Burwood scene v9n2

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23 JULY 2014 6 October 2011


YOUR HEALTH FEATURE Starts on page 6 2



State of Origin ON ICE

Page 15

Volume 09 No.2

Search for WWII pilot’s family Page 3




6 October 2011

The Burwood Uniting Church site in Burwood’s CBD has been identified as providing a unique opportunity for a state-of-the-art ministry, social services and support facilities. by Belinda Noonan

AFTER consultation with their congregation, UnitingCare NSW/ ACT has engaged a planning consultant to identify potential uses for its properties on George Street and Burwood Road to make better use of the prime site. The site currently houses a preschool, student housing, English conversation classes, other services and the worship centre, but the proposed redevelopment would enable additional community services and others enlarged. Rev. Stephen Matthews from Burwood-Croydon Uniting Church said the congregations hope to work with Burwood Council and the community. “Ideas include a larger preschool and diversified children’s services, more student and affordable housing, a café ministry, support amenities for those in need, and a renewed open space at the front of the church to engage with the community,” said Rev. Matthews. Burwood mayor, Cr. John Faker supports the development. “We are very happy that the Uniting Church chose Burwood over Parramatta as their preferred site to develop. We look forward to working with the Church for the benefit of the community and the services they provide,” he said. The site is earmarked to accommodate office space for the wider Uniting Church and if, approved, would take three to five years to complete.

Rev. Stephen Matthews and congregation members outside the landmark Uniting Church on Burwood Road.

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Saturday 9th August 8:30pm $20 Starring Dean Rias - Elvis in the Movies brings to the stage classic Elvis numbers from movies such as Jailhouse Rock, GI Blues and Blue Hawaii as well as a number of classic Elvis ballads. Rias has one of the best voices in the industry and has been described as the closest to Elvis’ around.

Saturday 23rd August 8:30pm $15 The Bond Ball is an exciting show production that combines the best of James Bond music with classic dance tunes as performed by the Big Band Theory. The show features music from James Bond including the 007 Theme, Diamonds are Forever, Live & Let Die and many more.



23 July 2014


E ALL KNOW Australia has an ageing population. The baby boomers and their parents were the economic foundation for many of the social services we have access to today. They saved their money, on the whole spent wisely and it wasn’t until 1974 that Bankcard, a mass-market credit card came into existence. Before 1974 only store cards were available plus the Diner’s or American Express cards – and those were reserved for the wealthy. If you didn’t have the money,

desk By Belinda Noonan

BUDGET VERSUS HUMAN NEED you didn’t buy the goods unless you paid huge hire purchase interest. Therefore, most baby boomers are thrifty, turn off lights as they exit a room and remember their parent’s stories of the Great Depression. I remember stories told of

my grandfather during the Great Depression walking from Auburn to the City looking for work, which he found in Summer Hill at Mungo Scott Flour Mill, eventually becoming their Export Manager. They worked hard, and then alongside their fellow migrants

after World War II, helped make Australia more prosperous. Their children followed suit. Those 1930s and 1940s children have either reached or are inching toward the need for aged care. A staggering 50 percent of the 330,000 Australians in residential aged care suffer from dementia – from mild to severe. Due to changes to aged care services that came into effect on July 1st this year, with more on July 31st and yet more on January 1, 2105, aged care in Australia is tougher to understand, more expensive and the family home could be means tested and pensions lost.

A Dementia and Severe Behaviours supplement for aged care providers (‘nursing homes’ in old speak) that was originally promised by the Howard Government in 2006, but not acted on until the dying days of the Rudd/Gillard/ Rudd Government in August 2013 paid $16.50 extra per bed/ per day to help look after our most severe aged dementia Australians. The bright sparks in the industry and government came up with an estimated number of 2,000 people across the entire nation who they thought would qualify and budgeted for that amount.

Is it any surprise that the number of old people suffering in the severe dementia range exceeds 25,000? Pensioners and older Australians have every reason to question what the Abbott Government is thinking and worse still, doing, by completely axing that supplement with only 35 days notice, and the reason given is that the numbers exceed the budget. So, get rid of all of it. I wonder what my grandparents would think of such a hasty decision that affects their children?

We welcome your Letter to the Editor, which must be supplied with your name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. The publisher takes no responsibility for views expressed in any Letter to the Editor.




Page 12 Page 15

Lifetime Achievement Award for MP Linda Burney.

Page 9

Pages 10 & 11


LINDA Burney, the long-time Member for Canterbury, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the National NAIDOC Awards on the Gold Coast. The high honour, with previous recipients including Galarrwuy Yunupingu, Lowitja O’Donoghue, Archie Roach and Chika Dixon, recognises Linda’s long list of achievements over her career in public life – not least of which being the first Indigenous Australian to be elected to the New South Wales Parliament. Labor Leader of the Opposition John Robertson said, “It has been my great pleasure to work side by side with Linda as my Deputy over recent years and I am very happy to see her honoured with this award. I have no doubt that Linda will continue to add to her list of achievements for many more years to come.”

An independent fortnightly community newspaper. 100% family owned and operated. Published by Scene Newspapers next issue: Wednesday 13 August 2014 deadline: Wednesday 6 August 2014 Advertising: ads@burwoodscene.com.au Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Editorial: editor@burwoodscene.com.au Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Post: PO Box A187, Enfield South, NSW 2133 Editor: Belinda Noonan Deputy Editor: Mitchell Jordan Journalist: Sami Jeong Accounts: Aileen Soria Art Director: Kevin Robinson Sales Director: Robin Eggleton Printed by: Rural Press Burwood Scene Daily Online: Webmaster: Cameron Jelinek Burwood Scene is a registered trademark. All material appearing in this newspaper is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holder. Delivered across four municipalities: Burwood, Strathfield, Canada Bay and Ashfield.

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23 July 2014


Railway Station battleground brings forth the petitions

Burwood Mayor John Faker at Croydon Station.

LABOR Burwood mayor John Faker has not put up his hand (yet) for a tilt at the state Strathfield seat next March against incumbent Liberal Charles Casuscelli but one battleground, no matter who the Labor candidate will be, is the ageing Croydon Railway Station. The Burwood mayor has been calling for a lift and ramps for years, including a recent petition that exceeded 1,000 signatures and

was submitted to the NSW by Belinda Noonan Government. Not to be out-done, Mr The reality is that many of Casuscelli has started his own Sydney’s older stations are not petition and is talking about user friendly for the elderly, the “the plight of long-suffering young parents and disabled. Croydon commuters” in Strathfield, Ashfield and Parliament, calling for lifts at the Burwood Stations now have station, “as part of a concerted lift access, but Croydon and campaign”. Homebush are among many Mr Casuscelli raised the issue that do not. in a Private Members Statement Mr Casuscelli says he late last month, identifying the is confident that he can role the community will play deliver badly needed station in securing better facilities at improvements at Croydon Croydon. provided he can convince the “I am pushing for an upgrade Transport Minister that there that will include the installation is overwhelming community of lifts, new stairs to the support for the project to be platforms, the construction of accorded priority status. new toilets, upgrades to lighting “With so many of the stations and CCTV and improvements Xrytryryrytry Photo: upgrades following to the pedestrian bridge,” Mr requiring years of neglect under the Casuscelli said. After more than a360 decade previous Labor government, of lobbying various Transport Croydon is competing with a Ministers over the heavily-used number of other worthy projects Flemington Railway station, on the Sydney network,” Mr Minister Gladys Berejiklian Casuscelli said. On July 1, the NSW announced last year that lifts and a much-needed upgrade Government announced the had been approved for the $33million Station Refresh pedestrian over-bridge. A report program that will include on the progress of that upgrade Ash f i el d, Bu r wo o d and was made at a recent Strathfield Strathfield Stations with the scope including a deep clean Council meeting.

