Burwood Scene Community Newspaper

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win a free pass eb games expo Sydney to the

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final council election results Page5

Lifestyle & health


26 September 2012 6 October 2011


See Pages 8 & 9




Volume 07 No.06


Drummoyne MP John 6 October 2011 Sidoti fighting for education funding


Fierce outcry over cuts to Catholic and independent schools


rincipals, politicians and parents across the inner west are angered and distraught over proposed cuts of $1.7 billion to Catholic and independent schools throughout New South Wales. The news, announced by Premier Barry O’Farrell of the Liberal Party has even drawn strong criticism from Liberal member for Drummoyne, John Sidoti, who is hoping for cabinet


by Mitchell Jordan

to go back on this decision. “It shouldn’t have happened,” he told Burwood Scene. “Instead of cutting back, we could clean up and find savings, as opposed to going down that path.” Mr Sidoti, whose three children all attend Catholic schools in the area, rejected the suggestion that he was the only member of the

Liberal party to disagree with the radical move. “I’m the lone one to speak up, but I don’t think I’m the only one who doesn’t believe it’s the right thing to do,” he said. Mr Sidoti claimed that he has already received many letters

›› Continued on page 7

Funding crisis AdvErtiSEMENt

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26 September 2012


hat a difference a year makes. This time last year, our family was in the whirl of Year 12 graduation ceremonies and the carry-on that goes with the ‘Formal’ because it didn’t feel like one night, more like a week of frenzied activity and more expensive than I care to remember (and I reckon we did it on the cheap compared to other stories we’ve heard). Following the tearful graduation, where emotional mothers like

desk By Belinda Noonan

BURWOOD Graduations, dreams and a new life myself cried almost day, there comes the best – or worst – school holidays for a parent. They are here again – the stuvac before the HSC exams, where parents do their best to stay calm, provide food

and speak when spoken to and not before! Is that really a year ago? I can say this gleefully, because that time is over as all things do pass. Somehow, my little girl is grown up, being

responsible, completing her first year of uni, holding down her part-time job and paying her way. How did that all happen? I still want to “have words” about domestic matters, but I’ve now figured out that the next time I see a truly respectable bedroom will be when it’s in her own house! The good news for any despairing parent from the Class of 2012 who is looking ahead to the next few months with trepidation and displaying the wideeyed, semi-permanent stare is that somehow, your son

or daughter will get through and, most likely, make you feel very proud. In this space last year, I paid tribute to our teachers – especially in the innerwest where we have so many schools, each offering such a high-standard education. It’s relevant and important to bestow those accolades again, and particularly at this time of the year, when it’s not just the work and effort by the students, which will be put to the test, but also the teachers. Early in 2013, ex-students

will meet up with their teachers to discuss results, the courses and life-choices they are taking and making and they will be on their way. The teachers will continue with the Class of 2013, learning, refining their teaching skills, exploring new technique and doing what they do. What teachers don’t need is a freeze on education funding. It won’t be salaries that are affected, because their agreed wage increases are set in stone. The freeze, if it happens, will be in the back rooms, but it will flow.

We welcome your Letter to the Editor, which must be supplied with your name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. The publisher takes no responsibility for views expressed in any Letter to the Editor.


Light feet lead to greener pastures


election results

Page 5

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Page 15

@school festival wrap up 6 October 2011 sport



residents to drop off computer equipment, mobiles, home office equipment, electronic games, Burwood residents are getting TVs and other home equipment www.burwoodscene.com.au down and dirty as part of the and small appliances such as Treading Lightly workshop kettles and toasters. program. Council’s last e-Waste Burwood Council has teamed Collection Day saw more than up with Ashfield, Canada Bay and 4.88 tonnes of material handed Leichhardt Councils to promote in, 87 per cent of which was eco-living in the Inner West with recovered for recycling. Figures hands-on workshops that deliver are still being finalised for the education on how to live more latest collection. sustainably. According to Burwood Council 3 NEWS manager, Michael Earlier this month, Burwood general Council hosted an electronic McMahon, environmental 6 October is 2011 something that waste collection day for Burwood awareness by Mitchell Jordan

Page 16

Rosebuds in Burwood Park

An independent fortnightly community newspaper. 100% family owned and operated. Published by Scene Newspapers next issue: Wednesday 10 October 2012 deadline: Wednesday 3 October 2012 Advertising: ads@burwoodscene.com.au Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Editorial: editor@burwoodscene.com.au Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Post: P.O. Box A187, Enfield South, NSW 2133 Editor: Belinda Noonan Accounts: Aileen Soria Art Director: Lee McCluskey Journalist: Mitchell Jordan Sales Director: Robin Eggleton Printed by: Rural Press Burwood Scene Daily Online: Webmaster: EZY Media Your Events: Emily Trussell (emily@burwoodscene.com.au) Burwood Scene is a registered trademark. All material appearing in this newspaper is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holder. Delivered across four municipalities: Burwood, Strathfield, Canada Bay and Ashfield.

should be at the forefront for all residents. “We must lead by example and raise awareness of environmental issues in our community and offer ways for people to be empowered to help reduce their impact on the environment,” he said. As well as the Treading Lightly Workshops and e-Waste Collection Days, Council is also introducing solar lighting at Flockhart Park, implementing a greener vehicle fleet, purchasing pool ‘blankets’ for the Enfield Aquatic Centre and making use of ‘grey water’ in its parks.

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26 September 2012


Women’s Business and Professional club kicks off



WED 3 – SAT 6 OCTOBER 2012 11AM - 2PM LEVEL 2, NEAR THE ABC SHOP BPW Strathfield at the September meeting for ‘Equal Pay Day’.

A Strathfield branch of the United Nations recognised Business and Professional Women (BPW) organisation has formed under the leadership of Strathfield resident and business owner, Faye Helou, pictured right. BPW Australia is a network of women who want to end gender inequality, and which focuses on issues affecting women and work as a member-based organisation that is part of a global network. “We make real differences in women’s lives by creating awareness, leading debate and driving change. If it matters to women, it matters to us,” said President of BPW Australia, Marilyn Forsythe. BPW lobbies governments on issues such as equal pay for women. “Female graduates entering the workforce earn $3,000 less per annum than male graduates and

women executive managers in Australia’s top 200 companies earn an average of 28.3% less than their male peers,” Marilyn advised. Founding Strathfield President, Faye Helou has been involved in BPW for many years. “I’m excited that there is now a branch in Strathfield that covers the inner-west. We encourage women to come along to our monthly dinner meetings at Club Burwood to hear our speakers and to share their experiences,” Faye said. The next BPW meeting will be held at Club Burwood, Burwood Road, on Wednesday October 10. Matthew Tukasis, CEO of the Sustain Group and a representative to the UN Global Compact, will speak on human rights and market conditions. To be a part of this vibrant group, call Faye on 0402 849 226.

›››››››››› ›› Diary note: Daylight Saving will begin in New South Wales on Sunday, 7 October 2012 at 2:00 am, when clocks will be put forward one hour. ›› Lifeline is taking part in the Zip It campaign for World Mental Health Day by asking participants to ‘donate their voice’ for 24 hours on Wednesday 10 October in solidarity with those suffering silently with mental health issues. ›› Zip It invites Australians to donate their voice. Registration is free but participants, or Zippers, are asked to seek sponsorship to help raise funds for Lifeline, Black Dog Institute, headspace and Suicide Prevention Australia. See www.zipit.org.au ›› Are you thinking about improving your fitness but need a goal or motivation? Step

There’s a lot more fun to be had. Join the Westfield Kids Club to find out about more events.


up and have a go in the first-ever Canada Bay Biathlon on November 25, from Rodd Point. The event, another brainchild by the charitable group, Communities for Communities, is sure to be successful, but most of all fun. See the back page for more information. ›› Have you visited the Concord Farmer’s Markets yet? They are held the first Sunday of each month in Cintra Park car park. Concord Rotary run the markets, which are attracting gourmet producers from across the Sydney basin. Have a look on Sunday October 7 – open from 9am until 1pm. ›› The Labour Day long weekend falls on Monday October 1st this year. Double demerit points will apply on the long weekend and to everyone travelling to Bathurst for the V8’s – have a great weekend!

