18 june 2014
Winter Holidays 6 October 2011
Page 8
Volume 08 No.22
6 October 2011
Page 3
STATE New school for BUDGET: Lucas Gardens
$10 MILLION has been announced in the NSW State Budget for a complete rebuild of Lucas Gardens School in Five Dock. Drummoyne MP, John Sidoti says the local community have always supported the school for severely disabled students and that the $10 million is “an investment for our highest needs students.” Principal Jenny Zagas (left) invited Mr Sidoti to meet some of the students including seven-year-old Richard Mouawad (pictured). Photo: Michael Santer. More on page 10.
96 Shaftesbury Road & Club Burwood - 97 Burwood Road Burwood p. 8741 2888 | 9745 4100 f. 8741 2800 e.
For bookings phone Club Reception on 8741 2888, in person 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood or online at ‘Like’ us on Facebook All shows at Club Burwood RSL are for patrons 18 years and over unless otherwise stated.
Saturday 21st June 8:30pm FREE Saturday 9th August 8:30pm $20 Saturday 5th July 8:30pm $12 Sydney’s number 1 dance band Starring Dean Rias This tribute show brings to life the M - SEVEN play anything from The music of Fleetwood Mac superbly with Elvis in the Movies brings to the Bee Gees to Donna Summer, to stage classic Elvis numbers from live instruments and vocals. Hear all Justin Timberlake and Mambo movies such as Jailhouse Rock, GI the hit songs - Rhiannon, Little Lies, No. 5. M - SEVEN is unmissable and Don’t Stop, Go Your own Way, Gold Dust Blues and Blue Hawaii as well as a promises to be a “night of nights” Woman, You Make Loving Fun, Dreams number of classic Elvis ballads. for dance fans! No bookings required. and many more.
18 June 2014
ITHOUT exception there will be a story in every Burwood Scene promoting a fund raising event, be it a school-driven project, service organisation, local ladies club or just one person wanting to make a difference. We’ve all attended a fund raiser or bought a raffle ticket to support near and far causes. That’s how it’s done in Australia. It’s always perplexed me somewhat that medical research, equipment and programs are not better
desk By Belinda Noonan
There’s a knack to raising funds
BURWOOD funded by state and federal governments. Essential life-saving equipment is often paid for by registered clubs (as a good way of giving back some of those poker machine profits). Organisations such as the
Cancer Council NSW receive some government funding in the form of competitive, peerreviewed grants for its research and that totalled just over $1million in 2012/13. However, Cancer Council NSW provided almost $34 million dollars directly towards
cancer research, advocacy, prevention and support programs and services across the state in the same period. All the Biggest Morning Teas actually making a difference. There’s a knack to running successful fund raising events. The right day, time, promotion, food, prizes. It’s truly inspirational just how much money a small group can raise when they have the knack…. And my assessment is that the knack is about being a people person. Last year Bendigo Bank launched the ANZAC Research Medical Appeal to assist Professor Hart fund the
$5million his team needs for the first human clinical trial for an anti-cancer vaccine. I’ve written about Professor Hart and his work many times and will continue to do so. I’ve lobbied whomever and wherever to raise awareness (and it helps having a newspaper to do so) and encourage fundraising opportunities. Burwood Rotary Club President, Sana Kamalesan heeded the call and will present a hefty cheque to the Appeal at the end of June. All of which came from the local community. You can also imagine my
glee when the Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey toured the ANZAC Research Institute on June 6 and declared the work being done there was exactly the sort of facility that would benefit from the Medicare $7 co-payment. Excellent. Therefore, I am 100 per cent behind the proposed co-payment scheme where $1billion per year will pour into our medical research teams in Australia starting in about 18 months. The tricky bit will be to ensure that bureaucracy does not eat up funds.
We welcome your Letter to the Editor, which must be supplied with your name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. The publisher takes no responsibility for views expressed in any Letter to the Editor.
PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR ABC THE ever-controversial ABC has again drawn the attention of Liberal politicians, who this month gathered to launch the Friends of the ABC Parliamentary Group. The group was launched by Federal Member for Reid, Craig Laundy MP. Mr Laundy was joined by the Minister for Communications, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP; the managing director of the ABC, Mark Scott; and the Chairman of the ABC Board, Jim Spigelman. Mr Laundy explained that the 3 awareness NEWS group aims to create of the ABC’s integral role in 6 October 2011 and provide Australian culture,
6 October 2011
Page 6 Page 7 Page 13 Page 15
Craig Laundy MP with Melissa Parke MP
An independent fortnightly community newspaper. 100% family owned and operated. Published by Scene Newspapers next issue: Wednesday 2 July 2014 deadline: Wednesday 25 June 2014 Advertising: Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Editorial: Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Post: PO Box A187, Enfield South, NSW 2133 Editor: Belinda Noonan Deputy Editor: Mitchell Jordan Journalist: Sami Jeong Accounts: Aileen Soria Art Director: Kevin Robinson Sales Director: Robin Eggleton Printed by: Rural Press Burwood Scene Daily Online: Webmaster: Cameron Jelinek Burwood Scene is a registered trademark. All material appearing in this newspaper is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holder. Delivered across four municipalities: Burwood, Strathfield, Canada Bay and Ashfield.
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an opportunity for open pragmatic discussions about how the Government can offer further support and assistance into the future. The ABC has always had its detractors, yet Mr Laundy believes the network plays an important part in Australia. “It is just about impossible to overstate the importance of having a public service broadcasting corporation in this country. “Enshrining the AB C ’s operating framework into law has ensured that the Australian public is given accurate and impartial news and information,” he said.
Insist on the best care for your pet SPECIALIST SERVICES Australia’s largest independent Veterinary Hospital with specialist services by referral from your regular Vet. In house Laboratory, CT and MRI available, Digital Radiology, Ultrasound
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18 June 2014
Global leader predicted for medical research by Belinda Noonan
TREASURER Joe Hockey has declared that Australia will become a global leader in medical research following his visit to view first-hand the ground-breaking research being conducted by Professor Derek Hart at the ANZAC Research Institute facility at Concord Hospital. The capability for Professor Derek Hart and his team at Dendritic Cell Biology and Therapeutics Group (DCBTG) to deliver a world-wide boost for a cure for cancer is another step closer following the visit.
Accompanied by the Member for Reid Craig Laundy, Mr Hockey declared the Group’s work to be “hugely impressive”. “This is exactly why we want to set up the Medical Research Future Fund within eighteen months for facilities such as this,” Mr Hockey said of the facility. “Australia has the brain power and the capacity to conduct world class medical research.” “The Medical Research Future Fund will provide at least $1bn a year on a sustainable basis for medical research, helping clinical trials and facilitating the commercialisation of Australian innovation, the like of which is taking place right now at the ANZAC Research Institute in Sydney’s inner west.” “We just have to go the extra step. Now is the time to put our shoulder to the wheel,” Hockey said. During a tour through the facility, Professor Hart explained the work being done to fight blood cancers (acute myeloid leukaemia) by isolating the dendritic cells in the blood stream, to which Mr Hockey said, “There’s a lot who want my blood,” in a light moment. P rof e s s or Ha r t’s G roup i s internationally recognised as a leader in the field and includes Hart’s Associate Professor wife, Georgina and a brilliant 20-strong team. DCs are unique subsets of white blood cells that are responsible for initiating and directing immune responses. Professor hart’s team have proven that these cells can be isolated, taken out of the blood stream and then be retrained before going back into the blood stream to fight cancer or accept transplants. Phase 1 of the human clinical trial is approaching at a cost of $5million, which still needs to be raised.
