to enhance security of the residents and attract more investors. The deputy president was speaking during a fundraising in aid of the Ranen SDA communication and media center where he pledge to help the county Government enhance security of its citizens in the region. He said this will help boost devlopment by attracting investors from both the local community and the other counties. “The Jubilee Government has the mandate to offer security to all its citizens regardless of their political affiliations and will provide two patrol vehicles in each of the eight sub county.” he said. This is to ensure that the county that borders Tanzania to the south and also has the disputed Migingo Island on the fresh water Lake Victoria is secure and can attract investment opportunities. The county Government

through the Governor also went ahead to allude that the security of all the residents of the county shall be enhanced and will also provide patrol vehicles in the sub counties to help the police restore peace and order in the whole region that boasts of more resources that are yet to be exploited. “The county Government will buy eight patrol speed vehicles and supply them to all the sub counties to help the police beef up security and enhance peace co-existence among the communities that live in the rural areas of the county. “he said. The Governor also asked the Constituency Development Funds committee and the area members of parliament to produce one patrol car from the kitty that will go a long way to ensure that the county has maximum security at all costs. The CDF committees in the entire sub counties should come in and offer the county one patrol car from the kitty that will ensure security is well enhanced and the people live at peace”.he said. The initiative by the two sets of the county and the national Government come a mid the rising insecurity situations in the Kuria East sub county that experiences a lot of cases involving cattle rustling, grievous harm and civil unrest . The cases have been compounded by police from the area

Sand Mining, Youth Employer By Clinton Oballa


and mining, a major youth employment activity in the county done along river banks and lake is key in ending insecurity. Being the main product for building, the industry though not fully regulated joins gold mining, farming, fishing as a source of income and employment sector. Sand mining is majorly done by most of the people stay-

ing around the river banks but as a source of income it has attracted different people have come from far. Kennedy Okinyi, a sand miner from Lichota area along in River Migori says the activity is done in three phases: roval from the river water, loading it in lorries and offloading. Unknown to many people these stages are often done by three different people. “We have miners who are skilled in dredging sand from

having a few patrol vehicles to help them bring the culprits to book and arraign them in court as some of them sneak to the neighboring Tanzania to hide. The county boasts of more resources among them Gold in Nyatike and Suna West, Tobacco that planted in nearly all the sub counties with Kuria West and East leading the pack, fresh water lake fish that comes from the Lake Victoria and the cattle that is exported from the county to other counties of Nairobi,Kiambu and Uasin Gishu. The resources are so many and if the security situation is not enhanced the county will lag behind and all the potential investors will avoid it and make the resources be unexploited and leave the county undeveloped. “If the security situation in the county is not enhanced many investors will avoid it and the resources will be unexploited” he said. He urged the residents to support the county leadership and make it easy for the county to make it possible to deliver services to them diligently and efficiently for the benefit of all.

rivers successfully amd don’t to loading and offloading,” he says. Ladies, like Jane Adhiambo from Nyangubo area, have also not been left in the industry. “Through sand mining I have managed to live a better life after my husband’s death seven years ago and I consider it as a core to our living, she says. in Migori area sand is done at Lichota, Komuga, Pakanyeusi, Omboo, Nyangubo, Nyabisawa and Nyasare areas.

Are Boda Boda Rides a Death Trap? By Odhiambo Opundo


s the county government of Migori is trying to improve road infrastructure, over 10 people died, 26 seriously injured while 15 got slight injuries last year due to accidents associated with boda boda business. According to Migori county commander of police clement gatogo, boda boda business claims the lives of energetic gentlemen and ladies due to accidents due to negligence by the passengers and the motorcycle riders; the rate that he fears is on the increase. “There is an increasing trend in boda boda deaths as the operators are still young and do not know the basics of road safety ”Gatogo said. In the recent fatal accident, four people died on the spot in Uriri sub- county when the motor bike they were riding on had a head on collision. In other similar situations, many young men in the county have been maimed with majority getting lamed leaving them with permanent disability. The police commander says that the current accidents are caused by careless riding by the boda boda riders who ignore and pretend to be on hurry thereby causing fatal accidents. He says that the boda boda operators jostle for space between heavy vehicles including trucks while riding in a busy road making them be squeezed or crushed a problem that he attributes to the major towns in the county. He insists that ignorance of the traffic rules and guidelines is also a factor that has lead to many accidents especially in Kenyan. He says that both the passengers fail to wear helmet and that they accept to be overloaded on a motor bike. The police boss laments that most of the riders are overwhelmed by bravado while they are on the motorbike thereby making them not to be bothered about their life safety. “in fact some boda boda operators ride as though they need