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burwood Scene



26 September 2012

CounCiL Message



by Cr John Faker Cr John Faker (Mayor) 9911 9916 mayor@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Ernest Wong 0425 691 838 ernest.wong@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Sally Deans 0424 022 627 sally.deans@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Lesley Furneaux-Cook 0408 227 826 lesley.furneaux-cook@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr George Mannah 0416 655 556 george.mannah@burwood.nsw.gov.au Justin Taunton 0488 083 103 justin.taunton@burwood.nsw.gov.au Tony Doueihi 0418 270 499 tony.doueihi@burwood.nsw.gov.au

WaTER pLay paRk WoRk BEGinS


offers a much safer place for youngsters as it will not hold a body of water in its basin.

Enfield aquatic Centre’s pre-existing kiddie’s play pool is being replaced by the Water Play Park that

Improvements are also being made to the BBQ, kiosk and concourse areas, and will allow for people enjoying Henley Park to wander over and get their morning caffeine fix.

ouncil has begun work on the exciting new Water Play Park at Enfield aquatic Centre, with the new offering expected to be available in time for summer.

pool manager, Cory nisbett explaining the layout for the new Water play park to Burwood Mayor, John Faker

Listening and deLivering I

aM extraordinarily grateful to the people of Burwood for choosing me to be their Mayor for the next four years at the recent local government elections. It was a clean campaign, and I congratulate everybody for a hard-fought race. These coming four years are about Burwood Council delivering a better Burwood for you, the residents, businesses and visitors, as we cement our community’s position as the hub of the Inner West.

By providing key community services, essential infrastructure, exciting celebrations and events, sustainable environmental initiatives, economic development and more transparent governance processes, we will present a Local Government area that is the envy of our neighbours.

On top of ensuring we provide the community with better footpaths, roads and gutters, we have a number of centrepiece projects in progress including a state-of-the-

art Library and Community hub on the previous Council Chambers site, a water play park at Enfield aquatic Centre sure to be a hit with families this summer and the development of Wangal Park in Croydon into an inner-city bushland oasis. In realising the vision of the Burwood2030 Community Strategic Plan, our CBd is growing, and we will have to carefully manage infrastructure and services to ensure Burwood retains and improves its great

community atmosphere.

as a father of four young children, I am invested in this area, I know what we all want and need, and I will listen to you and deliver. If you ever want to contact me, I can be reached at my office on 9911 9916 or at mayor@burwood.nsw.gov.au. I am excited about the coming four years and I look forward to working to deliver a better Burwood for you.

ThERE’S noThinG LikE ThE BuRWooD FESTiVaL Revellers made the most of the 2012 Burwood Festival


ydNEy’S vibrant community spirit was on full display last weekend, with 104,300 people making their way to Burwood Park to revel in the fun, excitement and entertainment of the Inner West’s largest annual free community event, the Burwood Festival. as the Festival kicked off for 2012, the Main Stage came alive with a stellar line up of music, dance and a bit of comedy. The delighted crowd enjoyed brilliant performances by acts including aRIa chart topper Timomatic, the electrifying young Talent Time winners Lil’ Banditz Krew, and the beautiful voice of runnerup and local star

Georgia McCarthy. Throughout the day, families enjoyed all the fun free activities offered at the busy Kids’ Korner, where there was the hugely popular animal nursery, face painting and pony rides. For the first time, Burwood Festival this year offered specially-selected entertainment for young people in the district youth area. Here, young people could hang with their friends, chill out on the comfy bean bags in the Chill Zone, or dance along to music being mixed by the district youth dJ’s. Car lovers weren’t left disappointed either with more than 250 of the best vintage cars

from right around australia going on display to be judged in the 21st annual Classic Car Show by the NSW Council of Motor Clubs. a BMW Series 1 itself took the spotlight as the people of Burwood stepped up to the mark to set a new Guinness World Record by making the most of the car’s confined space, cramming 1,506 balloons into the little hatchback. The Burwood Festival 2012 has been hailed as an overwhelming success as Burwood proves it truly is the hub of the Inner West and that when it comes to sheer fun, discovery and excitement, there’s nothing like the Burwood Festival.

Burwood Council is teaming up with Southern Cross Vocational College and the Strathfield Mens Shed to deliver community initiatives

BRinGinG ToGEThER younG anD oLD


HE National australia Bank (NaB) has announced that a partnership between Burwood Council, the Southern Cross Vocational College and Strathfield Men’s Shed is to be granted $15,000 in funding through the ‘Seed Funding awards’ to deliver a number of exciting projects in coming months.

Burwood Council, Level 2, 1 – 17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134

9911 9911 www.burwood.nsw.gov.au

Focusing on new seating at the Burwood Park Community Centre and Enfield aquatic Centre, the projects will improve the amenities at both locations. Supported and coordinated by Burwood Council, year 12 construction students from Southern Cross will work under the guidance of Strathfield Men’s Shed

members to build seats for the Community Centre and to cover exposed concrete seats at the aquatic Centre with timber slats, making for more attractive spaces for the community. Work on the projects is set to begin in term four of the NSW school year with the seats being finished in time for Summer.


26 September 2012

Final Council Election and Poll results

City status a storm in a tea cup David Borger, the former NSW Roads Minister in the Keneally Labor Government and now the Director of the Western Sydney Business Chamber poked his head up last week following the recent Council Elections to say he thought local government areas such as Burwood and Strathfield being called cities was, “silly”. “The idea of calling yourself a city seems a bit silly doesn’t it?” he asked when Burwood Scene called for a comment. “Cities have a cathedral and being called a city or not, is more a symbolic thing. With 43 councils in Sydney, if they were all called ‘cities”, would we be any better off? What we should be focussing on is providing more jobs.” Mr Borger is in favour of ten super councils throughout Sydney. “I’d encourage anything that encourages less boundaries. We have said before that ten or so councils for Sydney would be the natural boundaries. There is a lot of duplication and different rules from one council to the next. Child care regulations is a good example, with each council having a separate book of rules. It’s my view that we are over-regulated,” Mr Borger said.

by Belinda Noonan

Burwood Mayor John Faker said that Burwood had been identified as a major town centre and would play an important role in the future of the area. “The results of the recent poll (58 per cent voted Yes) indicate a significant proportion of our residents and business owners want to see Burwood known as a city, which may help leverage our lobbying for State and Federal funding for roads, footpaths, infrastructure and community space,” Mayor Faker said. “Burwood has been identified by successive NSW State Governments as an important centre, and the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy clearly highlights that the Burwood area plays a major role in Greater Sydney and its future.” “Becoming a city does not mean Burwood Council will levy higher rates or allow more high-density development, it aligns our identity with our reputation and it is the most significant way to highlight the position of Burwood as the hub of the Inner West,” the mayor stated.

Cr Wong secures Deputy Mayor position At an extraordinary Burwood Council meeting on Thursday September 20, the Deputy Mayor’s position was elected, and, as expected, will be filled

by Labor’s Cr. Ernest Wong. He joins Mayor John Faker. Burwood Council Committees were also decided.


Building and Development: Chair: Mayor John Faker and Deputy Mayor Ernest Wong. All councillors are delegates.




