Business Bridge - Issue 36

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HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Issue No.36, Aug 2017 第36期,2017年8月

Hundreds of alumni gather to celebrate reunion

SScholarship cholarship awardees awardees rreturn eturn ffrom rom tthe he Semester at Sea voyage

Outstanding business students awarded BGS honour

Vision, Mission and Core Values Our Vision We aspire to be a leader in whole-person business education and a centre of excellence in business research in selected strategic areas in order to inspire business practice, create value for stakeholders, and enhance social and economic growth and development.

Our Mission Through internationally recognised business education programmes and research achievements, our School seeks to nurture ethical business leaders with global vision, who make a difference to the organisations, industries and communities that they serve, in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the global community.

Our Core Values • Quality • Integrity • Professionalism • Innovation • Global Perspectives • Teamwork • Social Responsibility

Student Reporters Garry Deng

Zakson Feng

Born and raised in Canada, Garry writes his very own “East meets West” story by spending years in pursuit of the Chinese heritage across East Asia before he arrived at HKBU as a postgraduate student majoring in Business Management.

Majoring in Finance, Zakson is a fun-loving world explorer who enjoys diving into crosscultural exchange through his footprints across the globe. His philosophy to life is “wherever there is a will, there is a way”.

The August 2017 issue will be the last run. This is the issue in which some of you may notice changes – a farewell edition that celebrates the fruitful success of our students, alumni and faculty in many different ways. We are deeply committed to the ongoing evolution of content needs of our alumni and friends. Please stay connected with us by subscribing to our eNews from our School website ( and follow us on social media for a variety of content. Facebook: @hkbu.sob Instagram: @hkbubus LinkedIn: Hong Kong Baptist University School of Business Business Bridge is published by School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University. All rights reserved. For subscription or reproduction of any parts, articles and/or photographs in this publication, please contact the School at 3411 5558. To change your personal information, please e-mail to or fax to 3411 5588. The information provided will be restricted for permitted use as defined by the University.

Contents Issue No. 36

Aug 2017

2 - 4 | Features - Scholarship awardees return from the Semester at Sea voyage - Outstanding business students awarded BGS honour

5 - 7 | Research Insights - How do employees contribute to the development of learning organisation? - Home alone children in China remain unshone - In China, it’s still who you know

8 -9 | Global Engagement - Marketing students’ field study visit to Singapore - IIBD International Case Competition 2017 in full swing - International festival brings cultures and communities together on campus - Partner universities’ visits to HKBU School of Business - California State University Fresno’s fruitful study tour at HKBU School of Business - MBA China’s field study trips to Taiwan and Germany - Field study in Malaysia & Singapore for MSc Applied Economics students

10 -15 | School News 16 -17 | Alumni Corner - Hundreds of alumni gather to celebrate reunion - MBA alumni & students clinch the highest team award at regional desert challenge - School of Business alumni honoured with HKBU Distinguished Alumni award


Business Bridge


Scholarship awardees return from the Semester at Sea voyage As a common Chinese saying goes, “You can learn more by travelling a thousand miles than by reading a thousand books”. Jason Choi (BBA Finance, Year 4) and Rico Li (BBA Accounting, Year 2), who just made a triumphant return from the “floating campus” of Semester at Sea (SAS) after spending 105 days on board, shared some highlights of the voyage.


What motivated you to go for the Semester at Sea programme? Jason: “At HKBU School of Business, there are always opportunities for us to go abroad and see the world. That’s why I went to Germany for a year-long exchange in the first place, from which I have gained new perspectives and invaluable exposure to different cultures. I could not resist the opportunity to embark on the Semester at Sea journey with the C.Y. Tung Scholarship, even though I will have to defer my graduation for one semester. My decision was proven right.” Rico: “I have been longing to live the full university experience and step out of my comfort zone, so I decided to get onboard the SAS as the first step. With the School’s support, I was able to travel out of Asia for the first time, all on my own.”