wings to fly, I wonder why these young men over speed while the destinations are immobile” the police commander wonders. Despite the county crying foul over the continuous accidents, last year there emerged killing of boda boda operators at night an inhuman practice that is a riddle yet to be answered. According to a long serving boda boda operator from suna east sub county Jacob Okoth Jalango, there is fear that the riders are killed and robbed of their motor bikes and later taken to the lakesides where the motor is removed to be used in the boats for fishing purposes. He adds that due to the motor bikes being taken to the lake side, the police and even the public fail to recover them back. While reacting to the menace, the county police chief said that the problem of boda boda killings can only be averted by the riders themselves saying that the police had warned boda boda operations beyond 9pm adding that the riders failed to adhere to. He also defends the patrol police of any blames as they had informed the boda boda operators to take the identification numbers of the strange passengers they carry at night and leave to their colleagues at the stage to end the shrivel but this has not been observed by the boda boda operators. “Carrying passengers without satisfying who they are for personal safety is negligence on own security“ he said He advises the riders to redefine the reasons why they have ventured into the business in order to see the it benefit them in future and to avoid exposing themselves to life threatening situations. If all the grievances emanating from the boda boda sector shall have been solved, then the dream of the county government of starting 10 km access road per ward shall be of great benefits to the public . According to the executive member for transport and public works hon. Erastus Nyamori the county will spend Sh140m to begin new county roads to access public

(L) The South Nyanza Sugar Compnay entrace along Migori-Kisii highway while cane hauling tractors line up waiting to deliver sugarcane to the compnay for processing. According to the national government privatisation process may kick off next month. PHOTOS: MILLER OMEGA

Sony Sugar Privatisation Creates Jitters in The County By Orinda Ouso

Sony, likewise to the other four factories, be taken over by County Governments he Government has finally confirmed first, and gradually sold to farmers in the its plans to privatise five sugar milling later days. factory in the country this year, although Deputy President William Ruto, it is still holding onto the exact date for the sale when presiding over a funds raiser funcof the plants. tion in Rongo within Migori county re The program to sell shares in Chemelil, cently, said the National Government was Nzoia, Sony, Miwani and Muhoroni to the pubexploring ways of how the milling plants lic would have been finalized by 2007 but the could be sold to the County Governments, process got stagnated at cabinet level thereby which have the financial muscles to ensure generating a lot of anxiety in the sugar Industry the plants remains under managements in the country. that are indigenous to farmers. Currently, the bet is that when the “When all shall have been indiplanned landmark sale - to attract billions of cating that farmers have the spirit and shillings - will finally hit the road any time this financial capability to own Sony, then the year, it will be the zenith for what has been an Migori County Government will have no unprecedented snow-balling of market anticipaobligation to continue running the plant tion. but to sell it immediately to farmers,’ said Such has been the excitement generRuto. ated by Kenya’s largest ever Initial Public Offer Like Ruto’s opinion, two Migori (IPO), especially among retail investors, most of members of parliament have also prayed whom, for this case, will be sugar cane farmers. that the company be managed first by the Most of the hopefuls- virgin investors county Government and later handed over who will be punting money in banks for the first to farmers. time, are expected to run helter-skelter clutch Awendo MP Jared Kopiyo and ing copies of their national identity cards and his Suna West counterpart Joseph Ndiege two passport size photos, as if their very lives however vilified the state for going too depend on it. far in the privatization process without “I’m sure, when the bell will be rung for involving farmers who are the major the privatization of the factories, the response stakeholders at the factory. will be fantastic, even overwhelming and bor Addressing hundreds of farmers dering on euphoria,” says Ezra Okoth Olodi, the recently during a Migori County farmers’ National chairman of Kenya National Sugarcane stakeholders forum at Migori County Farmers Union(KENSFU). stadium, the two legislators threatened In any case, one of the aims of the state divestito mobilise all farmers in their respective ture programme is to populate the factories with areas and elsewhere to reject the plan ordinary Kenyans. in case the Government implemented it But all these anecdotes about excitewithout seeking their views first. ments and rush to own the milling plants aside, “We are reminding the Govone major question now preoccupying the lips ernment that we have no obligation to of farmers and other stakeholders in the sugar endorse a proposal passed by some industry is; who is best suited to buy the lined Government officials without seeking our up factories? participation on how best it can be imple To those farmers and stakeholders mented,” warned Kopiyo. trading with South Nyanza Sugar Company, He said Sony was the only factory Sony, the plant should be left in the hands of farmers from the region were depending local farmers, who claim are ready to own it at on for their income and cannot therefore all costs. be sold in a haphazard manner that would Analysts are however doubtful of Sony snatch from them the opportunity to fend farmers’ capability to buy the factory owing to for their families. the huge amount of money – calculated at over He said the Government must Sh2 billion – required. first put a good structure that will bring Already there have been suggestions on board farmers and offer them a fair from both experts and political leaders that opportunity to own the factory.


“We don’t want to run into a situation that will deny the farmers an opportunity to buy the factory and leave it in the hands of investors who may not have a lifespan interest on the plant,” said Mr. Ndiege. However, he told farmers to be ready to buy Sony at an opportune time when measures agreeable by all are floated by the state. “You must be prepared from today to buy shares in the factory when the right time comes,” said Ndiege, and advised them to form cooperative societies and investment firms to enable them buy the plant easily. Whatever happens, the resultant scenario will be fairly predictable: whether in the hands of Migori County Government or Farmers, Sony’s new management will have to work extra ordinary to make it viable. For those already on the long beeline aiming to claim a piece of Sony, one word of the wise is apt: that they must be ready to slog it out for the long haul. Experts say the fate of the Awendo - based company and that of local farmers are intrinsically tied at the umbilical cord. Without one the other cannot survive. For this reason, the new owners of the Sony will have to come up with a more pro-active, adaptive and creative management and board of directors to make the factory afloat in whatever harsh market that will plunge on its way soon after buying it. “It must be to their knowledge always that Sony sells a product whose sales can only be limited by its own productivity,” says Thomas Gumbo, a former civil servant who served as an agricultural extension officer for over thirty years. Now a famous sugar cane grower in Uriri sub-county, Mr. Gumbo says the future earnings from buying Sony certainly look good, but quickly adds that this is certainly not an investment for those seeking to save money for short-term family use, like paying school fees for that promising KCPE candidate. “In tandem, buyers must avoid using short-term loans like overdraft to fund what is essentially a long-term investment,’ he warns. Of concern, therefore, is that Sony management is preparing to exchange