Burwood ANZAC Commemorative: Chair: Mayor Faker Alternate: Cr Tony Doueihi


Burwood Local Traffic: Chair: Mayor Faker Alternate: Cr Tony Doueihi


General Manager’s Contract Review Panel: Chair: Mayor Faker Delegates: Deputy Mayor Wong, Cr Lesley Furneaux-Cook Alternate: Cr Justin Taunton


Audit Committee: Delegates: Cr George Mannah, Cr Lesley Furneaux-Cook Alternate: Cr Justin Taunton


National Servicemen’s Association: Chair: Mayor Faker Alternate: Justin Taunton

Sandakan Community Educational: Chair: Cr Ernest Wong Alternate: Cr Tony Doueihi

Sydney East Joint Regional Planning Panel: Delegates: Cr Ernest Wong, Cr George Mannah Alternate: Cr Tony Doueihi


Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Full Committee: Delegates: Mayor Faker, Cr Ernest Wong


Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Sustainability Committee: Delegates: Cr Lesley Furneaux-Cook, Cr George Mannah Alternate: Cr Juston Taunton


Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Program Delivery: Delegagtes: Cr Tony Doueihi, Cr Justin Taunton Alternate: Cr Sally Deans.


Burwood Mayor: John Faker Councillors: Ernest Wong (ALP) Sally Deans (ALP) George Mannah (ALP) Lesley Furneaux-Cook (Burwood Community Voice) Justin Taunton (Liberal) Tony Doueihi (Liberal) Those in favour of renaming the Burwood Local Government area as Burwood City was 57.97% for Yes and 42.03% for No. (Voter turnout: 84.62% Informal rate: 7.32%)

Gulian Vaccari (centre) is Strathfield’s new mayor.


Andrew Soulos, Strathfield’s Deputy Mayor.

Chemistry is right as Vaccari and Soulos take the reins at Strathfield A sense of hope and promise is on the horizon for Strathfield residents after two long-standing residents, both pharmacists, were declared Mayor and Deputy Mayor at the first new-look council meeting in the Strathfield Chambers on Monday 17 September. Strathfield’s new mayor is Liberal Gulian Vaccari, a pharmacist who is well liked and respected in the Strathfield area and has strong ties within the community. His two daughters have attended local schools and he previously served as a councillor in Ashfield from 1999 until 2004, where he co-owns a local pharmacy. The newly elected mayor has already stated that establishing a CCTV network in the town centre, a

safety committee, efficient council services and supporting the M4 East extension are on his agenda. Joining Cr Vaccari is another pharmacist, Andrew Soulos – another long-time resident whose family have lived in Strathfield for three generations. Andrew and his brother John were educated at St. Patrick’s College before both obtained degrees in pharmacy and law, respectively. Cr Soulos, who made it onto the council in seventh position, after a whirlwind six-week campaign is committed to preserving open space and improving communication between residents and their elected representatives and Strathfield Council. “We look like having an

additional 8,000 residents coming into Strathfield in the future. You wouldn’t want to convert open space into buildings at any point. If we consider losing open space, there will be an exponential decrease in amenity for residents,” Cr Soulos stated. “I would also be looking for councillors to remain relevant and to actively seek input from the residents, who should be able to call their representatives. There are seven councillors, which means residents have seven choices until they can get someone who will listen to them,” he said. “We need a real connection between the people and council. All available facts on whatever the issue is has to get back out to the people,” he added.

Councillors: Gulian Vaccari (Liberal) Stephanie Kokkolis (Liberal) Sang Ok (Liberal) Helen McLucas (IND) Raj Datta (ALP) Daniel Bott (ALP) Andrew Soulos (IND) Those in favour of renaming the Strathfield Local Government Area as Strathfield City Council was 65.20% for Yes and 34.80% for No. City of Canada Bay Mayor: Angelo Tsirekas Councillors: Michael Megna (Liberal) Mirjana Cestar (Liberal) Helen McCaffrey (Liberal) Tanveer Ahmed (Liberal) Marian O’Connell (ALP) Neil Kenzler (ALP) Tony Fasanella (ALP) Pauline Tyrrell (GREENS) Ashfield Councillors: East Ward: Julie Passas (Liberal) Alex Lofts (ALP) Caroline Stott (IND) North East Ward: Ted Cassidy (IND) Vittoria Raciti (Liberal) Lucille McKenna (ALP) North Ward: Adriano Raiola (Liberal) Monica Wangmann (IND) Jeanette Wang (ALP) South Ward: Mark Drury (ALP) Max Raiola (Liberal) Morris Mansour

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26 September 2012

Archdale gold for Meriden debaters

(L-R) Verity Plimsoll-Kanakova, Anagha Bidkar, Katya Shliapnikoff , Anna Fletcher and Kathy Chen with Meriden’s Debating Coordinator, Miss Carleen Isley

With only an hour to get to grips with the finer points of a debate about the legalisation of all recreational drugs, Meriden’s Year 10 debating team put forward a strong case for the negative to win the Grand Final of the Year 10 Division of the 2012 Archdale Debating Competition. A tight and consistent debating model earned team members Anna Fletcher, Katya

Shliapnikoff, Verity PlimsollKanakova, Anagha Bidkar and Kathy Chen the coveted Archdale Debating Shield together with individual trophies for each debater. The Archdale Debating Competition was established in the early 1970s. Today, more than twenty independent girls’ schools compete in the prestigious competition.

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Lend Lease employees including Scott Farquhar, Angela Glynn, Jenny Leo (at back) and Grace Lee with Chalmers Road Principal Wendy Milburn and students Hayes, Fadi, William, Callum and Walter. Photos: Lee McCluskey

Helping hand for Chalmers Road Public School Chalmers Road School was one of many worthy organisations given a helping hand on September 20 when Lend Lease hosted its 17th annual Community Day, a program in which the multi-national company encourages employees around the world to give something back to local communities. Over 70 employees from Lend Lease arrived early in the morning to paint two cubby houses, which had been built off-site, painted murals, made an oversize tactile dominos set and got stuck in to the gardening in and around the school. “The project was chosen because Chalmers Road School provides so much care to their special students. Our Cubby House Madness Project is aimed at helping kids and their carers to make their time at school more enjoyable which means learning and playing in a nurturing environment by helping out with gardening, painting, odd jobs and building special cubbyhouses so

the kids can play,� said team leader Angela Glynn. “Chalmers Road School p r o v i d e s e d u c at i o n a l programs for students aged four to eighteen years with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities and draws from a wide geographical area as well as a diverse cultural and social community,� she added. Chief Information Officer, Scott Farquhar enjoys the day, especially being able to help a school such as Chalmers Road Public. “You just know the work is helping. We have been coming here for years and to have everyone outside and working together is a really good thing. It’s a great day,� Scott said. The Lend Lease Community D ay pro g r am op e r ate s world-wide on this one day of the year, involving over 75,000 employees who have the chance to apply skills where they are most needed. Employees nominate a project and create small teams to

Everyone takes a break for a photo

work with the community group or cause. Activities can include helping senior citizens, homeless people or those with a disability, the environment and more. Chalmers Road Principal, Wendy Milburn is looking forward to the result of so much

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work in one day. “The changes made here in just one day is exciting for the students and staff. We are very grateful for the on-going support from the community and to Lend Lease,� Mrs Milburn commented.