Right: Professor Derek Hart (left) with Treasurer Joe Hockey and Craig Laundy MP. Below: PhD student and haematologist Dr Robin Gasiorowski explains the research.
Photos: Michael Santer
Reid MP, Craig Laundy has been actively campaigning to raise awareness of Hart’s work saying to a packed press conference after the tour that, “the joy of today is I get to tell everyone else what we’ve known for a while.” “This visit has highlighted the remarkable, world class research that we are undertaking in Australia and the importance of appropriately supporting research centres like this,” Mr Laundy said. “By establishing the world’s biggest medical endowment research fund and backing the objectives of facilities like the ANZAC Research Institute, this Government is ensuring that Australia is in the best possible position to make discoveries that will potentially eradicate a number of diseases that currently take such a toll on our communities.” Last year the Bendigo Bank established the ANZAC Research Institute Medical Appeal where any organisation or person can donate at any bank branch or online. The Burwood Rotary Club nominated the Appeal as their major fundraising target for 2013/14. Current President Sana Kamalesan will present a substantial cheque to Professor Hart at this year’s Changeover Dinner on June 30. The $150,000 inner-west target will provide one more researcher and equipment. Bendigo Bank’s Senior Community Strengthening Manager, John Chandler says the Appeal is an Australia-wide project for the bank and that anyone can be involved. “We are delighted to be associated with this wonderful cause,” Mr Chandler said.
An answer to cancer – we need your support ANZAC Research Institute Medical Appeal The ANZAC Research Institute has launched this public appeal to fund pre-clinical research and the proposed clinical trial of a new treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, in collaboration with the Haematology Department of Concord, Royal Prince Alfred and Westmead hospitals. Donate O NLINE: IN PERSON: at any Bendigo Bank BY POST: Send a cheque or money order to Homebush Community Bank, 27 Rochester Street, Homebush NSW 2140
Call 9715 2700 or email
18 June 2014
Mayor’s Message by Cr John Faker
Follow me on Twitter: @johnfaker
Cr John Faker (Mayor) 9911 9916 Cr Tony Doueihi 0437 970 499 Cr Sally Deans 0424 022 627 Cr Lesley Furneaux-Cook 0408 227 826 Cr George Mannah 0448 133 396 Cr Justin Taunton 0488 083 108 Cr Ernest Wong 0425 691 838
Council Meeting – 23 June 2014 at 6pm in Council Chambers
A new entry system will be installed during maintenance
his month, the Enfield Aquatic Centre will close for renovations on Saturday, 28 June and reopen on Monday, 21 July.
Works will include regrouting, maintenance to the pool shell, replacement of entry steps in the indoor pool and improvements to the filtration and heating system. From improving our community facilities to maintaining local infrastructure such as our roads, footpaths, kerb and gutters, we remain committed to
urwood’s Wrap with Love knitting group recently celebrated its fourth birthday at the Library and Community Hub. Bronwyn Canavan from Burwood’s Wrap with Love group and Mayor John Faker
providing the best amenities for residents and visitors. Road, footpath, kerb and gutter restorations are underway at the following locations: • Greenhills Street (restoration works) • Nicholson Street (restoration works) • Woodside Avenue (road works) • Oxford Street (restoration works) • Wynne Avenue (footpath)
Extra shelter for children at Monash Reserve
he installation of a shade structure at the Monash Reserve playground is now complete, offering young kids extra shelter when playing under the sun.
The Strand in Croydon has also received another upgrade with the installation of new seating and playground now complete at Reed Reserve.
Burwood Council, Level 2, 1–17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134
9911 9911
18 June 2014
Make way for the WestConnex FARMERS’ MARKETS A WIN FOR ALL by Saimi Jeong
THE NSW Government released a promo video last week to endorse part of its new infrastructure spending on the WestConnex, but residents near Parramatta Road remain anxious about the future of their homes. “People do not deserve to have homes taken for a toll way being built for the benefit of the construction industry. People… deserve a fair conversation for the loss of their neighbourhoods,” said Mathew Hounsell, President of NoWestconnex. Hounsell fears his Enmore home will be taken away by Stage 3 of the construction. He said the WestConnex Urban Revitalisation project exposes communities around Parramatta Road to the threat of being overdeveloped. “The community deserves to retain control of their land. Local councils should have property authority, not a quango created by the government for a for-profit property developer, Landcom,” he said. Burwood Mayor John Faker has major concerns about the impact the WestConnex will have on the local community. “It is important that the State Government puts in measure to ensure that none of our residents end up on the streets because they
Have you visited the Concord Farmers Market yet? by Saimi Jeong
FARMERS’ markets provide a range of benefits to farmers, consumers and local communities, according to a study by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). Vicki Woodburn, the author of the report, said nearly 80 per cent of stallholders surveyed made a profit through their farmers’ market stall. “The farmers’ markets not only provide an economically viable distribution option but also a platform for farmers and value added food businesses to grow their business, test their products with consumers and improve other aspects of their business, such as management approaches,” Ms Woodburn said. The Concord Farmers’ Market in Cintra Park has raised over $30,000 since its inception in mid-2012. The proceeds have been distributed to many worthy causes including The Salvation Army, and farmer assistance programs such as the Country Women’s Association of NSW to assist with drought relief. The RIRDC study found that farmers’ markets could provide consumers with alternative access to fresh, local and seasonal food sourced directly from the food producer, and the opportunity to support the local community, local businesses
and the environment. It also reported that farmers’ markets could be used as a way to achieve community outcomes in improving health, education, tourism and social wellbeing. The Concord Farmers’ Market is managed and operated by the Rotary Club of Concord with voluntary management by its members and support from Canada Bay Council. All proceeds go to the Rotary Club of Concord’s community projects. Jane Adams, Chair of the Australian Farmers’ Markets Association (AFMA), said the study paints a very positive picture of farmers’ markets and will be a catalyst for the ongoing evolution and sustainable growth of the farmers’ market sector in the future. “Farmers’ markets are a vital and increasingly significant link in Australia’s food chain and provide a valuable distribution channel connecting farmers and specialty food producers directly with customers,” Ms Adams said. Concord Rotarian Peter Rogers said the Concord Farmers’ Market continues to grow in popularity. “We welcome suggestions from the public and encourage applications from prospective stallholders to sell their produce,” he said. The Market is held twice a month on the first and third Sunday of each month from 9am until 1pm.