hands at a time when the sugar industry is bracing for a stiff market competition from other COMESA member counties. For many years, Kenya has enjoyed COMESA safeguards that have protected local players from competition. Sadly enough, the safeguards are now coming to an end February this year, opening up the market for other countries within the trading block producing sugar. The move is obviously going to impact negatively on Sony performance, even as it strives to remain afloat in the market. But while Sony will have to contend with stiff competition, consumers will be savouring a sweet experience in reduced pricing of sugar. Currently, a kilogramme of sugar retails at Sh120 from local factories, but when cheap sugar will finally start getting their way into the country, the prices will obviously nosedive to the relief of the consumer. However, with its long list of capital projects in new generation service delivery and expansion of sugar cane plantation, Sony on its part is likely to jump the huddles posed by COMESA countries to plough much of the profits it makes into the business for its survival. Some of these great projects, which the company is already implementing and must be sustained in the years to come after privatization of the plant, include what has been dubbed “Mwangaza 2013”, a pillar to move the company from old-fashioned service delivery to networking with all its stakeholders. The digitally enhanced programme is aimed at improving efficiency, effectiveness and the quality of the company’s overall functional processes and services to its internal and external customers. Acting Sony Managing Director Jane Odhiambo praises the initiative which she describes as a step geared towards offering World class services in a modern way. “We envision that by the end of full implementation of the project, it will among other benefits, enable customers to get convenient access to information using the internet from anywhere and also be able to access key business content through a rich, unified and personalised user environment,” she said. Odhiambo says Mwangaza will change the company’s processes from manual to a modern computerised system that will promote operational excellence by streamlining business processes, enhancing service levels and managing inbound and outbound logistics.


9 January- February 2014, MIGORI NEWS

MIGORI NEWS January- February 2014

History & Culture

The Seven Dances of Kuria Community

Kuria girls dance at Kehancha town to welcome Ida Odinga when she was hsoted yin the area by county Women Representative Dennitah Ghati during the campaign period. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

By Wicks Nyakwana

high profile social functions like installation of elders, marriage of elders and any veryone who has ever attended a Kuria serious event involving senior men and women in the community. traditional dance will note something The name embegete or egetomo unique. Almost all start with the highest key possible and maintain the same tempo to was derived from a special drum that is hollow and strapped with a cow hide on climax. This is different the top. It is the most prominent instrufrom many other Kenyan traditional dances ment in the dance hence the name. that reserve the high keys for the climax. Verge of extinction Egetomo The Kuria from Migori County are was originally a shorter version of the regarded as one of the minority groups of embegete, but is most likely nowadays to Western Kenya,. be a round bucket or tin covered on both These Bantu speakers are famed for sides. about seven traditional dances. It is stood upright and played on Just like many African communities, the topside only. music and dance make perfect accompani It bears close semblance to the ments for almost every traditional ceremony Iteso’s atenusu. The drum is cord braced and rite of passage. That is why the Kuria and is warmed over open fire to tune it. would have various dances designated for According to Chacha Nyamodifferent traditional rituals. hanga, 85, embegete is on the verge of Embegete or Egetomo is just one of extinction. the dances besides Isururu, ukuhurania (cir“The last time I witnessed it cumcision dance), ibirandi dance, isubo dance being played was about 40 years ago and (staged to celebrate news of pregnancy), indusince then it has disappeared from our ru and imitiamburi (platform dance). Unforcultural performances,” says Marwa. tunately, such dances are so rare nowadays. Embegete is a very sacred dance It is interesting how these dances that is staged by elders only. were named. Most of the names are from the “When the drummer of embegete starts musical instruments that accompany them. the beat, even the lame among the elder Embegete was performed during


A kuria dancer plays the flute to enteratian guest at a function in Grabo County Dream Hotel in Migori town. PHOTO: MILLER OMEGA