26 September 2012


New-look concession cards Win free tickets to the EB Games Expo Centrelink Concession cards have a new look and are now being issued under the Department of Human Services name. Senator Kim Carr said new cards display the Federal Government crest and the Centrelink name will be replaced with the words “Department of Human Services. The new-look cards will be mailed to eligible cardholders when their current

card expires or when they need a replacement,” he said. Cardholders won’t need to do anything because their cards will automatically be replaced with new ones. The new cards also feature a watermark on the back for greater security. “People will also notice Pensioner Concession Card and Health Care Card colours have changed,” Senator Carr advised. “It’s important that customers,

companies, organisations and retailers who use or grant concession entitlements make note of this change so there’s no confusion about the cards’ validity. While the new-look concession cards roll out, old cards are still valid until they expire. Customers will start receiving their new-look concession cards when their card is up for renewal or replacement.

Fierce outcry over cuts to Catholic and independent schools ›› Continued from page 1 and calls of concern from schools within the area. He encouraged those who have not yet done so to do the same. “Write to me,” he said. “This is the only way that you can get a government to change its mind.” An online petition circulating by the Catholic Education Office in Sydney had collected 1,464 signatures at the time of writing. Though he admitted that cuts needed to be made, Mr Sidoti said that education was an area that should not have been affected. “I would have rather see cuts in other areas,” he said. “Education is not a tap you can turn on and off when it suits you.” Principals in the inner west share Mr Sidoti’s view. According to Mrs Margaret

“It definitely affects our country because children are the future and provide the way forward. In the long-run, they will be disadvantaged” Sargisson, principal of St Mark’s primary school in Drummoyne, it is children who will suffer the most. “I’m very concerned about any funding cuts that affect education,” she told Burwood Scene. “It definitely affects our country

because children are the future and provide the way forward. In the long-run, they will be disadvantaged.” At the time of going to press, Domremy College in Five Dock had not returned calls. Member for Reid, John Murphy, has also lashed out at the O’Farrell government, saying that the decision is causing “great unrest, dissatisfaction and actions across all non-government schools” within his electorate. Mr Murphy pointed to Newington College in Stanmore as another case of “The headmaster’s message also points out the lack of notice and consultation, the size of the cuts and their effects … the timing,” he said. “This is a massive betrayal of parents and children.”

Woodstock face-lift continues Burwood’s Victorian era centrepiece, Woodstock Community Centre, is undergoing update works with a new state-of-the-art community hall to adjoin the historic centre being discussed. Upgrades to the original building so far include better disabled entry and ramps, and improvements to the Park’s footpaths. New play equipment and soft-surfaces worth $34,800 have also been installed. Woodstock Community Centre runs health programs, including fitness and yoga classes, social events and field trips for seniors and people with disabilities and dances lessons. For more information about classes at Woodstock see www.burwoodscene.com.au

It’s time to game on and geek out! Burwood Scene has a fantastic giveaway for games enthusiasts in Sydney. You could win one of five double tickets, valued at $39.95 each for Australia’s biggest video games event, EB Games Expo, to be held on Friday October 5 at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park. To win a double pass, all you have to do is be one of the first five people to call Burwood Scene at 9715 2700 on Tuesday, 5 October from 9am. Winners will collect their tickets from the box office/ media desk on Friday October 5 at Sydney Showground.

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Free Proudly supporting Cancer Council’s Pink ribbon Day

Walker Strategies is holding its inaugural GIRLS’ NIGHT IN 100% of all funds raised on the night go directly to Cancer Council NSW Guest Speakers A Lucky door prize & Raffles Wednesday, 17 October Commencing 6pm for 6.30pm (includes finger food)

Carnarvon Golf Club Nottinghill Road, Lidcombe Reserve your FREE seat NOW by registering at: http://thegirlsnightin.eventbrite.com.au/ Call Chris at Walker Strategies on 8020 1405 or email chris@walkerstrategies.com.au

8 12

26 12 September 2012

The hairy tale of the two sexes LifeStyle

Burwood Scene takes a look at the trend for men to join women in removing body hair Australia’s foxymoron Kath Day-Knight once passed on some sage advice to her daughter, Kim, when she said: “Men love long hair on women – especially on their head.” The head, it seems, is about the only place that is sacred for most men to leave their hair in peace from the razor or wax pot. Many women, young and old, however, are confused by the hair-less craze that seems like metrosexuality gone mad. 27-year-old Laura Kongvongsa admits it’s great to see that males have evolved from the smelly, dirty caveman stereotype, but believes that there are certainly limits. “I don’t think it’s necessary for men to get rid of all body hair, although some may be doing it as personal preference or for their Not many women relish the idea of hearing that their shape is pear, apple, rectangle or inverted triangle, especially this time of year when it’s time to buy new swim-wear. About the only shape that sounds appealing is hour-glass and images of Marilyn Monroe immediately spring to mind, which is even more depressing as we drag ourselves into change-rooms with armloads of skimpy cossies, no spray tan and a good look in the mirror at the year that has gone. Westfield Burwood stylist Shannon Meddings has some advice on how to choose swim wear, which starts with understanding your body shape by using their calculator to enter bust, hip and waist measurements. The best news is, that you can do this at home online (I typed in Westfield Body Shape Calculator into the

partners,” she said. Laura’s fiancée only shaves his face and armpits. To her, the idea of dating a totally hair-free man seems a little unusual. “I think it would be funny and strange for a while,” she said, doubting that most men would have the commitment to keep up the effort. “I don’t think it would last long because I know he wouldn’t be bothered to keep shaving or waxing every single body part,” she added. Her advice to men is simple: don’t overdo it. “A little maintenance here and there is fine, but I believe that men are supposed to be hairy,” she said. “Spare yourselves all the extra trouble.” By Mitchell Jordan

by Belinda Noonan

search bar). “Dressing for your body type is really all about diverting attention from what you want to hide, and drawing focus to what you want to flaunt. If you’ve got a round tummy then showcase your perfect pins. If you have a big bottom then bring attention up to your petite top half with an embellished top. If you’re not sure what your shape is or how to best dress for it try Westfield’s Body Shape Calculator,” Shannon advised. “There are certain cuts that are going to suit some shapes and cuts that will suit other shapes. The trick is to know which ones work best for your body shape. It all comes back to dressing for your body shape and not letting clothes wear you,” Shannon said.

Photo: istockphoto

To wax or not

It wasn’t just Australia’s lack of gold that was apparent to anyone watching this year’s Olympics. Take a look at most of the male athletes and one thing was clear: there was but a hair to be seen amongst the buffed, bronzed bodies (the exception, interesting enough, was out-and-proud diver Matthew Mitcham whose armpits were at least a little fizzy). Indeed, young men all over the world have opted for a hair-less body, by either shaving, waxing or lasering it all off. So just what is it that compels young men to take the plunge and take it all off? 23-year-old Stjepane Puric, a professional boxer from Sydney is one man who is un-phased by the social stigma that often surrounds this phenomenon. In fact, he swears by it and claims that it is not only aesthetically pleasing but also a lot more hygienic. Stjepane currently shaves several parts of his body on a



weekly basis. ‘’I shave both for cleanliness, aesthetics and for comfort. It feels satisfying knowing that I am cleanly shaven,’’ he said. This is not the only benefit. ‘’Another aspect that is very important is cleanliness. For people like me who compete at a professional level and train daily, it helps keep our skin clean and prevents odours from building up,’’ he added. Criticism that shaving is women’s business doesn’t bother Stjepane in the slightest. “I don’t care what other people think as it is not stigmatised anymore and men are given more freedom to shave. It’s a personal decision for my own hygiene,’’ he said. His partner, Himalee has no complaints. At least according to Stjepane. ‘’She enjoys the added aesthetics that accompany shaving,’’ he said. By Veronica Buttarello

Shannon’s top five tips for choosing swim wear that suits your body type

do you take?