Rate increase for Burwood A RATE increase is coming to Burwood over the next four years after Council’s application to maintain current service levels was approved. Burwood Council said it will now be able to tackle the $168m backlog in infrastructure with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) approving Council’s application for a special variation above the rate peg. The rate increases will be 2014/15 – 5.5%; 2015/16 – 6.5%; 2016/17 – 7% and 2017/18 – 7.5% Council undertook a comprehensive community consultation campaign to inform residents about Council’s application to IPART from November 2013 to January 2014 in which a majority of residents stated they were in favour of a rate increase above the ‘rate peg’. Mayor of Burwood, John Faker, believes the go-ahead will create better infrastructure in the community. “Although we did not receive the full seven years, the four years will allow us to start the rebuilding program and address the backlog in infrastructure,” he said. “The additional funding we receive from the special variation will be used to fund our comprehensive capital works program to upgrade local roads, footpaths, kerbs and parks.”
Burwood Scene Online
Putting your feet first Home and Community Podiatry Service, auspiced by Burwood Council, is for residents of the Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield Local Government Areas. We aim to provide a comprehensive, responsive and flexible podiatry service for the Home and Community Care target group which includes the frail aged, people with disabilities, and their carers. If you think you, a friend or family member may be eligible please call the Podiatry Service on 99 11 99 39 to talk to someone about the service.
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in law and that provides fair market value, re-imbursement of legal costs and re-location costs, as well as other arrangements to ease the disruption to the family”. Cassi Plate, who lives a block away from Parramatta Road, is worried her Leichhardt home will be engulfed by pollution from tunnel smoke stacks. “Even were my home not to be compulsorily acquired, it would be unliveable due to the increased traffic and pollution at my doorstep, and unsaleable for the same reason,” she said. “My reason for opposing this tollway is not just the impact on my own home, but the transformation of large areas of our city into traffic sewers.”
are forced to relocate for the project,” Mayor Faker said. He also argued that traffic congestion will be moved rather than fixed. “Under the current plan, WestConnex will simply shift the bottleneck from the M4 exit to the City West Link. This won’t improve traffic flow but just create congestion closer to the city.” Member for Strathfield Charles Casuscelli responded, “The Mayor of Burwood obviously has not taken the time to inform himself of this State’s comprehensive and fair policy in regards to property acquisitions.” “Properties required for WestConnex are purchased by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) using a process defined
9747 1777
Charles Casuscelli RFD MP Member for Strathfield
I look forward to meeting you at one of the following local places: 1. Saturday 21st June at Strathfield Plaza, Churchill Avenue, Strathfield between 10am and 12pm 2. Saturday 28th June at Burwood Westfield, Burwood Road, Burwood between 12pm and 2pm If you aren’t able to make it on the day, please feel free to visit me at my Office: 54 Burwood Road, Burwood NSW 2134 (02) 9747 1711
(02) 9747 6054
Authorised by Charles Casuscelli RFD MP. This advertisement was produced using parliamentary entitlements.
18 June 2014
MARLENE Doran OAM, the first Chairperson, driver and force behind establishing the Homebush Bendigo Community Bank with her late husband Graham, has resigned as a Director of the branch after twelve years of outstanding service.
Opened on April 29, 2002 as Sydney’s second community bank - the Homebush Community Bank – was Marlene and Graham’s brainchild after the suburb’s only two major banks, Westpac and Commonwealth Bank, closed in 2000.
At the time Marlene and Graham, along with local residents and shopkeepers were fed up with having to travel elsewhere to do their banking. After contacting Bendigo Bank to open their own bank, the
couple enlarged their team of locals to raise the required $350,000 and 350 shareholders.
“In fact we did better than that and raised more than $520,000,” Marlene said at the time. They also managed to sign
up more than 350 local shareholders. A new-look team has taken the reins with Bernie Seth as the Chairman and Company Director who paid tribute to out-going Chairman David Langdon and Mrs Doran. “Marlene provided excellent service to the bank for many years and we also want to thank Mr Langdon for his work. “This is a bank that was
set up by the community for the community. “The Board and I are determined to make it a successful business for everybody and particularly to generate a dividend for the shareholders,” Mr Seth said. Also new to the Board is HOOSH Director Tina Webster, educator Ian Albertson and solicitor Daniella Sicurella. T h e B o a r d h av e
appointed Ms Poonam Lata as the new branch manager following the resignation of Emmanuel Vatalis. “Poonam has many years experience with major banks in commercial and residential banking. We will be looking to increase our engagement with the community with business functions and building more capabilities,” Mr Seth outlined.
Bank deposit protection under scrutiny IN A 2013 report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors the Financial Stability Board revealed that “bail-in” was “in-train” in Australia. Prior to this in 2012 the Federal Treasury had called for “bail-in” powers to be given to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). “Bail-in is what banks, in countries where the legislation permits the practise, do to balance the books when Government bail-outs are insufficient,” said Strathfield Councillor Andrew Soulos. A ‘Bail-in’ involves turning a portion of a deposit into bank shares without the deposit-holders consent. In the event of a run on the bank, such as occurred during the GFC, the remaining portion of deposits is paid out before shareholdings. Shareholders then find it difficult to cash in their shares. Earlier this year Strathfield Council wrote to its local Federal Members Craig Laundy and Tony Burke urging that instead of passing bail-in that
Back To Schoo l
Marlene Doran OAM and her daughter Leanne with Tony Abbott in Homebush prior to the federal election last year.
they should pass legislation modelled on the US Glass-Steagall Law, which separates commercial banking from risky speculative banking. “This action would protect deposits in the event of another GFC,” Cr Soulos said. Strathfield Council has unsuccessfully sought the support of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) to include a similar motion in its business papers for the National General Assembly. “This is curious given that bail-in could allow the pillage of Council’s and resident’s deposits throughout the country,” said Soulos. “You’d think the association would have learnt from the losses some councils suffered in the last GFC”. In response to representations on behalf of Strathfield Council by MP Craig Laundy, the Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann advised that, “the Government is not preparing any legislation to seize bank deposits,” but he did not deny that bail-in legislation is being considered.
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THE AUSTRALIAN Government is investing half a million dollars to fix dangerous black spots in Reid as part of the national Black Spot Program. The approved projects will provide traffic signals in Sydney Olympic Park, and a roundabout and a raised island in Homebush West. The projects will be delivered during the financial year ending 2015. Mr Laundy said the investment in Black
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Spot projects will deliver safer roads for Reid through targeted upgrades. “Anyone can suggest an intersection or stretch of road they believe should be considered for a safety upgrade, and we strongly encourage all councils and individuals to submit their nominations,” Mr Laundy said. Further information and nomination forms can be downloaded from: funding/blackspots
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18 June 2014
ON HIS DEATH in 1886 Thomas Walker left a legacy of 100,00 pounds to build a convalescent hospital on 13 hectares of his land to the west of his Yaralla Estate, behind where Concord Hospital now stands. The Concord West premises designed by Sir John Sulman and built in the early 1890s in the Federation Free Classical Style, was originally known as The Thomas Walker Hospital. One of the most famous patients was Henry Lawson, who wrote the “Unknown Patient” while convalescing there. The Rivendell Unit, which was formerly in Balmain was moved to the Yaralla site in 1977 under Founding Director Dr Marie Bashir, who subsequently became one of NSW’s most beloved Governors. From 2009 Rivendell has been a 20-bed facility connected to
the University of NSW offering mental health services for children and adolescents on an inpatient and outpatient basis, with around five hundred children and their families helped each year. The City of Canada Bay Heritage Society will host its annual Open Day on Sunday, July 27 from 9.30am until 3pm at Rivendell with a tour through this magnificent and historic building and some of the outbuildings plus discuss the history of the Walkers, Yaralla and the Hospital. Cost of the tour is $15 for adults, Concession $10 and children are free. Bookings are essential by calling Lois (after July 1) on 9744 8528 or email heritage@canadabayheritage.
