The Business Bulletin Issue #10 - Focus On Sales & Marketing

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Business Bulletin By business owners, for business owners




Issue 10

Focus on Sales and Marketing Spotlight on Julie Futcher

PLUS Why you need a PR strategy for your business The challenge of sales Direct mail…isn’t that a dead marketing channel? 5 common presenting mistakes and how to avoid them

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The Business Bulletin

A magazine that works for everyone Paul Green Founder & Chief Editor

Welcome to the tenth edition of The Business Bulletin. Hopefully you will enjoy this edition which focuses on sales and marketing. Published every four weeks, it will cycle through the following themes: ■ Finance ■ Sales & Marketing ■ Operations & Resources ■ Strategy & Personal Development It will bring together a collection of articles aimed at any small business owner who doesn’t have all the answers and is open to some thoughts and advice from some of the leading experts in their fields. So what makes this different to any other publication? I’m glad you asked! For the reader – no more advertorials. All the featured articles have been chosen for their valuable content, not because the author has paid to be published or taken out an advert to get their slot! For the contributor – you can submit articles for inclusion without having to pay for the privilege or having to advertise. If your article is deemed suitable based on its merits – that it is

All the articles featured in this magazine have been chosen because of their valuable content

relevant, good and engaging content and not promotional of your business, then it will be published. For the advertiser – if a publication is more engaging due to the content, then it is more likely your adverts with be noticed. The number of full-page and half-page ads is limited for each edition and there will be a limit on the number of advertisers from a given industry sector. This means your advertisement is more likely to stand out from the crowd and not be lost in a sea of competitors. Your feedback and thoughts on this magazine are welcome –

Join in!

let us know your experience. Contact us to contribute an article or


place an advert for future editions

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Proof-reading: James Tarry

© Copyright 2021 The Business Bulletin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the editor or the author of the article. Disclaimer – no responsibility can be accepted for any actions that you take as a result of the content provided in this magazine. There is no guarantee that implementing any of the advice contained in the articles will definitely ensure your business success or have a positive impact. They are presented as information based on the experience of the authors working with many different types of businesses in their field of expertise and are provided as a choice for you to consider if they will be useful for your business.

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 3



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The Business Bulletin

Contents This edition focuses on sales and marketing and brings together a wide range of topics with a selection of quality articles from leading experts in their field.

Planning for Facebook Ads Sarah German


Always remember your customers John Milner


Why you need a PR strategy for your business Eleanor Lester


Strategy needn’t be a scary word! Lindsay Woodward


The new era of flyers in an online world 16 Marie-Louise O’Neill The challenge of sales Julie Futcher


The midges that bite – microcopy, omni-microcopy and your message Kevin Robinson


Giving is good for business…sometimes 25 Jacky Sherman Direct mail…isn’t that a dead marketing channel? Andy Sarson

Marketing vs sales – which is more important? Stephanie Holmes

Spotlight on Julie Futcher



Should you start a podcast? Christina Robinson


5 common presenting mistakes and how to avoid them Charlotte Green


Stories build bridges Robin Kirkley


Ask the experts


SME survey



Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 5

The Business Bulletin

Planning for Facebook Ads Unless you’re incredibly lucky, the success of your Facebook and/or Instagram advert very much depends on how well you’ve planned it. It may sound obvious, but if you’re new to social advertising, it is surprising how much there is to get right before launching a campaign.

During this past year, I have invested

in running a campaign. I also love

the sooner you can start to

a lot in training and business

the vastness of the audiences, the

build relevant data for your

development. Six months into

ability to laser-target your ideal client

target audiences.

running my VA business, I took

and the power of aligning all the

a swerve and a deep dive into

key ingredients to create a high-

Facebook Ads. Why? Because I am a

performing advert.

bit of a nerd and I love the planning, data and analytics that are involved

If that sounds appealing and you’re thinking about having a go at Facebook and Instagram ads in your business, read on. In this article, I share a few ways in which you can start laying the foundations for achieving, what all marketers want, a great ROAS (return on ad spend), before you’ve even opened your Ads Manager.

Sarah German VAVA Sarah helps small businesses with training, workshops and full management of Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest Ad campaigns. Together with her team, Sarah also provides a variety of social media and marketing support services, enabling her clients to outsource time-consuming tasks and spend more time focusing on their zone of genius. 07817 907730

6 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

■ First off, go to Business.

■ Quality check. You may have heard of ad accounts being rejected for one reason or another. To run ads, you will need to own and verify your domain. Facebook will also check that you have the correct policies on your website, so do make sure these are in order and that your Facebook Page is optimised and active to avoid running into issues.

to set up your Business



While all that’s cooking, start

■ Next, install the Pixel. Say what? The Pixel is a piece of code that sits on your website and allows you to

planning! What do you want to achieve with your ads? And who do you want to see them?

track your web visitor and


ad activity. Either follow the

What’s the end result you want to

instructions on Facebook

achieve? Do you want to generate

(go to Settings, Data

awareness, leads or sales? Knowing

Sources, Pixel) or ask your

this will help you to select the correct

web developer nicely. The

Facebook Objective for your campaign

sooner you get it installed,

and will also have a bearing on your

The Business Bulletin

budget, because the higher the

body image, or emojis that are

intent, the bigger the budget you

a short form of these, as they

are going to need.

are likely to get your ad banned (which can be reviewed, but these

Budget People often ask how much they

things take time).