Faculty and staff of SAS are experts of different aspects. Rico joined a research sample collection process by a German oceanography professor during the sail.

How was the shipboard life? Jason: “There were loads of activities available onboard for us to learn around the topics of international relations: attend seminars on a wide range of topics, have parties, participate in athletic games, etc. The shipboard life was so fascinating that I feel so empty after returning!” Rico: “There were pre-port seminars to get us familiarised with the destinations before arrival, and diplomats and consular officials came onboard to meet with us upon the ship’s arrival at the destinations, providing us with an in-country briefing on the local’s socio-political updates.”

These sound a lot more interesting than the study itself! Can you tell us more? Jason: “With 600+ people from around the world onboard living closely together for three months, there was never a dull moment indeed! For example, the Sea Olympics gathered everyone onboard to compete against each other in games like synchronised swimming, rock paper scissors competition and other sporting events!” 2

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017

Business Bridge


Rico: “I joined quite a few field classes and impact programmes, like a cocoa farm in Ghana, and a slum area in South Africa, to learn about environmental protection, fair trade and poverty problems in real-life. However, the most memorable one was when I was volunteering at an orphanage in India, I saw a homeless man lying on the floor, struggling to breathe. I witnessed the death of a human being but could not offer any help – and that made me feel intensely small.”


Jason visited an orphanage in Thanlyin village, Myanmar, where he felt life’s emotions about lost and found.

Rico: “I think the Neptune Day was the most interesting party of all. It is a shipboard tradition to celebrate when the ship crosses the equator for the first time during a voyage. Many of us dressed or painted ourselves in green to party around, and some of them even shaved their heads. I was so shocked when I saw some ladies had their head shaved!” You spent 3 months travelling to some rather unusual destinations for general tourists. Can you share with us some of your local experiences? Jason: “When we were on a field class at a university in India, I learnt about arranged marriage in India. The local students thought this was perfectly alright as they believed their parents would choose the best for them. I was startled at first. However, after some discussion with the students, I understood that there’s no right or wrong, it’s just different. What we should do is learn to think from multiple perspectives about an issue before criticising, and respect others’ cultures and beliefs.”

I know this may sound cliché…do you have any lessons learned from the 3-month voyage? Jason: “When I volunteered in an orphanage in Myanmar, we played a game called “button-up your shirt” with the kids. Everyone tried their best to win the game by buttoning-up as fast as possible, but a Japanese professor and his children slowed themselves down to wait for the local kids to catch up because they wanted to help the poor kids build their confidence. No one would teach you in the classroom how small gestures as such could make a big difference, you have to see and experience it yourself.” Rico: “The incident in India got me started at looking at NGOs for more involvement in humanitarian work and environmental protection. I will start interning at Crossroads Foundation in July, an international NGO aiming at beating poverty. I hope one day I can leverage my professional knowledge to help those in need.” What do you think about the SAS programme? Jason: “As a final year student, I am proud of myself for having the chance to get onboard the SAS journey. I was able to travel the world, make close connections with international students and faculty with awesome backgrounds, and change my world view. I believe this will become a conversation starter and something that will really make me stand out on all occasions.” Rico: “Life at sea is like a mini-global village, where people from all sorts of backgrounds gather, where friendships were made, and where I learnt to know and face my fear. I was able to learn swimming during the voyage (which I had been struggling to learn for years) because I was encouraged by the friends I made onboard. The journey not only widened my horizon, it also helped me step out of my comfort zone successfully!” With their SAS journey, the two students will continue to share their experience and thoughts within and outside the School. Apparently, their voyage has yet to finish – there is much more for them to learn beyond the classroom. The lifelong learning journey goes on.