ly will struggle to rise to the occasion,” remarks Chacha. Though other members of the community might argue that embegete was open for even young boys and girls, Chacha says it was highly esteemed and only meant for elders. No young people were allowed to participate in the dance. However, given the changing times, today young men and women would not hesitate to join in. “But this was never allowed during the days of yore when embegete was what we believed it was,” says Chacha. “It is a silent dance played without any lyrics. The drums do the talking,” he reveals. The swaying of the head, juggling of the feet, rhythmic twist of the waist and well-choreographed turns make the dance lively and entertaining. At a change of the tune of drums, the dancers lock arms on their chests as they hop in circles. The moves and choreography were very unique that only those specially trained would do it perfectly. Embegete dance was also commonly performed at an elder’s wedding, and sometimes on other occasions during installation of new elders and even during appeasing of ancestors. The dress code of participants was the same as for ibirandi dance, which is another dance graced by percussive gourds (ibirandi) from which the dance got its name. Elderly women donning animal skins like chinkobo worn by Gusii traditional dancers would be glittering with copious amounts of oil smeared all over their bodies. Inviting beats Decorations of beads round their necks make them beautiful to behold. Their long earlobes are also adorned with home-made ear-rings. Men wore nothing except long robes tied around their waists. John Chacha, 45 remembers the last time he saw the embegete being played was in 1978 when the then President Daniel Moi visited the Kuria immediately after his installation as Kenya’s second head of state. “It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see how the elders danced,” says Chacha. Just a single beat is enough call to all those who know the intricacies of the dance to join in. Children stood amazed by the way old women and men shook their heads, shoulders and legs rhythmically to the beat of the magical drum. As various cultures continue to lose their identities, Kuria community stands out as one of the communities whose cultural artifacts like the famous embegete drums and other musical instruments are stories of the past only found in museums.

Travel & Adventure


Basics Of Car Care, Maintenance Tips

By Sheck Ayal


car is an important personal investment, but owning one, whether new or used car, takes a lot of hard work. Used cars majorly need extra attention as they are more difficult and more expensive to maintain than new ones. Regular maintenance routine extends the life of your car and keeps your car’s performance at its peak. It will also save you a lot of money in repair Here are ten basic car care and maintenance tips to follow. 1. Drive with care Do not accelerate your engine during startup as this quickly adds to the wear of the car’s engine. Accelerate slowly when you begin your drive. Shift to neutral at red lights to give the engine some time to rest. Be considerate and you will be rewarded with longer time between repairs. 2. Wash your car at least once a week Washing your car, vacuumiing the interior which keeps it clean, shiny and free from corrosion. Vacuum your car interior thoroughly and wipe the lenses on the dashboard with a soft damp cloth. Take your mats out and brush or hose them down. 3. Wax your car too Waxing your car regularly protects you car’s paint job by slowing oxidation and by creating a barrier against bird droppings and pollution. It also makes the car look good by adding extra shine. 4. Park in the shade Parking your car in the shade prevents interior damage by UV rays and protects your car’s paint job. If a shaded area is not available, use a car shade to minimise the sun’s impact.

Motor boats used by tourists to explore Lake Victoria moored at Mbita View Point hotel in Homa Bay county. Migori has a huge potential in tourism sector. PHOTO: FRED OKOTH

County Top Tourist Sites

County Tourism Sector Has Potential Sites To Boost Internal Revenue like the current one continuously sought By Fred Okoth


esidents and visitors to Migori County can access a wide range of tourist attractions as well as recreation centres where they cans spend their free time as well as use for family day outs. These facilities, all not more than two hours from the County headquarters can all be easily be accessed and provide services as good as those found in other more illustrious venues across the country. They include:

Thim Lich Ohinga.

This is perhaps the most known and most intriguing of all the tourists attraction destinations in the county. A Luo word loosely translated into a frightening dense forest and a fort, has for sometimes now elicited just as much interest as curiosity from adventurers, archaeologists, and architectures alike. It is made up of stone walls ranging from a meter to about four and a half meters, this structures not only epitomes the art of architecture in the olden days, but also has got a near perfect combination of the cat: beauty, strength and

to secure his habitat. “And in this case, they almost managed to be secure from all forms of adversity” Silas explains about the giant self-imposing stone structures which was built in the 15th century but still with the ability to send our best architectures scratching their heads for explanations on how it was made. Thim lich has always been a source of different researches, none yet to come up with the exact explanation of how the ancient man, always rebuffed for his perceived ‘backwardness; could have come up with a near perfect art. The art used to join the rocks to form the protective but intimidating wall surrounding the scene is incredible, made more even better by the fact that it has stayed like this for over four hundred years. The entrances are very short, less than a meter tall to ensure that by the time the enemy got inside, he was less stable as he was still bending. The guards who were by this time waiting in a slightly raised place would then easily overpower him. Thim Lich Ohinga is about hundred and forty meters in diameter, quite

at the sand beaches, just two hours from Migori town. Having stayed unutilised for years, the beaches have over the past two years witnessed renewed interest as hoteliers scramble for them as demand for beach hotels in the region continue to grow. Already, there are several magnificent beach hotels within the county, among them Lake Victoria Beach Resort and Supernova hotels in Sori town as well as the Matoso Sea lodge and Restaurant in Mihuru bay. According to Jared Wigina, the Director of Lake Victoria Beach Resort, it is strange that people from the region have for years preferred to go and holiday in Mombasa without realising that they are leaving a similar destination at home. “Our people have to realise that they can enjoy their holiday on the beach without having to cover over a thousand kilometres to get it in Mombasa,” he says. He adds that just across the border into Mwanza town in Tanzania, a number of beach hotels are always fully booked and a large number of the clients are residents of the county. To give the visitor the wholesome feeling of being in the coast, the hotel owners have also ensured that coconut trees are planted along the beaches giving a perfect creation of the coastal region. Beaches surrounding Lake Victoria Beach Resort and other beach hotels today are covered in Coconut trees with strong breeze from the lake giving the visitors a perfect coastal feel. The results have also seen several foreigners crossing over to spend their weekend and holidays within the hotels with Lake Victoria Beach Resort frequented by Ugandans and Tanzanians businessmen who prefer it because if its serenity. “We have been used to Kenyans crossing over to Mwanza in Tanzania for their holidays and so this is a new one,” Wigina says adding that the trend is expected to continue as more hotels are put up within the beaches in the region. He however says lack of better roads especially from the major towns into the beaches has somewhat been a hindrance to the hoteliers as it limits the number of clients who can make it to the hotels.