Metrics How will you know if your campaign is a success? Make sure you research the key metrics for your niche so that you have a benchmark for what “good” looks like and can see whether your

should spend. Think about it this


way. How many leads or sales do

It’s been said that 80-90% of the

of data available within Ads Manager,

you want and how much would you

performance of an ad is down

which can be overwhelming to the

be comfortable spending on them?

to the image. Don’t rely on one

untrained eye, so it’s really helpful

Budgets vary wildly, starting at £5 a

or two creative hooks as you’ll be

to know which key metrics you’re

day to a long way beyond.

missing out on segments of your

looking for.

audience. Quantity AND quality

Audience Get crystal clear on your target audience. Who are they? Are they male? Female? How old? What are their interests? What are their pain points? How can you empathise and solve their problems? Spend a good amount of time plotting this out as it will help you to ninja-target your Facebook audience (or audiences – you may have more than one persona) once you get inside the Ads Manager.

are both important, so build up a good bank of creative that speaks to your different audiences at different levels of your funnel. Videos and carousels are increasingly popular and tend to work very well as long as they are an attention-grabbing length and on point with their messaging.

ads are hitting the mark. There is a lot

Marketing with Facebook ads doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, as long as you are aware of all the moving parts and plan accordingly. Boosting posts without reason and launching campaigns without prior planning is likely to leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed at the expense, even if you did select a low budget. However, if the idea of ads still brings you out in a cold sweat, then you may want to consider bringing in an expert to either give you further guidance or do them for you.

Sales funnel What journey do you want/need your ideal customer to take? Rarely is this a one-step process, although not impossible. Planning this journey or funnel will guide your thinking on your budget, your copy and your creative, as well as help you to build the right kind of audience to retarget lower down the funnel.

Copy Plan your copy based on the different personas you have created. You’ll need an attention-grabbing headline to stop the scroll and some enticing copy that empathises and appeals to your audience pain points. Emojis help to grab attention and testimonials and story-telling are great ways to engage and get your message across. Do be very careful not to use language that relates to health or

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 7

The Business Bulletin

Always remember your customers Or to put it another way – never forget who your customers are!

I remember well a poster on a

service they want (and expect) from

organisations re-focussed on online

warehouse wall, placed strategically

their suppliers.

only sales, it provides an insight into

above the packing and despatch desk, which read – “Customers make paydays happen” That was just as I was starting

Long before Basil arrived at Fawlty Towers, John Cleese made several training films. They were memorable, not least because of Cleese’s comic

what the future retail environment may look like. Certainly, where a younger target audience is concerned. So, to conclude on this example,

out in sales, early on in my career.

delivery, but they all conveyed a

it’s not all about COVID-19, but

But it struck me then as being very

serious message. One such was called

partly it is down to companies not

succinct, whilst at the same time,

“Who Killed the Sale”. I’m sure it’s

providing the service their customers

summing up the whole essence

somewhere out there on YouTube.

are expecting in today’s market.

of what we were there to achieve –

It highlighted the point above very

great customer service. The basics

well, and showed clearly, that a sale

don’t change over the years!!

can be lost by all and anyone in an

There have been many other well known phrases and sayings coined about “customers”, and a couple that come immediately to mind are –

organisation, not just the salesperson dealing with the order up front. Another (sadly) great example of what happens when companies forget who their customers are and

“If you don’t look after your customers, then someone else will” – and “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” – Henry Ford.

what they want, can be seen the length and breadth of the country, on today’s High Streets. Whilst the immediate cause of a great deal of the retail failures announced in the last few months has been laid at the door of “the pandemic”, the truth is that many

John Milner Alium Consultants When the opportunity came about to set up his own business, John decided there was an opportunity to help SME business owners gain a quicker, more effective presence in international markets, based on his own experiences.

It always amazes me to see

of the companies concerned were

how some companies treat their

struggling already, with dwindling

belt and works with business owners to

customers. Almost with contempt –

customers and a consequent

help them make a success of exporting,

like an inconvenience.

shrinking of sales revenues.

The poster I mentioned above

If, for example, we look at

was displayed in the warehouse

how some well-known and long-

for good reason. Every person in

established traditional brands, have

an organisation, whether customer

been recently bought by newer, more

facing or not, has a role to play in

current brands, branch estates closed

providing the customer with the

and the new look (no reference)

8 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

He has more than 20 years under his

enabling them to win and retain new customers quickly, while minimising the costs and risks, often associated with breaking into new markets. 07713 614942

The Business Bulletin

Simply put, those that ignore

The purpose was not to check

this face difficulties, and companies

up on the salesperson (a point I

who adapt and change, live to

made very clear), but to ask 3 main

fight another day. Just look at the

questions of the customer –

investment made by the likes of John Lewis and M&S in online sales over the past couple of years. One huge irony in all this, is that whilst large companies often have the resources to spot these trends early, they are unable to react quickly, for many reasons. On the other

■ How are we doing currently (for you)? ■ What can we do to improve the service we provide (to you)? ■ What else would you buy

hand, SME’s, being more nimble

from us if you could? (we were

and less encumbered by sizeable

an IT products distributor)

infrastructures, are able to react quicker, but need to be able to read the market early.