Riding a camel in the Sahara Desert was one of the memorable moments for Jason during his SAS sail. Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017



Business Bridge

Outstanding business students awarded BGS honour 81 outstanding graduates and students of the School of Business of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) were honoured with lifetime memberships of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) at the 7th Induction Ceremony of BGS Hong Kong Baptist University Chapter on 26 April 2017. Dr. Merle A. Hinrich, Executive Chairman of Global Sources, was awarded the Chapter Honouree for his significant contribution to fostering business and technology innovation in global trade. Professor Ed Snape, Dean of HKBU School of Business, welcomed guests by highlighting the School of Business’s commitment to creating a better business environment through responsible business engagement, and to equipping students with the requisite skills for a successful business career. “Being one of the 556 BGS chapters around the globe, HKBU School of Business is proud to provide our students with such a valuable opportunity to connect with top business graduates and business leaders worldwide.” Throughout his journey of driving cross-border trade using technology for nearly half a century, Dr. Hinrich has experienced enormous changes in business networks and global economy. “Maybe there was a time in history that lifelong learning was not as important as it is today. However, as The Economist recently noted, lifelong learning is becoming an economic imperative – technological change demands stronger and more continuous connections between education and employment, so today it has become ingrained in you to plan and budget for this new reality. Whether your aspirations are business, in other areas, or to be an entrepreneur, it is essentially relevant. And the starting point lies with you as students.” Dr. Alex Fung, Chapter Advisor of BGS HKBU Chapter and Senior Lecturer of Department of Finance and Decision Sciences, emphasised the conviction shared by Dr. Hinrich and HKBU School of Business – to effectively bridge East and West, 4

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017

helping to drive global economic sustainability and prosperity. “Dr. Hinrich has been a champion promoting sustainable global trade, while our School is dedicated to inspiring business practice, creating value for stakeholders, and enhancing social and economic growth and development through quality business education and research in specific strategic areas including business ethics and corporate sustainability.” Established in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the international honour society serving business programmes accredited by AACSB International, with chapters in 160 regions and countries and members of more than 75,000 around the globe. The BGS HKBU Chapter was founded in 2010, with the aim to honour distinguished students of the School, unleash their leadership potential and expand their global network to connect with the professional leaders. Members and chapters of BGS are committed to upholding the founding principles and values of the Society: honour and integrity, pursuit of wisdom, earnestness and service.


Dr. Hinrich shared his insights on continuous employee development. “Some said, what if we train people and they leave? Well, what if we don’t train them and they stay?”

Research Insights

How do employees contribute to the development of learning organisation? Dr. Chang Song

A firm’s capability of identifying, assimilating and exploiting knowledge from the environment is crucial for its survival. This capability is so called firm absorptive capacity. To increase a firm’s absorptive capacity, HR practitioners should focus on recruiting employees who have strong motivation to learn. From past academic research, we know that employees who have strong learning goal orientation (i.e., the tendency to seek improvements in their own competence and to understand or master new things) are more likely to achieve greater learning and knowledge outcomes at the individual and team level, yet we know little about whether such employees could help firms to achieve high absorptive capacity. Dr. Chang’s recent study surveyed 139 high-technology firms and their 871 employees to understand whether and when employees’ learning goal orientation could emerge and contribute to the development of firm absorptive capacity. Dr. Chang’s study shows that simply recruiting employees with high learning orientation is not enough to boost a firm’s absorptive capacity. HR practitioners should develop a strong culture of civic virtue – employees’ proactive involvement in company issues. Dr. Chang’ research suggests that firms can realize the full potential of their employees with strong learning orientation only when they can motivate these employees to contribute extra effort to the organisation.