Masai Mara, Mara Serengeti and Ruma National Parks. Although not within the county, the three

5. Change engine oil and filter regularly Many car owners manual today recommend increasing the interval between oil and filter changes to help flush out abrasive dirt and metal particles out of the engine, thus prolonging its life. On the other hand old filters contain build up of oil and dirt particles that will otherwise remain and mix with the new, clean oil. 6. Take care of your tyres Check your tyre pressure at regular intervals and keep them inflated to the recommended pressure specified in your user manual. Check out for uneven wear and condition of shock absorbers. 7. Change spark plugs Many manufacturers recommend changing spark plugs every 50,000 km. This ensures good fuel mileage and high engine performance. 9. Maintain your car battery Regularly check your car battery to extend its life. Start by keeping your battery terminals clean. to be replaced. 10. Select a reliable car insurer No matter how careful you are, accidents or damages are inevitable. In this case, you need to have a car insurer you can trust. Also choose a car insurer who replace damaged parts only with original manufacturers’ parts

(L) The entrance of Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological site in Nyatike Consttuency and (R) a lake side cottage at Lake Victoria Beach Resort in Sori town. PHOTOS: FRED OKOTH

balance. Situated about an hour’s journey by road from Migori town, deep into the west of the country towards the shores of Lake Victoria at Sori, this historical site has almost striking resemblance to the ruins of the great Zimbabwe in southern Africa. According to Silas Nyagwethi, a curator at the fort, the fort is the county’s version of the great Fort Jesus, a structure which attests to how the earlier man, just

a large home. Inside, there are four forts going by the names of Kochieng, Kakuku, Kokech and Koluoch combine to make the Thim Lich Ohinga.

The sandy beaches of Lake Victoria

Migori County also happens to border the biggest fresh water Lake in the world: Lake Victoria. This means that both residents and visitors alike can spend time

national parks can easily be accessed from the county. Ruma in Homa Bay county can be accessed through Sori in Nyatike while Masai Mara can be accessed through Kuria West district. It is also possible to witness the great wild beast migration from Masai Mara to Mara Serengeti across the River Mara just a few kilometres from the county.

Infrastructure Boost, C13 tarmac To Boost Tourism

Hotel Pre-Mara in Kehancha town. PHOTO: FRED OKOTH

By Miller Omega


he boost in infrastructure development by the county government especially the laying down of C13 tarmac is set to positively impact on tourism. The boost will change Migori tourism attraction centers and revive hotel business to cater for foreign and local tourists. The new road which will connect Migori from Lake Victoria at Muhuru Bay through headquarters, Kehancha and in Nairobi will ease transport. It will help increase potential of Migori which lies centrally as the conduit to tourists heading to Ruma, Maasai Mara and Serengeti National parks in the region. “Tourists often travel through the county to these destinations without stopping for sites and hotels here, these change of infrastructure may boost their stay,” Jack Otieno, a hotel manager said. These plus the county government taking root after devolution is good news to help revive the hotel industry. This will open up prime property land and hotels which are rated at third to five star along the highway and lake Victoria basin. Among hotels to benefit from this Pre-Mara Hotel in Kehancha town owned by Senator Wilfred Machage is currently operating below capacity. The hotel which was constructed to attract tourists heading to Maasai Mara and Serengeti National parks has been laying in disuse. During his campaign Machage said the county has a huge tourism potential which saw him built the hotel. “I chose to invest in hotel business in the county and not outside home because is believe we can have a boost in the industry,” he said. Investors have been banking on the new infrastructure if the number of new hotels springing up in the county is anything to go by. This will give residents experience of high end destinations without travelling outside the county for them. The trend has seen hotels coming up along the beech like Supanova and Lake Victoria Beach Resort which will boost the county ratings. Jared Wigina the Director of Lake Victoria Beach Resort at Sori beach said he bought the five acre land in piece of land in Sori back in 2002 and build the hotel by August 2011 with major returns. “I have been hitting full booking of space and most clients are locals which has shown the huge potential in tourism,” Wagina said. Wagina said that the hotel receives business people and tourists from Uganda and Tanzania a trend he believes will continue as more hotels are put up within the beaches in the region. He said they will get a major boost with infrastructure development and tarmac of the road which will trap tourists across the lake in Mwanza and Entebbe towns where hotels are always fully booked.


