EcoLab Conveyor Belt Pizza Oven Cleaning Procedure - ReSet ReOpen ReAssure

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Supplies FILTERS FREQUENCY: Daily, at closeneeded: andPizza as needed Oven Conveyor Belt needed: Paper Towels 3-fold


ose and as needed Paper Towels Cloth Supplies 3-fold Supplies required: Supplies Paper Towels needed:Cloth Paper Towels 3-fold 3-fold Nonabrasive Paper Towels needed: Pad 3-fold Cloth HOT SURFACES! Before cleaning, Nonabrasiveturn Pad oven power to OFF and allow Pad Paper Towels Brush Cloth to cool forBefore at least 30 minutes. 30 MINUTES Nonabrasive 3-fold HOTTowels SURFACES! Paper Cloth cleaning, Brush Pad Brush Nonabrasive turn oven power OFF andpizza allow 3-fold Wash hands aftertocleaning oven. Wire Brush i HOT SURFACES! Before toContact cool for at leastcleaning, 30 minutes. 30 MINUTES approved facilities or maintenance personnel


Grease Cleanshot Express Stainless Steel Fast Foam Polish

Cleanshot Spray & Wipe

Brush turn oven power tooven OFF and allow HOT SURFACES! Before cleaning, on cleaning interior and recommended frequency. Wash hands after cleaning pizza oven. Nonabrasive MINUTES minutes. i to cool for at least 30turn oven power to OFF and allow Contact approved facilities maintenance personnel Pad MINUTES Nonabrasive to coolorfor at least 30 minutes. 30 Wash on hands after cleaning pizza oven. cleaning oven interior and recommended frequency. PadHOT SURFACES! Before cleaning, Contact approvedturn or maintenance Wash after pizza oven. Brush oven hands power to OFFcleaning andpersonnel allow i facilities efore cleaning, on cleaning oven interior and recommended frequency. Contact approved facilities or maintenance personnel MINUTES to cool for at least 30 minutes. Brush close and as needed Contact ToasterAt Cleaning o OFF and allow30FREQUENCY: on cleaning oven interior and recommended frequency. t 30 minutes. Supplies needed: Wash hands after cleaning pizza oven.

Grill & Toaster Cleaner i Pad Grill Cleaning

Contact approved ng pizza oven. FREQUENCY: At close and asfacilities needed or maintenance personnel Heat-Resistant Gloves on cleaning oven interior and recommended frequency. ties or Clean, maintenance personnel Cloth Sanitiser-Soaked At close and as needed r andFREQUENCY: recommended frequency. FREQUENCY: At close and as needed BEFORE CLEANING • Cover and1 remove any exposed products/raw ingredients from the grill area. 3 2 • Turn grill to 120°C and allow to cool to this temperature (approximately 20 minutes). Leave FREQUENCY: At close and as needed Turn open. power OFF to oven. • Clean oven conveyor belt using wire • Remove crumb trays. Discard any toaster •cover s needed food debris into trash. brush to remove food debris.

WARNING: Applying Grill & Toaster Cleaner to the grill at a high temperature may cause the grill to 1 3• Wash, rinse, sanitize, and allow to 2 ! NOTE: Do NOT use brush on smoke and trigger fire alarms.