Reference: Yao, F. K., & Chang, S. (2017). Do individual employees’ learning goal orientation and civic virtue matter? A micro-foundations perspective on firm absorptive capacity. Strategic Management Journal. doi:10.1002/smj.2636. Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


Research Insights

Home alone children in China remain unshone By Dr. Hongliang Zhang

Business Bridge

As droves of people leave their villages in search of a better life, one in three children under 17 in rural China lives without at least one parent, and almost half of these children have been left behind by both parents. Previous studies have shown that migrating parents spend more on educating their children, but that their absence impacts the local economy and is detrimental to the psychological wellbeing of their children. Surveying 5,000 children in the third and fifth grades from Hunan, the authors obtained students’ grades and parental migration history in each school term. They find that children from families where both parents have migrated substantially underscore those tended by at least one parent, with lower scores of 5.4 and 5.1 percentile points in maths and Chinese, respectively. The authors suggest such a lower level of achievement is likely to affect future admissions to secondary school and university, thus impairing these children’s future prospects. As China has a population of more than 61 million “left-behind” children, they conclude that greater policy attention is needed to alleviate this problem.

Reference: Hongliang Zhang, Jere R. Behrman, C. Simon Fan, Xiangdong Wei, Junsen Zhang. Does parental absence reduce cognitive achievements? Evidence from rural China. Journal of Development Economics, 111, 181-195, November 2014. 6

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017

Business Bridge

In China, it’s still who you know By Dr. Fang Zhang

Research Insights

Despite years of reforms, the Chinese government retains substantial influence over the corporate sector, providing a clear incentive for firms to develop political ties. Yet, as firms increasingly rely on market mechanisms to carry their business, they also benefit from maintaining political connections. Which of these centrifugal forces matters the most? Dr. Zhang answers this question by analysing 236 Chinese corporate scandals, categorising them as political, market or mixed. She demonstrates that political scandals and mixed scandals, by signalling the loss of a firm’s political ties, are associated with worse stock market returns than mere impact in market credibility. This conclusion is supported by a range of other metrics. Factors like a steeper deterioration in operating performance, the recall of loans extended by state-owned banks, the replacement of tainted directors by individuals deemed to have a better political standing, and a higher recovery in the share prices of firms that managed to repair broken political networks all point to the importance of political connections. Even today, China’s economy still remains more politicallydriven than market-based.

Reference: Mingyi Hung, T. J. Wong, Fang Zhang. The value of political ties versus market credibility: evidence from corporate scandals in China. Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 32 No. 4 (Winter 2015) pp. 1641-1675. Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


Global Engagement

Business Bridge

Global Engagement Marketing students’ field study visit to Singapore Students of BBA Marketing and MSc Global Marketing Management had an inspiring field study trip to Singapore in June. Over the four-day trip, they paid visits to a number of international companies and organisations, including CNBC Asia Pacific, W Hotel, Pearson Education and Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore, to learn more about how socially responsible marketing works in the real world.

International festival brings cultures and communities together on campus

IIBD International Case Competition 2017 in full swing

HKBU School of Business co-hosted Spring Festival on campus, celebrating cultural diversity, bringing together different cultures through food tasting, music, and entertainment, all with an international flavour. A key highlight of the Festival was the “World’s Got Talent” contest on Valentine’s Day, which attracted about 100 students and teachers.

Themed “Entrepreneurship in a Changing Global Environment”, the IIBD International Case Competition 2017 has received an overwhelming number of applications from over 20 universities from around the world, including Germany, Singapore, Thailand, the Netherlands and the USA. The first round of competition was conducted in June and the final round of presentations will be on 24 November.

Partner universities’ visits to HKBU School of Business Undergraduate and postgraduate students from National University of Ireland, Galway and University of South Australia visited HKBU School of Business in May and June respectively for a school tour. Dr. Leo Ho, our Adjunct Associate Professor, held a seminar for each group about “Doing Business in Hong Kong / China” for the students to have an understanding of the business environments in these hotspots. 8

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017

Business Bridge

Global Engagement

MBA China’s field study trips to Taiwan and Germany Two groups of MBA China’s students set out on a field study trip in March to Taiwan and Germany respectively. Students visited worldleading corporates in each destination, including Delta Electronics and Actron Technology in

California State University Fresno’s fruitful study tour at HKBU School of Business 30 MBA students from California State University Fresno (CSUF), USA participated in a two-week study tour programme at HKBU School of Business from 18 June to 1 July. Other than having lectures on campus, the students also attended panel discussions about the culture and history of Hong Kong and China, as well as human resources issues in the two places. Two corporate visits were conducted at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and Cathay Pacific Airways Limited to enrich the learning experience.

