Burwoodscene v8n7web

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16 OCTOBER 2013 6 October 2011






Volume 08 No.7




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Life in the fast lane NEED FOR SPEED DRIVES WESTCONNEX by Belinda Noonan and Mitchell Jordan

ON A FAST TRACK is how the NSW Government is approaching the Westconnex after Premier Barry O’Farrell announced the first major contract last week for the $11.5 billion road project to connect Western Sydney with the airport. The Environmental Impact Study was awarded to SMEC/RPC in what was described as a competitive tender process. Last month’s announcement of Sydney’s 33-kilometre corridor, will be Australia’s biggest transport project and has generated considerable interest from fed-up motorists tired of unrelenting road congestion. In a series of forums already underway, Westconnex are providing detailed information to media, residents and beginning one-on-one consultation with affected councils. The project will connect Western Sydney with the airport bypassing 52 sets of lights, travel times from Burwood to the city will be halved and an estimated 3,000 trucks will be removed from Parramatta Road, but doubts remain as to whether

the widening of the M4 will be enough to cope with Sydney’s expected population growth to 2031. MP Stuart Ayres and Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Roads says, “Probably no but probably enough. It’s a balancing act between what the community can afford and accept.” Strathfield MP Charles Casuscelli added that arterial roads could not take more than eight lanes. Stage 1 will begin in 2015 and be completed by 2019 at a cost of $3.5 billion and will include widening the M4 east from Parramatta to Homebush Bay Drive to four lanes and an extension of the M4 via a three-lane tunnel each way under the Parramatta Road corridor to Parramatta Road and City West Link at Haberfield. – Continued on page 3

Newly elected Federal Member for Reid, Craig Laundy with Liberal State MPs John Sidoti (Drummoyne) and Charles Casuscelli at the entry to the choked M4. Photo: Michael Santer.

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19 Sep tem




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16 October 2013


UPPORTING minority sports and local sportspeople in Burwood Scene is a not-so-quiet passion of mine. On any given day in metro newspapers it is likely that 24 pages of sport will run and almost all is NRL, AFL, cricket, soccer, horse racing and men. So here at Burwood Scene I get to maintain the rage and recognise that there are other sports and that half our population are women, loads of whom excel in their chosen sports.

desk By Belinda Noonan


BURWOOD Women’s sport and any sport without wall-to-wall national television doesn’t sell newspapers, but I don’t care about that. Along with the hurdy gurdy that is the business of running a local newspaper, regular readers may be

aware that I have another life in figure skating at Olympic level, previously as a coach at a number of Games and then as a television commentator/ broadcaster. It is with enormous pleasure and pride this issue

6 October 2011

that Burwood Scene carries the story of the local kids who made good, in Strathfield’s Danielle O’Brien and Canterbury’s Greg Merriman, who will represent us all on the great athletic stage that is the 2014 Winter Olympic Games next February in Sochi, Russia. Dani and Greg are the finest ice dancers ever from Australia and the first to represent us since 1988. Bloody well done, I say, and let’s get behind them.

Thank you to the thousands (no exaggeration) of locals who visited the Burwood Scene marquee at Burwood Festival.

We welcome your Letter to the Editor, which must be supplied with your name, address and telephone number for verification purposes. The publisher takes no responsibility for views expressed in any Letter to the Editor.


Australia says farewell to Rusty Priest 2 NEWS



6 October 2011



Page 6 Page 7

Pages 8 & 9 Page 10

Rusty Priest AM at the Burwood ANZAC Service in 2009.

Photo: Christine Parfait.

FORMER NSW RSL President by Belinda Noonan and World War II veteran, Rusty Priest, who passed away The ‘soldier’s soldier’ was on Wednesday aged 86, was present at many ANZAC Day honoured with a full state and Sandakan Memorials in funeral on Wednesday, October Burwood, often delivering a 2 followed by a Service at the moving address. www.burwoodscene.com.au Kokoda Track Memorial in Of Sandakan he said in Concord the following day. 2006, “how many Australians Mr Priest served as NSW are aware that three times RSL President from 1993 until more men died at Sandakan 2002, was a prime motivator in and Ranau, and in the jungles resurrecting the importance of between them, than died in the ANZAC Day in Australia and heroic battles on the Kokoda instrumental in establishing track, at Buna, Gona, Sanananda in New Guinea.” NEWSBay 3 the Kokoda Track Memorial in and Milne Concord. He became a Member “And do they realise that the of the Order of Australia in 1997. Sandakan 6 Octobermen 2011 did not die in

Burwood Scene is a registered trademark. All material appearing in this newspaper is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holder. Delivered across four municipalities: Burwood, Strathfield, Canada Bay and Ashfield.

“I find this fact most difficult to understand and come to grips with, for we Australians have a long tradition of commemorating gallantry and sacrifice.” Mr Priest is also credited with the renaming of Glebe Bridge to ANZAC Bridge. Prime Minister Tony Abbott paid tribute to Mr Priest saying he was “saddened to hear of the passing of Rusty Priest – WWII veteran, NSW RSL President and a fine Australian.”

FREE Child restraint safety check

An independent fortnightly community newspaper. 100% family owned and operated. Published by Scene Newspapers next issue: Wednesday 30 October 2013 deadline: Wednesday 23 October 2013 Advertising: ads@burwoodscene.com.au Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Editorial: editor@burwoodscene.com.au Phone: 9715 2700 Fax: 9715 2007 Post: PO Box A187, Enfield South, NSW 2133 Editor: Belinda Noonan Accounts: Aileen Soria Art Director: Kevin Robinson Journalist: Mitchell Jordan Sales Director: Robin Eggleton Printed by: Rural Press Burwood Scene Daily Online: Webmaster: Cameron Jelinek

battle – they were tortured, massacred or allowed to perish of starvation and disease.

Advertise your business in Burwood Scene Our readers are your customers covering four municipalities Call 9715 2700 Or email

ads@burwoodscene.com.au www.burwoodscene.com.au



O pen to lic t he pub


Wednesday 30th October 2013 7:00am – 9:00am Raising Money For:


Bring the family along! Meet Mark Vincent, Glenn Wheeler & Channel 9 Today Show Crew!



Roa d

City W st Lin e

Strathfield Burwood

Strathfield South





Summer Hill Petersham

Stage 3

3 lane tunnels from Haberfield to St Peters and airport


Connection to CBD


New westbound access to Parramatta Road



Five Dock

Eastern Distributor

Parramatt a


3 lane tunnels from M4 to Parramatta and City West Link

Sydney’s Orbital Network

Connection to City West Link and Parramatta Road to CBD

Completed 2023

Alexandria io Str rdan eet

St Peters M7

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Connection Surface


Stages 2 and 3 are indicative only.