Apples: Round and luscious apple-shaped ladies: stick to one piece swimsuits which keep the tummy tucked in and offer support around the bust to keep it lifted. Pears: Bottom-heavy pears: go for bikini tops with thicker straps and rvtuffle detailing to add bulk to your smaller top half and create a sense of proportion. Hour-glass: Ladies with hourglass figures: make sure your cleavage is kept in line with a bikini or one-piece that has plenty of support around the bust. Rectangles: Create the illusion of curves by choosing one pieces with horizontal stripes of varying thickness or bikinis with frills on both the top and bottom to add width and emphasise your waist. Inverted triangles: Go for halter necks and boy short bikini bottoms or pieces with extra detail on your bottom half to create a more balanced silhouette.



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26 September 2012

Insects Pink Ribbon that bite Girls’ Night In Spring is here and that means more time spent outdoors enjoying the warmer weather and springtime blooms. Unfortunately, it also means that insects, spiders and snakes become more active as temperatures increase. More than 345,000 Australian’s are bitten or stung each year, making bites and stings the third most common injury in our country. St John Ambulance Australia (NSW) recommends that everyone learn first aid to deal with bites and stings should they happen to you or your family this spring. Sheila Bowtle, first aid trainer with St John says that learning first aid can help clear up the confusion that surrounds the treatment of various bites and stings. “There are a lot of myths about what to do if you get bitten or stung. My advice is to learn first aid and have a first aid kit handy wherever you are,” said Sheila. Apply First Aid is St John’s most comprehensive course which covers a wide range of common injuries including the management of bites and stings. To learn first aid with St John call 1300 360 465 or visit www.stjohnfirstaid.com.au

Spring into exercise

and Breakfasts this October

In support of the Breast Cancer Awareness next month Walker Strategies is holding its first Girls’ Night In at the Carnarvon Golf Club in Lidcombe on Wednesday, October 17 and it’s a free event to anyone who wants to register and come along. “We’re excited, and you’re invited,” said organiser C h r i s Johnston. “This special evening features guest speakers from Cancer Council NSW and AMP, as well as lots of great take-home information. Please come and join us in the fight against women’s cancers, and have a great night out.” The event, which starts at 6.30pm is free of charge “There’s a lucky door prize and raffles on the night, so bring along a friend and share in a glass of bubbly,” Chris said. Participants should register online at http://thegirlsnightin.

eventbrite.com.au/ Or call Chris Johnston on 8020 1405 for more information For those women who have collectively raised over $158,009 by hosting Pink Ribbon Breakfasts in the last five years, they are urged once again to host a breakfast with friends and family. Lisa Wilkinson, co-host of the Today Show was inspired to champion the initiative when she heard the National Breast Cancer Foundation declare its goal of zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. “What I love about Pink Ribbon Breakfast is that it combines such a significant ambition with something so simple....enjoying the easiest meal of the day. All you have to do to contribute is enjoy a friendly get-together,” Lisa says.

As winter makes its exit for another year, spring is when it’s time to start a new exercise program according to Jean Hailes from Women’s Health organisation. “As you come out of winter hibernation and the days get longer and warmer, you have more energy to look at your health and lifestyle and to make some changes,” said Jean Hailes’ dietitian, Terrill Bruere. “This is the chance to build your health and fitness again

before the summer season and the heat arrive.” Jean Hailes gynaecologist and founding board member Dr Elizabeth Farrell also suggested using a smart phone to track gynaecological issues, such as period problems. “Download a period tracker app and use this to chart frequency, heaviness and length of periods,” she said. “It’s a useful record that you can take to your doctor and discuss.”

The group also suggested m a k i ng s m a l l l i fe st y l e changes, getting active with a friend and having a health check-up. Top 10 spring health tips

l Aim to make small changes l Change just one thing l Book in for a health check l Find an enjoyable way to get active and spend time outdoors l Get active with a friend l Try on your summer clothes and see if they still fit l Eat fresh and seasonal fruit and veggies l Keep a food diary for a few days Swap winter snacks for fresh cut up fruit

Putting your feet first Home and Community Podiatry Service, auspiced by Burwood Council, is for residents of the Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield Local Government Areas. We aim to provide a comprehensive, responsive and flexible podiatry service for the Home and Community Care target group which includes the frail aged, people with disabilities, and their carers. If you think you, a friend or family member may be eligible please call the Podiatry Service on 99 11 99 39 to talk to someone about the service.

P U C e n r u o b l e M








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26 September 2012

Grants give groups chance to grow A number of organisations in the inner west can grow after receiving a total of $85,000 worth of grants from Burwood Council. The Volunteer Network that is supported by Council received $15,000 from the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) and $5,000 from Wests Ashfield Leagues Club Grant to run an Inner West Volunteer Expo on 13-19 May 2013 coinciding with National Volunteer Week. The Network received a further $40,000 from ADHC to develop a DVD which will be used by all Community Care funded organisations to promote volunteering and $7,323 from Burwood RSL to provide further support for training for volunteers. Burwood’s successful grants mean that Council can roll out

services for all of its residents, from the senior citizens to local youth. Younger residents will benefit from new services with Burwood Council receiving $3350 from Burwood RSL Club Grant to create a holiday program for children aged 9 to 12. Burwood Council general manager Michael McMahon was pleased to see organisations get on board and support council’s services. “Council will now be able to give even more to our residents and help those in need,” he said. These new programs will join some of Burwood’s other renowned services such as the Different People Different Voices Program and Burwood Youth Advisory Group.

Infrastructure key to Sydney’s future Growth in Sydney is not only unavoidable but much-needed, according to the Urban Development Institute of Australia, which fears that infrastructure is not going to be sufficient. New research commissioned by the group showed that community members will not tolerate greater population pressure in their suburbs if they don’t have more and better infrastructure to support it. UDIA NSW Chief Executive Stephen Albin said the total pool of infrastructure funding by development needed to be increased to deliver more state and

local infrastructure. That included state and local roads, rail, land for social infrastructure, parkland, footpaths, and sewer and drainage. “The State Government’s own figures say Sydney will grow by 1.4 million people and require 570,000 new homes and 600,000 new jobs over the next 20 years,’’ said Mr Albin. “That can’t be done without enough infrastructure to support that growth, particularly since NSW is not raising enough infrastructure funds at present.” In its submission to the State Government in response to the

Green Paper for the new planning system, UDIA NSW has made a range of recommendations. They include replacing the current complex and inequitable system of local and state levies and with a single low, broad-based levy for a greater range of residential and commercial development. Mr Albin said this system could increase estimated yearly income for new local and state infrastructure in Sydney from approximately $200 million to an estimated $300 million. “Currently, development is happening on a very broad scale in our communities and done by a very broad range of people. There are wide disparities between who pays for infrastructure and who doesn’t,” he said. “Who does [pay] are new home buyers and who doesn’t are those who are significantly extending their homes, or knocking them down and rebuilding.”

Fairy tales in Concord Enter the enchanted world of fairy tales and fables at Concord Carnival on Sunday, 14 October, when childhood favourites including the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and Aladdin visit Majors Bay Road. There’s also an interactive Mad Hatters Tea Party, chess with the Queen of Hearts, Aladdin’s Story Time Cave, over 70 market stalls and much more. The Wizard of Oz stage show, which has performed over 3,000 shows and recently performed at the International Storytellers Festival, will have you singing and dancing as Dorothy and her friends travel the yellow brick road.

Bled countryside

There’s something about Bled



n the town square of Ljubljana, blue spray paint has been used to write the intriguing message: The owls are not what they seem. It’s a fitting phrase for a country that is likewise mysterious and perplexing. Having only recently sprung into the consciousness of travellers, Slovenia is a place that is still developing and seems like one of the few pockets of Europe that has so far been spared from the crowds and holidaymakers en masse.