11 January- February 2014, MIGORI NEWS

MIGORI NEWS January- February 2014

County Entertainment

County Profile

Up close and candid with Osogo Winyo

Youthful MCA on a mission to empower youths

I will retire from music after three years to do farming and business and Farming

By Clinton Oballa


e is one of the best known Ohangla musicians in the country and has been invited to perform in performed across the world among them Germany and the United States of America. But, unlike many of his contemporaries, John Okinyi Ng’oge or as he popularly known among his adoring fans Osogo Winyo had remained humble and easy going, even as his music career has continued to soar. “I believe in being humble and treating everybody with respect,” Osogo says during interview with Migori News after accepting to spare some time for the interview. Osogo says his music career started in his Primary school days where he used to play Orutu as he took part in the music festivals where he represented the school. This continued when he joined a Secondary school in Migori town However, when he reached form 2, he was unable to continue with his education as he was unable to pay his school fees, forcing him to drop out of school. As most young men, he then opted to travel to Nairobi to try and secure employment and stayed in Kayole estate where he did menial jobs as he struggled to make ends meet. As a young musician he collaborated with different artist like Nelson Andiego, Joel Angutha in the

same line of Ohangla songs. He later joined others like Kalamindi, Migingo orutu system,which eventually changed its name and became what is today known as the Ohangla boys band. And that was the start of the long and exciting journey which has seen him glob trot, sell thousands of albums, rub shoulder with the mighty and become a household name in the country. “I started this journey 15 years ago and so far am reaching the climax of my career,” he said adding that his main aim was to try and be in the same level with his age mates. And he is one of the first people to admit that his success and that of his songs had even surprised him. Osogo also tells that the climax of his time as a musician was in 2003 in Kisumu in Raila’s home coming where fans crowded the show and where he was among the musicians who got the opportunity to perform live for the guests. “That was one the best day of my music career to date,” he says adding that the reception his songs got will stick to his memory for the rest of his life. Another memorable performance he remembers is the first Safaricom live where the fans went crazy through his new hit the “wan ji ariyo” which he says was also a memorable day for him. “Have got many hitting songs but some have been quite good and encouraging, my song release have been ironical as most of them hit a year later after the release”. Added Mr. Osogo So far he has achieved most of his dreams songs like, ‘Mela Nyakodongo” in 2004, ‘Ageng’o’ in 2006, ‘Wan Ji Ariyo’ in 2007, and lastly ‘Duoge Dala’ amongst other many songs.

John Kennedy Omondi during his graduation ceremony at Rongo University College. PHO-

TO: FRED OKOTH John Okinyi Ng’oge aka Osogo Winyo. He said he will retire from music after three years to concentrate on his business career. PHOTO: CLINTON OBALLA

And now, Osogo has set his sight on retiring within the next three years and coming back to his other passion, which is farming. “I love music but I just want to do it for the next three years then I come back home and enjoy farming for the rest of my time.” He said. And unknown to many people, ‘Osogo winyo’ is also a strong Christian who do his normal services in the Legio Maria church and tells people that knowing God is the source of life. “God is my greatest inspiration and I believe it is God who has made me achieve all that I have managed,” he says. He adds that he has always strived to ensure that he lives according to the ways of

Makajully sets to emulate his parents By Miller Omega


PHOTO: Miller Omega

orn in a music family, Makajully started strumming his parents’ guitar as a child who grew up with music on the table, but insists he started taking music seriously as a career three years ago. The son of the late benga musician Prince Jully who passed away in 1997 and Princess Jully, the budding musician said he misses his late father. “I was still in primary when it happened and i miss him dearly. Sometimes I dream that one day he would come back and we’ll meet again” he explains. He started his career with Young40s as his stage name but ended up taking Makajully which translated from dholuo simply means ‘son of Jully’ Though he carries his parents’ passion and determination as a musician he insists he is his own man as he builds his career in contemporary music away from Benga and Ohangla, his parents trade mark. This passion has seen him complete his album under the label Dalana Entertainment which also enlists other musicians, dancers and DJs in doing gigs and promotions.

God. He further describes his moments and tells how life is for a Christian who works in the music industry. “People don’t know me and my life as a musician because they feel I cannot be a Christian or am just a normal person.” he said. During his song production Osogo said it takes place in three different categories beginning with introduction, body and the climax just like a normal written genre. And he advices youths and young musicians to work hard and not to allow anything discourage them if they are to achieve their goals in life.

The album Love Portion contains ten songs which generally covers the theme of love and life with inspiration drawn from society. It has the song Bleeding Love and Winyo ma Wendo which he sings in Dholuo, English and Kiswahili as it talks about a new girl in a village who turns men’s head. “The key song is Kazana which is done in a mix of fast paced Bongo and Indian Bhangra beats featuring Jeffy Weezy and Dante Boi, and we did together as ORB Republik crew,” he said. The single was launched at Resort Club in Migori town and has seen the artist having shows in Kitale, Nakuru and Kericho. “It has given me a mild recognition and i know with further marketing i’ll soon move nationally” Makajully says. “My biggest achievement is that I don’t play vulgar music which resonates with both young and old where i get airplay in both contemporary and vernacular radio stations in the West region” Makajully. The buddung musician says starting his entertainment label is a big step for his career. As a child Makajully recalls that their mother made sure they didn’t touch a guitar with his Omondi Jully before they finished education. “But now after school she is first my role model as a musician and a big muscle in my music by offering me her full support” he says