Beverly Hills M5 East – 4 lanes each way

M5 Widening to 3 lanes each way completed 2014

Westconnex three stage plan. Easing congestion

appropriate planning controls along the route of the project to ensure that the strategic vision of our local community is upheld,” he said. “If there’s not adequate consultation with councils and the community during this project, then it will likely lead to high rises along Parramatta Road which will have a direct impact on our residents.” Newly elected mayor of Ashfield, Lucille McKenna described the effects of WestConnex as “largely an unknown” for Ashfield, though she herself has some concerns that her suburb will be “the poor relation” compared to Burwood and Canada Bay. “The very scant but glossy information that I personally received tells me that the entry and exit to the tunnel is to be in Haberfield, yet there is absolutely no detail about how this traffic once exiting the tunnel is going to be channelled,

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the M5 East



Sydney Airport


Connection to airport and port


Roselands M5 Motorw ay


Stage 2

Completed 2020


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New eastbound access

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Stage 1

Completed 2019

North Sydney

Connection to Concord Road oad ord R


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Sydney Olympic Park

St Leonards

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James Rus e Drive



M4 widening to 4 lanes each way


Stage 1 $3.5billion


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Long-term view Over the next 20 years, 25,000 homes will be built and $200million will be spent on urban revitalisation along the 20km stretch of Parramatta Road from Broadway to Parramatta including footpaths and the removal of telegraph poles and light poles under a key “City Shaper” program.

Councils take aim Mayor of Burwood, John Faker, told Burwood Scene that while Burwood Council supports the intent of the project, it is not fully supportive until more is known about the planned high rise for Parramatta Road and the location of stacks and if they are filtered. “It’s vital that the State Government works with Burwood Council to establish

New westbound access Granville from Parramatta

M4 Mo tor wa

Vi c



Botany Fo r

New link from airport and St Peters to M5






Port Botany


and a chief scientist for Australia and New Zealand will be drawing on global benchmarks for ventilation solutions.” “Other organisations such as the Asthma Foundation are being consulted,” she added. Strathfield MP Charles Casuscelli said that air quality along Parramatta Road would improve dramatically with trucks off the road and the introduction of more buses and light rail. “There will be a 30% overall reduction of emissions because cars are not stopping and starting,” Mr Casuscelli said.

“At present you can’t have a conversation on Parramatta Road without shouting,” said Matthew White, Project Director for WestConnex Urban Renewal. “That corridor is so tough. It’s hostile, hot and noisy – but one street back from Parramatta Road and it’s beautiful”. “There was good study work done in 2002 and 2006, but the fundamental change in this new plan is getting the cars off Parramatta Road,” he said. Mr Wh ite s ai d t hat consultation would begin with councils now that the Westconnex had been approved. “We will be asking councils to take a long-term view,” he said.

New direct westbound access


The NSW Government confirmed that there will be land acquisition for the Westconnex tunnel entry and exit points and talks have begun with land owners. “There will be some land acquisition along Parramatta Road and consultation is underway,” Penrith MP Stuart Ayres said at a briefing held at the Five Dock office of Drummoyne MP, John Sidoti. “Any disruption upon local residents and businesses during construction is expected to be low. Stage 1 will have minimal impact for the widening of the M4 to four lanes each way and also at the tunnel entry and exit points,” he said. How many and where the filtration stacks along the 13.5km continuous tunnel from Concord was left to Westconnex Director for Strategy and Engagement, Maryanne Graham to tackle. “We don’t know (how many stacks). That is yet to be determined and discussion with the community still needs to happen,” Ms Graham advised. “Independent air quality experts

by Belinda Noonan and Mitchell Jordan





Fairfor d

(Continued from front page)

New eastbound access to Parramatta

Road ria to

Westconnex Stage 1 takes shape

WestConnex – Building for the future Church Street

16 October 2013


Botany Bay

Connecting communities

dispersed or just dumped into the already heavily used and often-narrow roads of the Ashfield council area,” she said. “As I see it, Ashfield residents will want to be assured that traffic exiting in Ashfield will not create further traffic hazards and holdups for them.” For whom the road tolls Mayor of Strathfield, Daniel Bott is supportive of “anything that will improve traffic movement” in Sydney but not convinced that Westconnex is the right answer. “The worry I have is that whatever minor gain Strathfield drivers may pick up will be negated by the masses of extra trucks from the development of the Enfield intermodal logistics site,” he said. “We’re going to have trucks moving over 800 shipping containers a day on Strathfield streets which will have a very big impact on drivers and

Creating jobs

Westconnex – as far as I can see – will do very little to relieve that.” Cr Bott also has concerns about how much motorists must pay under a distance-based tolling system. While exact tolling details will not be confirmed until construction starts on the M4 widening, the website states that it is likely the minimum toll will be about $1.50 and the maximum about $3.90 for that section. NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay has previously said that: “If you did the full distance it would be capped somewhere around about $7.60 for 33 kilometres.” This is a sum which Cr Bott took issue with. “If people spend $15.20 a day going to work that’s approximately $3,500 a year,” he said. “I think this will concern a multitude of residents.”

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16 October 2013


Mayor’s Message by Cr John Faker


Follow me on Twitter: @johnfaker



Cr John Faker (Mayor) 9911 9916 mayor@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Ernest Wong 0425 691 838 ernest.wong@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Sally Deans 0424 022 627 sally.deans@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Lesley Furneaux-Cook 0408 227 826 lesley.furneaux-cook@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr George Mannah 0448 133 396 george.mannah@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Justin Taunton 0488 083 108 justin.taunton@burwood.nsw.gov.au Cr Tony Doueihi 0437 970 499 tony.doueihi@burwood.nsw.gov.au

Council Meeting 21 October 2013 at 6.00pm in Council Chambers


he iconic Burwood Park has received another upgrade with the installation of new footpaths now complete.

Mayor Faker with players from Burwood FC who use Blair Park

PROMOTING OUR GREEN SPACES As a father of four young children, I strongly believe in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, which is why it is important that we maintain the many green spaces in our community. Recently, Council sought community feedback on the Blair Park Plan of Management. Included in the Plan of Management was the re-categorisation of the western part of Blair Park from Park to Sportsground. Blair Park is a popular park, used by many members of our community including families, seniors, students and sporting teams.

I would like to inform you that Council adopted the Blair Park Plan of Management in its meeting of 9 September 2013. The re-categorisation will encourage, promote and facilitate recreational pursuits in the community, while ensuring that these activities are managed in consideration of nearby residences. Council is committed to promoting the use of our green spaces by upgrading playgrounds, installing shade structures and carrying out regular maintenance works in our many parks and reserves in the area.



he new Burwood Library and Community Hub is taking shape with changes to the internal structure of the former Council Chambers underway including the installation of cables,

These upgrades will improve safety and accessibility for all park users.

Looking down on the site of the new car park

Burwood Council, Level 2, 1–17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134

9911 9911 www.burwood.nsw.gov.au

hydraulics and plumbing. Please visit the Major Projects page on Council’s website for regular updates.


16 October 2013

Call to rename Enfield

ENFIELD resident and well-known musician, Marcus Holden believes that if enough fellow residents and Burwood Council agree, Enfield could be renamed as Henley Park. “Enfield South exists as a post office but not a suburb but Enfield is bounded by Liverpool and Burwood Roads, Coronation Parade and Mitchell Street,” said Marcus Holden. “Then there is the layout of Croydon Park, which is silly stretching from Milton Street to Coronation Parade. It’s confusing and also a bit idiotic

that one side of Mitchell Street is Enfield, the other Croydon Park, but the Post Office is Enfield South and yet Flower Power is in Enfield.” Even more confusing is the old Enfield Marshalling Yards, which are being developed into Port Enfield and well beyond Enfield’s boundaries. “I think our area could be renamed as Henley Park and I’d like to know if anyone else is interested in this idea,” Marcus asked. Mr Holden spoke with a Board Member from NSW

Geographical Data who said that residents and the council would need to be overwhelmingly in support of any suburb name change. Croydon Park real estate agent, Marco Errichiello from Rich & Oliva doesn’t believe history should be disturbed saying, “I don’t think Port Enfield will have any effect on property values. There is value in keeping something that is 100 years old. It would take decades to establish the history that Croydon Park and Enfield currently have.”

