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15760 Albion
Emancipation, bridge builder, time bridges.
Cubewano 1992 QB1 was officially named Albion on January 31st, 2018 (over 25 years after its discovery) after a mythical figure from the works of William Blake. Albion measures 167 km in diameter and was discovered by David C. Jewitt and Jane X. Luu as the first TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object) after Pluto on August 30th, 1992 – the same year that the first photo was uploaded to the World Wide Web, the first www-server outside of Europe was activated, and Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups were launched. Sir Tim BernersLee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, has Albion conjunct Damocles/2002 VE95 (abrupt, great change that expresses itself creatively and/or addictively) in the sign of new horizons and high-tech, Aquarius. Albion marked a new era in astrology as it serves as the starting gun for an unstoppable wave of new astronomical discoveries and astrological exploration.
Ellen DeGeneres, who did a lot for the emancipation of homosexuality, has Albion in conjunction with Gonggong or Snow White (groups, group consciousness). Martin Luther King had Albion conjunct Psyche (inspiration); sextile Chaos (chaos, something to be healed) and square Uranus (at odds with the status quo) and Cyllarus (racism). His Achilles’ heel was his dealings with women (square Cassanova). Transhumanism advocate Richard Dawkins has Albion conjunct Pholus/Silly/Lugh/1993 SB/1998 WW24; square Varuna/ Hylonome/Sedna; opposition Utopia.
Albion seems to be mainly concerned with two overlapping things:
1. taking a powerful stance/ideal within the context of an emancipation process;
2. forming a bridge between two eras or worlds or cultures. There is also a weak link with the occult and techno-occultism. Often, but not necessarily, new technology plays a role in this, and sometimes Albion shakes things up to get the process going. A special place is reserved for gay emancipation here. Albion also seems to be the bridge builder between the pre-internet period and the internet age.
It has always struck me that people with strong aspects to Deucalion often have a natural talent for magic and are very interested in it. Their main quality is what magic is essentially about, namely being able to change a situation, homeostasis, or life course at will in accordance with the true course of their individuation process. A curious nod to the myth is the conjunction of Ceto/ Crantor in the discovery horoscope: the abrupt stopping of something watery or making it more concrete/focused by creating a “thelos” (meaning) for a mass of metacognitive information and energy.
The orbital period of Deucalion is 295 years and 295 days.
Beta-intelligence, calculating, (academic) rigor, linear logic.
Logos (actually Logos-Zoe) is a binary Cubewano, discovered on February 4, 1997, by a team at the Mauna Kea Observatory. Logos measures approximately 77 km in diameter and Zoe 66 km. Zoe is not a moon, but both bodies revolve around a barycenter. According to the discovery horoscope and test horoscopes, Logos has a cool, calculating power, as the name suggests. The Sun in the 16th degree of Aquarius, conjunct Vesta/Industria/Arachne and sextile Taurinensis, in combination with Mercury in Capricorn and the Moon in Capricorn in the first house square Saturn, with Orcus and Eris in a trine on the ascendant and the discovery Logos itself in the 6th degree of Virgo conjunct Echeclus; square Pluto indicates strong left-brain energy. Mars is in Libra in a trine with Uranus, sextile Chariklo and sextile Pluto. Saturn makes a sextile with Jupiter.
This indicates the following characteristics: concrete, down-to-earth, calculating, mathematical, balanced, emotionally cool, systematic, formative, analytical, linear logical, reasoning, rational, solid, reliable, detached, contemplative, academic. The downside of Logos is arrogance and selfrighteousness from the haughty sense of superiority that people with high beta intelligence often exhibit, completely oblivious to the fact that this is ultimately just a narrow perspective, miles away from a fully developed perception of reality. A strong Logos can significantly “strengthen” the personality, similar to a Sun, Pluto or Saturn on the ascendant.
At the same time, Logos can seriously lack empathy, intuition, etc., while the emotional intelligence can be well below average and display a long learning