One keyway to achieve this – stay close to the customer! Communicate regularly and make it a priority to understand what they want. I was sent details recently of a campaign called “Hello World”. It is run by Enterprise Nation, and

or give away another aspect of the service, to win the customer sale. It is therefore vital for every business owner, MD, Sales Director, or indeed any customer facing member of the team, to stay close to their customers and to know what they need. Customers are the life-blood of any business, without whom there would be no business. As some of the whitewashed windows in the High Streets today prove. The point about all this is – as the saying goes – If you don’t look after your customers, then someone

The feedback was invaluable. Both

else will.

about the current market conditions and about what our competitors were up to! There is so much choice in today’s market. With only a little research, buyers can prove very knowledgeable to salespeople today on top of this, there is always an eager competitor, ready to “drop the price”

consists of a series of pop-up’s, set up temporarily in an Oxford Street premises and run by entrepreneurial businesspeople, to ask the public several key questions, relating to their business ideas – ■ Is my new product/service of relevance to you? ■ What is your view on physical vs online retail? ■ What is it you most want from your retail experience? The results will be fascinating, not least to those potential startup businesses. Earlier in my career, I ran a field-based sales team of around 15 people and would make regular visits to our customers (large and small) with the “Account Manager”.

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 9


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The Business Bulletin

Why you need a PR strategy for your business Public Relations (PR) is all about managing the reputation of your business. It’s the process by which you build trust, educate, inform, influence opinion and ultimately create good-will between your business and your target audience. It’s so much more than simply generating media coverage, it’s the backbone of every single communication that your business makes.

Building credibility

you or accepted an article from you,

service which in turn means they’re

it’s because they think you’ve got

likely to recommend you, helping to

something that their audience wants

spread the word of mouth buzz about

to read or hear.

your business.

trustworthy. It also adds value to your

Positive image

Can help to drive sales

business. If a publication has taken

Undertaking regular PR activities

the time and trouble to write about

Think about it, if you’re seeing a

will help you to build and sustain a

particular company written about or

successful business. It can also help you

talked about by a variety of media

to develop a competitive advantage, if

sources that you trust, then you’re

your target customers are seeing your

more likely to engage with them and

brand name regularly it’s likely that

possibly even buy from them.

A PR campaign will help to build the credibility of your brand. It creates a positive public image and can help to position you as reliable and

you’ll be top of their minds the next time they need the product or service you sell. Media coverage can also help you to showcase knowledge and expertise, positioning you as an expert

Eleanor Lester Shrewd PR Eleanor Lester is a PR and Marketing Professional with over 20 years’ experience, including B2B, lifestyle, food and drink, fashion and online retail. She is a passionate believer in the value that good PR and strategic marketing can bring to small and medium sized businesses. 07764 611971

Set some goals So where do you start when it comes to putting a PR strategy together?

in your field.

The first step is to set some goals for

Builds relationships with your customers

achieve, bearing in mind that this is

When your business is seen in a

you’re to get results long term. If you’re

positive light then you and your

launching a new product or service

employees become even more

you might set yourself the goal of

invested in protecting its reputation.

securing 5 pieces of media coverage

This helps to develop good customer

promoting it. Perhaps you’re looking

relationships and you’re likely to go

to increase your client base and want

the extra mile to support that good

to use PR to generate a series of

reputation. This means that your

news articles that position you as an

customer receives excellent customer

authority in your field.

what you want your PR activity to not a quick fix, and it will take time to build and needs to be sustained if

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 11

The Business Bulletin

Choose your media with care

and Why. These act as the hook to

When looking for suitable media

link to them on social media. Making

outlets for your story, whether that’s print, broadcast or online you need to be sure that their audience matches your target market. Spending time doing your research here will really pay off. Look out for journalists who are writing about companies like yours, or are interested in the field

draw a journalist in. Don’t forget to publish them on your website and sure you’re distributing your company content as widely as possible will help create that all important brand awareness, you also never know who might be following you.

Plan to succeed

And finally Remember that PR is at the heart of all your communication. When you’re writing a blog post, creating social media content, meeting a new customer, attending a networking event, speaking to a journalist your reputation is under scrutiny. Think carefully about what you are saying and distributing as it reflects on you and your brand. If you have

Your PR activity needs to be carefully

employees then it’s important to

planned. Whether or not you secure

ensure that they take a similarly

that all important piece of coverage

measured approach to the way

your PR focused.

can come down to timing. Your PR

they communicate. Reputations

strategy needs to take this into account,

can be won and lost in seconds, just

Do you have a news story?

if you’ve got a new product that you

remember what happened to Gerald

want to get placed in the Christmas

Ratner 30 years ago.