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Gardens grow greener with volunteers INNER WEST Neighbour Aid is calling out for volunteers to help with its Garden Aid service. “Garden Aid is an annual service that we provide to help people stay independent and safe,” explained home maintenance coordinator, Kym Tremaine. “The service helps people who live in their own home, but who can no longer maintain their own gardens.” The Garden Aid program relies on volunteers, and is currently on a drive to find more who can help out. Patrick Murray, volunteer and projects coordinator at IWNA said that garden aid teams run six mornings a week from Monday to Saturday. “The teams work with a team leader to bring gardens back to life. They prune, weed, mulch and generally tidy up unruly gardens,” he said. “It’s fantastic and we see people from all walks of life, from students to professionals, parents and retirees all coming together to make a difference.” Mr Murray said that in his three years managing volunteer

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Marcus Holden is keen to rename Enfield as Henley Park.



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Putting your feet first Home and Community Podiatry Service, auspiced by Burwood Council, is for residents of the Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield Local Government Areas. Love thy neighbour … and their garden, too. Volunteers hard at work.

programs, he has yet to meet a person who wouldn’t enjoy and learn from volunteering. “Whet her indo ors or outdoors, social, professional or trying out a new skill, I guarantee that the right volunteer role for you is out there,” he said. “Garden Aid is such a

fantastic thing to be involved in and we could really use more volunteers. All it takes is a positive attitude and a few hours a week, fortnight or month.” To get involved or find out more about the service, phone Inner West Neighbour Aid on 9799 5099 or email Patrick@iwna.com.au.

We aim to provide a comprehensive, responsive and flexible podiatry service for the Home and Community Care target group which includes the frail aged, people with disabilities, and their carers. If you think you, a friend or family member may be eligible please call the Podiatry Service on 99 11 99 39 to talk to someone about the service.

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New planning laws Canada Bay Club gives back draw criticism CANADA BAY Council has with the Director-General as the consent authority … The supported a motion calling for COMMUNITY MONTHLY NEWS the NSW Premier to rewrite Institute objects strongly to this proposal, which would proposed new planning laws. The motion was proposed jeopardise the values of the by Greens Deputy Mayor, State’s key heritage items,” Pauline Tyrrell and passed 8 to wrote the NSW Chapter of 1, with both Labor and Liberal the Australian Institute of councillors supporting the Architects. The Greens also see the new motion. Canada Bay has joined other laws as weakening protection of councils across NSW who have the environment. According to Deputy Mayor, passed similar resolutions. The proposed planning laws Tyrrell, these new laws would have been criticised by ICAC, take nearly all power away the Law Society of NSW and from local communities to stop the Australian Institute of inappropriate development. Architects. “Because of the community The Law Society sees the outcry, the Bill has now been put 22 May laws 2013as increasing the on hold,” she said. proposed risks of corruption. The Institute “But Council still needs of Architects says heritage will to raise this issue to stand up be under threat. for local residents and keep “The Planning Bill explicitly the momentum going in this replaces the Heritage Council campaign.”


Over 100 guests and representatives from many of Canada Bay Club’s grants recipient groups attended the annual funding year launch on Thursday September 19. Guests included Federal Member for Reid, Craig Laundy MP, State Member for Drummoyne, John Sidoti MP and Canada Bay Mayor, Angelo Tsirekas. The Canada Bay Club granted over $315,000 in the last twelve months and hopes NeWS to disburse in excess of $350,000 this coming year. Funding applications are welcomed from community groups via mail or email5 to the Canada Bay Club or clubgrants@canadabayclub.com.au

Xrytrytr rytrytrytrt ryrytrytr Boutique art gallery and café opens in style

Wheels in motion for new transport timetable SYDNEY-SIDERS will have access to new bus and ferry routes as part of the latest timetable rolled out this month. “This timetable aims to ensure bus, train and ferry services align, with new services introduced to ensure public transport services are available when and where people need them and I encourage everyone to see how the changes will affect them,” explained Minister for Transport, Gladys Berejiklian.

wharf will no longer receive ferry services due to low customer numbers but bus route improvements would mean four new bus services a day will be scheduled at the wharf to enable customers to connect with peak ferry services from Cabarita. “By removing Bayview Park from the ferry network we can improve services to busier wharves with a growing number of customers. However, we will continue to monitor the movement of Bayview Park customers travelling to Cabarita when planning for future services.” Mr Sidoti said.

The inner-west will gain from six new bus routes servicing XrytryryrytryPenrith, Photo: Fairfield, Blacktown, Burwood and Dulwich Hill plus 360frequent THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO SHOP more ferry services to “For Bayview Park customers cater for demand at Abbotsford, who usually travel by ferry, two Cabarita, Balmain, Darling Route 466 services to and from Harbour, Cremorne Point, Cabarita Wharf will now divert Mosman Bay, Double Bay and to the end of Burwood Road, Rose Bay and those travelling Bayview Park, each weekday on the Parramatta River. morning and evening to connect Member for Drummoyne, Customers to improved ferry John Sidoti said Bayview Park services at Cabarita.”

THE ever-evolving Cabarita is home to another stylish and savvy new boutique, Azure’s Den, which was officially opened by Canada Bay Mayor, Angelo Tsirekas last Saturday, October 12. Owned and operated by well-known local businesswoman Taryn Holmes, Azure’s Den offers its customers more than a traditional shopping experience, where a sense of poise and chic combine to create a hybrid of art gallery, boutique retailer, café and event space. “I’ve owned and run cafés and retail outlets in Concord for over 10 years, so I have a good knowledge of the area, its residents and their changing needs,” explains Ms Holmes.

southern Cross students and members from strathfield Men’s shed take a break – on their own benches outside the Burwood Community Centre.

Canada Bay Mayor, Angelo Tsirekas opens Azures Den.

Help for abandoned pets AROUND 63% of Australian households own a pet dog or cat, most of which are treated as much loved family members. But sadly, situations arise where pets are surrendered, neglected or abandoned. Registered charity, Animal AND Welfare DINE League (AWL) NSW steps in to help with shelters and cares for animals prior to adoption. White Lady Funerals at Five Dock is supporting AWL by encouraging local residents to donate items including durable dog toys, cat nip toys and stuffed

Students set the bench mark at Burwood Park

toys of all sizes to alleviate cats and dogs from being lonely and bored.. Also on the AWL wish list are beds, knitted rugs and small blankets, cat litter and grooming and feeding items. Donations can be dropped during business hours at White Lady Funerals, 132 Great North Road, Five Dock until October 31.