PIZZA OVEN PIZZA OVEN (continued) (continued) • Turn power OFF to oven. • Clean oven conveyor belt using wire • Remove crumb trays. Discard any • Open access doors and/or oven 3 2 brushwindows. to remove food debris. Spray Wipe Cleaner food debris into3trash. Spray Glass && Multi-Surface 1 2 • Remove crumb trays. Discard • Turn power OFF to oven. • Clean ovenCleaner conveyor belt using wiretowel • Wash, rinse, sanitize, andany allow to Do NOT use brush on ! NOTE: Solution onto clean paper Solution onto clean paper food debris into trash. brushanything to remove food debris. air dry. except conveyor belt. • Remove crumb trays. Discard any • Turn power OFF to oven. • Clean oven conveyor belt using wire towel andthe wipe the interior and and wipe interior and exterior • Wash, rinse, sanitize, and allow to NOTE: Do NOT use brush on • Open access doors and/or oven food debris into trash. brush to remove food debris. exterior of the access doors/oven ! of the access doors/oven windows. MIXER 1FREQUENCY: 3 MIXER 2 and as needed KITCHEN FREQUENCY: Daily, Daily, at at close close andwindows. as needed KITCHEN air dry. anything except conveyor belt. Spray Glass & Multi-Surface • Wash, rinse, sanitize, and allow to NOTE: Do NOT use brush on windows. ! 3• Clean 2• Turn power OFF to oven. • Open Cleaner • Remove crumb trays. Discard any oven conveyor belt using wire belt. access doors and/or oven Solution onto clean paper air dry. anything except conveyor brush to•remove food debris. windows. Spray Glass &Open Multi-Surface towel and wipe the interior and access doors • Remove crumb trays. Discard anyand/or ovenfood debris into trash. • Clean oven conveyor belt using wire 3 on 2 Cleaner 1 • Wash, rinse, sanitize, and allow to NOTE: Do NOT use brush Solution onto clean paper exterior of the access doors/oven windows. Spray Glass & Multi-Surface brush to remove food debris. ! food debris into trash. Spray grease solution directly Use the Grill Cleaning Pad to Allow product to sit for air dry. anything except conveyor belt. towel and wipe the interior and windows. Cleaner Solution Wash, rinse, sanitize, and allowonto to clean paper NOTE: Do NOT use brush ondistribute the• product onto!the toaster surface. Use the evenly 2 minutes. • Open access doors and/or oven exterior of the access doors/oven towel and wipe the interior and airbottom dry. surface. anything sprayer as a mist. except conveyor belt. over the top and windows. Spray Glass & Multi-Surface windows. exterior of the access doors/oven • Open access doors and/or oven Kay Chemical Company NOTE: This is estimated to be 6 Cleaner Solution onto clean paper 8300 Capital Drive windows. sprays towindows. the top and bottom Spray Glassof& Multi-Surface Greensboro, NC towel 27409-9790, USA the interior and the toaster. and wipe Cleaner Solution onto clean paper exterior of the access doors/oven towel4and wipe the interior and 66 4 55 windows. exterior of the access doors/oven Kay Chemical Company •• Spray surface with •• Replace Sprayexterior exterioroven oven8300 surface withDrive•• Apply Replaceall allcrumb crumbtrays. trays.Close Closeoven oven Cleaner and Polish ApplySpecialty Specialty Cleaner andPolish Polish Stainless Steel windows. Capital air dry.

anything except conveyor belt.

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Greensboro, USA Degreaser access DegreaserSolution Solution and andwipe. wipe. NC 27409-9790, accessdoors doorsand/or and/oroven ovenwindows. windows. and andbuff buffarea areausing usingaaclean cleanpaper paper Chemical Company towel to avoid streaking. Discard Discard towels. Discardpaper paperKay towels into trash. towel to avoid streaking. Discard NOTE: Ensure Ensure oven oven isis turned turned ON ON !! NOTE: 8300 Capital Drive Kay Chemical Company paper into trash. paper towels. Greensboro, NC 27409-9790, USAtowels and at proper temperature before NOTE: For For stubborn heavier soil buildup, and at proper temperature before !! NOTE: soils, repeat 8300 Capital Drive process untiloven clean. placing spray pizza exterior with placing food food onto onto conveyor conveyor belt. belt. Greensboro, NC 27409-9790, USA Super Contact Cleaner and allow Kay Chemical Company to dwell for 5 minutes. Wipe 8300 Capital Drive Kay Chemical Company clean with a yellow cloth.Greensboro, NC 27409-9790, USA 8300 Capital Drive ! NOTE: For stubborn soils, repeat Greensboro, USA 4 NC 27409-9790, 5 6 process until clean or increase Scrub the upperSuper and lower Thoroughly rinse both upper Empty drip tray into mop sink; Contact Cleaner dwell time platens with theto Grill Cleaning and lower platens with clean, then, wash, rinse, and replace. 10-15 minutes.

Pad in a circular motion until soil liquefies.

sanitiser-soaked cloths. Change rinse water as it becomes visibly soiled. Repeat until no residual cleaner remains. AUS NZ FIJI

1800 022 002 0508 732 733 3361 744

Use Glass & Multi-Surface Cleaner and a clean, cloth to wipe sides and top of toaster.

©2020 Ecolab Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

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