Xrytrytr rytrytrytrt ryrytryt
Photo: Rivendell on the Yaralla Estate in Cocnord West.
JP services break the language barrier
Wanna part with your money earlier? If you can think of any friends who IF YOU’VE had a capital gain this year, or for whatever reason expect your last may have recently sold an investment dollar of income to be taxed on a lower property, they might be thankful for your marginal tax bracket next year, you suggestion. may want to consider paying interest in It’s also the time of year to chat with advance on any investment loan/s you your financial advisor. may have remaining. If you’re self-employed, are you Legislation allows us to pay up to 12 thinking about getting some money months in advance, thus claiming the into your Super prior to June 30th – the THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO AND DINE deduction immediately which can save tax break canSHOP be money for jam. a stack of tax. Just get the right advice from a Your rate would need to be fixed professional that will appropriately during the period so you can exactly consider your unique circumstances pay it in advance. and objectives. The banks also offer a slightly better If you are employed, you could rate in lieu of getting their hands on your consider a regular ‘salary sacrifice’ that money upfront – St George Bank will give can do the same trick. If you haven’t you a discount of 0.2% applied to the been doing this, there’s always next year standard 1-year fixed rate. (financial year). Investors with a top-notch mortgage Jason is the principal of iChoice broker or accountant would have had this Mortgage & Wealth Advisory on Concord opportunity flagged by now, but not all. Road.
Advertise your business in Burwood Scene Our readers are your customers covering four municipalities Call: 9715 or email:
22 May 2013
R aising awareness among culturally and linguistically diverse communities about the services provided by Justices of the Peace (JPs) was the mission for Attorney General Brad Hazzard and Drummoyne MP John Sidoti when they met with community leaders in Drummoyne last week. A new JP fact sheet is now available in twelve languages, including Italian, Mandarin and Cantonese. JP workshops Xrytryryrytry Photo: are also being conducted with 360leaders from emerging communities in Sydney. “Justices of the Peace don’t exist in many non-English speaking countries and recent workshops have revealed there is confusion among some of Australia’s newest residents about what JPs do and how to access their services,” Mr Hazzard said.
NSW Attorney General Brad Hazzard and MP John Sidoti meet with local JPs.
Justices of the Peace are use an interpreter when familiar concept for many relied upon as witnesses witnessing your statutory new residents,” Mr Sidoti for the signing of statutory declaration or affidavit, said. declarations or affidavits even if the JP speaks your “The first clear message and can certify copies of language.” to locals is that JPs can original documents. Mr Sidoti said with more witness a lot of official “Most people will need than 90,000 JPs in NSW, documents. The second a JP at some point in their only 11 per cent indicated message to locals is that lives, whether it’s in the that they speak more than JPs cannot charge for doing process of buying a home, one language. so,” Mr Sidoti said. accessing superannuation People can search for a or going to court,” Mr “The electorate of localDINE JP or the fact sheets Hazzard said Drummoyne is ver yAND THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO SHOP o f by visiting the online “If you are unable to r e p r e s e n t a t i v e read or understand written multicultural Australia and public register of JPs at: English, the JP should the role JPs play is not a
9.00am to 1.00pm Cintra Park (Car Park) Off Crane St, Concord
po Follow @ConcordMarkets
18 June 2014
Training and travel pays off for Mitchell DEDICATION, hard work and many hours in the car from Campbelltown to Belmore four-times a week have paid off for 17-year-old gymnast Mitchell Dawson who won two medals in the recent Australian National Gymnastics Championships held in the Hisense Arena, Melbourne. R e pre s e nt i n g t h e Australian Academy of Gymnastics in Belmore, Mitchell was one of eight team members in the NSW team in the Level 8 Open division, which won silver on the first day of competition.
Mitchell backed up his team medal with an impressive bronze on the Pommel Horse in the individual all-round competition the next day.
fantastic job as he had only just returned from a family holiday one week before the event. “This was his best result yet at a national championship,� said coach Tim Corey.
“I have never felt so relaxed at any competition, yet alone national event.
“Perhaps a holiday a week before is what all gymnasts should do to relax the mind in order to compete at their best?�
“I was so excited to medal on the pommel horse as I really wanted to last year and missed out and this year I came through and did it.� Mitchell recalled.
“It is a large commitment from Mitchell and also comes from his family members to ensure he gets to training.
Hi s l o c a l c o a c h Tim Corey praised his young student for the outstanding result.
“Mitchell rarely misses a training day and so
“Mitchell has done a
his results are very well deserved,� he added. Mitchell, a Year 11 student who lives in Campbelltown, trains sixteen hours each week in Belmore and is looking to the future. “Nationals marks the end of the season for 2014. I now have the new 2015 season ahead to look forward to.� The Australian Academy of Gymnastics in Belmore are welcoming beginners to their July school holiday program for half or full day bookings.
Picture: Mitchell Dawson on his way to a bronze medal at the national championships last month.
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SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK will be home to the biggest range of school holiday activities of any location in NSW, with Kids in the Park happening every day from 28 June–13 July. The holiday program of more than 55 activities includes many that are free and under $20. Creative kids can let their imaginations run wild with Solarus in Space, where kids get hands-on in a sci-fi show or a half-day Writing for Performance workshop. Budding artists can learn to create a masterpiece, taught by a professional artist, at Kids on Canvas.