“I wanted to create a space that supported local artists and southeRN Cross designers, while at Catholic the same Vocational College students have time was somewhere you Park, could left their mark in Burwood catch-up new withbenches friends over great installing and table coffee. outside the Burwood settings Park Centre. “I Community was also keen to create a supported anddestination coordinated– fabulous retail by Burwoodyou Council, year 12 somewhere could visit every construction students have been week, or simply just pop-in to do working with the strathfield some last minute gift shopping. men’s shed, to build fittings” outstanding result has forThe local facilities including the enfield Centre created a newaquatic space that fills a and Burwood Park much-needed gapCommunity in the local Centre. market. “Burwood Council is proud Azure’s Den occupies the entire lower floor at 12 Cabarita

Road, Cabarita and includes a shop front, café, lounge and to be involved in thisspace project. dining area, gallery and The students and men’s shed will soon open a courtyard, members did a fantastic job,” making the possibilities forJohn local said Burwood mayor, Cr Faker. project events“This endless. does more than teach students valuable “We skills, are anticipating practical it allows thema very busy end-of-yeartoevent to make a contribution our local community and engage calendar, ” Taryn says. with elder residents.” Thenew invitation-only The installationopening is one showcased a taste of their of numerous major upgrades to event offerings, ranging Burwood Park which includefrom the proposed multi-purpose stage exhibitions to burlesque shows structure, newart playground and and classes, school nights footpath upgrades. and private vintage pin-up styled events.

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Azures Den

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9736 3358 Putting yourTel feet first sales@azuresden.com.au

12 Cabarita Rd, Cabarita | Open: Mon-Sat and Thursday nights for shopping


Home and Community Podiatry Service, auspiced by Burwood Council, is for residents of the Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville and Strathfield Local Government Areas.

9.00am to 1.00pm Cintra Park (Car Park) Off Crane St, Concord

We aim to provide a comprehensive, responsive and flexible podiatry service for the Home and Community Care target group which includes the frail aged, people with disabilities, and their carers.


If you think you, a friend or family member may be eligible please call the Podiatry Service on 99 11 99 39 to talk to someone about the service.

Follow @ConcordMarkets



16 October 2013

Historic home under demolition threat by Belinda Noonan

BURWOOD Council received a Development Application to demolish a 100-year-old free-standing Federation home at 18 Wyatt Avenue in Burwood and replace it with town houses that would sit closer to the road. Surrounding residents have expressed fear for the heritage of the area and the future of the majestic home, which backs onto the prestigious and protected Appian Way. “There is considerable and escalating community disquiet not only in Wyatt Avenue and Appian Way but more broadly across Burwood,” said Appian Way resident Alec Tichon. “The DA if passed would significantly degrade the streetscape which is enjoyed by many people who not only live in the area but come here from more densely populated areas of Burwood on recreational walks. Environmentally this just doesn’t make sense,” he said. The DA, lodged by Mr Li for owner Mr Zhou on August 6, calls for the demolition of the existing house and the construction of town houses in a build valued at just over $2 million. John Gould, whose family have owned 16 Wyatt Avenue for over 60 years, is concerned by the application. “It would be a great pity if it

18 Wyatt Avenue in Burwood could be demolished.

was demolished as it suits the streetscape. Other developments in the street have required the retention of the existing street-front house,” Mr Gould commented. “We come here on our morning walks to enjoy the trees, birds and beautiful homes,” one passer-by commented. President of the Burwood Historical Society Jon Breen is urging Burwood Council to protect the street. “This side of Wyatt Ave has always been seen as a bulwark or protection zone for the internationally significant precinct of Appian Way,” Mr Breen said. “Twenty years ago the National Trust proposed

a buffer zone around Appian Way to protect this unique and historically important area. Such a buffer zone would have stopped the demolition of a number of historic buildings.” “This whole area is unique and should be treasured. A large townhouse development means we will forever lose more of the heritage significance of the area and the visual appeal that is so important to the relaxation of so many people who use this area for recreation in the mornings and evenings.” Alex Tichon added. Submissions to Burwood Council closed on October 14.


Councils invisible to locals: report INNER-WEST MAYORS past and present have fired back at findings from the latest report by the Independent Local Government Review Panel. That controversial report includes the results of a poll conducted in the Sydney and Hunter regions, and claims that one of the key findings was that more than half of respondents said they knew little or nothing about their local council, and could not recall the name of a single councillor or mayor. Mayor of Burwood, John Faker said he believes that Burwood residents are engaged with council. “I often take time to visit our local centres and speak with residents face to face and they ask me about a range of current issues like the proposed changes to planning laws and local government,” he said. “The Independent Local Government Review Panel’s report shares this sentiment stating that residents are more satisfied with the performance of Local Government than State or Federal and two-thirds of respondents take an interest in Local Government elections.” Former mayor of Burwood and current councillor, Lesley Furneaux-Cook, told Burwood Scene she disagreed with the assumption it is bad that residents don’t have an intimate knowledge of council. “People have busy lives and have not a lot of time for idle chat. They elect councillors to represent them in council,” she said. “Most residents contact me

by Mitchell Jordan

when they have a concern or issue and I would say that is the same for most councils. Very few will contact you to discuss how wonderful council is and I would not expect them to.” In Ashfield, mayor Lucille McKenna described New South Wales councils as “very diverse”, resulting in an inconsistent view across the state. “When I door knock I find most people know about the council. They may not know the names of councillors unless they have had a need or reason to make contact,” she said. “The community in small councils such as Ashfield and Burwood are much more likely to know their councillors, their mayor and be familiar with council services and the range of services.” Mayor of Strathfield, Daniel Bott, also asserted that his community “knows how and when to contact council.”

Though he did not have exact statistics, Mr Bott said that on average he receives calls and emails from residents every day. “This is a community that is well-informed,” he added. Local councillors had some cause to breathe a sigh of relief, however, as the report also said that a majority of respondents did not support amalgamation of councils due to concerns about local government representation and identity. Cr Furneaux-Cook believes that the case for larger councils is not strong enough to be convincing and that local councils continue to play an important part in people’s lives. “If a larger council would give me better services for my rates then I’d support it. But it doesn’t,” she said. “We don’t have to look far to see what happened in Queensland. Councils were amalgamated, and are now desperately trying to un-amalgamate.”

The Friends of St Thomas’ Cemetery The next meeting of the Friends of St Thomas’ Cemetery will be on Saturday 26th October, 2013 at 2pm. Anyone who has an interest in cemeteries is invited to join the meeting which will be held in the lower church hall of St Thomas’ Anglican Church, King Street Enfield. The guest speaker will be Maisie and Neil Kew who will speak on the life of Eliza and Mary Davis, convict women, who are buried in an unmarked grave in St Thomas’ Cemetery. Free tea and coffee will be available and everyone is welcome.





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16 October 2013

Winning formula for young maths wizards

SANTA SABINA’S Del Monte students are among the finest in Australia after being awarded with three first places for group projects submitted in The National Mathematics Talent Quest (NMTQ) recently. Del Monte students in Years 2, 3 and 5 were among tens of thousands from Pre-school to Year 12 in the competition that brought together winners across the nation to recognise students’ work on extended maths projects. The projects were judged for showcasing excellence in mathematics as well as creativity, presentation and communication. The Year 2 class project

Rub away HSC headaches

“Bags R Us� included models, posters and reports and used mathematical expertise to solve the practical problem of school bag storage for their year group. “This was a fun project. We needed to solve the problem and to work as a team,� said 8 year old Antonella Khodr-Chah. Year 3 students explored if ‘Mass is The Most Appropriate P r o p e r t y To Me a s u r e Toothpaste’, whilst Year 5 went on a ‘Mathematics Carnival’ by ‘Exploring The Annual Carnival Through A Mathematical Lens’. The winning students have been invited to the National Presentation ceremony at La Trobe University in Victoria to accept their awards.