Burwood buses get a taste of Opal NEW electronic ticketing in the form of the Opal card is now available on buses in Burwood. This month saw t he introduction of the Opal card to almost 300 buses in Sydney’s South West and Hurstville. Burwood took some time to catch up to its neighbouring suburb of Strathfield, whose train station was part of the Opal roll-out earlier this year, drawing the presence of local

Liberal members, Charles Casuscelli and John Sidoti, along with Transport Minister, Gladys Berejiklian and former NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell. Opal is already available on all suburban and intercity trains, all Sydney Ferries services, and an increasing number of bus routes. More than 360,000 Opal cards have now been issued across Sydney.


to the families and friends who are grieving for their loved ones after the senseless shooting down of MH17 over East Ukraine and the resultant murder of 298 innocent people, 37 of whom called Australia home.


and overhaul of facilities, upgraded toilets, new furniture, energ y-efficient lighting, repainting and landscaping. Works are expected to be completed by the end of this year. “I’m very excited we have seen a number of other improvements on public transport, including the introduction of the new electronic Opal ticketing system, with more than 355,000 cards being issued so far,” said Mr Casuscelli. Cr Faker has also started a petition to make the underpass safer at Strathfield Station but he is not in favour of new “licks of paint” for stations that have already been upgraded. “I’m disappointed that more money has been given to Ashfield Station, which has already had a multimillion dollar upgrade,” says Burwood Mayor, Cr John Faker. “I can’t see how giving money to modern stations to update decor is more important than making a station accessible to all members of the community.” “Access to Croydon Station should be a top priority. We have many local schools, daycares and disability services near the

Member for Strathfield Charles Casuscelli with his petition at Croydon Station.

station, why hasn’t it received any of the $33 million?” As the petitions fly around for Croydon Station (and now Strathfield Station for safety), you can take your pick of how and where you want to sign up to provide the community support for easy access that anyone with plain eye-sight can see needs to be done across the Sydney rail network.



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news YOUR News


23 July 2014

M AY O R ’ S M E S S A G E


Follow me on Twitter: @johnfaker

A strong focus on cleanliness


From our town centres to the surrounding areas, Council continues to identify ways to make our area a better place to live, work and enjoy.

By now you may have seen our new Safe and Clean team at one of our vibrant town centres.

Council has reviewed the Burwood Public Parking Strategy to investigate ways to improve traffic flow and alleviate congestion caused by parking.

rowing up in the area, and now as Mayor, I have always carried a belief that a clean and safe environment is essential in building a sense of community.

Our Safe and Clean initiative provides additional cleaning services for our main shopping precincts and education to shop owners while reporting obstructions to footpaths and outdoor dining areas.

You can now have your say on the reviewed Strategy. Please visit Council’s website for more information. Mayor Faker receives feedback from residents

Young ones were captivated by the puppet show

The service will commence with a parade down Burwood Road The indoor pool is ready for action

Enfield Aquatic Centre Wacky winter workshops were fun for all ages K T C O N TA C T S

A new ‘scan and go’ system has been implemented to help make your visit to the Aquatic Centre easier.

C R J O H N FA K E R (Mayor) 9911 9916 mayor@burwood.nsw.gov.au C R TO N Y D O U E I H I

0437 970 499 tony.doueihi@burwood.nsw.gov.au


0424 022 627 sally.deans@burwood.nsw.gov.au


ids of all ages flocked to the Library and Community Hub during the school holidays for some wacky winter activities. The fun activities included a Bollywood dance, puppet show and crafts workshop.


0408 227 826 lesley.furneaux-cook@burwood.nsw. gov.au

0488 083 108 justin.taunton@burwood.nsw.gov.au


0425 691 838 ernest.wong@burwood.nsw.gov.au

0448 133 396 george.mannah@burwood.nsw.gov. au


Burwood Council, Level 2, 1–17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134

9911 9911 www.burwood.nsw.gov.au


he Enfield Aquatic Centre is now open following upgrades to the indoor pool and improvements to the filtration and heating system.

 Council Meeting 28 July 2014 at 6pm in Council Chambers


23 July 2014

Dementia supplement axed by Belinda Noonan

THE Abbott Government has axed the Dementia and Severe Behaviours Supplement to providers of residential aged care from July 31 because the payments are over budget announced the Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield on June 26. The supplement to providers to help with the cost of high-care dementia patients was worth approximately $16 per bed per day and has blown out from the budgeted $32,000 per day for an estimated 2,000 Australians to almost $410,000 per day for the 25,451 patients who met the criteria when the supplement was introduced last August. Put simply, the facts suggest that the number of dementia patients at the high-care end of the spectrum was under-estimated by the previous government and the aged care industry sector and now the Abbott Government says the supplement is over budget and has to cease. “The decision to cease the dementia and severe behaviour supplement was not one the Government took lightly,” Senator Fifield told Burwood Scene. “Sadly, due to poor design by the previous government, the Supplement exceeded its budget by ten-fold, costing around $110 million rather than the budgeted $11.7 million. The

previous government estimated that 2,000 people in residential care would be eligible for the Supplement. The most recently available figures show that 25,451 people were receiving the Supplement. If continued, the $16 a day Supplement would have cost the government $780 million over four years rather than $52 million, and over $1.5 billion over ten years,” he said. In 2006 the Howard Government held discussions with aged care providers where the rising diagnosis of dementia and the need to provide specialised care was recognised. It was agreed that there was a need for special funding of the most severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. It took until the dying days of the Rudd Government before aged care providers saw the introduction of the Supplement for the severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia on August 1, 2013. According to peak body L e ading Age d S er vices Australia (LASA), the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) was structured to fund the needs of people without dementia, or with medium or high symptoms, but not for those with severe symptoms. For the Abbott Government to blame the former government holds little water with LASA CEO, Charles Wurf.