Words & Photos by Mitchell Jordan

In one sense, it’s little wonder. Ljubljana, for all its quaintness, feels more like a country town than a city; and though its nightlife is certainly healthy, it is possible to explore and see everything by foot in the space of half a day if pressed. A good base for beginning a journey through Slovenia, from here it’s possible to take a day trip to the once-Italian seaside town of Piran, which still feels

Lake Bohinj

like Italy, or the numerous caves, including Škocjan Caves Regional Park or Postojna Cave. In only hours, visiting Italy, Croatia, Austria and Switzerland is achievable too, but to make such a rash move would be a sin when even closer to home is the absolute jewel in Slovenia’s crown, the small north-western town of Bled which on its own makes the visit to the country entirely worthwhile. As if the sight of the shimmering blue Lake Bled isn’t enough, there’s an island

Vintgar Gorge

home to St Mary church where Živa, the goddess of love and fertility was worshipped in ancient times and, overlooking both lake and island, Bled Castle, which juts out from a steep and imposing cliff like an omnipotent guardian. With Vintgar Gorge’s pristine waterfalls and forest only walking-distance from the town and Lake Bohinj – considered by many to be even more picturesque than Bled – an easy bus ride, the thought of returning to Ljubljana is dispiriting.

A common criticism amongst many who have visited Slovenia is that the mentality of its people does not match the scenic beauty. Certainly, there is some truth in this. In the space of one week, this writer encountered pro-white, anti-gay and anti-feminist propaganda throughout the country and a palpable coldness amongst many of the people despite the prevalence of religious icons everywhere. Anywhere else, it would be enough to make you want to pack your bags and get on the


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next plane – or train – out of there. And yet, the sight of gardens and vegetable patches without fences and completely unspoilt also suggests there must be something peaceful about living here in this high rise and chaos-free land. It’s an age-old cliché, but Slovenia grows on you to the point that leaving it behind only makes you want to come back. More than anything, it’s a reminder of how life was – and still can be – when we stop being so obsessed with moving at such a fast pace.

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26 September 2012


Award nomination for Croydon Park Chamber

Croydon Park Business Chamber has been selected as a finalist for the Local Chamber of Commerce Sydney South Western Regional Awards being held by NSW Business Chamber. “This is fantastic news for our area and for local business,” said Sectretary Silvana Franz. “As your local chamber, our aim is to put Croydon Park on the map and drive business here.” Recently the Chamber has been focussing on small businesses, by showcasing their products and services. “At our current event Cheese and Wine Tasting, some locals said they weren’t aware of La Bocca Deli Cafe. Having been invited to come along by the Chamber, they loved the place and the products, vowing to go back for a relaxing Sunday breakfast,” Silvana said. The final Cheese and Wine night is on October 5 at La Bocca where the raffle will be drawn for a weekend in the Blue Mountains, for up to 4 people.

the shelf Bollywood joining in the Holiday Fun at Burwood Library. Thursday, 27 September 2012 2.30pm-3.30pm Burwood Library will be hosting Bollywood for Kids on Thursday, 27 September from 2:30pm. Burwood Library encourages all boys and girls to join in the holiday fun with the Indian Dance Sessions on offer. It’s a great way to embrace the Indian culture and to get the Bollywood experience.

Professional Theatre Company takes the stage at Burwood Library. Tuesday, 2 October 2012 11:00am- Midday Professional Theatre Company will be presenting a Drama workshop for young people at Burwood Library on Tuesday, October 2. These workshops will allow participants to use their imagination and boost their confidence. Limited spaces are available for this great opportunity.

Burwood Library exercises for a healthy mind and body. Wednesday, 3 October 2012 10.30am-11.30am Burwood Library is encouraging kids to participate in Yoga exercises for a healthy body and mind. From these exercises, kids are able to expand their mind to be able to explore their creativity and enhance their wellbeing.

Burwood Library prepares for HSC Lock Down. 13 October 2012 4:00pm-8:00pm Burwood Library is supporting Year 12 students with the most important examination, the Higher School Certificate, on the 13th October 2012. Burwood Library will provide quiet study areas as well as free Internet and WIFI access where students can study in solitude or in groups and get a hold of their syllabuses.

Sydney Filmaker and Writer Robin de Crespigny comes to Burwood Library. 16 October 2012 6:30pm-7:30pm Burwood Library invites the community to challenge its thoughts on refugees with Sydney filmmaker, director and writer, Robin de Crespigny, as the release of her new book The People Smuggler: The True Story of Ali Jenabi tells the plight of refugees from their point of view.

To book, call Burwood Library on 9911 9999 or email: library@burwood.nsw.gov.au Burwood Library, 4 Marmaduke Street, Burwood

Tickets cost $10 each.

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26 September 2012

How to improve pedestrian safety on Liverpool Road? It’s time to have your say Proposed safety measures being considered along Liverpool Road at Ashfield, including a 50km speed limit, centre median strips, fencing and two new pedestrian crossings are up for discussion with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) inviting the community to comment. Strathfield MP, Charles Casuscelli said the proposal aimed to increase safety and reduce pedestrian crashes in Ashfield’s shopping precinct. “Following requests from Ashfield City Council and members of the public, RMS spent almost two years working with council, the NSW Police Force, emergency services and community groups to identify measures to improve pedestrian safety in the area,” Mr Casuscelli said. “As part of the proposal process, RMS will consider all comments before any final decisions are made, The proposed works include three pedestrian fences on

Ain’t no mountain high enough

Liverpool Road between Murrell and Victoria streets, at the intersection of Knox Street with Holden and Brown Streets and from Miller Avenue to Murrell Street. Also up for comment is the installation and upgrade of two additional pedestrian crossings across Liverpool Road on the western sides of the Knox and Queen Street intersections. The RMS is asking for comment on a 50km/h speed limit along Liverpool Road between 140 metres west of Thomas Street, Ashfield and 160 metres west of Pembroke Street at Summer Hill.

by Mitchell Jordan

The song ‘Climb Every Mountain’ could easily have been written with Five Dock resident Kevin Brown in mind. Determined not to let life get him down after being diagnosed with cancer and a double hernia years ago, Mr Brown has recently returned from a gruelling nine-day trek on the Kokoda Track which saw him risk life – and limb – to achieve his mission with two climbing mates from Europe. To say that the journey was a hard slog is an understatement. During the trek, Mr Brown was unfortunate enough to fracture his fibula on the second morning. Yet, he insisted on continuing, even carrying a fellow injured walker on his back.

All comments should be sent to:

Leonardo Ferreri Road Safety Project Manager, Roads and Maritime Services PO Box 973 Parramatta NSW 2124 Or via email:


Convict bonnets on show During October an interesting display of bonnets similar to those worn by some of the 25,226 convict women in the early settlement of Australia, will be on display at the City of Canada Bay Museum. The exhibition was made for the Roses from the Heart Project, initiated by Doctor Christina Henri, with an aim to recognise and acknowledge the hardship faced by the convict women. Over 23,000 bonnets have been made world-wide, each with the name of a convict woman and

the ship and year on which she came to Australia. Most never returned home, being sentenced to seven years transportation and married off to strangers. Many of the bonnets are made from old linen or calico, ribbons and lace recycled from tablecloths, tea-tray cloths or other suitable old materials found in Op shops. The Museum is open on Wednesday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm. Admission is free. The museum is located at 1 Bent St Concord.



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Break the generational depression cycle A two-stage governmentfunded program, Family Focus, is being rolling out to 50,000 mental health workers nationally targeting around one million Australian children who have a parent with depression and/ or anxiety. These children are at a higher risk of developing learning difficulties, relationship problems, substance abuse and/or low self-esteem in addition to one or both of these illnesses. Family Focus, an

evidence-based public health intervention program developed by COPMI (the Children of Parents with a Mental Illness national initiative) is aiming to prevent mental health difficulties for these children. “Depression and anxiety affects the whole family, not just the individual, and if not adequately supported, children are particularly vulnerable to developing mental health issues of their own,” said COPMI Director, Elizabeth Fudge.