Year 2 Del Monte Students with their winning project.

New Public School in Strathfield

Alex Pollifrone found a game plan that helped him succeed in the HSC. by Mitchell Jordan

Taking Kindergarten to Year 6 enrolments for 2014

Phone Strathfield Education Office: 9582 6300

Student Orientation and Community Information Sessions 5 & 12 November 2013 at 10am 1 5 9 A L B E RT ROA D, ST R AT H F I E L D


NINETEEN-YEAR-OLD Alex Pollifrone has a simple message for all students doing the HSC: Don’t worry. The former St Patricks College students knows the stresses and pressures facing Year 12 students across the state all too well. Two years ago, he was in the same position. “I had a lot of nerves going into exams,� he recalled. “I’d sort of crash.� At the recommendation of a friend, Alex undertook classes with John George of InFlow Education in Five Dock. Jo h n i mp l e m e nt e d a three-step system to zero stress in exams called R.U.B, which stands for: Read the question twice, Underline the key words and Bank your marks. “The solution is to give your brain a clear path so it doesn’t think you are lost,� said John. “When you can trust the process you can trust the result.�

The final key of the R.U.B theory proved to be one of the most useful for Alex. “John always said to get the easy 80 per cent of the exam first instead of wasting a lot of time on one hard question,� he said. “When you know you’ve got 80 per cent of the exam done you can start to relax.� Alex, who is currently studying game design at North Sydney Institute of TAFE now knows that a lot of the stress he experienced was unnecessary. “People think it’s the end of the world if you don’t pass and you will have lots of troubles in your life, but that’s not true at all,� he said. “The HSC is a pathway: if you don’t go through that one then there are others.� John George will run a free seminar for parents and students on Saturday October 26 at 10am or 1pm, and on Wednesday October 30 at 7pm at Five Dock. Seats limited so bookings essential. Email info@infloweducation.com.au or call 9715 6459 to reserve seats.

PLC SYDNEY PLC Sydney is a school for girls from pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, offering boarding from Year 7. The College aims to educate young women from the basis of a Christian world view to make a difference in a rapidly changing global society. More than 50% of students achieved an ATAR over 90 in 2012. Extensive co-curricular programme including overseas exchange and international Service Learning opportunities. Exceptional facilities including an Aquatic Institute; Performing Arts Complex; Research Centre; Art, Design and Technology Studios; and a Centre for Public Speaking. We invite you to come along to an Information Session on Wednesday 6 November or visit us for a private tour of the College. Please call or see our website for further information. (02) 9704 5666 enquiries@plc.nsw.edu.au Boundary Street, Croydon



16 October 2013


James’ journey to greener pastures THREE YEARS AGO, James Tian dreamt of coming to Australia to learn English. Today, the 18-year-old Croydon Park resident is not only fluent in the English language, but was also named the joint winner of NSW International Student of the Year this month, along with being listed as a finalist for the Ashfield Community Youth Citizenship Award and nominated for the

peers due to his caring nature and interpersonal skills. He is a positive role model who has helped many new arrivals make a smooth transition to high school in Australia,” said a NSW Education spokesperson. Leaving behind his family in China to live with relatives and study at Ashfield Boys’ High School was a very different experience for James, but not one that he considers negative in any way.

by Mitchell Jordan

DEC International School Service Award. “These are three ver y important awards and it’s an honour,” James said. James was presented with the award at the Opera House by NSW Deputy Premier, Andrew Stoner. “James is held in high regard by his teachers and

“The language barrier was the hardest,” he admitted, “but once I passed that then I could make friends here easily.” An active member of the school community, James has been a driving force behind two major programs at Ashfield Boys’ High School. O n e w a s r u n n i ng a competition where students made anti-bullying videos. The other was establishing a

bush care program for Cadigal Reserve, Summer Hill. “Around 20 of us go to Cadigal Reserve every week with a specialist from Ashfield Council and learn how to take care of the bush,” James said. According to Adam Ward, biodiversity and bush care officer at Ashfield Council, James has made a significant contribution to the local environment. “James is a fine young man who conducts himself in a very

professional manner who has been a pleasure to meet and is always enjoyable to spend time with,” Mr Ward said. Now in his final year at high school, James hopes to study architecture at university. He plans to stay in Australia to complete his tertiary studies. “I’m glad I came to Australia,” he said. “Everything was new to me and I’ve learnt a lot through this journey.”

Ashfield Boys High student James Tian is congratulated by NSW Deputy Premier, Andrew Stoner.

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Pop-up breakfast with celebrity chefs MONTHLY COMMUNITY NEWS

Celebrity Chef, Justin North will be at Sydney Markets for a popup breakfast.

AS PART of Good Food Month, Sydney Markets at Flemington will host its first-ever pop-up breakfast with three of Australia’s top chefs on Friday, October 18. The pop-up breakfast will bring some of Australia’s top chefs, Jared Ingersoll, Matt Kemp and Justin North together to create an inspiring menu using the freshest produce sourced directly from the Markets.

Get rid of ugly graffiti

“Sydney Markets is delighted to be hosting our first ever pop-up breakfast dished up by Sydney’s much loved celebrity chefs. “Australians love dining out and hotels, restaurants and catering companies rely on Sydney Markets to feed our growing food culture,” Brad Latham, CEO of Sydney Markets Limited said. OzHarvest, a not for profit

organisation that rescues excess food and delivers it to people in need, are also partners in the breakfast event.

Breakfast diners will get to feast on the season’s finest produce sourced fresh from the Markets on the day.

“Sydney Markets has been a strong supporter of OzHarvest and contributed towards many of our events this year. Funds raised will help increase the awareness and support for the work that OzHarvest does,” said Ronni Kahn, CEO and Founder of OzHarvest.

Tickets cost $50 each and include food, beverages and entry to the Markets. Proceeds from this event support OzHarvest, the nation’s leading food rescue operation. For enquiries and bookings, contact 9360 7620 or visit www.tstours.com.au

See the world with karate

THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO SHOP AND DINE Kenpo4Kids Strathfield recently held a tournament at Homebush Sports Centre sponsored by Homebush Bendigo Bank. For the young karate enthusiast there is much to look forward to because next year Ken4Kids will compete at Sea World on the Gold Coast, then it’s off to Disneyland in 2015. Pictured are (left to right) Edward Germanos, Lucas Rosato and Gabbie Germanos.

Strathfield Rotarians Trevor Duxbury (left) Peter Manenti and Cr. Andrew Soulos work to remove graffiti in Homebush West on Henley Road.

STRATHFIELD ROTARY is on a mission to get rid of unsightly graffiti in the inner west and its services are available to everyone. The active Rotary club took up the fight against graffiti this year and with the assistance of Strathfield Council have a mobile graffiti removal trailer

with willing members who will get the job done. As part of Graffiti Removal Day on Sunday October 20, Strathfield Rotary is partnering with Strathfield Council to clean up four sites in the Strathfield municipality. “A large number of Strathfield Rotarians, council staff, some

councillors, and volunteers from the Volunteer Network from Burwood Council will be cleaning up 4 sites in South Strathfield on the day,” said Strathfield Rotarian Peter Smith. For more information on Graffiti Removal Day see www. graffitiremovalday.org.au for location addresses

Olympic Park fire Tai Chi for seniors THE FRIENDLY PLACE TO SHOP AND DINE STAYING active as you get older is recommended for better health and fitness. Strathfield West Senior Citizens Club offers Tai Chi lessons every Monday from 10am at 1B Bates Street, Strathfield. Cost is $3 for residents from Strathfield Municipality and $5 for all others.