“This decision to cease the Supplement is another unexpected financial shock to the aged services industry. The lack of consultation from the Government to industry diminishes the Minister’s standing, and reflects poorly on the Department’s process,” Mr Wurf said after the announcement. “It’s no surprise that the higher-end care for the more advanced stages of dementia patients are admitted to residential care for a high intensity care need,” Mr Wurf advised. The impact on aged care facilities and its residents is potentially profound says one local provider. “High-end dementia patients are wanderers, forgetful and have to be fed. There is a huge cost for these patients because they require a lot more care and that means more specialist staff,” the provider told Burwood Scene. “That’s what the Supplement helped to pay for. Dementia patients could end up with less care or, more importantly, may not be able to get a place in residential aged care,” the local provider explained. One immediate impact for private providers will be a potential reduction of specialist staff hours, putting jobs at risk. Of the 330,000 Australians in residential aged care, it is estimated that approximately

half suffer from dementia, but, other than Medicare returns, organisations such as Alzheimer’s Australia and LASA have no clear data on the exact numbers of people with dementia or at what tier. A report by Professor Henry Brodaty had estimated that about one per cent of all residents in care have severe Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, an estimate that was agreed by the former government and industry organisations. “The supplement was supposed to target approximately 2,000 people, or around 1 per cent of people with dementia in residential care. The assessment criteria, which was developed was supposed to capture this top 1 one percent. However, many more people were found to be eligible for the supplement than what the Government had originally targeted, which caused the cost blow outs,” said a spokesperson for Alzheimer’s Australia. “There are a range of possible explanations [such as] the criteria/assessment was not sensitive enough [or that] people did not understand the tool,” the spokesperson added. “This has been the estimated figure for some time. We don’t have data from years gone by, nor do we have clear data now.” Senator Fifield has said that consultation with the sector is already taking place on an alternative.

Missing World War II plane found by Belinda Noonan

WAR historians in Western Australia are searching for relatives of Ronald George Smith following the discovery of a RAAF Beaufighter plane found off the coast of Broome last month. On September 14, 1944, Sergeants Ronald Kerrigan from North Perth and Ronald George Smith from Strathfield went missing in action when their plane crashed into the ocean during a military exercise. The bodies of the pilot and navigator were never recovered. In 2012 amateur historians Dion Marinis and Jim Miles located debris from the RAAF Beaufighter off the coast of Broome but it was not until last month when the second engine was found that the discovery was confirmed. As reported in the Daily Mail, 85-year-old Val Bullied, who is the sister of the pilot Ronald Kerrigan, was extremely grateful to finally have closure on the fate of her brother after seventy years. The Navigator was Flight Sergeant Ronald George Smith, born August 23, 1924 in Burwood. His Service Number is 433513 and next of kin was his father George Smith. Ronald is listed as coming from Strathfield NSW and as enlisting in Sydney. Pamela Harrison, a volunteer from Western Australia, is calling on inner west residents

Searching for relatives of WWII Navigator, Ronald George Smith (from Strathfield).

for information regarding any living relatives of Ronald George Smith. “The Beaufighter A19-163 crashed just after taking off at 0435 hours from Broome airfield. Smith would have been ninety if he survived the war and I am hoping he may have siblings who are still alive,” Pamela said. “I am searching for any relatives so that they may finally have information regarding Ronald’s fate.” Anyone with any information should contact Burwood Scene by calling 9715 2700 or email editor@burwoodscene.com.au

Sandakan Remembered DATE: Sunday, 3 August TIME: 11am LOCATION: Sandakan Memorial, Burwood Park

T Borneo during World War II is one of the most he story of the Sandakan death marches in

somber yet heroic tales of our nation’s past.

Please join us in Burwood Park as we pay our respect to those brave soldiers who lost their lives.

For more information contact Burwood Council’s Events Coordinator on 9911 9911



23 July 2014


Free Bay Run T-shirts



THE 2 km Primary Schools Challenge was introduced last year to the Bay Run and this year on Sunday, August 3 Dobroyd Point Public School invites your school to compete. Have fun, get fit, and compete for individual and school prizes. You can also help raise money for CanTeen, a charity that gives help to kids with cancer.

follow us on twitter As proud sponsors of the Bay Run, The Athlete’s Foot Burwood will be giving away a FREE MIZUNO high performance T-Shirt to registered Bay Run participants. Just bring your bib in store and receive your Mizuno T-shirt.



AS DRY JULY participants approach their final and perhaps most challenging week, RPA’s Professor of Addiction Medicine, Kate Conigrave, is urging the community to consider the risks of alcohol and the role it plays in their lives. “People assume that only alcoholics get sick from alcohol but we know that the risk of cancers increase with relatively low levels of drinking,” Prof Conigrave said. “There are reports that risk of breast cancer can increase

from as little as two small drinks per day and up to one in three cases of high blood pressure that have no other obvious cause are estimated to be linked to alcohol.” She said that drinking over recommended limits is linked with stress, depressed mood, weight gain and problems with sleep. National guidelines recommend that people consume no more than two small drinks per day to reduce risk of long term harms and no

more than four small drinks on any one occasion to reduce risk of short term harms like injury. Since 2008, the Dry July Foundation has recruited sponsors to raise funds for adults living with cancer. The aim of the foundation is specifically to improve services and environments for cancer patients and their families. The target this year is $150,000 and donations can be made until the end of August. Concord Cancer Centre is a beneficiary of Dry July.

THE annual BayRun, held this year on Sunday, August 3, is one of Sydney’s favourite community fun runs. Its objective is to bring people of all ages together to promote and enjoy health, fun and exercise. The event is a 7km fun run (or walk) around the beautiful Iron Cove, making it a great warm up race for other fun runs like the City to Surf or Blackmores Sydney Running Festival. There is also a 2km Primary School Challenge. Jason Power, from Five Dock Physio has helped to prepare many elite and recreational athletes in numerous summer and winter sports. Here are his top six tips to prepare for the big day. 1) Easy does it If you have never run before, make sure you start out slow and don’t push yourself too hard. Just because it’s called the Bay “run” doesn’t mean you have to run! You can either walk or jog the entire way or alternate between the two. Also, take a break half way through to drink some water, enjoy the scenery and to stretch: particularly focusing on the hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles.

2) Take some water with you It’s important to stay well hydrated while exercising to avoid muscle cramps, over heating and dehydration, which can impact your run.

3) Time yourself Use a stopwatch or download any running app on your smart phone to record how long it takes to complete the Bay run each time you train. Timing helps to keep you motivated and allows you to map out any improvements in your fitness level. Improvements could include less time over a certain distance, less breaks and/or maybe it takes less time to recover. 4) Turn it up or bring a friend It can be hard to keep yourself motivated after a few goes as the track and scenery is the same, so why not listen to your favourite music along the way? You could try high tempo music and try to keep in step or bring a friend who is at the same fitness level as you. This will help keep you motivated and accountable. 5) Expect to be sore after run Post exercise soreness (DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

is, unfortunately, inevitable and normal after any intense exercise session. Soreness can often start around 48-72 hours after the exercise. But don’t worry! You can reduce the amount and length of DOMS by ensuring you warm up and cool down properly. Both a proper warm up and cool down include a light jog or brisk walk, and stretching for at least a minute for each muscle and on each side. Don’t worry if you’re still a bit sore after a couple of days, it is okay to exercise again; just make sure you spend a good time warming up and cooling down. However, if there is soreness anywhere in the body that lingers around for more than a few days, you should see your local doctor or physiotherapist. 6) Enjoy! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Be proud that you’re taking control of your health. The only person you’re competing with is yourself - so relax, take it slow and enjoy the Bay Run.