School Holiday Camps Camp 1: 9am - 3pm Monday 30th of June to Friday 4th of July 2014 $180/week or $50/day
Biggest winter program for kids at Olympic Park
Camp 2: 9am - 3pm Monday 7th to Friday 11th of July 2014 $180/week or $50/day
$10 discount off the full week price for each additional sibling
Free lunch provided every day 4a Lyons Street, Strathfield (Parking via Morwick St) 5 mins walk from Strathfield Train Station Call Alex 0417 432 757 or Shaun 0412 745 557
The adventurous can get their hands dirty with the new Fizzics Education – Catapult Making, where kids use crafts to launch their very own catapult. The popular, adrenalinfilled Urban Jungle Adventure Park will also be open daily. For s p or t y k i d s , there’s more than 25 energy-burning activities including Martial Arts for Kids, and Bike Trails for explore the Park. Kids can also get loud with two hours of hyperactive drumming at DrumzBuzz at Newington Armory. Other activities for active kids include Kids on
School Holiday Learn to Skate Program
Olympic ice Rink
per person (includes skate hire)
Skate with the best
One hour group lesson 10.00am-11.00am
PLUS free public session
PUBLIC SESSIONS: 11.00am-12.30pm and 1.00pm-3.00pm
30 June - 4 July 7-11 July
PhilliPs ave, tasker Park, canterbury
Target and Little Archers, daily at the Archery Centre, Circus Skills, and much more. Nature-lovers will enjoy the BirdLife Discovery Centre at Newington Armory on weekends. Another big diary note is an ice hockey match at Allphones Arena between USA and Canada that is expected to be a sell-out on July 26. Aussies are represented with a special exhibition performance by Sochi Olympic ice dancers Danielle O’Brien and Greg Merriman. For more information, visit
18 June 2014
Burwood Council Holiday Programs Silly Science Delivered by qualified teachers, this is an interactive workshop where children will be involved in a range of exciting experiments which include getting their hands amongst our Supreme Slime, making rockets take off, teasing their mind with optical illusions, spearing a leakproof bag and exploring the power of magnetism (Suitable for 9-12 year olds). Monday, 30 June 2014 10.30am - 12 noon To be held at Woodstock Community Centre The Pram Show (Puppet Show) A funny, madcap show featuring mischievous monkeys and other zany puppets (suitable for 4-12 year olds). Tuesday, 1 July 2014 10.30am - 11.30am Library and Community Hub
Olympic ice dancers Danielle O’Brien and Greg Merriman returned to Australia last week for the first time since their Sochi success and headed to Canterbury Ice Rink to support young ice dancers Matilda Friend and William Badaoui at an interstate event.
BEEN INSPIRED by the Sochi Winter Olympics, including our own Olympic ice dancers Danielle O’Brien and Greg Merriman?
To advertise call 9715 2700
Learn to skate programs are running every day during the week this school holidays at Canterbury Ice Rink. Whether it’s ice hockey, figure skating, speed skating or you just want to be proficient and have a bit of fun, the one hour lesson with accredited coaches
plus an extra one hour public skating time will have you sliding along with confidence. The Canterbury Skate School is where Danielle and Greg started their Olympic dream. Now it’s your turn. The school holiday learn to skate program runs from Monday June 30 to Friday 4 July and again from 7 to 11 July. Lessons start at 10am, but be early to have your hire skates fitted. Don’t forget to rug up!
Bollywood for Kids (Indian Dance Session) Celebrate Indian culture and have fun learning some ‘Bollywood’ dance moves. Both boys and girls can try these dance moves, just like in the movies (suitable for 8-12 year olds). Monday, 7 July 2014 2.30pm - 3.30pm Library and Community Hub Crazy Critters (Fun Craft Workshops) Create crazy critters from craft and recycled materials. These critters can be made into magnets, brooches, mascots and other fun items. Tuesday, 8 July 2014 (Suitable for 5-7 year olds) 10.00am - 12.00 noon and 2pm – 4pm (Suitable for 8-12 year olds) Library and Community Hub
18 June 2014
Flatten and rebuild for Lucas Gardens by Belinda Noonan
BUILT in the 1950s as a primary school, Lucas Gardens School on Queens Road in Five Dock has served as one of the inner west’s crucial educational facilities for severely disabled students from Kindergarten to Year 12. The inspirational school, which has a ratio of six students to one adult, has long been supported by its surrounding service organisations such as Rotary and also the Canada Bay-based Communities for Communities that raised $500,000 to go towards a hydro therapy pool that will now be housed in a brand-new state of the art purpose built school. Currently most of the buildings are demountable and the school will need to be temporarily relocated during the works after plans have been finalised and signed-off. The announcement of around $10million for a new school to be built on the 7,100m2 site by the NSW Government is music to the ears of its Principal Jenny Zagas, staff and parents. “All the students have ipads thanks to the community and every interactive whiteboard was provided by funds donated by Communities for Communities,” Ms Zagas said. “The community has been involved with
this school for so many years and we are very grateful for the support.” “The curriculum at Lucas Gardens is the same as the mainstream schools with therapy programs that feed into that curriculum on the same basis as children without a disability. “The teaching is different by using life skills in literacy and numeracy. Some of our students are non-verbal and the use of technology has been an important factor in development.” Greenacre mum of seven-year-old Richard Mouawad, Mary says Lucas Gardens is the “best thing”. “My son has just excelled and it’s all because of this school – from the teachers right through to the grounds people. I cannot say enough good words for them all,” Mary commented. “Richard is understanding concepts and doing things physios thought would never be possible, such as writing his name. Richard is my angel,” she said with tears in her eyes. “Even his spelling is good. It’s no mistake and no coincidence that this school does well. There is such community effort.” Drummoyne MP, John Sidoti is ecstatic with his government’s decision. “When I was elected in 2011, I got absolutely slammed by the ALP saying that we (the Liberals) didn’t want schools built. So far we have announced a new public school at Concord West to open
John Sidoti MP with Lucas Gardens student Richard Mouawad.
in 2015, Wentworth Point in 2017 and two new Catholic Schools in North Strathfield and Mortlake. Now we also have a new build for Lucas Gardens,” he said.
“This is life-changing. There’s no ifs or buts about it,” Sidoti declared. “With enrolments going through the roof, this announcement for Lucas Gardens School demonstrates that
Photo: Michael Santer
investment for our highest needs children matters.” Mr Sidoti also alluded to a further announcement of a new high school in the Strathfield area.
An active life often needs active treatment Croydon Station by Belinda Noonan
Charbel Boustany from Active Life Health Centre.
IT’S ONLY been eight weeks since relocating Active Life Health Centre from Campsie to a brand-new purpose refitted clinic in Tangarra Street at Croydon Park, but chiropractor and physio Charbel Boustany has already been welcomed with open arms into his new community. “After ten years in Campsie it’s a good change and I really like the area,” Charbel said. “All the people here have taken me on board and I think they were just waiting for something like this.” What they may have been waiting for was Charbel’s all-encompassing philosophy and practical application to a combination of chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage treatment. “I have found that by including the three modalities of chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage in the course of treatment, that the patient can
get optimum relief from their condition,” he explained. Charbel, who holds a Bachelor and Masters in Chiropractic therapy found his calling early in life. “I clearly remember attending a seminar many years ago, where the philosophy of combining the modalities of treatment was discussed. I haven’t looked back since.” “The difference between my methods and others out there is that I incorporate soft tissue work and various stretches and mobilisations with my adjustments. I’ve found this works the best for my patients. Every condition has its own treatment plan.” “Overall, the philosophy is that the body can heal itself and what we are doing is removing the obstruction.” Prior to opening Active Life ten years ago, the Ashfield De la Salle old-boy was the Head Chiropractor at The Back Doctor in Bankstown and also completed an internship at the Summer Hill Outpatients Clinic.