By Fred Okoth


hen John Kennedy Omondi’s name was gazzeted as the Youth’s representative at the Migori County Assembly on 17th July 2013 and subsequently sworn in on 2nd august the same year, it marked a major milestone for a man who had spent most of his young life fighting for the youths. “I saw it as an opportunity to serve the youths at an even higher level,” the ever unassuming Omondi said during the interview shortly after he was sworn in at the Migori County Assembly. Born back in 1987 at Rakwaro village in Rongo, Migori County, Omondi

attended his Primary school at Rakwaro Primary school, sitting for his Kenya certificate of Primary Education, KCPE in the year 2000. He then proceeded to Kwa Mixed Secondary school, also within the county in 2001 and sat for his Kenya Certificate of secondary Education, KCSE exams in the year 2004. And it is here where he stated horning his leadership abilities, starting as a class prefect before being appointed as the school Head boy in his final year in the school. In 2005, Omondi, having developed interest in media and journalism, joined Mombasa Polytechnic in Mombasa

where he undertook his Diploma in Media studies, which he completed in 2006 and got a mean grade of B plain, just narrowly missing adminsion to the University through the Joint Admission Board, JAB. He ten set out tarmacking and after several months of ‘tarmacking’, ended up at Kaluworks Limited in Mombasa where was employed as the personnel assistant until the year 2009. “All this time, I was hoping that I could get the opportunity to go back to school and advance in my studies,” he says adding that he therefore kept looking for any opportunity which could come his way even as he was working. He did not have to wait for long. In 2008, he learnt that Rongo MP Dalmas Otieno had launched a program which was taking students who had attained University but had not managed to afford the school fees back to school. He then travelled back home and applied to join the program, getting admission but was asked to wait for one year as the first butch of students were being admitted. “One year to me was nothing so I readily accepted to wait,” he says and so, in 2009, he started his Bachelor Degree in Business and Economics at Moi University, and undertook the course at the Rongo Campus. And even here, his leadership and organizational abilities were ever evident, first being elected as the Class Representative in 2009, then as chairman of the School of Business in 2010 and finally being elected as the Chairman of the Rongo University Students Governing Council, RUSCO in 2011. And according to Omondi, what made him be elected to those leadership positions, and especially the chairman of the student governing council was his ability to listen to students and provide solutions whenever there were problems. “Students had a feeling that they could

always trust on me to represent them well,” he said adding he was also able to handle the University administration with respect and understanding hence there was never a major stalemate between the students and the administration. He finally graduated on 29th November 2013 and has since enrolled for a Masters of Science in Public Relations at the same university. At the assembly, Omondi has already come out as an eloquent debater and a string defender of the youths. He sits in three committees, Early Childhood Committee, Labour and Social Welfare Comitee, and Privileged Committee where his work is to ensure that the interest of youths is taken into consideration whenever any bills are being debated on the floor of the house. “I have great responsibility to represent the youths of this great county at the assembly and I have to ensure that I do my best,” he says adding that under the Education Committee, they are in the process of creating the Ward Development Fund, WDF, a body similar to CDF and which is aimed at ensuring that 10% of all the revenues collected from the county goes to the ward level to help in projects like bursary. “We are hoping that every ward will get 2 million shillings in bursary each year,” he says adding that this will help people like him who might not manage to get their education without the bursaries. He further says that he has also partnered with other leaders from East Kamagambo to start up an education Trust to help needy but bright students’ access education. And his parting shot to the youths is that they have to be optimistic and always try to pursue their goals despite the challenges they might be facing. “Nothing can beat determination and where there is a will, there is always a way,” he says while adding that youths must take the initiative and not wait for people from elsewhere to come and help them.


MIGORI NEWS January- February 2014

County Sports

Sony FC Ready For New Season

Sony Sugar coach Zedekiah Otieno (right) with his striker Moses Arita during a Tusker Premier league match against Tusker at Nyayo National Stadium

By Fred Okoth


ocal Tusker Premier League side Sony Sugar FC has started preparations for the new season, expected to kick off in March this year. Already, the club has embarked on massive recruitment exercise, both to replace the players who have since left for other clubs as well as to strengthen some key departments which it felt were not strong enough last season. The preparations have been however dampened by the news that the club had lost its best players, goalkeeper Wycliffe Kasayawho has left the Awendo based club to link up with the Nairobi based AFC Leopards with leading striker Moses Arita has also moved over to Thika United FC. And following the departure of the two, the club has moved fast to

ensure that they are not missed by snapping up goalkeeper Lucas Indeche from Thika United to replace Kasaya. The club has also signed Victor Omondi from Chemelil Sugar FC as well as Evans Wandera from Sofapaka to boost its midfield as well as former Gor Mahia striker Duncan Owiti who was with KCB and who will be expected to produce goals. And while former Harambee stars coach Zedekiah Otieno, Zico is expected to continue as the club’s head coach, the club has brought in former national team goalkeeper Charles Omondi,(Korea) who will work both as an assistant head coach as well as the club’s goalkeeping coach. Speaking from the club’s training ground in Awendo, Sony’s chairman Christopher Odero said he was sure the

Rift Valley Athletes Shine Rongo Races

Hon Thomas Maneno, the county Education, Culture and Sports executive addressing athletes at the AK marathon. PHOTO: IAN OCHIENG