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23 July 2014

Exercise for Seniors

Every bit helps ANZAC Medical Appeal BURWOOD Rotary Club presented a $25,000 cheque to the ANZAC Research Institute Medical Appeal at its changeover dinner on July 1st to Dendrocyte CEO Con Tsonis and scientist Zehra Elgundi on behalf of Professor Derek Hart. The Appeal was launched a year ago to raise $5 million for human clinical trials to cure Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) under the stewardship of Professor Hart at Concord Hospital. Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey recently toured the laboratory to meet the team and see first-hand the progress being made in this vital medical research.

Left to right: John Chandler (Bendigo Community Strengthening Manager), Member for Strathfield Charles Casuscelli, Amy Land (Bendigo), Zehra Elgundi (ANZAC Research Insitute scientist), Sana Kamelesan (Burwood Rotary), Con Tsonis (CEO Dendrocyte) and Bernie Seth (Chairman Homebush Bendigo Bank)

Set your spine straight LEARN how to manage ankylosing spondylitis with Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW’s upcoming program in Ashfield next month. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a condition that mainly affects the spine. The joints of the neck, back and pelvis become inflamed, causing pain and stiffness. It can also affect other parts of the body, such as the eyes, skin, bowel and lungs. To help people living with AS learn more about how to manage their condition, Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW will be holding an ankylosing spondylitis education program in Ashfield starting on 12 August. The program will run for six consecutive Tuesdays. Developed by Arthritis Western Australia, the Ankylosing Spondylitis Education and Self-Management Program aims to educate individuals

about their arthritis and provide up-to-date information on the best ways to manage it. “Ankylosing spondylitis is an autoimmune disease that affects around 1-2 per cent of Australians and is about three times more common in men,” explained Eloise Milthorpe, head of community health services for Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW. “The disease usually appears between the ages of 15 – 40, affecting people when they may be at their most active. If left untreated, AS can cause permanent stiffening of the spine and associated disability.” The education program will be held at Ashfield Civic Centre, starting 12 August from 6.30 to 9 pm. For more information or to register for the event, visit www. arthritisnsw.org.au or call 1800 011 041.

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Home and Community Podiatry Service, auspiced by Burwood Council, is for residents of the Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield Local Government Areas. We aim to provide a comprehensive, responsive and flexible podiatry service for the Home and Community Care target group which includes the frail aged, people with disabilities, and their carers. If you think you, a friend or family member may be eligible please call the Podiatry Service on 99 11 99 39 to talk to someone about the service.



23 July 2014

JUVENILE DIABETES FUNDING LIFT RESEARCH into Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes has received a funding boost from the Federal Government after $35 million to advance research was announced recently.

Type 1 Diabetes is a life-long auto-immune disease that usually occurs in childhood but can be diagnosed at any age. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and most newly diagnosed cases are in people less than 15 years old. “Australia is a world leader in medical research and, as the May Budget proved, this Government is intent on building our national capability of research excellence – and today’s announcement is yet

another illustration of this unyielding commitment,” Craig Laundy MP said. “With over 140,000 adults and children affected by Type 1 Diabetes in Australia, and over 16 million people worldwide, it is vital that Australia is at the forefront of research in this area. Funding will go towards the development of the Special Research Initiative for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes – a national collaborative research network and research program that will work towards finding a cure for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes and will be administered by the Australian Research Council. According to Medibank data the number of self-reported rates of diabetes has more than doubled since 1990, from 1.5% to 4.2% of

Australians, with over 1 million people now diagnosed with the illness. Given the disease often goes dangerously undiagnosed, this figure may be just the tip of the iceberg. The increase is due to higher rates of obesity, with two thirds of the Australian population now identified as overweight or obese, which is a key contributor to the development of type 2 diabetes. The data also revealed that more men were identified with diabetes than women, particularly in the 65-69-year age group. However, the number of children being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is also on the increase. Childhood obesity levels in Australia have doubled in recent years, with one in four now classed as obese.

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The power of white THE community at large is being asked to act to protect that special child or children in their lives by joining in White Balloon Day on 12 September. White Balloon Day is Bravehearts’ key fundraising and awareness initiative, which aims to put an end to child sexual assault in the community. This year Bravehearts h a s l au n c h e d t h e # w h o RUprot e c t i ng selfie campaign to help protect the one in five Australian children who will be sexually assaulted in some way before their Bravehearts founder Hetty Johnston. 18th birthday. Bravehearts founder and CEO, Hetty morning tea, a wear white day at a child’s Johnston, is urging all Australians to school or at workplace or encourage the register an event today and take a selfie community to take part in a ‘wear white to pledge support. walk’. “Child protection is everyone’s Last year, community groups, schools, responsibility and we all have children in businesses, councils and passionate our lives who we love and want to protect,” individuals worked with Bravehearts said Ms Johnston. to deliver its largest campaign, with White Balloon Day fundraising events more than 1300 fundraising events held can be as simple as hosting a white nationally.

Use your inhaler correctly AN ONLINE Galaxy survey for NPS MedicineWise this month, of more than one thousand Australians diagnosed with asthma, has shown that incorrect inhaler technique is one of the leading causes of poorly-controlled asthma.

“A huge 97% of adults taking asthma medication are confident they’re using their medicine correctly — with 57% saying they’re ‘very confident’ in their inhaler technique — but this doesn’t match with figures from the Asthma Handbook that show up to 90% of Australians with asthma don’t use their inhaler correctly,” MedicineWise CEO Dr Lynn Weekes said. To help tackle the uncertainty around inhaler technique, the Minister for Health,

Peter Dutton launched a new learning resource for health professionals to help people with asthma get their inhaler technique right. Developed jointly by Asthma Australia and NPS MedicineWise, the free ‘Unlocking asthma inhaler technique’ online learning module will equip pharmacists, nurses (particularly practice nurses) and other health professionals. The majority of the adults surveyed who take asthma medication (72%) said they don’t have a health professional check their inhaler technique. Call 1800 ASTHMA (1800278462)or see www.asthmaaustralia.org.au

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23 July 2014


ROTARY WRAP UP JULY marks the start of a new year for 30,000 Rotarians in 1,100 clubs across Australia, which is part of a network of 1.2million members world-wide in 33,000 clubs. Since 1979, Rotary has been instrumental in wiping out polio world-wide in all but three countries, and the push is on for those three to also be polio free. Closer to home, Rotary Clubs support and contribute to local organisations and provide programs that are community-based. STRATHFIELD President Suzanne Freund conducted the handover to incoming president Allan Teale for the coming year at a dinner attended by Strathfield MP, Charles Casuscelli and Mayor of Strathfield Daniel Bott. Maree McDougall and Penny True received Paul Harris Fellow awards for their work with Meals on Wheels, the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, Strathfield Historical Society and Rotary over 20 years. During the year donations were made to Symphonia Jubilate, National Youth Science Forum, Police Legacy, Strathfield Library and many school bands. Its inaugural Horizon Music Festival held at ACU campus was also successful and could become an annual event. Strathfield Mens Shed secretary, Dan Brem made a surprise presentation of a high quality chocolate wheel.

