2 minute read

Building a prosperous Burnley

Burnley Council and its partners are pleased to announce a new package of support programmes to assist existing and new Burnley businesses to grow and improve productivity. Approximately £1m of the Council’s £3.4m Shared Prosperity fund allocation has been set aside to provide this support

The council has worked with local partners including voluntary and community sector organisations, business representatives and other key stakeholders to develop an Investment Plan. This builds on the council’s existing Economic & Community Recovery Strategies, identifying the activities that are the right solutions for the borough and that will have the greatest impact in meeting our local needs.


How will the fund benefit local businesses?

£982,429 of the fund will be used to support local business growth and entrepreneurship.

Projects under this theme are being delivered in collaboration with other local authorities and delivery partners across Lancashire, led by Lancashire County Council.

Lancashire Innovation Programme

The programme will be available from June 2023. UCLan, Lancaster and Edge Hill Universities will work together to offer their knowledge, expertise and facilities. Support will be given through access to the university scientists, labs, industry practitioners and graduate placements and the universities will work with business to develop a bespoke innovation roadmap, identifying the best support routes to help your business on its innovation journey. Areas covered will include: cyber and digital, energy, low carbon, sustainable technologies and data driven innovation for scaling growth. If you would like to improve one of these aspects of your business this could be the programme for you.


The fund will allow the BOOST programme to continue providing universal business support for pre-start, new start, existing and growth businesses ranging from one-to-one coaching, workshops, networks, finance, leadership, new markets and productivity.

The previous eligibility criteria have been removed and BOOST will now extend the support to any business in the Burnley area, regardless of nature or size. www.boostbusinesslancashire.co.uk

Supporting international trade

Working with the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce businesses can seek advice and support if they already trade internationally or wish to trade internationally to help them realise their export potential and increase international sales. Support will also be available to educate businesses after the transition out of the single market and to help businesses explore global opportunities.Email: international@ chamberelancs.co.uk

Burnley manufacturing programme

Specialist one-to-one support for all sectors of manufacturing will be available from June 2023, aligning seamlessly with Made Smarter to identify opportunities for digitalisation of IR4.0 tech to drive productivity, net zero transition, green growth markets, and improving value added activities leading to growth. Tools and techniques around leadership and management will also be available.

Net zero and decarbonisation

The Chamber of Commerce, UCLan and AMRC have come together to provide support to Burnley businesses with the highest carbon footprint, analysing environmental impact and providing best practice support and in-depth decarbonisation planning and net zero future proofing. If you need support in this area contact Debbie Treadwell at info@chamberlowcarbon.co.uk

For more information on the Shared Prosperity Fund visit www. burnley.gov.uk/shared-prosperity-fund

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