So you’ve launched a new product,

gift guides, for example, you need to be

won an award, signed a new contract,

talking to the media in July. This also

employed a new member of staff.

means you’ll need finished imagery

Whilst this might be good news for

and product too. Building relationships

you and something you want to

with journalists takes time. In many

shout about you need to make sure

ways it’s like networking – the more

that the story you put out stands

effort you put in the better the

up to the “So What” Test. Journalists

results you get.

your company specializes in. Having a list of journalists and key publications will save you time and helps to keep

need a really strong hook to get them to cover your story.

Don’t have a news story? An effective strategy that many businesses use to help keep their brand in the media is to position key people as thought leaders. Participating in Q&A’s, opinion pieces all helps to build brand awareness. One of the best ways of doing this is to develop a relationship with a journalist, keep them informed of what you’re doing, whilst they may not pick up on every press release you send you’ll be front of mind when there is a relevant opportunity.

Press releases Your press release needs to contain the 5 W’s, Who, What, Where, When

12 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

Strategy needn’t be a scary word! Do you have a marketing strategy? Would you even know where to start? I meet a lot of companies that are posting regularly on social media, putting out PR and updating their websites, but they’ve not asked themselves a few key questions first, like who are they targeting and why. So here’s my mini guide on how to build a basic strategy that should improve your marketing.

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 13

The Business Bulletin

2.Who are you targeting? This is really easy for some businesses.

Your strategy can be as complicated as you want, but why not begin with something simple and see how it helps your marketing?

They have a niche market and know exactly who they need to speak to. In that case, this question is already answered. Others, however, have a harder job. If you have a service that could suit any business or a product that could suit any person, then you need to think it through. It might seem good to have a vast market, but being seen as all things to all people means you won’t connect with anyone. The best thing to do is niche down. Choose just one or two segments of the market and target them, always keeping in mind how it will help you achieve your chosen objectives. It might seem like you’re cutting out customers, but by actually

Before we get into the detail, I think

even what social media platforms to

it’s first of all important to state why

use? Without a strategy driving your

a marketing strategy is needed, and

tactics, it all becomes meaningless

how it differs to a marketing plan.

actions that you end up doing for the

Basically, a strategy is what you’re

sake of it. Marketing becomes a tick-

going to do and the plan is how

box exercise.

speaking to a smaller segment, with everything aimed very much at them, you’re far more likely to grow sales.

you’re going to do it. It’s no more complicated than that. Think of the strategy as laying the foundation. Imagine marketing is like building a house. If you go straight in for the roof or doors, they’re just going to fall down. You need a strong foundation and then you need to build it up section by section if you want it to hold. The marketing strategy provides those firm foundations. It’s where you’ll make the key, overarching decisions such as what you want to achieve, what your messaging is, who you’re targeting and what you’re targeting them with. Then the tactics follow in the plan where you’ll decide how you’re going to make it all happen. If you went straight in and just

The strategy To build that strong foundation, I always recommend looking at four things. That’s it. 1.What do you want to achieve? The first step is to put in those marketing objectives. I say it all the time: if you don’t know what you want to achieve, how will you know if you’ve achieved it? Having two or three objectives normally works best, and the more specific you can make them, the easier it will be to create a plan of action and measure the results. So rather than just say I want to grow the business, decide how you’re going to do it. Is it through cross-selling to more customers, introducing the brand into

looked at the tactics, you might

new markets, or do you need to get

decide you’re going to blog and do

in 500 or 750 new leads over the next

social media. But how will you know

twelve months? There is no right or

what to blog about, or what to post

wrong answer here. It has to be what

on those social media channels? Or

you want to achieve in your business.

14 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

Lindsay Woodward Lindsay Woodward Marketing Lindsay is a marketing strategist and skilled writer, with a proven track record of helping businesses to grow. She is also a CIM qualified Chartered Marketer with nearly 20 years’ experience in helping to enhance brands and grow businesses. As a consultant, she works with companies that require marketing support. Whether it’s aiding an existing marketing team or looking after all the marketing for a company, she can develop a marketing strategy, produce a marketing plan and execute a range of activities as needed. In 2020 Lindsay was elected as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. 07939 432249

The Business Bulletin

3.What are you targeting them with?

4.What is your position?

which you know your customers like?

Different customers can have different

Every single well developed brand in

Whatever it is, find out where you

needs, and you might sell a range

the world has a ‘position’. Think of it

of products or services. Therefore it’s

as your marker in the sand of what

always a good idea to narrow things

you stand for and who you are. It

down to make it easier to manage.

summarises your differentiation and

complicated as you want, but why

This means rather than telling your

will tell the world why they should

not begin with something simple

chosen segments about everything

buy from you. A position in itself can

and see how it helps your marketing?

you do, decide instead which of your

be an internalised message and then

All you need to do is identify a type

products and services you are going

I advise you to translate that into a

of customer and then promote a

to focus on, again keeping in mind

marketing message that you send out

relevant product and service to them.

your objectives. This doesn’t mean

into the world.

Do this in line with the message

you need to forget about your larger offering, but by picking and choosing you can more easily send out messages that make sense to people. Then direct them to your website

So what makes you different or interesting or better? Are you the company that hangs on to tradition because your customers like that, or are you the business that is always

where they can learn about your full

looking to the future? Do you offer a

range. Just as with the customer

more personal customer service than

segments, the more focused you are,

your competitors, or are you about

the more success you’re likely to have.

speed and getting the job done,

stand in relation to your competitors and celebrate that. Your strategy can be as

of why you’re different/better/more approachable and you’ve got a fantastic starting point. Just sorting out these points alone will make your marketing easier to execute.