A new member, Dr Usha Garg was inducted during the change-over dinner. Strathfield Rotary meets at Strathfield Golf Club on Wednesdays at 6.15pm. BURWOOD For out-going president, Sana Kamalesan it was a bitter-sweet year as she paid tribute to her good friend Mary Hamer, who passed away after fighting cancer for many years. Sana also thanked Mary’s husband Peter, who she said “is the strength of our club”. The Burwood Club donated $25,000 to the ANZAC Research Institute Medical Appeal to help Professor Hart and his team at Concord Hospital continue their vital work. Other recipients included Burwood Community Welfare, Exodus Foundations, PCYC Burwood, Youth Off The Streets, Interplast, Careflight and Ambre Hammond for the Girl Piano Truck program. Burwood Rotaract, whose members are all under 35 years of age, are one of the strongest youth clubs in the district and reported an increase in membership, which they hope to continue this year. Irene Giardino, who owns One World Enterprises at Enfield, was welcomed as the incoming Burwood Rotary President. Burwood Rotary meets on Mondays at Burwood RSL.

CONCORD The success of Concord Rotary’s Farmers Markets in Cintra Park has grown from once a month to the first and third Sunday each month, allowing the club to support many organisations including major donations to Concord Hospital, the Salvation Army, Rotary’s Shelter Box program, Interplast, many school projects and two innovative programs – one for fresh water in the Congo and Dream Cricket, which is closer to home.

Strathfield Paul Harris Fellow awardees Maree McDougall (left), Penny True (centre) and Past President Suzanne Freund.

Strathfield Men’s Shed secretary Dan Brem

$5,000 to support women in the Congo has already come to fruition with a report to Concord last week that fresh water has already been installed thanks to the donation made recently. Dream Cricket introduces primary school children with disabilities to grow confidence and self-esteem through movement and participation. Initially started by the Movement Disorder Foundation through Rotary Clubs in the Southern Highlands and the Bradman Foundation to play on Bradman Oval, the program has expanded to Sydney clubs. Concord Rotary has supported students at Lucas Gardens School and St Mary’s Primary School in this project.

Burwood Past President Sana Kamalesan congratulates 2014/15 President Irene Giardino.

Burwood Rotarian John Mansour (left) with Strathfield MP Charles Casuscelli.

Dee Covington is returning for her second year as president. The Concord Rotary Club, which won best club of the district this year, meets at Concord Golf Club on Monday evenings.

The new committee of the Concord Rotary Club.

Big prizes for small businesses SMALL businesses have the chance to win a share of $600,000 as part of the American Express business grants campaign. Running until the end of November, 120 small business grants worth $5,000 each will be awarded nationally, representing a total of 20 each month. The funds will be used by business owners to enhance and grow their businesses. The initiative has received the backing of the Minister for Small Business, the Hon Bruce Billson MP, who believes that anything that helps celebrate small businesses in the local community is a great thing. “Small businesses are the backbone of communities and any support to encourage success, reward passion and entrepreneurial spirit is welcomed,” he said.

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“The American Express Small Business Grants are recognition of the hard work, sleepless nights and enduring commitment of small business owners.” Small businesses that accept American Express are eligible to win a Business Grant. Entry is automatic once an American Express transaction is processed. American Express will work with a number of the winners to help raise their profiles, attract new customers and increase customer loyalty. Last year, prize winners used the funds in a range of ways including redesigning their website, purchasing new equipment, refurbishing their premises and improving their customer service delivery. For more information visit: www. americanexpress.com.au/rewarding-you

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23 July 2014

@ SCHOOL Helping to keep Lucas Beating the litter bugs Gardens beautiful @ SCHOOL THE City of Canada Bay is raising awareness of the impact of litter in the streets and waterways by getting involved in the ‘Take 3’ Schools Litter Education program. “We have teamed up with ‘Take 3’ – a not-for-profit or g a n i s at i on e du c at i n g people about marine debris and rubbish– to present this program in four of our local schools,” Mayor Angelo Tsirekas said. Drummoyne Public School, St Ambrose Public School, Concord West Public School and Domremy College are participating in the program being delivered by Tim Silverwood , Environmentalist and founder of not-for-profit organisation Take 3. The ‘Take 3’ Schools Litter Education program will be run at each school and will incorporate an engaging litter prevention presentation to the

entire student body, work with the schools environmental committee or interested group, and a workshop with students aimed at encouraging litter prevention in the school community. In a recent address to students at Domremy College in Five Dock, Take 3 co-founder Tim Silverwood said he needed young people “on board” as stewards of the environment to make our relationship with the planet healthier and cleaner. Mr Silverwood outlined how Take 3’s Schools Litter Prevention Program helps clean up schools and produce ongoing environmental benefits for the City of Canada Bay community and beyond. “The school sessions are about education and encouraging students to come up with creative ways to make their school - and their community - litter free,” he explained.

VOCATIONAL learning for young and old is the aim of National Skills Week from 25 to 31 August. This year’s theme is The Magical Mystery Tour of Skills. The primary focus of National Skills Week is to promote the diversity, possibilities and options for career outcomes, the future needs of industry and to recognise the teachers,

students, businesses and training providers who make it happen. At the time of writing, the only event scheduled for the inner-west was the Australian College of Physical Education’s open day in Olympic Park on 8 September. For more information, visit www. nationalskillsweek.com.au


As part of the program, Domremy students are aiming to boost sustainability by conducting beach or playground litter audits, introducing waste free days, designing posters and rewarding the cleanest class. ‘Take 3’ was formed in 2009 to raise awareness of marine debris by encouraging each visitor to the beach, waterway or anywhere to simply take three pieces of rubbish with them when they leave.

Safety First

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Sharpenlup skills Back To Schoo

Lucas gardens students (left to right) Christopher, Robbie and John-Paul with Mayor Angelo Tsirekas.

L E A R N I N G ab out t h e environment is a part of every child’s school curriculum and therefore just as important at Lucas Gardens School in Five Dock. T h e s t a t e’s l e a d i n g e nv i ron m e nt e du c at i on program, EnviroMentors delivered a sustainability workshop to Lucas Gardens School students on July 17 that

was observed by Canada Bay Mayor, Angelo Tsirekas and council environment officers Tony Pavolic and Belinda Koytz. Relieving Lucas Gardens principal, Katrina Bowman commended the program saying, “It’s really positive for us to have these connections that provide interactive and engaging learning experiences.

There is lots of ‘hands-on’, which increases a greater understanding of the environement.” The three-week program a c ro ss N S W c oi n c i d e s with Keep NSW Beautiful’s urban sustainability awards, Sustainable Cities, which were presented in the City of Canada Bay the following day.

MORTLAKE Public School has received $50,000 from the Department of Education match i ng t he pre v i ous Community Building Partnership program funds for a safety fence around the perimeter of the school. The total cost is $115,000, with the school community also raising money for the project. “An incident last year at Haberfield Primary School prompted action by school communities in the area for the construction of safety fences,” John Sidoti MP explained.