A more recent trend that Charbel has noticed is the increase in sporting injuries, particularly in young people. “I am seeing more sporting injuries coming through – especially in ankles, knees and elbows, which I love to treat. People with these sorts of injuries are usually pro-active in their recovery, which makes my job a lot easier because they are listening to what I am advising.” Very young babies and children who are experiencing discomfort can also be helped he said. “I do a lot of children. Even babies can come out of the womb with neck problems where it is noticeable that they can’t turn their head with ease. Gentle muscle relaxation, but not adjustment, can often provide relief.” Active Life Health Centre is open Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings. Massage therapy is by appointment and HICAPS refunds apply.
petition lifts to over 1000 signatures by Saimi Jeong
A PETITION for lifts and ramps at Croydon Station has passed 1000 signatures, with locals demanding fair access for the elderly, parents with prams and people with a disability. “Due to my illness I need to travel to Ashfield by taxi to catch a train,” wrote Croydon resident Lawrence Sara, along with his signature. Many who signed the petition mentioned the difficulty for disabled people, parents and carers travelling to the nearby FRANS disability support centre by way of public transport. Nerida Chedra from Ashbury wrote that it’s imperative for Croydon Station to be upgraded for disabled access, “not only
because of the FRANS services for the disabled, but for the wider community - the frail, aged, and families with small children in prams and strollers.” “Croydon station desperately needs wheelchair access… I was unable to help a man in a wheelchair and could only suggest that he go to Ashfield or Burwood station - about 3 km away,” commented an Ashfield participant. Burwood Mayor John Faker is calling on more residents to help lobby the NSW Government for lifts at Croydon Station. “Currently, people with a disability, seniors and parents with prams need to travel all the way to Burwood Station because they cannot use the stairs at Croydon Station. This is not acceptable.”
News News
4 June 18 June2014 2014
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18 June 2014
Paddy’s car giveaway
Watoto brings sounds of Africa to Burwood
THE WORLD renowned Watoto Children’s Choir will bring the sounds of Africa to the inner west when it performs a free concert at Burwood Public School. Beautiful Africa: A new generation the musical will feature original music, dances, and audio-visual effects to tell stories of transformation, and to raise awareness of the challenges facing Africa’s young people.
The choir has travelled internationally since 1994 as ambassadors for the estimated 50 million children in Africa orphaned as a result of war, poverty and disease.
Each of the children in the choir has suffered the loss of their parents either through war or disease. Watoto Children’s Care Ministries in Kampala, Uganda
runs the choir, and provides children who have lost parents with a home, education, healthcare and support in a family setting. The performance at Burwood Public School at 7pm, June 27 is supported by local churches and free to attend. Donations to support the work of Watato will be accepted. Free tickets:
Rolling out the NBN in Reid
Paddy’s CEO Brad Latham (left) with car winners Shane Abrahams, Charles Adonis, his daughter Megan and Paddy’s Retail Director Mario Messina. by Belinda Noonan
TWO Toyota Yaris 4-door cars could not have gone to more deserving and lucky families last weekend when Paddy’s Market announced the winners who were drawn from over 40,000 entries in their car give-away competition by spending just $20 at either Flemington or Haymarket. Strathfield resident Charles Adonis, who has been driving
his son’s 2002 car was “over the moon” when Paddy’s contacted him about the win. “I shop at Paddy’s a lot with my wife and daughter and never in my wildest dreams did I expect this. I am so excited,” Charles said. “We did need it.” His daughter Megan is even more excited because the new car is destined to be at her disposal as she continues her nursing studies.
The second winner, Shane Abrahams from Raymond Terrace also drives a 12-year-old car and couldn’t believe his luck. Sydney Markets CEO, Brad Latham said it was about giving back to the community. “We like to reward our loyal customers by giving something back. It’s always such a pleasure to see so many smiling faces, especially here on a Saturday as people get the best produce and have fun at the same time,” Mr Latham said.
BUILD preparation work is now underway in Auburn, with around 2,400 premises a step closer to getting access to the National Broadband Network. “The message for Reid residents is clear – superfast broadband is on its way,” Craig Laundy MP said. Total connections to the
NBN’s various networks, including fixed wireless network and interim satellite service, have more than doubled since the election, with around 191,000 premises now receiving NBN services. Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the release of new sites for build
preparation was delivering on the Government’s promise to get the rollout back on track. The NBN will update its online maps in the coming months to inform residents when the network will be ready for service. The online maps are available at:
Pop-up art exhibition and screening ASHFIELD Council’s Artist in Residence, who has studied with Academy Award winning animator Alexander Patrov, will be screening his new short film ‘The Autumn’ at Pratten Park on June 18. Xin Li travelled to Moscow in 2012 to study under-thecamera animation techniques with Patrov and other Russian
animators. Xin’s animated films have been screened at CINANIMA, Animated Film Festival, Melbourne International Animation Festival, Brisbane International Film Festival, and this year’s St Kilda Film Festival. Xin is an animator and filmmaker based in Brisbane. After his bachelor degree in fine
art specialising in oil painting, he moved to Australia from China where he completed his Bachelor Degree with honours at Griffith Film School. The screening of ‘The Autumn’ and a special exhibition of Xin’s sketches and paintings will be held in Ashfield at Thirning Villa, Pratten Park on Wednesday, June 18 from 6-8pm.
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18 June 2014
Queen’s Honour List Just sayin’… CONGRATULATIONS to our inner west residents who have been recognised with OAMs in the General Division for their service to the community in the June 9 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Professor Minoti Vivek APTE, Belfield NSW. For service to medicine, to tertiary education, and to the Indian community of Sydney. Dr Rita Sandra CREWS, Croydon NSW. For service to performing arts as a music teacher, examiner and composer.
Mrs Rita Anna DEL RICCIO-ZAMMIT, Concord NSW. For service to Australian-Italian community, to the arts, and to education. Mrs Betty Margaret ROBERTSON, Concord NSW. For service to the community of Concord. Mr Gary William TOMKINS, Belfield NSW. For service to veterans and their families. Ms Virginia Clare WALKER, Five Dock NSW. For service to the community through human rights organisations.
Speaker welcomes new NSW Governor
For as long as I can remember, Australians have bemoaned the fact that we are a little America.
Unlike Sydney, where I can think of a million things that have kept me coming back over the course of eight years, there’s as much to love as there is to hate about the Big Apple. A city that never sleeps can’t be healthy for anyone, though the number of dedicated vegan restaurants meant that eating was never a problem … except when the homeless approach to ask if you’re finished and, if so, would you mind giving the scraps to them?
students will need to have passed it before undertaking their final practicum. The tests are being developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Education Minister Adrian Piccoli also announced a new Framework to better co-ordinate and manage the professional experience that teacher education students undertake in NSW schools.