Taiwan, and BASF and Daimler in Germany. They met with corporate leaders in Taiwan to learn more about expanding international footprints via mergers and acquisitions; while in Germany, they experienced how digitalisation is widely applied in operations management.

Field study in Malaysia & Singapore for MSc Applied Economics students From 12 June to 2 July, ten students from the MSc Applied Economics programme visited Malaysia and Singapore for a field study trip. The students visited institutions such as Bank Negara Malaysia and Institute of Health Systems Research, Ministry of

Health Malaysia, New Water Plant and Government Investment Corporation in Singapore to learn more about business economics. They also attended seminars at the host universities – Universiti Sains Malaysia and Nanyang Technological University, and had cultural excursions to experience the locations from the inside out.

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


School News

Business Bridge

School News Student Achievements

HKBU team wins 2016-17 CFA Institute Research Challenge Local Final

HKBU student team overtook ten opposing teams to win the Hong Kong Local Final of 2016-17 CFA Institute Research Challenge, and competed against other local champion teams in Asia at the regional level in Bangkok in mid-March. Organised by the Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts, the Local Final round was hosted in Hong Kong. The five teams with the best written reports were invited for presentation. The champion was Hong Kong Baptist University. The first and second runner-up teams were the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the University of Hong Kong respectively. Members of the HKBU winning team were Yosa Li (BBA Finance, Year 4), Tiffany Fan (BBA Accounting, Year 4), Jeffery Zhang (BSc, Statistics & Operations Research, Year 4), Daisy Shang (BBA, Accounting, Year 4) and Edward Liu (BBA, Applied Economics, Year 3). The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university students with hands-on mentoring and intensive learning in stock analysis. So far, HKBU has the best performance among all universities in the greater China area.

Business students scoop second runner-up at HSBC business case competition HKBU School of Business student team shone at the reputable HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2017 by taking home the second runner-up award at the local final. The competition was conducted on 5 June 2017 in Hong Kong. The full-day competition challenged contesting teams from the nine universities in Hong Kong to compete against each other in business strategies and presentation skills in two rounds. The HKBU team of four students, namely Gao Mengyuan, Sarah (BBA Finance, Year 3), Lee Ka Chun, Jeff (BBA Finance, Year 4), Leung Sze Wai, Leo (BBA Accounting, Year 4) and Wong Wing Yan, Phoebe (BBA Human Resources Management, Year 3), outshone Hong Kong Shue Yan University and the hosting team from University of Hong Kong with their topnotch analysis and impeccable presentation in the first round. They advanced to the second round and contested with City University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong teams. 10

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Feb 2017

Organised by HKU Asia Case Research Centre and sponsored by HSBC, the HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition brings together elite business students from universities in Hong Kong and across Asia to contest by grappling with unique business cases. It is supported by seasoned members of the business industry with international experience and exposure, who form the panel of judges of the competition.

Business Bridge

School News

Enactus student delegation wins championship in entrepreneurship competition HKBU student team was crowned champion in the Enactus China Regional Competition – Hong Kong region. The team of 20 student delegates from the student interest club Enactus won this year’s title with two creative business plans – “Language Buddies” and “Community X”. It was the second consecutive year for the HKBU Enactus delegation to top the contest. The winning team, comprised of 13 students from across School of Business and other faculties, effectively used entrepreneurial activity to empower people to improve their livelihood in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way. The two award-winning projects were “Language Buddies” and “Community X”. “Language Buddies” is a platform which aims to connect people with different cultural backgrounds through language learning and cultural exchange activities, thereby reducing problems that could arise from cultural stereotypes while also creating more job opportunities. “Community X” enables

the elderly and ethnic minorities to act as mentors and links them to students who are interested in learning traditional craftsmanship or minority languages. It aims to enhance public understanding towards ethnic minorities as well as to support the livelihood of older people and pass on their traditional craftsmanship skills.