Back To Schoo l

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23 July 2014

A sporting chance


LOCAL football and cricket for the work has already been clubs have been hoping to secured through a Community secure more funding to update Building Partnership grant,” said Centenary Park in Ashfield and Mr Casuscelli. their hopes have risen after a Clubs represented during the visit by NSW Sports Minister, visit included Burwood Football Stuart Ayres last week. Club, Canterbury BALLET TAP District JAZZ Strathfield MP, Charles Soccer Football Association and Club. Casuscelli offered the sports Ashfield Cricket HIP HOP CONDITIONING CONTEMPORARY clubs representatives the Mr Casuscelli is looking opportunity to put their for funds from federal, state STRETCH & TONE FITNESS PILATES (MAT) concerns directly to the and local government to help Minister. transform facilities at Centenary YOGA EXERCISE CLASSES BALLET, BARRE & BALL “The community has been Park, which houses all three calling for a new amenities football codes. block at Centenary Park for “The park is one of very few some time now. Plans have that can still be used when many been drawn up by Ashfield others become waterlogged after Andrew Stamar (Burwood Football Club), Ian Holmes (Canterbury District Football Assoc.), Andrew McVeigh (Burwood Football Club), Charles Casuscelli MP Sports Minister Stuart Ayres, Norm Towells, Fiona Ledden and Chris Channel (Ashfield Cricket Club). Council and some funding heavy rain,” he said.


Coleen Cattell from Dorothy Cowie School of Dancing.

THERE is an extra reason to dance with joy and freedom for the special needs students at the Drummoyne studios of the Dorothy Cowie School of Dancing after they received the good news that Bizcover’s Small Business Buddy Program has granted $2,000 to pay for their annual concert costumes. The 77 year old dance school introduced dance for special needs students at their Drummoyne studio in 2010, with the help of Kathleen Collins from the Special Olympics. “The classes give these students an opportunity to learn different styles of dance and to perform in the annual concert, which is the

highlight of the year for many of the students,” said Coleen Cattell from the Dorothy Cowie School of Dancing. “We believe that the joy of dancing should cater to all who love to dance. A big thanks to BizCover’s Small Business Buddy program. Our special needs students and their parents are extremely grateful. They normally have a lot of ongoing costs outside of dancing and to have their concert costumes paid for will give them some much needed financial relief. They are over the moon and so are we,” Coleen added. Launched last month, BizCover has dedicated $60,000 towards the new Small Business Buddy

Prep year for Santa in 2015 Santa Sabina College is excited to announce a Prep Year commencing on the primary campus for girls and boys in Term 2, 2015. Children can participate in a two, three or five day program. As a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, children will be involved in early

education that is inquiry-based and child centred. Children will explore, investigate, and play in a nurturing environment with expert educators closely observing individual children’s strengths and needs working in partnership with parents. “Santa Sabina College is a very special place, steeped in history

but also future-focussed. We educate our students from the earliest years to love learning, to be seekers of truth and justice, and to treat each other with dignity and respect,” said College Principal Dr Maree Herrett To find out more, contact Santa Sabina College Registrar Helen Ayers on 9745 7030.

Program in a mission to give back to the SME community who they service. “Our success is due to the small business community, who has over the past seven years embraced our online insurance services over more traditional methods of buying insurance. Having someone like Coleen, who will be able to help the special needs students with their end of the year concert costumes will make a positive impact on their families,” said Managing Director Michael Gottlieb The 589 wishes submitted so far include numerous requests for laptops and iPads, as well as morale-boosting grants for office coffee machines or staff lunch celebrations. A wish will be granted by Bizcover.com.au every fortnight in the form of a specific product or service valued at up to $2,000. Wishes can be made by any small business with twenty employees. Businesses must have a valid ABN to apply but don’t need to be an existing BizCover customer to enter. Wishes can be submitted online via www.smallbusinessbuddy. com.au



23 July 2014

Chilly days and frosty nights Parramatta Road

feels the pinch

Heart-warming winter meals, which are packed with flavour, cost effective and easy to make are what family cooks look for in the wintry months. Soups and casseroles head the list, and with all those winter vegetables on offer, there’s every reason to try some of the new recipes on the Sydney Markets website. If you are not familiar with how many uses the humble leek provides, here are two recipes to try.

Leek, potato and chicken casserole

Mushroom, leek and chickpea soup with parmesan croutons

A MAJOR project to ease congestion on Parramatta Road at Ashfield started this month as part of a $246 million pinch point program. This intersection of Parramatta Road and the Hume Highway has been identified as a “critical pinch point” for motorists and a $900,000 package of treatments is now underway. A new, dedicated left turn lane will be installed westbound on Parramatta Road at the intersection of the Hume Highway to allow for a bus only lane and two through lanes. The left turn lane and bus only lane will be also extended on Parramatta Road into the Hume Highway.

The eastbound right turn bay will be extended on Parramatta Road into the Hume Highway and median realigned on Parramatta Road along the extended right turn bay. Traffic lights will also be upgraded at the intersection, along with the laying of new asphalt and linemarking. As of the beginning of July, three month’s night work has started and will continue until October, from 8pm to 5am between Sundays and Fridays. Lane closures and changed traffic conditions will be in place while work is carried out to ensure the safety of road users and workers.

Be creative for Ferragosto Preparation 30 mins plus chilling time Cooking 1 hour 30 mins Serves 4 1/3 cup olive oil + extra for greasing 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 lemon, finely zest rind and then juice 1.5kg free-range chicken, trimmed and cut into 8 pieces 3 (about 750g) Desiree potatoes, peeled and cut lengthways into 1cm-thick slices 1 stick celery, sliced 2 leeks, trimmed, halved lengthways and thinly sliced . dry white wine . cup chicken stock . cup flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped 1/3 cup pitted kalamata olives Gremolata* or chopped flat leaf parsley, to serve *Gremolata is a home-made blend of finely chopped flat-leaf parsley, garlic and lemon zest.

STEP 1 Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. To make marinade, combine ¼ cup oil, garlic, lemon zest and juice in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Add chicken and toss to combine. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or longer if time permits. STEP 2 Heat remaining 1 tbs oil in a large heavy-based frying pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken to pan and cook, drizzling with any remaining marinade, until golden brown on all sides. Remove pan from heat. STEP 3 Grease a large oven-proof casserole pan with oil. Arrange potatoes, celery and leeks in pan. Add wine, stock and half the parsley. Arrange chicken in pan and pour over any remaining pan juices. Cover (with a lid or foil) and bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes until chicken is tender. Stir through olives and the remaining parsley in the last 5 minutes of cooking. Sprinkle with gremolata or parsley to serve.

Preparation 20 mins Cooking 25 mins Serves 4 This healthy light soup teams well with the crunchy parmesan croutons. 2 tbs olive oil 1 leek, trimmed, halved lengthways and thinly sliced 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 400g mixed mushrooms*, trimmed and sliced 4 cups chicken stock 3 sprigs lemon thyme 400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 30g baby spinach leaves . cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped 1 tbs lemon juice Parmesan croutons . cup olive oil 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese 2 thick slices sourdough bread, roughly torn into bite-sized pieces *Use a mixture of Shiitake, King Brown, Portabella and small flat mushrooms

STEP 1 To make croutons, preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan-forced. Place oil and parmesan in a bowl. Add bread and toss to coat. Arrange bread in a single layer on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden and crisp. STEP 2 Meanwhile, heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add leek and garlic and cook, stirring often, for 4-5 minutes until tender. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes until just softening. STEP 3 Add stock, thyme and chickpeas. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and gently bring to the boil. Stir through spinach and parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Ladle soup into serving bowls and serve with parmesan croutons.