The Business Bulletin

The new era of flyers in an online world Printed flyers can get a bad rep. They are relentlessly shoved in your letter box, shouting about all sorts of products or services you just don’t need.

Or those flyers shoved in your hand at

When flyers are done badly… poor

a networking event, that you politely

design and cheap printing and paper,

accept, only to file it away or recycle.

they are a waste of time and money. However, I don’t believe that flyers

Figures for flyer marketing ■ 60.5% of door dropped flyers are read/looked/ glanced at it ■ 85% threw it away/recycled the door dropped flyers. ■ 16% put the door dropped flyers aside to look at later. ■ The average frequency for door drops is 3. ■ 57% opened addressed mail when it just arrived and 20.8% opened it within a twenty-eight day period. ■ 48.5% read/looked/glanced at addressed mail and 23% within a twenty-eight day period ■ 26% threw addressed mail away/recycled Source:

16 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

are completely over and done with. Even in this increasingly online

need your service and when they last saw your flyer. ■ If you have the addresses for your clients (in a secure GDPR compliant way of course), you could create a campaign to

world we live in, there’s still a time and

send out flyers to existing and

a place for the humble flyer to have its

past clients to remind them

moment and can really shine.

you exist. For best results, send out your flyer in a named and

Here are a few ways to use flyers ■ If you are planning to have

addressed envelope. ■ You could include a flyer as part of a welcome pack that you send out when you have

your flyers mass delivered

a new client. This gives you

to people’s homes, expect

the opportunity to upsell or

a low percentage of that

let them know about other

converting into clients. This

products or services you offer

type of marketing is referred

that they may not know about.

to as ‘Door Drops’, where there is no address. It’s hard to prequalify or target your ideal client. This traditional leaflet drop is suitable for certain types of businesses. If you offer

■ Having a pile of flyers to hand out at exhibitions are a good way to explain your services and connect with attendees. ■ You could use flyers instead of

services that relate to home

or in addition to handing out

improvement, maintenance

business cards. There’s a lot

etc, people might hold on

more room for information and

to it for reference. Like most

imagery on a flyer. Although

advertising, you could repeat

in networking, many people

this exercise every few months

liked to store their cards in

to get a better chance of

specific holders and Rolodexes.

someone taking notice and

Time will tell if people will be

converting to a sale. It’s all

handing out business cards

about timing. From when they

again at in person events.

The Business Bulletin

■ And finally, you could display

there are no dates or prices

on the design style, colours,

your flyers in high footfall

listed on it that need to be

imagery, and the message

areas like receptions. For

updated. This is important if you

etc. Always have your target

example, doctors, gyms, spas,

are getting a very large quantity

audience in mind when

offices and so on. Make sure

of flyers printed in one go.

making any marketing

that if you do this, your ideal client is likely to pass by and that your service is relevant.

Practical points to consider ■ Is the address you have for your client up to date? If you sent your flyer to them,

■ Alternatively, you may wish to publicise a new opening,

sort of return or outcome do

service, or limited time special

you want as a result of using

offer. These are great reasons

these flyers? You can track

to get back in touch with old

even large campaigns by

customers and reach out to

including QR codes, specific

attract new ones.

URLs and leaflet codes, which

■ Buying print in bulk reduces

can all be tracked.

the cost per item. It may seem like a good deal, but try

Many people are working

to work out how many you

from home these days and

actually need, with a bit spare

only drop by their registered

just in case. Ordering the ‘right’

address on a rare occasion.

amount will reduce waste.

to be evergreen. This means

■ Measure your results. What

launch a new product or

would they even receive it?

■ Decide if you want the content


■ Know who your audience is. This will have an impact

Virtual flyers It’s worth having a digital version of your flyer to hand, even if you are printing them. The virtual files can be saved as PDF, PNG or JPG, and are the best file types to be opened on various devices and commonly used.

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 17

The Business Bulletin

The PDF supports clickable links

Local printers often offer some basic

to website addresses and emails. You

design services and can knock up a

can also have multiple pages, suitable

flyer for you. Again, ask for examples of

for a double sided or folded flyer.

their past work and shop around.

PNG and JPGs are flattened images and you would have 2 or more files to send out if it’s a double sided flyer. Digital versions of your flyer can

Printing flyers You can use a local printer, go with a recommendation, or use an online

be emailed, text message and chat

provider. We have all heard and used

messages as an attachment. PNGs

Vista Print at one time or another. I feel

and JPGs can be embedded / inserted

like they are the Ryan Air of the print

into the text portion of the email,

world. They seem like a really good

depending on the email provider.

deal, but the quality is not that great

You can also upload files to the chat in Zoom networking meetings. It’s a more memorable way of sharing

and once you update the settings, not as cheap as it first seemed. As a small business or individual,

your information. Just make sure to

I suggest asking around for

name the file something obvious that

recommendations and getting some

includes your company name or your

print quotes for your chosen quantity.

name and the word ‘flyer’.