Strathfield Council’s Community Bus conducts a pick up and drop off service on Mondays for $1 which covers the cost of fuel. The service operates on volunteer drivers being available. Average pick up time is 9.30am. Government Bus 807 stops outside the centre.

A RAPID grass fire near the Aquatic Centre at Sydney Olympic Park on Sunday, October 30 destroyed 43 cars and caused the evacuation of 1500 people. Strathfield and Canada Bay SES volunteers removed a tree that was threatening to fall after the fire in the car park near the swimming pool complex. “From time to time our Strathfield SES volunteers are called to assist other agencies with serious incidents,” Strathfield SES Local Controller Darrin Parkin said.


16 October 2013

Bondi vet goes west


Dinner in the Park with a touch of class

Professor Derek Hart, Burwood Rotary president Sana Karmelesan and Associate Professor Georgina Clark.

Enfield resident Teresa Stanford and her dog Sam with Dr Chris Brown last Saturday.

National veterinarian franchise Greencross Vets officially opened their new practise on Liverpool Road in South Strathfield last weekend with the gorgeous eastern suburbs ‘Bondi Vet’ Dr Chris Brown doing the honours and meeting hundreds of fans and animal lovers at the fully renovated new premises. Practice Manager Melissa Jeffcoat says Greencross has three vets and four nurses at the seven-days-a-week new facility and offers ultra sound, xray, surgical procedures and puppy pre-school.

PROFESSOR Derek Hart will be the guest speaker at Burwood Rotary’s biggest annual event of the year, Dinner in the Park, on Saturday October 26 at Concord Community Centre and it’s an event you wouldn’t want to miss. Finding a cure for cancer is the life work of Professor Derek Hart and his large team of brilliant doctors at the ANZAC Research Institute at Concord. Their research into the treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) by re-training the Dendritic Cell to fight cancer from the inside is recognised around the world as ground-breaking. The

by Belinda Noonan

Professor’s research at Oxford University confirmed the existence of the Dendritic Cell, for which American Professor Ralph Steinman was awarded a Nobel Prize. Acute Myeloid Leukaemia usually strikes people over sixty years of age, has a very low survival rate and is particularly nasty. Finding a cure for AML will lead to cures for other cancers by using your own white blood cells. Professor Hart’s group

needs $5million to move their research to human clinical trial. The ANZAC Research Medical Appeal is the focus for Burwood Rotary in 2013 and all funds raised from Dinner in the Park on October 26 will go to this Appeal. Tickets cost $30 per adult and $10 per child (under 10years) for an all you can eat buffet with Australian, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian and Lebanese cuisine. Drinks are BYO. Contact Rosa Horvath on 0448 279 477 or email: rosa.horvath@hp.com to buy your tickets.



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An answer to cancer – we need your support ANZAC Research Institute Medical Appeal The ANZAC Research Institute has launched this public appeal to fund pre-clinical research and the proposed clinical trial of a new treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, in collaboration with the Haematology Department of Concord, Royal Prince Alfred and Westmead hospitals.

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16 October 2013

Prickly reception for England’s rose by Mitchell Jordan

IF THERE’S anything to be learnt from watching Diana it’s that being a princess is certainly not for the fainthearted. Locked in ivory tower isolation at Kensington Palace following the dissolution of her marriage to Prince Charles, Diana (played by Australiana actress, Naomi Watts) is shown at perhaps her most vulnerable. The film spends most of its time focussing on Diana’s relationship with Hasnat Khan, (Naveen Andrews) a dedicated heart surgeon. Within minutes of meeting, Diana is a gooeyeyed school girl and later seductress, which seems like a cheap tactic on behalf of the producers to lessen the impact of all the good work she did for charity. By the time Dodi Fayed (Cas Anvar) appears, the film is almost over, rendering his character

by Mitchell Jordan

Naomi Watts’ portrayal of Diana is convincing, even if the script isn’t.

about as effective as a cardboard cut-out. In one sense this doesn’t matter: Diana’s life was a fractured fairytale which we all know the ending to anyway. Reviews have almost unanimously panned the film as being something of a disgrace, but where Diana does succeed is in evoking the claustrophobic and lonely existence of a

woman who was quite literally hounded by the media and desperate to be wanted. If one is to look beyond the attimes cheesy dialogue (Diana’s confession that “I’ve been a bad bitch,” being perhaps the most cringe-worthy) then it is hard not to be affected by this portrait of a woman loved by so many, but not the ones she needed.

Free cinema shines light on Aboriginal Australians by Mitchell Jordan

STRATHFIELD-BASED group, Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation will host a free community screening of The Sapphires at Events Cinemas in Burwood this month. Once a year, ANTaR receives funding from council, which it uses to show an indigenous film to the public. According to ANTaR treasurer, Anna Logan, this year differs from previous screenings, which have touched on issues such as obesity and the late controversial activist, Charles Perkins. “We usually have what we call a ‘message’ film,” Ms Logan explained, “but this time we decided on a feelgood film. The Sapphires has good music, tells the story of what happened to Aboriginal women and leaves you smiling at the end.” In the 12 years it has been running, ANTar has worked to promote indigenous rights within the inner-west. Borne out of despair to acknowledge the Aborigines as Australia was about to celebrate the Olympics, the group has a strong contingent of volunteers and receives grants from Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield councils. “We feel like our group has been a big success,” said Ms Logan.

40 years of child protection CHILD protection service CAPS has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a telephone service 40 years ago. This month, CAPS (Child Abuse Protection Service) is celebrating 40 years of service. Founded as a helpline in 1973 by pioneering child protection campaigner Dorothy Ginn, the organisation was subsequently expanded to offer offender programs and counselling and family crisis centres that reached tens of thousands of children and families. According to a release, throughout its years of operation, CAPS has received more than one million calls for support from across the country, including 6297 calls from the Strathfield local government area alone. CAPS also operates a range of family support services in the community and will be running a Tuning In To Teens four week parenting group on Thursday 24 October to 14 November from 5pm – 8pm at Strathfield Library in Homebush. Currently located in Ashfield, CAPS has found a strong

demand from locals, according to manager, Karen Craigie. “We’ve always been based in the inner-west but this is where the organisation has been for the longest time,” she explained. “The majority of our clients come from the inner-west and we have 10s of thousands of clients each year. I think we’ve been an integral agency in terms of driving forward child protection in the inner-west and bringing people and agencies together.” A birthday party is planned for later in the month, but Ms

Craigie said the key focus for CAPS would be getting on with the job of helping children and families who need it. “Part of our celebration is to continue the message,” she said. As part of its national campaign, CAPS has also released a digital prevention pack’to support families in developing vital protective factors and understanding how these factors can keep children safe. The free pack can be downloaded from www. childabuseprevention.com.au.

Kitchen cooks up one-year milestone by Mitchell Jordan

“At the moment, we’re putting together a brochure which new Australians will receive at Burwood and Strathfield citizenship ceremonies. The brochure gives them information about the first people of Australia.” Ms Logan pointed to Aboriginal staff working at Ashfield Council as a sign or progress within the inner-west. “At one point that never would have happened,” she said.