Recipes from Sydney Markets

CANADA Bay Council has launched an Instragram competition for next month’s Ferragosto Festival in Five Dock with two major prizes to be won and a series of weekly prizes. Everyone is invited to have a go and show off their social media skills of what Ferragosto and Italy represent to you in the #Ferragosto2014 Instagram Photo Competition by uploading an image to @canadabay’s Instagram feed – using the hashtag #Ferragosto2014 “We are encouraging people to come up with some creative ways to showcase our Ferragosto Festival and Italy,” said City of Canada Bay Mayor Angelo Tsirekas. “When you think of the words ‘Ferragosto’ and ‘Italy’, what images do they conjure up? Whatever it is, we encourage people to take snaps via Instagram and show their love for Ferragosto and Italy.” Photos will be judged on creativity

and relevance by Council’s judging panel. Participants can enter as many times as they like, including on the day of Ferragosto, Sunday, 17 August 2014. The two major prizes include a three-hour styling session with Birkenhead Point Outlet Centre fashion stylist Kerry Athanassiou (for male or female) plus $300 worth of vouchers at Birkenhead Point Outlet or an iPad Mini (valued at $600). Minor weekly prizes will also be awarded for the #Ferragosto2014 Instagram Photo of the Week in the run up to the festival. How to enter: 1.   Follow @canadabay on Instagram 2.   Take a photo of what Ferragosto and Italy mean to you 3.   Upload your photo to Instagram and tag it with @canadabay and #Ferragosto2014.







23 July 2014

Cash keeps Cooks River clean THE upgrade of the Cooks River is set to continue following $3 million in funding for the Cooks River Naturalisation project. The Cooks River Naturalisation project aims to improve the livability of the foreshore area by creating attractive, healthy places that the local community can be proud of. This $3 million budget allocation for 2014-15 is part of the $11million Sydney Water project to rehabilitate the Cooks River and to improve the storm water capability of the area. A total of $700 million was included in the NSW budget for water and wastewater infrastructure to enable Sydney Water to expand, maintain, renew and upgrade its network which includes 45,000 kilometres of water and wastewater pipes, more than 800 pumping stations, 252 reservoirs, and 38 treatment and recycling plants across the entire network of Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra.

Mi n iste r for Natu r a l Resources, Lands and Water, Kevin Humphries, said the funding will help deliver reliable, affordable, sustainable water supplies and sewerage systems to communities in the Strathfield electorate. The troublesome river also received some attention from staff of the cosmetics company, LUSH, this month. The group of ten corporate volunteers were under the guidance and leadership of community groups along the Cooks River and helped to clean up the area. They began at Rosedale Reserve, where they received training from members of the Cooks River Valley Association and Mudcrabs. The Cooks River Valley Association community group rehabilitates the River and fosters community spirit, and the Mudcrabs do regular rubbish collection bush restoration.

Conservatory, amenities and upgrades for Breakfast Point

Workplace bullying workshop

THE next dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Women’s (BPW) Strathfield Club will tackle workplace bullying with a panel of professionals who will be presented with case studies that may, or may not, represent workplace bullying. The experienced panel, facilitated by psychologist Elizabeth Collins, will be utilising their skills, knowledge and qualifications to assess the case studies. Bullying is defined as the use of force, threat or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively impose domination over others. The behaviour is often repeated and habitual.

Justifications and rationalisations for bullying behaviour sometimes include differences in race, religion, gender, sexuality, appearance, behaviour, body language, personality and even ability. Anyone is welcome to attend this special panel meeting on Wednesday, August 13 from 6.30 to 8.30pm at Club Burwood, 97 Burwood Road, Burwood. Bookings are essential. Tickets cost $50 for non members, $45 for members and include a two-course meal and complimentary drink. To book, call President Faye Helou on 0433 819 737 or book online at http://bpwstrathaug13. eventbrite.com.au

Hands off Hornsey Street ANOTHER controversial Bur wood development application has been knocked back after the Environment Court recently refused a proposal to construct an eight-storey dwelling on 5 Hornsey Street. The case was heard at the Land and Environment Court in June after the applicant appealed Council’s decision to refuse a Development Application for the site in November 2013. Burwood Mayor, John Faker, said that there were a number of factors which made the proposal concerning.

“We initially refused the development due to a range of issues including bulk and scale, impact on the character of the local area, increase in traffic and parking, privacy issues, external finishing and, perhaps most importantly, public interest,” he said. “This is a positive win for our local community against large scale development outside our Town Centre.” The site of the refused development is currently zoned as general residential.


Community representatives meet NSW Planning Minister Pru Goward and MP John Sidoti for the announcement.

SIX projects in and near Breakfast Point will benefit from a $1.44 million plan approved by NSW Planning Minister Pru Goward that will see local community projects delivered from developer contributions under the NSW government Community Enhancement Plan. Speaking at Concord with MP Drummoyne John Sidoti, Ms Goward said her approval of the Community Enhancement Plan would enable the development of the Cabarita Park Conservatory ($540k), improvements to the Breakfast Point Activity Centre ($140k), Upgrade to Wangal Botanical Reserve ($250k), signage and traffic calming devices ($200k) and an upgrade to the amenities block at Edwards Park, Concord ($400k). “The developer contributions of $7,200 per dwelling are part of the original concept plan for the precinct and must be spent on community projects and infrastructure within Breakfast Point and surrounding suburbs,” the Planning Minister advised. Mr Sidoti said the local community had played a key role in determining what projects should be funded. President of the Concord Junior Soccer Club, Danny Coral says the upgrade to Edwards Park is sorely needed. “The $400,000 means we can upgrade and build a new toilet block, change rooms, canteen and committee room,” Danny said. “This work is 25 years overdue. I remember it being there as it is now for the past 40-odd years. Needless to say we are very pleased with this outcome,” he added.


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Come and Mee t

Charles Casuscelli RFD MP Member for Strathfield

As a local grassroots Member of Parliament I am always keen to hear of issues that affect my local constituents. I will be holding a series of street stalls throughout the year in all parts of the electorate. Please feel free to contact my office. Please contact my office or come in: Shop 1/54 Burwood Road, Burwood NSW 2134 | P (02) 9747 1711 | F (02) 9747 6054 | E strathfield@parliament.nsw.gov.au Authorised by Charles Casuscelli RFD MP. This advertisement was produced using parliamentary entitlements.