Designing flyers

Final thoughts

Lovely Evolution Marie-Louise specialises in logo and branding evolution; keeping your brand fresh, up to date and ahead of the pack. She offers a comprehensive range of visual services – from logo design, social media templates and website design in the digital space, to printed brochures, adverts, banners and packaging. She’s equipped with a breadth of design knowledge and more than 16 years’ industry experience. 07736 234059

Ask yourself, do you really need

You can easily create your own

these flyers? Don’t create them ‘just

flyer using design templates in

because’. Take some time to plan

programmes like Canva. Make sure to

and brainstorm first. What are you

include extra ‘bleed’ round the edge

communicating, who is it aimed at

of your design and select the correct

and what action do you want them

file format for download for print.

to take?

If you have a bit of a budget or

Marie-Louise O’Neill

For best results, the flyer campaign

no interest in the DIY approach, use

should build upon your other

a trained designer. Before making a

marketing activities and reinforce

decision, take a look at their portfolio

your brand message. This means

and get recommendations to pick the

that elements of your flyer should be

right person for you.

repurposed and repeated on social

media posts. You could write a blog post on the topic or add a new page on your website. You are investing your time and money, make sure it’s done well.

When flyers are done badly… poor design and cheap printing and paper, they are a waste of time and money.

18 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

The challenge of sales Every business owner has faced the challenge, at one point of generating sales whilst being busy “doing” what they sell. If they’ve had an increase in business, it ties them up and doesn’t allow any time for sales generating activities. The result is what I call “the roller coaster of sales”. Working in this way will cause cashflow problems and can lead to stress.

What can be done to stop this?

Create a sales plan – and use it!

Good question, and one that I am

A sales plan maps out the goals that

frequently asked by my clients. The

you wish to achieve for the year ahead.

answer lies within the way that their

It is a visual document and can be

business is structured and here are my

as simple as an Excel spreadsheet,

can be used to plan your marketing

5 top tips to put in place, which when

nothing fancy or complicated. It

activity. The trick with this though,

actioned will stop that roller coaster

breaks down the year, on a month-

is that it needs to be monitored

and give you back control.

to-month basis, details the sales you’d

regularly; I work with mine on a weekly

like to achieve, and the actual sales achieved. By using this document, you can plan, spot dips in revenue and put actions in place to prevent that. This helps to monitor cash flow and

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 19

The Business Bulletin

past 18 months. People are using LinkedIn to generate

I love Michael Altshuler’s phrase “The bad news is that time flies, the good news is that you’re the pilot”

sales but also as a business directory to find prospective suppliers. If you’re in business, especially in a B2B environment, you are missing a trick if you’re not on LinkedIn. The good news is you don’t have to spend a lot of time on here. Posting one post per day to your company page and sharing it out into your personal feed is a great way of getting your name in front of people for minimum effort. If your content educates your audience, you will be remembered, and this

basis. A sales plan is not a business

a different industry sector.

plan! It is a living and breathing thing,

They are people that you have

it can be changed and amended, to

built a strong relationship

reflect changes that happen.

with, who you trust, and most

is what you want, as this will generate referrals.

importantly who you would

Plan your marketing activity

feel proud to introduce to your

Once you know what your revenue

the relationship is to generate

goals are, as detailed in the sales plan, you are then able to plan and execute your marketing activities. When looking at your sales plan, look at the revenue that you want to generate in 2-3 months’ time. Once you know this, you are then able to start your marketing now! It can take a while for you to see a return, so planning is imperative.

clients (and they feel the same way about you). The focus on leads/business and, when you work well with each other, those leads are qualified. Their client knows about you and what you do, is very open to discussing your product or services and subsequently are easier to convert. ■ Go to networking events

Be strategic with your lead generation

– regular attendance at a

If you are busy delivering, then

Build their trust and establish

you don’t have a lot of time to be

your credibility and you will

proactive with sales generation.

receive leads from them. For

Implementing certain activities that

this to have maximum impact

will bring in business, without you

on your sales, and little

physically having to do very much, is

impact on your time, pick one

key. Here are some examples:

networking event, but be a

■ Recruit referral partners – these are individuals who

networking event raises your profile with several people.

regular. ■ Use LinkedIn – this platform

work within the same target

has seen an incredible

market as yourself but have

uplift of activity over the

20 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

Julie Futcher The Sales Ace Julie has nearly 25 years experience within a sales role and has successfully trained many individuals to sell by developing their own style but using tried and tested sales techniques. She understands how daunting it can be to have to pick up the telephone or meet with clients/customers face to face. Julie established The Sales Ace to support and train business owners to increase their revenue. She also provides a sales support service which provides telesales/ telemarketing, assisting in managing sales staff, help with setting and managing KPI’s and well as one to one coaching. 01604 532004

The Business Bulletin

Don’t be afraid to outsource

it. One of the downfalls of a business

many of them that either meet earlier

owner is that they don’t prioritise time

in the morning or evening which

This must be one of my favourites! If

to work ON their business and not IN

doesn’t interfere with working hours.

their business.