Applied Economics student achieves second runner-up in Forex Investment Competition

BBA students awarded in Business Sustainability and Risk Management Case Competition 2017

William Kong (MSc Applied Economics, Year 4) participated in the Joint University Forex (foreign exchange) Investment Contest. William took home the second runner-up honour among 300 contestants with his outstanding financial and analytical skills. Jointly held by 10 local tertiary institutions, the competition aims to equip students with foreign exchange investment knowledge and provide them with an opportunity to experience investment decision making.

HKBU School of Business student team – Chan Kwan-chi, Lawrence (BBA, Year 1) and Lai Chui-yan (BBA, Year 1) – was awarded in Business Sustainability and Risk Management Case Analysis Competition 2017 organised by the Association of International Accountants (AIA). They were awarded as one of the outstanding teams among 18 finalist teams for their outstanding report and compensation solution focusing on long term sustainability.

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


School News

Business Bridge

Faculty Excellence

School Awards 2016-17 honour teaching, research and service excellence

The Annual School Awards recognise and value the importance of teaching, research and service excellence as multifaceted activities. Six faculty members were honoured in the School Awards 2016-17 for their contributions in these areas. Teaching Award – Dr. Erin So, Lecturer I, Department of Economics Dr. So’s teaching pedagogy combines experiential learning and multi-disciplinary knowledge sharing. Her approach to empowering students’ life-long learning ability and incentives comprises classroom experiments, case studies and business scenarios, out-of-classroom human behaviour observation, and real-life application through social media. Dr. So has been instrumental in developing new courses with an emphasis on integrating theory with real-world economic and financial environments. The two new courses are “Corporate Finance and Governance in China” and “Financial Market and Corporate Governance in China”. Dr. So is also dedicated to facilitating students’ career development with her new course on “Internship” and industry career workshops. Teaching Award – Dr. Davy Wu, Senior Lecturer, Department of Accountancy and Law Central to Dr. Wu’s teaching philosophy is “to teach is to enlighten, to learn is to transcend”. Dr. Wu focuses heavily on driving student engagement and participation via a mix of legal cases and courtroom and boardroom simulations, which aim to inspire students to go beyond studying law and compliance with an understanding of the rules and regulations as they are, 12

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Feb 2017

but to acquire the logical reasoning behind, and to simulate thinking like a lawyer or a company director. In his capacity as the Programme Director of MSc in Corporate Governance and Directorship, Dr. Wu passes on to students his knowledge and previous experience as an independent director of a listed company in Hong Kong. Research Award – Dr. Rocky Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing Dr. Chen is a fast-tracker in terms of research output. Since September 2015 he has published five research papers with two published in grade A journals. His research articles appear in a number of premier marketing journals including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Advertising Research. His doctoral thesis on anthropomorphism uncovered breakthrough findings in the areas of marketing and consumer behaviour, which earned him the distinguished HKU Li Ka Shing Prize last year. In addition, he serves as a reviewer for two international journals. His academic excellence is also reflected in his high teaching evaluation scores as well as his significant attainment of competitive research grants. Research Award – Professor Huang Xu, Professor, Department of Management Professor Huang has an impressive track record of scholarly work over the past ten years. With a broad range of research expertise and interests across multiple areas, he has published representative papers in key areas including leadership, cross-

Business Bridge

School News

cultural management, workplace creativity and interpersonal interactions. Professor Huang has published extensively in toptier journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of CrossCultural Psychology, Academy of Management Discoveries, Asia Pacific Business Review, Leadership Quarterly, and many others.

of a professional examination paper. Ms. Kwan has also been a Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Hong Kong Student Affairs Sub-Committee, and a Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition.