The new intervention program comprises a psycho-education DVD for the family to watch together and follow up in-clinic intervention where needed. “Negative impacts of a parent’s illness are reduced when the whole family understands and acknowledges the illness,” said Ms Fudge. The Family Focus program builds child and family resilience by offering a shared family perspective, acceptance and understanding of the parent’s

Burwood Scene Online Keep up to date with all the latest local news Bookmark www.burwoodscene.com.au We are also on facebook

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“I didn’t want to be a failure and have to go back a second time,” he explained. Though he trains regularly at Five Dock gym and has previously completed other personal challenges such as the 100-kilometre Oxfam walk, Kokoda was the most testing thing he has faced yet. “Mentally, it can be destroying,” Mr Brown said. “It’s one thing to read about Kokoda in a history book, but to actually walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before you is another thing entirely.” It was also physically draining. “You wade through flowing rivers with a heavy pack on. I spent five hours going up a rock face covered in slime ... I’m glad I’ve done it, but I wouldn’t do it again,” he said. Kokoda can now be ticked off the list, but Mr Brown has his sights set on both Mount Everest and Mount Kilimanjaro, which he intends to do in September next year. In preparation, he trains regularly at the Five Dock Leisure Centre. His motivation is the old saying that life is short. “There are too many guys who waste their retirement,” he said. “It’s not an ego thing – you only get one shot at life.” illness. Training in the program is now underway ahead of a public awareness campaign early next year, with the support of beyondblue: the national depression and anxiety initiative. “It’s important parents know how to talk to their children about how depression or anxiety affects family life and beyondblue is pleased to be supporting this program,” beyondblue CEO Kate Carnell AO said. “ We’r e e n c o u r a g i n g psychologists, psychiatrists, GPs, social workers, occupational therapists and mental health nurses to do the free online training now so they are ready to assist people when the program is publicly advertised next year”. Family Focus was modelled on a program developed by world-leading child mental health-intervention expert, Dr William Beardslee at the Judge Baker Children’s Center, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, dedicated to improving child mental health. “Because the risks for children of depressed parents have been recognised worldwide, several countries have implemented successful systematic national programs, based on the Family Focus approach,” said Dr Beardslee. To register to be a Family Focus intervention facilitator at www.copmi.net.au/familyfocus.

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26 September 2012

Tony Burke in China for Yellow River Project Antarctic research, oceans and water have been on the agenda for Watson MP and Environment Minister, Tony Burke during a week-long official visit to China to see first-hand the engineering and technology supporting the Yellow River Project. “The relationship with China is critically important to Australia, and one of the greatest strengths

in our relationship is the strong Chinese community we have in Australia,” Mr Burke said. He met the Chinese Water Resources Minister Chen Lei to discuss water management and sign a Memorandum of Understanding on water cooperation. He will also meet with China’s State Oceanic Administration to discuss cooperation between China and

Australia on Antarctic affairs and the search for ice more than one million years old. “The first million-yearold sample of Antarctica’s ice is expected to shed light on climate change questions that have plagued researchers for decades. In particular why, up until 900,000 years ago, the Earth endured ice ages every 40,000 years then suddenly switched to


a 100,000 year cycle,” he said. “The answers, scientists think, lie in ice three kilometres below the surface. Air trapped in tiny bubbles as snow fell to earth one million years ago will be analysed for CO2, salt and other indicators of climate conditions.” “This, of all years, is a particularly important time to be making this visit because it commemorates the 40th anniversary of Australia establishing diplomatic relations with the Chinese Government,” Mr Burke said.

A long way to go, but worth it for Captain Cook historians The State Library of Queensland is now the proud owner of two of the world’s rarest books relating to Captain Cook’s voyages in the 18th century. The one by astronomer William Wales, published in 1788, is one of only a handful of copies held in public collections. It is the rarest of all books about Captain James Cook. The other work, attributed to midshipman James Magra, is an unauthorised account of the HMS Endeavour’s voyage of 1768-1771, published within months of Cook’s return to England. It is the first publication to be read by a public hungry to know what happened during the journey. Janette Wright, State Librarian of Queensland said, “Queenslanders can now see two rare and amazing publications of enormous significance to their state. “I thank the generous donors of the Queensland Library Foundation’s Partners’ Program who made it possible to share these important books with Queenslanders and others. “The books were published in the wake of Captain Cook’s voyage to Tahiti, New Zealand and to the east coast of Australia in 1770, and contain fascinating log entries, remarkable astronomical observations, strikingly accurate charts and maps, detailed descriptions of flora and fauna, and words of the Guuru Yimithirr’s people’s language of North Queensland. “We want Queenslanders, wherever they are, to be able to

access their history, so over time we plan to capture the images of these rare books and provide digital versions online.” Simon Farley, Arts Portfolio Manager at State Library said Captain Cook’s main objective for the first voyage was to observe the Transit of Venus in Tahiti. He said, “The Transit of Venus is a rare astronomical event that also occurred this year so the timing of the acquisition is appropriate. “Captain Cook was the first European to chart and explore the east coast of Australia and the beautifully engraved maps by James Basire in the Wales publication are strikingly accurate and in wonderful condition. Names that are very familiar such as Moreton Bay (after Earl Morton President of the Royal Society), Point Danger, Keppel Island, and Cape Byron (after Commodore Byron of the Royal Navy) were first named in these charts by Cook. “Queenslanders’ own collection of the documentary heritage of their home state is held in the John Oxley Library and these two books make the JOL’s extensive ‘age of exploration’ materials even more valuable to researchers and others.” The books will be on public display on Saturday 6 October or by appointment. Editor’s Note: This story is a long way from our inner-west distribution area, but we think of historical significance. The Queensland Library have advised that, at this stage, there are no plans for the books to be on view in NSW.


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26 September 2012

October 10 at Club Five Dock information or see Annual Drummoyne on Great North Road. Ladies www.cccburwood.org.au Art Show come along enjoy a meal, good Over 200 original works in company and a guest speaker Justices’ meeting all mediums from Modern to this month from the NSW State The next meeting for the Traditional by some of Sydney’s Library. The club also holds New South Wales Justices best artists are on exhibition monthly mid week lunches and Association of the Ashfield/ at the Annual Drummoyne weekend social outings. For Burwood branch will be held Art Society Members details, call Margaret 97983339. on Wednesday 17 October Exhibition from Saturday, View clubs support The Smith at 7.15pm. The Guest speaker 29 September to Sunday, 7 Family. will be solicitor Tim O’Conner October from 10am-5pm and the topic will be about daily at the Drummoyne Call for young advisors mortgages. All Justices of Civic Centre, Corner of Lyons Applications are now open for the Peace welcome and Rd and Marlborough Street, young people, aged between encouraged to attend. Drummoyne. It is a judged 12 to 25 years-old, who are exhibition and all works are for concerned about the issues Free DIY workshops sale. Opening night is Monday, facing their generation to apply Inner west residents can learn 1 October at 7pm. Everyone is THE FRIENDLY TO SHOP AND DINE for 2013 membership of the handy D.I.Y. tips for the warmer welcome and entry is free ofPLACE NSW Youth Advisory Council. months at a series of free charge. Young people from workshops at Bunnings Ashfield metropolitan, regional and rural and Greenacre throughout Free cappuccinos at C3 areas, Aboriginal communities October every Saturday and Church and diverse cultural Sunday. The workshops, at All Nations Kitchen are inviting backgrounds are encouraged to 11am 12.30pm and 2pm, the community for a FREE apply. Council members meet will cover projects including cappuccino and a light meal regularly throughout the year outdoor building, water-saving every Wednesday from 9.30am to discuss relevant topics which tips, kitchen, bathroom and to 2pm at the C3 Church at affect young people and their laundry D.I.Y. advice. 230 Liverpool Road, Enfield. insight, opinion and advice There’s also arts and craft and assist in the development of View Club meeting much more. Enjoy a sense youth-related policies and Five Dock Evening View of community. Call Ana on programs. See www.youth.nsw. Club will hold its next dinner 0421320613 or 97440132 gov.au or call 9995 0532. meeting at 7pm on Wednesday (Tues 10am -1pm) for more

appliance repair



Big day for service clubs

The Burwood Spring Festival tested the resources of local service clubs as over 100,000 people turned out at Burwood Park. Burwood Lions Club members (pictured above) ran out of bread rolls and needed to restock by lunchtime. However, they were all smiles and kept working hard.