“I’d like to feel that attitudes and opportunities are improving.” The Sapphires will be showing on Monday 21 October at 6.30 pm, Burwood Westfield. It is free to attend, but bookings are required and can be made by emailing brennan@pip. com.au or telephoning 9719 8773.

ALL NATIONS Kitchen in Enfield celebrated its one-year anniversary last year, with plans for many more cups of coffee and meals to come. Since it opened in September 2012, the initiative of Christian City Church Burwood has attracted over 40 people from various backgrounds, some as young as their early twenties, all from across the inner-west. Over 60 people gathered for the celebrations, including member for Reid, Craig Laundy. Coordinator, Ana Skelton said that All Nations Kitchen has made a positive impact in the lives of many – particularly those who were isolated. “It’s been a huge success,” she said. “It’s been really effective for people and great to see it’s working.” New members are free to come along and join in. All Nations Kitchen meets every Wednesday except for school holidays, from 10 am until 1pm at 230 Liverpool Road, Enfield.

One year for All Nations Kitchen at Enfield

Teaching scholarships on offer THE NSW government’s Great Teaching, Inspired Learning program is urging student teachers to apply for Rural Scholarships, Internship Placements and Cadetship Placements. The three scholarship categories include 20 Rural Scholarships, worth $6,000 for every year of full-time study, plus $5,000 after graduation at rural and remote schools; 10 Internship Placements for high-achieving final-year teacher education students to be employed as paraprofessionals in schools prior to graduation; and 10 Cadetship Placements for high-achieving school leavers to be employed

as part-time paraprofessionals in classrooms from the start of their teacher training. Strathfield MP Charles Casuscelli said the scholarships are designed to attract and retain the best and brightest new teachers. “In their first year the cadets will support teachers in non-classroom roles, but in their second and subsequent years, cadets will support teachers in all aspects of their role, including in the classroom. Applications for all three programs close on Friday 15 November 2013. For information on how to apply, see: www.dec.nsw.gov.au/ gtil-initial-teacher-education

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16 October 2013

Boost for inner-west infrastructure BURWO OD, Strathfield, Canada Bay and Ashfield Councils are now all eligible to apply for round three of the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme to address their infrastructure needs. Applications for round three opened last month and must be completed online by 31 December 2013. The State is providing $100 million over six years to unlock up to $1 billion in investment in local infrastructure. The Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) provides a three per cent interest subsidy on loans taken out to fund council infrastructure backlog borrowing. “I urge those councils with infrastructure backlogs to look closely at their finances and see whether the Scheme is an appropriate avenue for funding,’’ said Member for Strathfield, Charles Casuscelli. These thoughts were shared by Member for Drummoyne, John Sidoti. “Investment in infrastructure underpins improvements in many services and will improve NSW’s productivity and competitiveness, deliver sustainable growth as well as create jobs,” Mr Sidoti added. Recognising the importance

of housing growth to the future prosperity of NSW, infrastructure projects to support roads and sewerage for new housing projects are also eligible for funding under LIRS. Already, in the first Two Rounds of the scheme, the NSW Government provided interest subsidies to 87 councils for 138 individual projects throughout the State. These projects ranged from upgrading roads and bridges and sewerage facilities to revamping regional airports and creating infrastructure for new housing developments and giving facelifts to existing town centres. Ac c o r d i n g t o L o c a l Government Minister, Don Page, the scheme has already unlocked almost $680 million worth of investment in local infrastructure. “More communities can benefit from Local Infrastructure Renewal through projects to receive funding under round three,’’ Page added. However, he said, 76 councils have so far not applied for a subsidy under the scheme’s first two rounds. “While LIRS may not be for every council, I urge all councils across the State to consider this generous scheme,” Page said.

First female mayor PinkSpiration for Ashfield ASHFIELD Council elected its first female Mayor in its 142 year history on September 30 with Councillor Lucille McKenna voted into the top job. Her historic election sees an all-female leadership trifecta in place at Ashfield with Councillor Caroline Stott appointed to serve as Deputy Mayor alongside Council’s first female General Manager, Vanessa Chan. Mayor McKenna who has been on Council since 2004 replaces Cr Morris Mansour, who served as Mayor for the past twelve months. “I am delighted and honoured to have been appointed Mayor of Ashfield and I look forward to serving the local community and building upon the previous work of Council to ensure this area continues to thrive and develop,” Mayor McKenna said. “I would like to pay tribute to Councillor Mansour who has served Council and our community in the demanding role of Mayor for the past year. Cr Mansour has worked extremely hard to serve local residents as well as business and community leaders in the area. I would also like to thank

Ladies Night

Ashfield’s first woman mayor, Lucille MacKenna

Councillor Monica Wangmann for all her support and work in her role as Deputy Mayor. “I am really proud that as Councillor I established the first Women’s Committee at Ashfield Council. I have the opportunity to serve as Mayor in a Council that is really leading the way when it comes to promoting women in Local Government.”

JOIN MARIA VECCHIO for a Ladies Night on Tuesday October 29 at from 6pm until 9pm at Inspirations (paint store) in Gladesville to celebrate her now good health and raise funds during Pink Ribbon Month. Maria was diagnosed with breast cancer two-and-half years ago when she was pregnant with her third child. “We are turning pink at Inspirations Burwood and Gladesville to support Pink Ribbon Day. Come along and join us for PinkSpiration Month and a step in right direction to find a cure for breast cancer,” Maria said. The Ladies Night is only a $10 entry, which goes directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation and includes pink sparkling wine on arrival, pink soft drinks, pink cupcakes, pink nibbles and gourmet pizzas (not pink!). There’ll be paint, wallpaper and wood-care demonstrations for your spring projects and lots of donated prizes.

Maria Vecchio with her third child, Gianluca.

Gladesville Inspirations is located at 419-425 Victoria Road (cnr Monash Road), Gladesville. Places are limited. Contact Liz on 9879 5711 or email info@ insp.com.au

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16 October 2013

AUTHORS AT ASHFIELD Rev. Michael Jensen from Moore College takes a searching look at what makes us believe – or not on Monday, October 21 at 1pm on Level 6 in the Ashfield Council Chambers as he talks about his book, My God, My God : is it possible to believe anymore? Join ABC Radio 702’s Simon Marnie on Wednesday, October 23 from 6pm on Wednesday October 23 in the Activity Rooms at Ashfield Civic Centre as he talks with the CEO of OzHarvest Ronni Kahn about the book The OzHarvest Cookbook and their organisation. OzHarvest collects surplus food from restaurants so that charities can then deliver them to the homeless. DIAMOND JUBILEE MASS FOR ST ANNE’S To mark its 60-year anniversary as a Parish, St. Anne’s Catholic Church will celebrate with a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 20 at 10am. The church was founded by pioneer priest Fr. John Therry in 1837 but the Parish was not established until 1953. VIEW CLUB MEETING Concord West View club will hold its next luncheon meeting at Burwood R.S.L .on Wednesday 23rd October. For all enquires call 97472829. DESTINY ON THE CARDS Inner-west psychic, Sarah Barry will give free tarot readings in Ashfield as part of Mental Health month. Sarah is a popular psychic reader, well-known for her calm and grounded presence. Her readings are widely regarded as unique, accurate and inspiring. Sarah’s readings take place on Monday 21 October from 11am to 1pm at Ashfield LibraryTO and SHOP THE FRIENDLY PLACE Thursday 24 October , 11am to 1pm, Haberfield Library. PINK RIBBON MONTH A Breast Cancer stall will be at Burwood Plaza on Monday, 28 October from 10 am to 4 pm. All proceeds go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. If you wish to donate items for the stall please call 9789 2225. Join Shirley Fry for her annual Breast Cancer Foundation High Tea at Flower Power on Mitchell Street at Enfield on Sunday, 10 November from 2 pm. Tickets are $35.00 per adult only. Call Shirley on 9789 2225 to reserve your place.

