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Meet Pro BMXer Matti Hemmings

From extreme sports to leisurely dog walks...
Matti Hemmings

Matti Hemmings is a professional BMXer with 3 Guinness World Records under his belt. When he’s not training for international competitions or hosting extreme sports events, Matti likes to hang out with his best friend, Buddy the Springador.
We caught up with Matti to find out what it’s like to make a career out of doing what you love and to learn more about his canine sidekick...
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Meet Matti Hemmings
Career & Lifestyle
For those unfamiliar with extreme sports, what is Flatland BMXing in a nutshell?
In a nutshell, Flatland BMX is a riding style performing tricks on smooth, flat surfaces. This style doesn’t include ramps, jumps, or grind rails. It is sometimes described as a form of artistic cycling with a blend of breakdancing.

How long have you been a Flatland BMXer for and what inspired you to choose this unique career path?
I’ve been riding Flatland BMX for over 18 years now and have had a lot of crashes mastering this style of BMXing.
It was the sense of adventure that inspired me to choose BMXing as a career. There are so many interesting projects and travel opportunities. I got to visit Macedonia and New York last year and am visiting Stockholm this month. It’s definitely not your average job.
What advice would you give to somebody starting out?
My advice would be to focus on pushing your own boundaries, stand out from the rest and if you don’t get it first time get back up and try it again.
It’s important to inspire all generations to make their dreams a reality. There are so many interesting jobs out there and with a positive outlook and determination, it is possible to make a career out of what you love.
Have you had any near misses on the bike? You make it look easy but it’s pretty high risk.
I always have near misses on the bike including the death truck spins (this is where you spin around in a circle stood up, putting both feet on the back wheel.) In this career path you are always learning new things, and as with most sports, it takes hours of practice and perseverance to become consistent in your trade.
If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.
If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
Robin Williams.
Tell us about your dog Buddy. He’s super cute.
Buddy is a 3 year old Springador, who lives up to his name! He’s the best friend anyone could have! I got him as an
“ Buddy
3 year old
Springador wholives name!
up to
10 • burnspet.co.uk

The joy
get from
spending time with them,
and getting to know their is
8-week-old pup who was all ears and paws with these big eyes. He’s now grown into those features, but still loves a cuddle. I call Buddy a human bean dog as he really does act like a human. I find him sleeping on the bed with his head on our pillows. Or, he sits on the sofa and seems to know exactly what you’re talking about. Buddy comes along on my work trips when he’s allowed and he’s amazing company. We always look out for dog friendly hotels and he’s so well-behaved, it’s a pleasure having him around. Clients love having him in the office too.
You see a lot of dogs such as Otto the skateboarding bulldog performing tricks and stunts. Is there any scope for the same with Buddy?
I’ve never tested Buddy on the actual bike, but he runs alongside me and participates in my training sessions. If there’s music on, he’ll dance alongside me by standing
on his back legs. I’d love to train him up properly. Could you imagine it, he’d take the Internet and live audiences by storm. In fact, he’d steal the show!
What does Buddy eat?
Buddy is #PoweredByBurns and eats the Lamb and Brown rice variety. He’s been eating Burns since day one and has always loved it. It keeps him healthy, happy and shiny.
Do you eat as healthily as him?
I try to. it’s important for me to keep healthy when training, riding and even when I’m recovering. Buddy even tries to eat what I’m eating sometimes, but I guess that’s the Labrador in him.
Where is your favourite place to go walking together?
I’m lucky enough to live on the Severn Estuary and have a nature reserve right outside my front door. Buddy and I love it.
There’s plenty of space for Bud to run after his ball, and even places for him to swim. It’s safe with no traffic and a beautiful view across to my home country, Wales.
What piece of advice would you give to potential dog owners who are considering getting a Springador?
Do it! They are genuinely the best company. The joy you get from spending time with them, walking them and getting to know their characters is brilliant.
I wouldn’t be without him, he’s my sidekick.
To find out more about Matti and to watch some of those impressive death truck spins, visit www.matti hemmings.com

All images courtesy of Barry Wilkinson • www.swpix.com
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