Service Award – Ms. Janet Kwan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Accountancy and Law

In her capacity as Founding Programme Director, Dr. Siu has been spearheading the two innovative and pioneering postgraduate programmes, namely MSc in Global Marketing Management (in partnership with University of Sheffield, U.K.) and MSc in Entrepreneurship and Global Marketing (in partnership with Grenoble École de Management, France, launched in 2018/19). Both programmes carry significant weight in extending the School’s internationalisation footprint. Beyond her extensive services at the University, Dr. Siu is dedicated to professional and community services externally. Currently, Dr. Siu serves advisory roles for Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, HKSAR Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department among others.

Ms. Kwan contributes significantly in the development of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Accountancy programme, from programme administration and promotion, to student admission and consultation. She is currently the Programme Director. Beyond the School, Ms. Kwan has been actively engaged in consultancy work, public service and servicing the community at large. She has been carrying multiple professional capacities for the Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians, including Assessor of the qualification examinations, Examination and Accreditation Committee member and the Moderation Subgroup Chairman

Service Award - Dr. Noel Siu, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing

HKBU School of Business excels in GRF/ ECS Research Funding 2017-18 Administered by the University Grants Committee (UGC), competitive General Research Fund (GRF)/ Early Career Scheme (ECS) funding based on the quality of research is a significant opportunity for universities. In 2017-18, School

of Business has made a marked increase in achieving 9 awards altogether. Congratulations to our faculty members who have been successful this year:

| Dr. Sohyun Bae | Dr. Amy Chen | Dr. Marta Dowejko | Dr. Emily Huang | Prof. Xu Huang | Dr. Paul Luk | Dr. Steffan Qi

Dr. Sohyun Bae The impact of implicit theories on consumers’ reactions to recycled content products

Dr. Emily Huang Job insecurity climate, knowledge sharing/ hiding and team outcomes

Dr. Amy Chen The cross-level effect of team political climate: a paradigm of need satisfaction

theory of knowledge integrative individual

Dr. Marta Dowejko Mentorship relations in startup performance: goal and attitude congruence and their implications for divergent thinking

Prof. Xu Huang An exchange-based knowledge sharing: inclusiveness, understanding, and creativity

Dr. Paul Luk Bank reserve requirements, capital controls and Chinese monetary policy

| Dr. March To | Dr. Gaoguang Zhou

Dr. Steffan Qi Estimation of trade elasticities and corresponding welfare implications for trade in intermediate goods and trade in final goods Dr. March To Creative pleasure or pressure? Everyday creativity, mood shift, and instrumental climate at work Dr. Gaoguang Zhou Do individual auditors have style? Evidence from clients’ financial statement comparability in China Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


School News

Business Bridge

Event Highlights

Challenge accepted: 300 secondary students’ first step to becoming socially responsible marketers Department of Marketing of HKBU School of Business hosted the inaugural Marketing Contest for secondary students to cultivate socially responsibly consumption in business and marketing activities. The Contest, supported by HKSAR Education Bureau and Consumer Council, attracted over 300 Secondary 3 to 5 students to enroll. The contest was successfully concluded on 25 June (Sun). This year, one of the contesting teams from Wa Ying College won the champion with their innovative idea of promoting “wonky food” culture. The Holy Trinity College and St. Teresa Secondary School teams took home first- and second-runner up prizes respectively.

MPFA Chairman Dr. David Wong shares expert views on retirement protection Dr. David Wong Yau Kar, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA), delivered a lecture on “MPF and Retirement Protection”. The lecture was organised by the Department of Economics. In his welcoming remarks, Professor Ed Snape, Dean of School of Business, said that it is precisely the right timing to get expert opinion on the topic, as there had been many discussions around the latest reforms of Hong Kong’s compulsory retirement savings scheme. 14

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Business Bridge

School News

Start-up founders speak to students about entrepreneurship Founder of WeLend, Mr. Simon Loong, and one of the co-founders of HotelQuickly and an ex-Rocket Internet executive, Mr. Raphael Cohen, shared their successful startup journeys at the Entrepreneurship Seminar Series (ESS)

respectively in March. Over 150 attendants were attracted to each session to learn from the tips advised by seasoned entrepreneurs.

