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HKBU School of Business co-hosts Asia’s largest academic conference in Chinese management research

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) School of Business co-organised the 10th Biennial International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference from 14 to 18 June on the HKBU campus. Nearly 1,500 scholars, students, managers and consultants who are interested in advancing their knowledge about organisational management in the Chinese context gathered from around the world to share the latest research and exchange views on Chinese management and organisation in over 100 keynote panels, symposiums, paper presentations and roundtables. Representatives from the HKBU School of Business also participated actively in the Conference to share with their counterparts their education and research excellence.

In his remarks at the Conference’s welcome reception, Prof. Alexander Wai, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU, said that rapid technological developments have taken the world by storm, with the most recent example being the rise of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. Ongoing global challenges and geopolitical dynamics will continue to create uncertainties on the outlook of globalisation in future.

“As educators at HKBU, one of our key concerns in addressing the challenge of globalisation is to educate the next generation with an innovative and transdisciplinary approach, so that they will be equipped with the skills, knowledge and visionary mindset to help them seize the opportunities that technology brings,” he said.

He said that the Conference offers an ideal platform to discuss higher education’s models and practices in the fields of business and management.

Prof. Xu Huang, Associate Dean (Research & Impact) of the HKBU School of Business and the Local Arrangements Committee Chair of IACMR 2023, thanked the sponsors and participants for their support to this esteemed event. “The HKBU School of Business has been dedicated to research excellence and advancements of knowledge. We are honoured to co-host this year’s IACMR Conference, providing you with a brand-new experience the School, the University and Hong Kong have to offer.” are exactly the strengths of the whole-person education that the School and HKBU have been emphasising.”

Other issues explored at the Forum include the challenges of AI and Chatbot posed to business education, the future of online and hybrid learning, and the development of business schools in the post-COVID era etc. The panelists agreed that with genuine creativity, educators and researchers would be empowered by technology to enhance their teaching and research rather than being threatened.

Prof. Leo Ho, Professor of Practice of the HKBU School of Business, spoke on the topic “Involving senior executives in management education: Insights from Professors of Practice” at the pre-conference session on 14 June. He unlocked the hidden benefits of involving senior executives in management education, including breaking the divide between academia and industry with handson and real-world experiences, and providing more networking and collaboration opportunities for students and other faculty.

Prof. Gerben S. van der Vegt, Visiting Professor of the HKBU School of Business, highlighted the recent changes in the conceptualisation and study of organisational work teams at the Keynote Panel on Organisational Behaviour Research. These changes focus on the stability of team membership and the fact that most employees nowadays are members of multiple teams at the same time. He also highlighted the usefulness of developing a strong relationship with organisations to come up with new research questions that are practically relevant and scientifically important.

One of the highlights of the Conference was the Dean’s Forum held on 17 June. Prof. Ed Snape, Dean of the HKBU School of Business, was joined by six renowned scholars and heads of business schools from Arizona State University, Fudan University, The Education University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University and The University of Hong Kong, to discuss on the theme “The Future of Business Education”.

The panelists exchanged insights into how business schools should nurture students to meet employers’ demands and develop stronger ties with the industries. Prof. Ed Snape believed that strengthening the “human elements” while developing students’ business skills would be the way forward. “These skills, for example, communications, leadership and teamwork, are irreplaceable by machines or artificial intelligence (AI), and

Eleven scholars and researchers from the HKBU School of Business also presented their paper on a wide range of topics throughout the conference, from gender issues and creativity, disruption and crisis, to corporate governance and corporate social responsibilities.

The Conference was concluded with a mesmerising performance themed “Four Seasons – Summer Fantasy”, featuring student musicians from the HKBU Academy of Music, blending art and innovation with AI and other advanced technologies. The next IACMR Biennial Conference will be held in Xi’an in 2025. More information will be available on https://eng.iacmr.org/ .

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