6 minute read
The Adventures of Instagram Sensation, Sir Sidney the Pug
AdventuresThe of
Instagram Sensation
Sir Sidney the Pug
Instagram, the world’s fastest growing social media platform, is known for its community of bloggers and influencers. It’s the place to go to find the latest hip brands, or research travel hotspots. It’s also home to a growing community of dog celebrities.
Dog celebrities?! We hear you bark. Yes, that’s right. There’s an abundance of canine accounts out there with much larger followings than the humans. One such celebrity is Sir Sidney the Pug.
Sidney has 40k followers and counting. We caught up with his human JASMINE to find out what it’s like to own a bonafide dog superstar...

How did you meet Sidney?
I’ve always loved animals (especially dogs) so when I was 9 my parents got us a Lagotto Romagnolo called Bartie. He’s a great dog but grew up to be very anti-social and hard to handle so when I turned 16, I decided to get my own dog. By this point in my life I was incredibly anxious and was diagnosed with PTSD so I didn’t leave the house at all. I thought that getting my own dog would give me a reason to get up in the morning, go outside and live again.

I decided on a Pug as I had read that they are very easy going, friendly dogs with great personalities so I got all my facts together and gave a 20-minute power point presentation to my parents on “Why we should get a pug.” It worked! I found a litter of pugs online and phoned the breeder straight away. When we went to see the pups there was only one left
(Sid) but we fell in love with each other instantly. He ignored everyone else, strolled over to me and just fell asleep in my lap and from that day on we’ve been best friends. The rest as they say, is history and Sidney will be 3 in August.
Does Sidney have any quirky personality traits or funny stories to share?
Sidney’s whole life and personality is one big funny story! He’s very outgoing and has to be the centre of everyone’s attention. You can’t enter a room without knowing he’s there, and pay him any kind of attention and you’ll be greeted with the sloppiest kisses and the wiggliest butt.

I was told that pugs are very chilled out but he’s the complete opposite! He loves socialising with other pugs and when
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he’s with them he has a habit of running in circles with his tail between his legs. We call it ‘zoomies’ and its hilarious! Whether it’s his snorts and sneezes or his waggy tail and head tilts, he’ll never fail to make you smile.
What’s your favourite place to explore with Sidney?
Sidney is very versatile and has a great time wherever we go but I’d say our favourite places to explore are cities! I’ve always been a country girl so I find the hustle and bustle very exciting and Sidney LOVES all the attention he gets. It makes us both so happy that we can put a smile on people’s faces just by walking past them in the streets. So far we’ve been to Manchester, London, Birmingham and a few other smaller cities!
What does Sidney eat?
Sidney eats Burns Original dry food and has done since he was a puppy!
What’s been your best Sidney adventure to date?
Travelling to London to accept the award for Dog Photographer Of The Year and seeing Sidney’s picture in the Kennel Club art gallery is up there! I took him to Buckingham Palace that same trip to get a few photos of him and we attracted a
huge crowd of people who took pictures of him, it was great!
What are your tips for starting an Instagram account with your pooch?
I would say just have fun with it! Don’t do it because you want followers or fame, do it because you enjoy spending time with your dog and love photography! It’s a great way to bond with your dog, just make sure that he’s comfortable with everything you are asking him to do.
I’m extremely lucky as Sidney absolutely loves being in front of the camera and that’s the whole reason I started his Instagram account!
What’s your advice to those who are considering owning a pug?
Do your research! I can’t stress enough how important it is to know a lot about the breed before you buy them, Pugs especially. Pugs get a bad rep because they can come with health problems because of bad breeding, but a lot of them lead very happy and healthy lives. Find a responsible breeder, get pet insurance, make sure they stay a healthy weight and you should be fine.
If Sidney could talk, what would be his favourite phrase?
It would definitely be, “WTF: Where’s the food?”
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