By Ian Ochieng


enis Morenge from Kuria West sub County sailed into a comfortable 31:58:08 win to take the Migori County Atheletics Kenya in the 6km junior men race held at Rongo Primary School on 17th January. Clement Maurice from Kanyasrega Secondary School emerged second

with 33:28:45 while Denis Abuga from Rongo came third with 34:48:47 in the only race dominated by county athletes. In 12Km Senior Men category Samoei Kipkorir a Migori TTC students dominated the marathon by clocking 34:58:68 ahead of his college mate Solomon Marang’a 36:27:62 while Alfred Owenga from Kamagambo TTC finished

club will compete well this season as opposed to last season when they barely escaped relegation. “We are not going to be involved in relegation fight again,” he said adding that the newly signed players, together with the players who have been at the club should form a formidable team this season. He further said the club was in the process acquiring two Ugandan midfielders whom he said will enable the club to compete with the best teams in the country and said they had set themselves a target of top three in the league. At the same time, the club has maintained faith in majority of its young players, with the likes of Ben Baraza, Victor Ochieng and veteran striker Marwa Chamberi expected to play a key role this season as the club aims to win its second league title after their only win in 2005. He further announced that the club will later this month travel to neighbouring Tanzania where they are expected to play three friendly games in readiness for the kick-off of the season, expected to start in March. “We want to ensure that the team get the best preparation before the kick-off,” he said adding that the team had learnt from last season when they started the league poorly and never managed to pick up until at the very end. And following the signings, fans of the Awendo based club have expressed confidence in the team and said they were sure the team will have a successful campaign this season. Led by their secretary Lucas Otieno, the fans have hailed the new signings and asked all fans from the region to support the team to ensure that they do well in the league. “We are fully behind Zico and his team and we know he will take the team back to where it belongs,” he said adding that the technical team could only work best when they had the support of everybody at the club.

third at 37:27:47. The dominance was also visible in the 8km senior women category where Migori TTC students swept the board clean led by Josephine Wamunyu’s 20:31:69 win followed by Marlin Chelangat 21:21:86 and Carolyne Langa’t at 21:39:89. The same trend was repeated in the 6km junior women category when Asenath Zablon clocked 23:39:09, Naomi Marang’a came second with 24:28:29 while MaryAnne Maturi came third at 26:19:94. During the race the county government gave the winners cash token to help boost their morale ahead of regional games which are to be held in Nyamira County in 30th February which will see the representatives also battle it out with Kisii county athletes. “Migori county has a huge untapped potential in the athletics and the show should have been done from grassroots as we believe we can find talent in Kuria and Nyatike regions,” Hon Thomas Maneno, the county Education, Culture and Sports executive said. Maneno said that the organizers didn’t seek support from the county to ensure more athletics are represented. “In the race we only had athletes from Rongo and colleges which isn’t representative of the county,” he said.

Sports Roundup

AK Should Distribute Agent Money- County

Denis Morenge from Kuria West gestures as he crosses the finishing line to win 6km junior men AK race. PHOTO: IAN OCHIENG

By Miller Omega The Migori county government has challenged Athletics Kenya to distribute agent fees across the country to help boost the sports. Thomas Maneno, the county executive for Education, Sports and Culture said that all foreign agents in the country always pay a fee which when used can boost trade. “Agents money should tickle down to boost talents especially in Migori,” he said. “South Nyanza has a huge potential for athletes and AK should take the lead in developing these talents especially among the youth by bringing more funds in the region,” he said. Maneno called on AK chair Isaiah Kiplagat to work with counties closely to help boost the sports as the department has been devolved. He said his department will organize numerous athletes events to help boost talents especially in Kuria and Nyatike region which he said has a huge potential. “The last AK event in Rongo wasn’t representative as only college and athletes from Rongo participated,” he said. He said they will also upgrade training camps for sports and will upgrade fields to national level.

Samba Boys FC Lifts Nyatike Annual Sports Festival Champions. By Clinton Oballa

Lone goal from Wicklife Nyainda in the 34th minute proved enough to ensure that Samba boys FC overcame Nyatike FC to emerged champions at Nyatike annual sports festival. Samba boys completely dominated the final minutes and missed several scoring chances before Nyainda capitalised on a defensive lapse from Nyatike to slot the ball. Migori County governor Okoth Obado graced the games which were held at Maiga stadium and promised his government will go a long way in boosting the sport in the county. In the third place playoff, defending champions Maiga FC lost by a solitary goal to Oula FC when Calvince Omondi’s second half strike left their goalkeeper Fred Otieno duped for him to tap into an empty net. In other games Lichogo clinched the netball trophy after beating Maiga A 7-6 and this saw Maiga teams dominate as Maiga B also took position three following a 6-5 win over Matoso. Maiga ladies also clinched the women football tittle. In the individual awards, Calvince Omondi from Oula FC was named the best player of the tournament, Irene Paul the top scorer with 5 goals while Charles Njonjo was the best referee and Matoso FC being the most disciplined team of the tournament. The event was also attended by first lady Helen Obado, Sports minister Thomas Maneno

Migori News is published in Migori town, Migori County along police line. PO BOX 195-40400, Suna- Migori

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