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26 September 2012


Good weather and great line-up draws over 100,000 Police and Burwood Council staff were concerned after the Sydney CBD riots, but it was all fun, smiles and good humour as number crunchers announced that 104,300 people made their way to Burwood Park on Sunday September 16 for the Inner West’s largest annual free community event, the Burwood Festival. The big draw card, X Factor winner, Timomatic didn’t disappoint, thrilling the waiting crowds of teenagers as a sea of mobile phones caught his every move. The 28th annual Burwood Festival made the most of a sunny spring day, playing host to the crowds and providing something for every age-group. “Today has been a shining example of how communities in Sydney can come together from all walks of life to enjoy

themselves and appreciate one another’s culture, quirks and entertainment,” said Burwood Mayor John Faker. Burwood Lions member, Patti Frost was thrilled by the turn-up. “Oh my God! It’s been unbelievable. We ran out of bread rolls for the sausage sizzle earlier and had to buy more. We heard there wasn’t one bread roll left in Burwood to buy. It’s been a fantastic day,” Patti said. Burwood Police were out in force and well prepared for any incidents. By the end of the day, the most work they were involved in was to keep pedestrians and traffic moving. “I just want to congratulate Burwood Council and the police on such a wonderful event and in keeping the traffic under control,” an older man told Burwood Scene.

Carolina and Vince Baudille from Strathfield

Timomatic at Burwood Festival.

Burwood Youth Advisory members

BMX bikes flying high


Sam gets a surprise while checking out the model boats.


Be Care aware


carer is someone who provides unpaid assistance for a family member or friend with care needs. If you are a carer who resides in the council areas of Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Booking and payment is essential, payment must Be made on or Before friday, 5 oCtoBer 2012. To book or for more info, contact Clera on 9367 9220. Emergency contact on the day: Myra Hechanova on 0438 876 258. Closest parking located at Birkenhead Point Outlet Centre A partnership initiative project of the Inner West Disability Forum and Carers Program Sydney Local Health District. With funding support from Carers NSW. Proudly Sponsored by:

Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield, you are invited to join the celebrations for Carers Week 2012. A cruise on Sydney Harbour has been organised with buffet style food.

Sydney Harbour CruiSe Saturday, 13 october 2012 assembly Time: 12.45pm sharp expected return: 4.30pm Pick up and drop off point: Birkenhead Point Wharf, Henley Marine Drive, Drummoyne Cost: $10 per person (non-refundable booking fee) event includes: Buffet style food from 1.30pm

Kim and Craig Rixom from Abbotsford Photos: Ross Willis

Humpty Dumpty Ball breaks fund-raising record En t e r ta i n e r D a r y l Braithwaite and his band, rocked the annual Humpty Dumpty Ball in September at Sydney’s Four Seasons hotel as a record number of guests raised $1.25million to buy life saving medical equipment for children’s wards in hospitals around Australia. A total of 450 Good Eggs attended the gala event at the Four Seasons Hotel and helped celebrate the foundation’s 16th birthday. “I am continually amazed at the generosity of Humpty’s supporters who simply just keep on giving,” says Humpty’s founder and chairman, Paul Francis, OAM. “Their big-heartedness is unrivalled, and I’m grateful for their on-going support.” A highlight of the evening was the presentation of the inaugural Michelle Beets Memorial Awards – Metropolitan and Regional/

Rural NSW – by the NSW Health Minister Ms Jillian Skinner in honour of the late emergency ward nurse manager at Royal North Shore Hospital. Annie Bye, associate professor of neurology at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, won the metropolitan award and Ellie Blanch, a clinician who works in mental health in the Hunter and New England region was named the rural recipient. Each received a $20,000 grant to continue their extraordinary work to help sick and injured children. Humpty’s chairman opened the evening with a game of tennis with former Miss World Belinda Green who was at the very first Humpty ball in 1990. Among the guests were Federal Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, Jane Flemming, Kerry Chikarovski and Wiggle Anthony Field.


26 September 2012

Speak up and help fight crime Bu rwo od Police are urging the community get on board a police initiative to discuss local crime and safety concerns at the next Burwood and Canada Bay Community Safety Precinct C ommittee meeting on Wednesday, 10 October. The police initiative was

Hot shot sets new record


Ebony celebrates a personal best on her last day at school

Bethlehem Student Ebony Roberts made a big exit after winning the 18 years Shot Putt at the NSW Combined Catholic Colleges Athletics Carnival on her last day at school. Not only did she win, but Emily also achieved her personal best

of 11.3m and set a new record at this event. Bethlehem sports co-ordinator, Lenore Dew congratulated Emily on her result. “Ebony is a fabulous sportswoman. She is incredibly motivated and disciplined and is

a real team player,� she said. “We are all very proud of her.� The next step for Ebony is NSW All School’s Athletics and preparing for her HSC. After this, Ebony hopes to represent Australia at the next Olympics and join the Police Force.

Keep your house StormSafe CLASSIFIEDS

As storm season approaches the NSW SES are urging people to make their homes StormSafe. October to March is when storms are more frequent but the right preparation can help minimise storm damage. Strathfield SES Local Controller Darrin Parkin said that the local unit is ready to assist but being prepared is a better solution. “The volunteers of the Strathfield SES unit have the equipment, training and experience to assist those affected by storm damage. It is not uncommon for us to see heartbreaking scenes of damage that could have easily been prevented or minimised by a little preparations. I urge everyone to spend some time

on the weekends to get their property ready for the coming storm season,� Mr Parkin advised. “Don’t forget to assist the elderly or disabled to prepare their properties,� he said. Recent NRMA Insurance research in July of over 500 NSW residents shows that most were underprepared when it comes to minimising the damage a storm can do to their home. “Half of NSW residents have never checked to see if their roof was in good condition, or can’t even recall the last time they looked,� NRMA’s Ms Lupton said.

Some basic steps people can follow to prepare for storm season include:

l Clean your gutters and

downpipes every six months l Ensure your drains are free from blockages so water can flow easily when there is rain l Check that your roof is in good repair every year. If you cannot get up on the roof there are contractors that can do this for you l Make sure your insurance is up to date l Secure or store loose items around the yard or on the balcony l Trim over hanging tree branches l Prepare your Home Emergency Kit For StormSafe advice go to www.stormsafe.com.au

introduced to allow community members and local councils across the state to meet with Police Local Area Commanders and share their perspectives on local crime. Business owners and members of the community are encouraged to attend and use the meetings as a forum to

address local crime concerns and participate in strategies to combat those crimes. Bur wo o d L o c a l Are a Commander, Superintendent Mark Jones, said the public forums promote the involv ement of community members to help prevent and reduce crime. The next CSPC meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10 October from 10am to 11am at Burwood Police Station.

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NovemBer 25


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