IS S U E 16 AU G 2 0 2 2 Getting IT Right R e sear c h I N SIG H T


Upcoming EVENTS 04 Research INSIGHT 08 NEWS Getting IT Right PSaRasManagementcholarnamedwardeeofGCHumanitiesndSocialciencesrestigiousFellowshipScheme 13 Research EXCELLENCE 12 08 10 Marketing scholar shares insights into satisfactionconsumerinfluenceservicehumanoidrobots’on

Research INSIGHT ArtificialGettingIntelligence:IT Right 4Research Espresso / Aug 2022

Li, J., Li, M., Wang, X., & Thatcher, J. (2021). Strategic Directions for AI: the Role of CIOs and Boards of Directors. MIS Quarterly, 45(3), 1603-1643.Right 5 Research Insight

s the transformational power of arti cial intelligence ("AI") becomes more apparent, companies worldwide areA It's thus no surprise that both senior management and board members are keen to be engaged in shaping the AI orientation of their rm. Yet many rms seem ill-equipped to make informed decisions on AI, especially in emerging markets like China, where only about 1.8% of public rms employ a CIO. As the paper demonstrates, combining a CIO's knowledge, scrambling to ensure they are not left behind. But do they know what they are doing?
6Research Espresso / Aug 2022
Applying Upper Echelons Theory – the idea that top executives view situations through their own experiences, values, personalities, and other such human factors – to analyse data from 1,454 publicly listed rms in China, a recent paper by Dr. Mengxiang Li explores how the lived experiences of chief information o cers (CIOs) and boards of directors impact their rm's AI strategic Theorientation.stakes could not be higher. Promising high rewards – sports and clothing company Under Armour grew sales by 51% thanks to its AI system –AI's investments are fraught with risk, as Anderson Cancer Center realised after wasting US$61 million on a failed AI cancer diagnosis system. Unlike traditional IT spending on software and hardware, investing in AI can transform a rm's culture and power dynamics by radically altering how it does business, makes decisions, and allocates resources.

technological expertise, ability to recruit talented sta and involvement in senior decisions are all important in implementing a successful AI orientation. The board's involvement is also crucial, with board characteristics like education diversity, experience with R&D, and familiarity with AI
In addition to hiring a CIO before embarking on a transformational AI journey, rms should also look at the composition of their board. While the CIO will be expected to drive rm's AI strategy, board members with the right education and relevant experience should also be recruited to work with the CIO to develop a sustainable AI orientation. After all, their company's and their jobs' future might well depend on it!
Dr. Matthew M. Li
strategy helping moderate the relationship between the presence of a CIO and the development of AI orientation. It seems the sheer importance of AI not only attracts the attention of board members but, in many cases, forces CIOs to obtain the board's support before making such fundamental changes.

NEWS 8Research Espresso / Aug 2022

Dr. Yu’s funded project, entitled “A neurocognitive theory of unethical behaviour and implications for organizational behaviour”, will review the literature on unethical behaviour and show how the current neurocognitive model explains a range of phenomenon in organisational settings. New hypotheses will be derived from this theory, and a list of actionable and low-cost nudging interventions for policymakers and practitioners will be compiled and discussed. The project will contribute to the understanding of why and how people decide to engage in unethical behaviours, by integrating recent advances in cognitive neuroscience with experimental behavioural research. Such a multidisciplinary approach, drawing insights from management, psychology, and neuroscience, can help better understand important social issues such as unethical behaviour in organisations. This project may help society mitigate unethical behaviours and promote ethical and prosocial Dr.behaviour.Yu’sresearch interests include Neuroeconomics, Social neuroscience, and Organizational Neuroscience. His lab mainly uses brain imaging methods (fMRI/EEG/fNIRS) combined with experimental tasks to study the neuropsychological mechanisms of economic and social decision making. He has published more than 150 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, with over 4900 citations. He serves as the associate editor of Neurobiology of Stress (IF=7.1). Lab website:
Management scholar named awardee of RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
The Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme supports outstanding investigators in the humanities and social sciences disciplines, allowing awardees to focus on research and writing. No more than ten awards are granted each year.
9 News
D r. Rongjun Yu, Associate Professor in the Department of Management of the HKBU School of Business, has been awarded a Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship, 2022/23 under the Research Grants Council (RGC). Dr. Yu is the sole awardee from HKBU this year.
10Research Espresso / Aug 2022

As coproduction tasks can be categorised as either designing for self or for others, Dr. Chen suggested that with anthropomophized e-agents, designing for one self would lower the autonomy which negatively a ects customer satisfaction, while designing for others would enhance one’s social relatedness and increase customer satisfaction of the overall service. For creative design, humanizing a service robot does not signi cantly increase its perceived creativity. However, when pairing the service robot with a creative employee in a service team, humanizing the service robot can help transfer the trait of creativity from employee to robot, which enhances customer evaluation of the design outcome produced by the service team.
H 11 News
Drawing insights from two of his latest projects, Dr. Chen discussed anthropomorphized service robots’ bright sides and dark sides, and provided implications on consumer satisfaction in two contexts – online coproduction service and creative design service.
The webinar was concluded with a lively discussion among Dr. Rocky Chen, Prof. Xu Huang (Associate Dean, Research & Postgraduate Studies), and the participants who were practitioners in di erent industries. They shared best practices and personal experiences concerning service robots. Stay tuned for the next School of Business research webinar!
Marketing scholar shares insights into humanoid service robots’ influence on consumer satisfaction
KBU School of Business organised the rst research webinar on 13 July 2022, featuring Dr. Rocky Chen, Associate Professor from the Department of Marketing, to shed light on how humanoid service robots in uence consumer satisfaction. The webinar attracted an audience of 100 for a relaxing and fruitful dialogue.

Research EXCELLENCE Prof. Christy M. K. Cheung DepartmentProfessor of Finance and Decision Sciences Dr. Jays Kim Assistant DepartmentProfessorofManagement Bystanders Join in Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: The Deindividuation and Moral Disengagement Perspectives Information Systems Research Where the stars still shine: Some effects of Star-Performer-Turned -M anagers (SPTMs) on Organizational Performance Strategic Management Journal 12Research Espresso / Aug 2022

Upcoming EVENTS Date Speaker Topic Research Seminars 13 Upcoming Events Economics 9 Septem ber 2022 9:00 10:30 Prof Narayana KOCHERLAKOTA University of Rochester Infinite Debt Rollover in Stochastic Econom ies 14 Septem ber 2022 9:00 10:30 Prof Mihaela PAPA Tufts University Can BRICS De dollarize the Global Financial System ? 16 Septem ber 2022 9:00 10:30 Prof. Saki BIGIO University of California, Los Angeles A Theory of Pa ym ents Chain Crises Centre for Business An alytics and the Digital Econ omy 15 Septem ber 2022 16:00-17:30 Prof Em re OZDENOREN London Business School On the Inherent Fragilit y of DeFi Lending

The idea is to provide business practitioners with the most recent research findings from the School‘s faculty. We want to build links between research and practice and to ensure that the School's research has business and societal impact. your feedback and input is
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The Research Espresso, a bimonthly e-publication covering everything you need to know about the latest research developments at the HKBU School of Business, focuses on four key areas: Research Insights (the main research topic of the month), Research Excellence (recognition of faculty members’ research achievements), News (research-related updates), and Seminars (sharing research skills and knowledge).