Would your washroom facilities get the thumbs up? Partner with Reward Hospitality for modern and affordable washroom solutions. 0800 428 733 sales@rewardh.co.nz

Welcome to At Reward Hospitality, we are dedicated with national coverage including 4 locations & a team of territory managers who are dedicated to serving both metro & regional areas of New Zealand & the Pacific Islands. From front of house, to back of house we specialise in commercial-quality Crockery, Glassware, Kitchenware, Washroom, Chemicals, Packaging & Equipment. Our extensive range is all encompassing and boasts a selection of both major and exclusive Asbrands.theleading hospitality & care supplier, we have the capability to ensure you receive the best price & service every time. AOG APPROVED Set the standard in hygiene and sustainability. Save time by having what you need, every time. Reduce the spread of germs by using paper towels GOOD HYGIENE Reduce use, waste and greenhouse gas emissions SUSTAINABILITY Easy maintenance SAVE TIME & MONEY REWARD HOSPITALITY | Washroom Classroom Cafeteria | AOG APPROVED

Food safety standards must always be met. Many of our products are HACCP certifiedsuitable for use in food preparation areas. CAFETERIA CLASSROOM REWARD HOSPITALITY |Washroom Classroom Cafeteria | HYGIENE SOLUTIONS RECOMMENDED USE For optimum levels of performance & compliance, follow our easy recommended use guide with each product. In addition to hygiene benefits, many of our products are certified to ensure sustainability standards are met. Ensuring the right hygiene products are available, when and where they're needed, is key to helping everyone stay healthy.

WASHROOM CAFETERIA AreaAreaDispenserofUseProductBrandCodeCapacityDispenserofUse 552008552000 552008552000 552008552000 552008552000 552008552000 AreaDispenserCapacityProductBrandCodeofUse CLASSROOM 3650020/21/22 REWARD HOSPITALITY |Washroom Classroom Cafeteria | HAND TOWELS Centerfeed Roll 20cm3480631Torkx320mx 1ply Centerfeed Roll 20cm3620042Torkx160mx 2ply 559038369771 369771 559038 Mini Centerfeed Roll 22cm3620104Torkx75mx 2ply559038369771 Basic Centerfeed Roll 20cm3480630Torkx300mx5590381ply369771 Extra Long Roll 21cm3620252Torkx280mx36201941ply3620179 Advanced Soft Roll 21cm3620526Torkx150mx36201942ply3620179 Advanced 21cm3640395TorkMultifoldx180shx2ply Xpress 21cm3697794TorkFlushablex200shx2ply Multifold 21cm3620210TorkSlimlinex230shx1ply 21cm3620240Torkx185shx 1ply Low Lint 21cm3620238TorkMultifoldx209shx1plyXpress Multifold Slimline Standard 23cm3620391TorkSinglefoldx250shx2ply Green 23cmZZ3620393TorkSinglefoldx250shx2ply 23cmSoftSlimfoldClean3620283x200shx 1ply 24cmZZ614442Torkx150shx 1ply Mini 10.5cm3620150TorkMultifoldx185shx1ply Ultraslim Towel 3697042/43 3697538/39 3697042/43 Flushable Zig Zag Fold 23cm3620392Torkx250shx36970432ply3697042 20cmCompact3650003FoldSoftClean3620281x120shx1ply 23cmSoftUltrafold3650003Clean3620282x150shx 1ply Sugar23cm3650020/21/22SoftClean3620290x200shx1plyCaneSlimfold 2320416 HAND TOWELS

AreaDispenserCapacityProductBrandCodeofUse REWARD HOSPITALITY |Washroom Classroom Cafeteria | HAND WASH & SANITISER HAND WASH & SANITISER HandSoftSanitiserClean30920031litre Luxury Hand Wassh Soft3092000Clean1litre Foaming Hand Wash Soft3092001Clean1litre FoamingSoftAnitbacterialClean30920021litre Foam Soap Mild 3068011Tork1litre Foam3068012TorkCleanser1litre Premium Mild Soap 3072033Tork1litre 3650035/36/37 3650035/36/37 3650038/39/40 3650038/39/40 3097124/18 3097124/18 3097131/39

3697383/87 3697383/87 3697383/87 3697383/87 3697383/873697383/873697384/36201953697384/3620195 3697524/555508 3697524/555508 36973843697524/555508/3620195DispenserDispenserDispenserCapacityProductBrandCodeProductBrandCodeCapacityProductBrandCodeCapacity Advanced Range 400sh3640155Torkx2plyx48ctn Premium 280sh3640140TorkRangex2plyx24ctn Universal 850 850sh3640120Torkx1plyx48ctn 1000sh3640115Torkx1plyx 4pk Deluxe Range Soft 10cm3640473Cleanx400shx 2ply Universal 1000 Soft 10cm3640355Cleanx400shx 2ply Premium Range Soft 10cm3640471Cleanx400shx 2ply Eco Range Advanced Soft Roll 21cm3640089Torkx150mx 2ply Smartone Mini 620sh3640360Torkx2plyx12ctn Advanced 100m3640001TorkCompactx2plyx27ctn Universal 650m3640020TorkJumbox1plyx6ctn 320m3640030Torkx2plyx6ctn Advanced Jumbo 360 360m3640027Torkx2plyx6ctn Advanced Jumbo 320 220shZZ467574Torkx2plyx12pk Advanced 400shZZ443987TorkRangex2plyx4pk Advanced Range Flushable Zig Zag Fold 3640085Tork / 86 23cm x 250sh x 2ply TOILET TISSUE 557500/557508400mMini3697392/793Jumbo1plyTork3640362x1plyx12ctn Advanced 170m3640365TorkRangex2plyx12ctn Advanced 200m3640366TorkRangex2plyx12ctn 500sh3640400Torkx1plyx36pk Premium 252sh3640470TorkInterfoldx2plyx30pkUniversal3697538Interfold/39 3697538/39 3650026/27/28/29/30/31 REWARD HOSPITALITY |Washroom Classroom Cafeteria | TOILET TISSUE

Auckland 12 Reg Savory Place, East Tamaki Auckland 2013 Hamilton 60 Alexandra Street Hamilton 3204 Wellington 122 Tory Street, Te Aro Wellington 6011 Christchurch 345 St Asaph Street Christchurch 8011 0800 428 rewardhospitality.co.nz733