Is Album Art Dead? Graphic Design BA (Hons) Sam Burton Year 3
Is Album A
Art Dead? In a world where the digital revolution has taken over i want to inform the younger generation how music was experienced before MP3 players and Digital Media Devices. In the 1960s music and album sleeve design became one. Bands and artists created an all round music experience. Album Art and sleeve design was considered part of the CD experience packaging and product became a one.
Album art consisted of imagery, lyrics, and a visual identity or particular sound to the music experience this stretched across a whole booklet which gave bands a chance to interact with their fans Now with MP3’s and album art the size of a postage stamp and a new market of experiencing music digitally how long can Album Art be considered an Art or is it already dead?
Album Art is importan
Peter Blake (British pop Artist) “It (album art) survived from the LP to the CD, but . . . if that becomes obsolete then I guess then album art won’t exist. I think it would be a big loss.”
nt because... Robyn Louise Chandler Age 21
Danny Mcgurn Age 25
Daniel Gregory Age 22 “I personally love album art work, sometimes the whole package can make me buy an album. A good front cover is key to the whole feel of the album and sometimes helps you visualize the music instead of just listening to a random MP3 by a random artist.”
“Personally I love album artwork, I like it when all the lyrics are inside the sleeve too. I remember buying albums and spending hours examining the album sleeve. Dookie by green day was one of the first. The album cover is a cartoon that includes drawings of little monkeys throwing poo at each other. I don’t buy many album any more . . . perhaps album artwork is dying but isnt dead yet.”
“I love album art work. Last album I brought was Pixie Lotts which was actually yesterday. I love looking through the album sleeve at the photographs and its even better if it has the lyrics in it. I think that buying the actual cd with the sleeve is more personal to the music, as Pixies album had photographs on the back page of her with friends, family and on nights out – love things like these!! I usually buy all my albums from shops and then buy just singles on itunes… Never buy albums on itunes, I prefer the manufactured cd, means more then copying the cd onto a disc with my hand writting scribbled on it. Album artwork totally isn’t dead to me! I love it”
Is Creativity lost with
“16.1m digital albums That is 16million people sold in 2009� who could of bought a CD album not a scaled down thumbnail.
With the introduction of MP3 players and Media Libraries is there any need for Album Art the size of a stamp? Album art worked on the LP and CD as it had the ability to be creative but now that Album Art is seen on a screen or media device does it work?
There is a sense of richness that comes with a CD it feels interactive, the texture of the paper, and a visual connection to the music and the artist. An Album could be loved, and be something to be proud of. A CD or LP could be loved can you love something you cant touch?
Is Album Art dissapearing with the art viewed at the size of a postage stamp. This means people will no longer experience how music was creatively packaged and visually connected the music and the artists message of the album with creative design methods.
Digital Album Art
9 Albums that every music fan should experience in CD format.
“The physical format of an is the most complete statement of the album idea and should work as a whole, and that includes the way that it’s packaged,”
Says Gerard Saint, Big Active’s Founder and creative director
1 Pink Floyd: The Devision Bell 2Coldplay: A Rush of Blood to the Head 3 The Beatles: Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts 4 Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin I 5 Blur: Parklife 6 Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon 7 The Clash: London Calling 8 Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin 1V 9 Radiohead: OK Computer
Album Art Manifesto
I pledge as a person who loves CD album art which is now fairly unknown with CDs are no longer prominent in the industry with the introduction of MP3’s and digital media stores in the Digital Revolution. I vow to buy atleast 1 album every 6months. I will learn about the albums enclosed as they are a part of music heritage and alot of band authorship and design have gone into their production. There is no problem with downloading digital music as long as I remember where music started from and if possible I should pay the extra cost for a Interactive booklet atleast once for every five albums I purchase. Digital Album Art is not part of history now but it will be in ten years time. If I help keep Album Art alive.