“Prac teaching should be an opportunity for intensive learning for teacher education students, as they put their theoretical skills into practice in the real world under the supervision of a teacher who can provide support and mentoring,” he said. “ Te ach ing shou l d b e recognised as an incredibly valuable profession, and one that requires great commitment from talented individuals.”
the daily lives of families in the Strathfield electorate and right across the state.” “Our quality of life – whether it be the productivity of our workplaces or the time we are able to spend with family and friends – is suffering,” he said. “Unlike NSW Labor and John Robertson, I am not prepared to let these problems continue, so that they drag down our economy and pose even greater challenges for our children and grandchildren.” NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson said, “The people of Strathfield will not be fooled
by Mike Baird’s infrastructure mirage.” Robertson pointed to the Liberals’ privatisation of the electricity network in South Australia, where “power prices went up - South Australia now has the highest power prices in the country.” “Mike Baird wants to raise your electricity prices and give $1 billion that we get from these assets every year for our schools and hospitals, teachers, nurses and police to private companies – this is a dud deal for the people of Strathfield and Mr Casuscelli is desperately trying to sell it,” Robertson said.
Privatisation welcomed THE Strathfield Liberal MP Charles Casuscelli has welcomed the announcement by Premier Mike Baird to privatise 49 per cent of New South Wales’ poles and wires on a 99-year lease. Baird announced $20 billion from the privatisation proceeds would go into infrastructure, including the renewal of Sydney roads, a second Harbour rail crossing and the extension of the North West Rail Link through the CBD to Bankstown. Member for Strathfield Charles Casuscelli said, “Rebuilding NSW will improve
WE MIGHT eat their fast food, watch their TV shows and even use much of their spelling, but just how similar is Australia to the United States?
Having just returned from New York, I couldn’t have felt further from Sydney; perhaps not so surprising given that it was a 16-hour flight (which in reality became longer, thanks to the lateness of Virgin).
Tougher tests for teachers
by Saimi Jeong
A small bite out of the big apple
Under the leadership of Tony Abbott, many are now fearing that if we weren’t already heading in that direction we are about to become the United States of Australia: a country where visiting the doctor is as much a luxury as a holiday and where education belongs only to the elite.
DEFENCE Force Chief David Hurley will assume his new role as the Governor of New South Wales earlier on October 2 this year. Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly and Member for South Coast, Shelley Hancock, welcomed the appointment. “As an Illawarra based MP, I am delighted to have a Wollongong born Governor – who understands our region and inspires local residents,” Mrs Hancock said. The Speaker also paid tribute to current Governor Marie Bashir. “As the state’s first female Governor, Professor Bashir broke an important barrier for women serving in high office, and as the first female Speaker of the NSW Parliament, I admire the example the Governor has set for female politicians and young women across NSW.”
A NEW literacy and numeracy test has been announced for teacher education students in NSW. The test will be trialled this year and is part of the government’s Great Teaching, Inspired Learning reforms, designed to increase quality teaching in NSW schools. The test is expected to be fully available next year and from 2016 all teacher education
By Mitchell Jordan
Dining out in the trendy Meat Packing District can be a sobering experience when you take a wrong turn and find yourself in a street with people lining
up or tumbling out of a caravan for emergency medical services. One of the most surprising things about New York is its amount of green space. Sure, Central Park is one the city’s most-touted attractions, though parks are plentiful and appreciated as not only an escape from the high rises but as an essential part of the city. As fears grow over the fate of our own Ashfield Park, I wonder whether a highway or park will be a more popular drawcard for both residents and visitors. It might frighten my mother and many other country bumpkins, but by city standards Sydney is still sleepy and even a tad relaxed (take a wander through the CBD on a Sunday morning if you’re still not convinced). The difference in food portions is not the only striking disparity between the two countries. Customer service is king when tips are how one survives and if there are any real parallels between Sydney and New York it’s that the two are both multicultural melting pots which you pay a high price to be part of. Former Prime Minister, John Howard, declared that former President Bush and he were “great mates”, though we’re certainly a long way from being siblings and, while it’s nice to make new friends, I hope the Australia I know and love is the one that stays closest to home. Mitchell Jordan is Deputy Editor at Burwood Scene.
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18 June 2014
FAIR TRADING FOR VIEW CLUB Concord West View Club will hold its next luncheon meeting on Wednesday, 25th June at Burwood RSL with speaker Shabhra talking about fair trading. The ladies of view clubs help to raise money for The Smith Family who help to educate children of less fortunate families. For enquiries, call 97472829. TREE TIME AGAIN Planet Ark is encouraging Australians to be part of National Tree Day on 27 July and Schools Tree Day on 25 July by connecting with nature, adding value to our environment and planting for the future. Each year over 200,000 people take part in National Tree Day events at more than 3,000 sites around the country, contributing to the environment, to their own health and wellbeing and to the local community. Visit, or call the Hotline
Inner west squad fights dumping
A NEW illegal dumping squad dedicated to investigating and identifying illegal dumpers in Sydney’s Inner West will hit the streets later this month. Environment Minister, Rob Stokes, warned that dumpers in the inner-west are “in our sights.” “Illegal dumping is a serious crime that has the potential to cause harm to both the BREATH OF FRESH AIR environment and human health Commuters can chill out now that all trains and it imposes unnecessary on the inner-west line are air-conditioned costs on land owners and local following the delivery of the final Waratah councils, with clean-up costs train. The Waratahs now represent around estimated at more than $10 half of Sydney’s suburban fleet. Each train million dollars a year,” he said. has 64 internal CCTV cameras, 32 external The Inner West RID Squad CCTV cameras and smart air-conditioning would work across the council which automatically adjusts to the number of areas of Bankstown, Strathfield, people on board. Canterbury, Canada Bay, The Waratah project is a $3.6 billion Public Ashfield and Auburn to identify Private Partnership providing 78 sets of trains and patrol well-known illegal for Sydney suburban train customers. dumping sites. “ The new squad will HISTORICAL MEETING work closely with the NSW The next meeting of the Strathfield Historical Environment Protection Society will be held on Saturday, July 5 at Authority’s (EPA) illegal Strathfield Library on Rochester Street in dumping officers and will Homebush. The guest speaker is a member, use a host of tools, including John Byrne, who has a wealth of knowledge CCTV monitoring on the history of Homebush. His topic is THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO SHOPpiloting AND DINE of well-known illegal John Powell, one of the early settlers of the dumping hotspots,” explained Homebush area. Please come along and bring your friends (they don’t have to be members).
Rotary Convention
Drummoyne MP, Mr John Sidoti. The NSW Government recently announced a sweep of changes aimed at strengthening the EPA’s powers as the state’s environmental regulator. The Chairman of the Inner West RID Squad Rod Sutcliffe said dumped rubbish continues to be one of the biggest concerns raised by local residents in the inner-west “It remains a blight in our urban environment and undermines our efforts to beautify and keep our city clean,” Mr Suttcliffe said. “We are excited about the potential of the RID squad to be responsive in catching illegal dumpers and coordinate our efforts with our Council neighbors to keep our neighborhoods clean.” New RID Squads are one of 21 actions in the EPA’s Illegal Dumping Strategy designed to target illegal dumping across NSW over the next three years in partnership with councils, communities, public land managers and the waste industry.