Train timetable on track to deliver COMMUTERS at Burwood and Strathfield Railway Stations have expressed their satisfaction with the new train timetable which takes effect later this month, according to the Member for Strathfield, Charles Casuscelli. Mr Casuscelli spent time with commuters at Burwood and Strathfield stations last month to get their impression of how the new timetable will improve travelling times to and from the city. “Many of the commuters I spoke with on Monday and Wednesday believed that the new train timetable will transform the level of service on the Inner West Line,” said Mr Casuscelli. Trains will be departing every 15 minutes in both directions at every station on the Inner West Line including Ashfield, Croydon and Homebush

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between 6am and 10pm on weekdays as part of the proposed changes Mr Casuscelli said. “The new timetable to be introduced in October will transform the Inner West Line with clock-face services at all stations between Homebush and the City Circle,” he explained. Mr Casuscelli said the extra services at key stations like Strathfield that will now have 305 weekly services and Burwood with 210 weekly services would be of most benefit to commuters in the inner-west. “Customers on the Inner West Line between Homebush and Ashfield have been telling me they wanted improved connections between stations on the line to link up with schools and local centres,” Mr Casuscelli added.

Illegal dumping that needed to be cleaned up by Burwood Council. ILLEGAL DUMPING is not only bad for our environment but it also comes at a price, costing Burwood Council on average $20,000 per month to collect. I n s te a d o f d u m p i n g unwanted materials, items can be put out for collection at Council clean-ups or taken to the nearest waste centre. Burwood Council offers two

EVERYONE from newly elected

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the many who have helped out throughout its sixty years are expected to turn out at Eurella’s sixty-year anniversary this month. During its time, the Burwood-based community services centre has grown from a school for those with disabilities through to a centre which provides employment, residential and development services for children and adults of all ages with intellectual and other disabilities.

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Ms Lord said that the Prime Minister has been invited to attend. “We’re not sure if he’s coming Day program manager, Bree or not yet,” she said. Lord, who has been at Eurella for Ms Lord added that Eurella the past seven years, said that the has attracted considerable celebrations on 26 October are a attention from former Prime milestone. Ministers in the past. Sir William McMahon opened “We’re really excited that it’s the school buildingTO 40 years ago, come this far,”THE she said.FRIENDLY PLACE SHOP and Gough Whitlam was also “We’ve gone from being a little involved in providing support. organisation run by parents to A celebratory barbeque will one that now has a general be held on Saturday, October manager and management 26 at 10.30 am, 2A Eurella Steet, committee.” Burwood.


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16 October 2013




16 October 2013

Clowning around all the way to Sochi THE OLYMPICS are sometimes referred to as the five-ringed circus – which will make Danielle O’Brien and Greg Merriman feel right at home. The childhood friends from Sydney delivered a circus-inspired ice dance at the Olympic Qualifying event late last month that will see them roll up, roll up all the way to the Sochi 2014 Olympics. O’Brien, 23 and Merriman, 24 booked their tickets to their first Winter Olympics after finishing sixth in their free dance at the Nebelhorn Trophy in Oberstdorf, Germany and delivered a personal best score of 76.68 for their playful free program to finish on 127.20 overall. “I felt very nervous,� O’Brien said. “It was a long two days between the two dances. I was just so ready to compete that the adrenalin had sort of worn off

by Alice Wheeler | sochi2014.olympics.com.au

- until I got on the ice. It was one of the hardest free dances we’ve done but it was solid. I knew we’d given it everything and whatever was going to come of that would come of it.� “Skating last we knew we only had to be ahead of three,� Merriman added. “We felt ready to do our job. It was a tight pack. Our performance was far from our best, but we got the job done.� In recent months, the pair has worked hard on improving their presentation whilst maintaining the integrity of their technical difficulty – and it has paid off. Their fun and playful nature showed through during the entire routine whilst they executed difficult lifts that paid dividends in their technical scoring.

For O’Brien and Merriman, qualifying for their first Olympic Games, puts to rest the demons from their Vancouver 2010 campaign. The day before the Olympic Qualification competition in 2009, Merriman was hospitalised with Pericarditis, an infection in the sac surrounding the heart, and the pair were forced to withdraw from the event. “I said to Greg before we started the Short Dance - we’ve waited four years to skate this program,� O’Brien recounted after the event. Strathfield MP Charles Casuscelli congratulated Danielle and Greg saying, “They are the most decorated ice dance couple Australia has produced and now Strathfield’s figure skating queen and her partner are set to go one better in Sochi.�

Not since the halcyon days of legendary couple Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean has interest in figure skating in this country been quite this high�, he said. “Those of us old enough to remember the extraordinary impact the British skaters had on the sport will know that a strong showing by Danielle and Greg next February will inspire a new generation of Australian ice skaters to take on the world’s best,� said Mr Casuscelli. “I hope that Danielle and Greg enjoy an ideal preparation for the Games and wish them every success. They have already done a great deal to increase the profile of their sport in this country.� The icing on the cake for Danielle will be the Opening Ceremony on February 7, her birthday.


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Wheels in motion at Olympic Park

BIKE LOVERS can ride until their heart’s content at Sydney Olympic Park’s Festival of Cycling. Running until 17 November, the festival includes 11 events and activities, including the introduction of a Bike and Lifestyle Show, where attendees will find the latest, lightest and fastest in cycling and multisport gear plus other lifestyle accessories. There will also be an action-packed program of races and demonstrations with elite riders on road, mountain bikes, BMX and more. The show runs from 18 to 20 October. On Saturday 19 October, Cycling


Bound for Russia and the Winter Olympics next February: Ice dancers Danielle O’Brien and Greg Merriman.

Photo by Malcolm Ellis

Sports groups swoop on grants Australia licensed-riders battle it out across a range of graded races on Olympic Boulevard. The next day, as part of the Festival of Cycling, the Classic Ride route will start in North Sydney and cross the Harbour Bridge before passing by some of Sydney’s most famous landmarks and finishing on Olympic Boulevard. Riders will have the opportunity to unwind and enjoy free entertainment at the end of the 50km route, with live music, food stalls and other festivities at Sydney Olympic Park.


LOCAL SPORTING groups are facilities or run new programs,� encouraged to apply for NSW Mr Casuscelli said. Government grants that could “I encourage them to make fund new facilities or programs the most of this opportunity that help people get active. CLASSIFIEDS to secure a grant for their local Member for Strathfield, project – whether it’s building Charles Casuscelli invited new netball courts, installing sporting groups in the shading at a swimming pool or Strathfield electorate for the first round of this year’s sport running a special tournament and recreation participation and for disadvantaged young people.� facility program. Applications for Round One “I know we have a lot of passionate sports people and of the Sport and Recreation dedicated club volunteers in Participation and Facility the Strathfield electorate who Program 2013-14 close on 30 would love to improve their October 2013.


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