I don’t have the time or the expertise to do certain jobs within my business, I outsource it!I’d like to refer back to the marketing activity point, I raised earlier. You plan it, but you outsource it. It gets done, with minimum effect on your time.

Make time!

I’d like to break this down for

However, you can still have good

marketing activities, can be just one

results from only 30 minutes per day.

hour per week! Monday morning is

I tend to be on there in the evening

a good time for me, and always has

when I’m watching TV or first thing in

been. It’s booked in my diary, and I

the morning before I start work.

NEVER sell that time to a client. Find a time that works for you and stick to it! Referral partners – I have a one-hour meeting with mine once every 6-8

bad news is that time flies, the good

weeks. It’s an enjoyable meeting, more

news is that you’re the pilot”. The key

like two friends chatting over coffee,

to everything I have mentioned above

but there is a business element. Again,

is to make some time to carry out the

the dates are in our diaries.

put a time into your diary, and stick to

could spend hours on the platform.

you. Working on your sales plan and

I love Michael Altshuler’s phrase “The

tasks, and the only way to do this, is to

LinkedIn can be addictive you

Sales are important, as is carrying out the work you have been paid to do. With a little thought and planning you can continue to deliver what you sell and generate new business.

Networking meetings run for about 2 hours, on average and there are

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Contact us today for your free consultation Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 21 01327 630355

The Business Bulletin

The midges that bite – microcopy, omni-microcopy and your message If you read the title of this article and wondered what microcopy is, don’t worry, you are not alone. Despite it being a vital part of how your customers see your brand and, just as importantly, the breadcrumbs that take them on a journey through your website, many people are still unaware of what microcopy is.

22 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

So, before we go any further, let’s be

you, your business, your brand or your

summarising, words that they do

clear about what we are talking about

communication utilises a small piece

more. Not into irreverent comedy? No

here. When people refer to microcopy

of copy to convey information, is part of

problem. Click on ‘witty’ and it will

they usually mean the tiny bits of

your microcopy world. That could be:

offer you a selection of other shows

information that help make up the user experience (UX) on a website. So, we are usually talking about: ■ Buttons ■ Forms ■ Captions ■ Error messages ■ Small items of description ■ Popup help Basically, microcopy is all the mini

■ Components of your product description ■ Your email footer ■ Your Zoom background ■ Your pop-up banners ■ Your voice mail announcement ■ The advertising on the side of your car And hundreds of other little bits

text you see and probably don’t think

and bobs of your overall branding. It

you even notice. However, you do

is everywhere, which is why I would

notice it because a lot of the time it

suggest you think about it as omni-

is prompting you to do something

microcopy not just on your website.

or take an action. Other times it is making you smile or easing your

why you should be thinking about

So, let’s look at a few great examples of omnimicrocopy in action.

microcopy. It informs, amuses, helps,

There are some companies and

and maintains the UX. Without

brands that are absolute masters of

great microcopy the experience of a

using a micro message as part of their

visitor to your website (and I would

bigger brand presence.

way through your journey to the sale. So, there is a very clear reason

say other elements of your brand where copy used) is less pleasant, less personal and frankly offers less encouragement to end in a sale. I have a problem with the idea of

One of my particular favourites is how Netflix manage to succinctly tell what sort of show you are watching in two or three words. This has now become so much a part of their

microcopy being thought of as only

brand presentation that they include

a website component. So, at the risk

‘this programme is…’ and a two or

of being a bit contentious, I would

three word description on every

say there is more to this than just

show. Even if you have never heard

the buttons and error messages. As

of Schitts Creek you know from the

important as they are, they are not

overview page that ‘this programme

the only place that small amounts of

is… witty, irreverent’ because it is

copy are used to convey a message.

prominently written close to the

Your brand is bigger than your

show name. It is a remarkable use

website so your microcopy must

of microcopy because if you weren’t

extend further than that. When you

looking for a ‘witty, irreverent’

look at it that way it becomes big

comedy then you can skip along. If

microcopy. That is an oxymoron too

you are interested, a more in-depth

far for me though, so I like to think of

description is available on the same

it as looking at the omni-microcopy.

screen. However, Netflix are so aware

As far as I am concerned as soon as

of the power of those three, genre

that are linked to that particular microcopy. Maybe you did watch Schitts Creek and maybe you didn’t, but you certainly watched something. Innocent Smoothies use omnimicrocopy to incredible effect. They populate their website and packaging with tiny speech bubbles and other snippets of text that are fascinating, funny and uphold their brand. It is the friendly, silly, quirky and even childish bits of omnimicrocopy that makes up the tone of the Innocent brand. The content is inoffensive and gently amusing… one could almost call it innocent. This is from one of their products and shows how the little twist of

Kevin Robinson 13 Media Kevin worked for over a decade in corporate marketing. During the late 90s, he trained as a video producer and television writer before moving into education where he taught screenwriting, audio and video production for many years. Since the birth of 13 Media, he has written 900+ articles and produced a wide range of video and audio production for clients from rock bands to corporates. Although initially set up to produce video only, as word spread of his experience as a marketer the business found people were asking for a wider, more integrated service. 01327 317440

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 23

The Business Bulletin

Omni-microcopy then isn’t just on

microcopy at the end of a pretty


bland description lifts it into an

1. Trees

your website it is everywhere from

extension of their brand.