200 participants gather for BBA HRM Mentoring Programme 200 engaged mentees, mentors, colleagues and participants from the community gathered in March for the 2016 Closing Ceremony cum 2017 Kick-off Ceremony of BBA Human Resources Management Mentoring Programme. Over the past decade the programme has

grown and flourished, enabling HKBU School of Business to expand its solid community network and develop mutually beneficial relationships. The relationships are not only with HR directors but also extended to CEOs and chairpersons.

Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


Alumni Corner Hundreds of alumni gather to celebrate reunion

The spring weather provided the perfect setting for the School of Business’s first large-scale alumni event in 2017. Held on Wednesday, 8 March, the alumni cocktail reception attracted over 130 alumni across cohorts, friends and fellows from HKBU. Co-organised by the School and the School of Business Alumni Association (SBAA), the event provided alumni with a cozy occasion to reconnect with classmates and network with faculty and new friends from their alma mater. The evening started with President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Roland Chin welcoming all home-coming alumni. “Alumni define the University. Your success defines our success.

MBA alumni and students clinch the highest team award at regional desert challenge A team of twenty-three HKBU School of Business MBA students and alumni clinched the highest group honour award – “Sand Gull Award” for the first time in the 6th Asia-Pacific Business School Desert Challenge, walking across the Tengger Desert under extreme conditions. This 16

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We count on all of you to come back often and be successful, to help our next generation of students, and to bring the University to new heights,” said President Chin. Dean of Business, Professor Ed Snape shared key updates on the School’s recent development, “Alumni have been

year, the competition attracted more than 1,800 MBA students and alumni from more than 80 business schools in mainland China, Hong Kong, UK and Australia etc.

Business Bridge

Alumni Corner

supporting us in accreditation, speaking to students as industry experts, coorganising activities, as well as providing business cases for our research team.” He encouraged alumni

to continuously support the School in realising its ambitious goals, particularly in injecting international components into student life.

School of Business Alumni honored with HKBU Distinguished Alumni Award

being Non-Executive Director of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and Member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee. He is External Advisor of the Department of Accountancy and Law of HKBU.

Three HKBU School of Business alumni, Ms. Delia Chan, Mr. Philip Tsai and Mr. Sunny Wong were awarded by Hong Kong Baptist University in March for their ardent support and contributions to HKBU’s development.

Mr. Sunny Wong With more than 30 years’ experience in the fast-moving consumer goods industry in China, Mr. Sunny Wong is Executive Director of Tibet Water Resources Limited. He graduated from the Department of Business Management of Hong Kong Baptist College in 1978. He is currently Programme Advisor of the Master of Science in Global Marketing Management Programme of the School.

Ms. Delia Chan A Secretarial and Managerial Studies graduate of Hong Kong Baptist College in 1971, Ms. Delia Chan is a successful entrepreneur and a committed educator. She is currently Managing Director of Famous Horse Holdings Limited. Ms. Chan is Honorary Permanent President and a member of the Alumni Committee of the HKBU Foundation and was conferred an Honorary University Fellowship by HKBU in 2012.

Mr. Philip Tsai Mr. Philip Tsai, currently Chairman of Deloitte China, is a graduate from the Department of Accounting of Hong Kong Baptist College in 1981. He contributes significantly to various government and social services, including Business Bridge Issue No.36 Aug 2017


Stay connected! Contact us School of Business Hong Kong Baptist University The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China Tel : (+852) 3411 5223 Fax : (+852) 3411 5588 Email : Website :

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.