23 July 2014

Pay the price for dodgy electrical goods

NEW TIDE TABLES A new booklet of tidal predictions for the coming year is now available on the Roads and Maritime website and also in an A5 booklet to help boaters plan the safest trip on NSW waterways. The booklet can be picked up at boat shows, maritime service centres, some motor registries and from Boating Safety Officers and Boating Education Officers.To download tide tables, go to www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/docs/ Tide_Tables.pdf NATIONAL TREE DAY Planet Ark is encouraging Australians to get into nature and grow for National Tree Day on Sunday 27 July or Schools Tree Day on Friday 25 July. National Tree Day is Australia’s largest tree-planting and nature care event. Each year over 200,000 people take part in National Tree Day events at 3,000 sites organised by councils, schools, businesses, communities and Toyota Dealers across the country. Since Planet Ark launched National Tree Day in 1996, more than three million participants have planted 20 million native trees, shrubs and grasses. TRADE LOANS PASS The legislation for Trade Support Loans has been passed by the Parliament, allowing loans of up to $20,000 over the four years of an apprenticeship. The Trade Support Loans will provide up to $8,000 in the first year of the apprenticeship, $6,000 in the second, $4,000 in the third and $2,000 in the fourth.

Above: Unapproved travel adaptor from a Bankstown store Right: Unapproved travel adaptor from a Haymarket store

JUSTICES MEETING The Ashfield/Burwood Branch of the New South Wales Justices Association are inviting Justices of the Peace to attend their Branch Meeting and 27th Annual General Meeting for 2014 on Wednesday, 20 August, at 7.15 p.m at Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood. All Justices of the Peace are welcome and encouraged to attend.

TRADERS that sell dangerous, unapproved electrical goods will face the full force of the law if caught. Fair Trading has an ongoing compliance and enforcement program for electrical product safety laws. Officers have been inspecting stores across REGISTER metropolitan Sydney this month FOR and seizing goods but the reality DAFFODIL DAY is these items could be sold THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO SHOP AND DINE Australians anywhere in NSW. are being Consumers must check asked to their goods are compliant with buy, or help Australian standards by looking sell, daffodil for the mark of approval. pins to raise If retailers sell, import, hire money in the or exchange electrical goods not fight against listed among the declared articles cancer on 22 August by registering early to sell pins. The they must still ensure they are Cancer Council NSW aims to raise $3.2 million to continue to safe and meet minimum safety help fund cancer research, prevention programs, advocacy requirements. and support services. Traders who flout the law face Daffodil pins will be sold on August 22 in the morning at penalties from on-the-spot fines Ashfield and Burwood Stations from 6.30am to 9.30am, of $500 to prosecutions carrying Burwood Westfield from 9.30am to 3.30pm and Strathfield maximum penalties of $87,500 Station from 6am to 6 pm. and/or two years’ imprisonment Register at www.daffodilday.com.au


for an individual and $875,000 for a corporation. Consumers are urged to be careful when buying electrical goods online and if in doubt call Fair Trading on 13 32 20 for advice.

Dear Editor, The outraged residents of Enfield are anxious about the Flower Power outcome. Here are a few quotes to consider; (1)   Flower Power now has “40 days to request a review from the NSW Dept of Planning, who will refer the case to the Joint Regional Planning Panel for assessment” (2/7/14, Burwood Scene). (2)   “In no way do we want to offend the council, or our neighbours or our customers” Flower Power’s Manager, Mr Sammut (1/4/14, Courier). (3)   Flower Power have “no intention of moving anywhere, anytime soon” Flower Power’s CEO, Mr Spiteri (2/7/14, Burwood Scene) (4)   Kim Baileys’ view of high density living: “why should we live like rabbits ?” (Courier, 1/7/14 - Question for Bob Carr) If one looks closer the Flower Power Planning Proposal it is also the case that “3 hrs of sunlight” is deemed OK for the surrounding neighbourhood, that 239 units will “enhance the residential area” and that “311 car spaces” is fine. Going from commercial to residential carries an increase in hourly use from approx 12 to 24 hrs. Apparently people live the whole day and night through. I am waiting for the Flower Power Family Fun Day to re-connect with the community. Then we can all bounce up and down on the jumping castle or just sit there in protest with “no intention of moving anywhere, anytime soon”. Hot air optional. David Llewellyn, Croydon Park

TENDERS Regional Procurement® on behalf of Burwood Council (NSW) is calling tenders for the Provision of Street scape Cleaning and Promotion: SPT451314BUR. Including: Minor cleaning of specified areas of the Burwood LGA with promotion with retail business and reporting of compliance issues. Tender documents are $50.00 (non-refundable) from www.tenderlink.com/regionalprocurement Tenders are invited and will be received up to 2.00pm on 12th August 2014. A compulsory pre-tender meeting after you have purchased THE FRIENDLY TO AND DINE Burwood the tender suite this PLACE will be held on:SHOP 28th of July at 10.00am Council Suite 1, Level 2, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134 (Non attendance will mean you will be unable to submit a tender.) Contact: Craig Wade on (02) 4978 4038 or Support Services on 4978 4046 or visit www.tenderlink.com/regionalprocurement to download the tender documents for a non-refundable fee of $50.00.



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23 July 2014


Speedy Olympian in local State of Origin derby by Belinda Noonan

AUSTRALIA’S fastest man on ice and Sochi Winter Olympian, Pierre Boda is headed back home to Canterbury Ice Rink this weekend for speed skating’s State of Origin equivalent, the Duke Trophy. 21-year-old Pierre, who originally hailed from the inner west and attended Strathfield North Public School, has been based in Melbourne to pursue his dream to be on the Olympic podium. His 30th place Sochi finish in the crash and burn 500m was just a taste of what is to come for this talented athlete. In his return to racing Pierre will line up against Australia’s fastest speed skaters as the spear-head for the highly favoured NSW team, racing at speeds of up to 50 km/h and jostling for position around tight bends in speed skating’s biggest team event.

Up-and-coming 15-year-old speedster Liam O’Brien from Strathfield is no stranger to Winter Olympics, having watched his sister Danielle compete at Sochi with her

partner Greg Merriman, in the ice dance event, placing 20th. Liam is aiming to follow up on his strong performance in last month’s Endurance Cup, where he won the Senior Men’s


n n n

Melbourne and Brisbane, and this year will be held at Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink. If you like thrills and spills, rug up in your winter woollies and head to Canterbury on July

26 and 27 for this spectacular free event on Saturday, 26 July from 6pm until 8pm or Sunday 7am until 12noon.

Strathfield Sports Club Winter Olympian Pierre Boda racing this weekend at Canterbury Ice Rink.

Guiding the way


division. The Duke Trophy is an annual race meet that has taken place for 62 years, with the first competition held in 1952. The host city alternates each year between Sydney,

Liam O’Brien from Strathfield will be contesting the Duke Trophy team event.

“Everyone had a fun time, and the superb winter weather made playing outdoors on the lawns, most enjoyable,” said supervisor and Croquet Club member Ruth Bridger. The Guides visit marked the completion of the first Joint Project between the Australian Catholic University and the croquet club, introducing mallet sports to community groups. “We hope many more Pictured: Stephanie Smith and projects will follow, as different Ruth Bridger from Strathfield Croquet Club with members of the groups hear about what’s possible,” added Ruth. Strathfield Yackatoon Guides. STRATHFIELD Croquet Club continues to promote its sport by inviting young people to have a go at the mallet sports at its centrally located club on Redmyre Road. During the school holidays, members from Strathfield Yackatoon Guides were put through the hoops, learning the basic skills for Golf Croquet by ACU student Jessica White.

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23 July 2014

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