2 minute read

Meet Terry the Lakeland Terrier



Meet Scotland’s Adventure Dog

Terry the Lakeland Terrier

Whether he’s scampering to the summit of awe-inspiring mountains, leaping across sandy beaches (A.K.A the fun zone) or hanging out in his human’s backpack, Terry the Lakeland is a bona fide adventure dog.

We caught up with Terry’s Dad, Paul, to find out more about their Scottish escapades...

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How did you meet Terry?

Terry came into our lives in the summer of 2013. After a long search to find a Lakeland Terrier, we found a breeder in Rochdale outside Manchester. We met Terry and his siblings and biological parents that day. We could tell that Terry was going to be a hardy brave wee dog straight away - he jumped in the car without hesitation and was raring to go to his new home in Edinburgh!

Where is your favourite place to explore?

Our favourite place to walk and hike is Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands. Terry has done all the major mountains in the area several times and we are currently working on a children’s book based on his adventures.

What has been your best adventure with Terry?

Our greatest adventure to date has been an amazing cloud inversion on our favourite mountain Buachaille Etive Mor, Glencoe. We climbed the hill opposite for a possible sunrise but also got an amazing cloud inversion. This was an incredible sight to witness.

What tips would you give to fellow dog owners who want to bring their dogs on adventures?

For people wanting advice on taking dogs to the mountains, I’d recommend purchasing a nice long lead, particularly if your recall skills aren’t great. Terry likes to chase mountain hares and also deer.

“We could tell that Terry was going to be a hardy, brave wee dog straight away.”

Also, be prepared for all weather conditions and have plenty of food and water for your dog and yourself.

What’s in store for 2017?

For the coming year we hope to finish Terry’s book and to continue our mountain adventures.

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