BURWO BUILD A BETTER FUTURE Grant applications for local community infrastructure projects are now open through the 2014 Community Building Partnership. The grant will allow community groups to apply for grants to benefit the local community that will provide positive social, recreational and environmental outcomes for the local area. Applicants can apply at
BPW Strathfield President Faye Helou (right) put on her volunteer hat for the international Rotary Convention at Sydney Olympic Park.
Small Biz Bus for Ashfield
SMALL BUSINESS operators “Having the Small Biz can take advantage of the expert Bus here gives local business business advice on offer when operators a great opportunity to the Small Biz Bus visits Ashfield get high quality advice and find Mall in late June. out what services are available to The Small Biz Bus is a mobile assist them in the longer term,” advisory and information Strathfield MP Mr Casuscelli service for small businesses said. in NSW, funded by the NSW The Bus will be at Ashfield from Australia to enjoy a Government and managed by Mall, Liverpool Road, Ashfield, holiday in each other’s country, the Office of the NSW Small from 9am to 3pm on Monday during which they may engage Business Commissioner. 30 June. THE PLACE SHOP DINE in short-term work andFRIENDLY study. Small Business TO owners can AND To book an appointment on The one-year work and access the support of expert the Bus or to speak to your local holiday visa requires applicants advisers on the Small Biz Bus Small Biz Connect advisor, call to have the support of their free of charge. Further to this Clearly Business on 9089 7634 government, hold or be studying initial visit, small business or visit www.smallbusiness. towards tertiary qualifications owners can engage these expert to speak functional English. advisers on an ongoing basis. biz-bus.
Aussies get big, fat Greek passport
YOUNG people from Australia and Greece will soon have the opportunity to visit and work in each other’s countries, with the signing of a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement. The arrangement, when brought into effect, will enable up to 500 young adults from Greece and 500 young adults
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18 June 2014
Medicare co-payment confusion Dear Editor Thanks for your recent article on the Medicare $7 co-payment. Although I am a 72 year-old Australian Citizen, I am not yet on Aged Pension. Yes. I know that this will surprise many, and possibly yourself. However I have a Seniors Card as well as a Commonwealth Health Card. I travel on Concession as well as receive chronic medication at $6 per item on my monthly script. I will be extremely grateful if you could kindly clarify my situation with regard to a co-payment each time I visit my GP. DO I HAVE TO MAKE A $7 CO-PAYMENT? Thank you Paul Naidoo, Croydon Burwood Scene referred Mr Naidoo’s question to Federal Member for Reid, Craig Laundy. Here is the response. “The changes to Medicare announced in the Budget recognise the rapid growth of health spending and its impact on Australia’s budgetar y position. The Coalition’s policies aim to rectify this unsustainable funding growth, and strengthen Medicare to ensure Australians can continue to affordably access world class healthcare services. “Ten years ago, the Australian Government was spending $8 billion on Medicare, today it’s $19 billion and in 10 years” time it is projected to be more than $34 billion. There is growing pressure on the health system from Australia’s ageing population, the increasing incidence of chronic disease and
increases in costs generated by new technologies. “From 1 July next year, a $7 GP co-payment will be introduced for most visits to the GP and out-of-hospital pathology and diagnostic imaging services. The Government will continue to subsidise all Medicare services and the majority of the costs, the $7 contribution is just a small part of the cost of the service. “As part of this policy, a safety net has also been introduced for concessional patients and children under 16. As a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holder, you will need to pay the $7 co-payment for the first 10 standard GP, pathology and imaging services each calendar (ie. A maximum of $70 a year). Subsequent visits will be excluded from the co-payment. “The Government will reinvest every dollar of savings from health reforms in the Budget into a new $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). The new MRFF is expected to become the biggest medical research fund in the world. This means the contributions made through co-payments will be an investment in continued medical research and better health outcomes for all Australians.” Craig Laundy MP
Mayor writes to Planning Minister I am writing to you to express concern, on behalf of my community, on the short-sighted objectives of the current planning process which greatly affects our local area. As you are aware, Burwood has been identified by the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Strategy as a major regional
centre. As a result, our town cent re has exp er ience d a significant increase in development over the past few years, in order to provide additional housing as required by the NSW Government. However, in an effort to fast track development in the area, the NSW Government has made no effort to ensure that the design and aesthetics of these new dwellings are appropriate. I have had numerous residents approach me saying that if we need to have high-rise buildings then they should be designed better. The current planning laws lack adequate focus on design principals, which mean that new buildings are able to be constructed without amenities such as open spaces, appropriate building materials and aesthetic external finishing. In addition, Burwood Council made a concentrated effort to meet its housing requirements by centralising development within the town centre, in order to preserve the character and history of the surrounding suburban areas as requested by our residents. Under the new planning laws which have been introduced, the NSW Government can override Local Government decisions and allow higher density housing to be built in these residential areas. This demonstrates the lack of consultation with the community and indicates that despite the NSW Government’s claim that communities will decide where they want new housing, communities and Local Government have no real powers in planning for our community’s future.
Fines for smoking at sports events
It is important that both tiers of Government work together in a transparent manner to ensure that our community can choose their own area’s future. Yours sincerely CR JOHN FAKER Mayor of Burwood
Further clarification needed for Medicare copayment I refer to the article about the Medicare Co-payment in the issue dated 4 June. I believe there needs to be some further clarification. 1) The article states that the safety net applies to anyone with a health care card. Therefore health care card holders will not pay the co-payment. This appears to be incorrect as the proposed policy does not exempt health care card holders and they will need to pay the co-payment. 2) Not mentioned in the article is that the co-payment will apply to out of hospital pathology and imagery as well as visits to the GP. 3) The article states that if your doctor does not bulk bill you will not pay the co-payment. However people in these circumstances will still be impacted as their Medicare refund will be reduced by $5. There is much disquiet about the co-payment proposal. The concern is especially for the more disadvantaged in our community and the negative impact these changes may have on them. Yours Sincerely Mike Aldridge, Croydon Park
A $300 SPOT FINE now applies for smoking at any organised sporting event. Whether you’re attending your daughter’s netball game this weekend or cheering on the Tigers all sport spectator areas are now smoke-free advised Drummoyne MP, John Sidoti. “Sport is all about health and fitness and enjoying time with family and friends. “These bans protect everyone from harmful second-hand smoke,” Mr Sidoti said. “Big or small - the smoking ban applies to organised sporting events of all sizes.” “A $300 on the spot fine may apply for anyone in breach of this law.” Mr Sidoti said there were no safe levels of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke. “Families and children make up a large part of sporting crowds and for children in particular, inhaling second-hand smoke is even more dangerous because their airways are smaller and their immune systems less developed. “I whole-heartedly support the campaign by NSW Health to create smoke-free outdoor areas like sports grounds and recreational areas, and make smoking less visible to children and young people.”
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18 June 2014