The Business Bulletin Issue 20

Page 15

The Business Bulletin


Customer retention – what does it mean for your business? Once you have a new customer, providing they are a good one you want to hang onto them, right? Selling and marketing cost time and money, so it’s much cheaper for your business to hang onto the customers you have. What do you do to keep yours? Here are 9 ideas for you to consider 1. Tracking your customer churn

gained. It’s worth including

rate. Pick a time frame, the

the revenue you’ve lost and

2. Make sure you ask your customers for feedback.

last month for example and

gained because of customer

You’re not going to be able

list all the customers you’ve

churn as well as the reason

to improve if you don’t ask for

had in that period. Be sure to

why people left. With this data

feedback and be prepared

make a note of who’s still with

to hand you’ll start to get an

to learn from it. It’s also vital

you now, who’s left and how

idea as to what’s going on in

that you share feedback with

many new customers you’ve

your business.

your team, they’re not going

Issue 20 | 15

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