2. Cliffs

the footer of your emails through to

3. Sheep

the buttons on your app. So here is

‘A Blend of Fruit & Vegetable

4. The fruit in our smoothies

my challenge to you. Start with your

Juices with Ginger Infusion +

5. Nose hair

website and spend maybe 30 minutes

Added Vitamins. Enjoy as part

6. That noise you make when

or so looking at your microcopy. What

of a healthy lifestyle & balanced

you step on Lego

do your contact forms ask people to

diet. PS Eat your greens.’

7. Our daily fear of tweeting

fill in and does that copy encourage

something that gets us fired

them to contact you? Do you describe

8. Geese’

your product or services features in a

Currently on their website they are, as every website does, offering the option to follow them on social media. They could, as most sites do, have simply gone with ‘follow us on social media’ but that isn’t how Innocent Drinks talk to the world. Instead it is changed to the far more on-brand and enticing ‘give us a follow’ which they then follow up with: ‘We write a lot of nonsense on social media. Some of it’s even about our drinks. Give

way that engages with the potential Even in the social media arena they

customer? That little button you are

maintain the same approach to the

asking them to press, does it say ‘click

tiny bits of text that reach out to their

here’ or does it tell them why they


should click here and what wonders

Microcopy is like those little clouds of midges that you find hovering around in the early evening. Tiny,

await them when they do? Ask yourself, do your omnimicrocopy midges bite?

quickly forgotten and seemingly not worth your attention, but those midges bite without you knowing and wow do they get your attention when they itch later.

us a follow and there’s a 32% chance you won’t regret it.’ What does that even mean? ‘a 32% chance’. Wonderful stuff.

Speaking of social media: Probably the ultimate expression of micro writing is Twitter. The fact that you are restricted to a limited number of characters (currently 280) and the fact that the average tweet is somewhere around 33 characters means that the writers are knowingly forcing themselves to be precise. Not only that but because tweets tend to be either political or entertaining in content, they need to be even more precise. Let’s go back to Innocent Drinks. Their social media is exactly the same witty and quirky humour. A recent favourite of mine was a tweet that simply read:

24 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

Innocent Smoothies use omni-microcopy to incredible effect… with tiny speech bubbles and other snippets of text that are fascinating, funny and uphold their brand.

The Business Bulletin

Giving is good for business…sometimes Here’s a surprising fact. The most successful people in business are those who give and expect nothing in return. So who are the least successful type of people? Well, the least successful people in business are also those who give and expect nothing in return…

How can that be? What’s the difference between givers who have succeeded and those that haven’t? First, we need to look at why givers are at the top and the bottom of the league. According to Adam Grant, in his book Give and Take, people vary in their attitudes towards reciprocity along a continuum of

Most takers are not bad or

Extreme Takers are willing to

dishonest, they are just cautious and

sacrifice others and even operate

self-protective. “If I don’t look out for

outside accepted legal and moral

myself no-one will” is a common way of

boundaries in order to win; these are

thinking for them. However, they may

the thieves and confidence tricksters.

win in the short term, but by using up

They will often masquerade as givers

the good will of their contacts they’ll

in order to persuade others to give to

find they have to move on and build

them. If they are good at it they can

new relationships frequently.

appear very successful – until they are

giving or taking and he identifies three strategies they adopt based on those attitudes.

On one side are ‘Takers’ who always put their own needs first They thrive on competition and believe that to succeed, they need to be better than others. Their strategy towards helping is always that the benefits to them outweigh the costs.

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 25

The Business Bulletin

found out. And they usually are found

to pay attention to what others need

out because it is a hard act to sustain

from them.

in the long term.

Then there’s the ‘Matchers’ who expect tit for tat They see themselves as guardians of fairness and equality and keep tabs on how much each party is giving and receiving within that relationship. Their strategy is to help those that help them and for most of the time, most people who adopt this strategy are successful up to a point. However, it does have drawbacks that keeps the matchers at the ‘successful, but could do better‘ mark because keeping track of who has given what to whom puts a strain on any relationship. “Is it my turn to give or theirs?” they often ask themselves. So what matters most to the Matchers? The result they got or the amount of effort they put in to reciprocate? Do they abandon the relationship or get into conflict if they don’t believe it’s equitable? Matching can also, sometimes, feel manipulative – I’m only giving to see what I can get out of this. They could be a Taker in disguise. Lastly, it can be uncomfortable to ask for help if they feel it’s their turn

The cost benefit analysis just doesn’t figure in their thinking. It doesn’t mean being a hero or saint, it just means they are generous with their time, energy, knowledge and connections. They get enjoyment out of seeing others succeed as well as themselves The result is they acquire a great reputation, people like them and want to help them in return. They also, as a by-product, promote themselves and let people see their skills, knowledge and great connections. The more successful the people they help become the more that builds

“As a giver no wonder you’ll be top the league in business success!” The downside is that all that giving has costs. Grant’s research shows that many givers spend so much time helping others that they forget to pay attention to their own work! Givers are also very susceptible to be taken in by the dishonest taker. So what turns an unsuccessful giver into a successful business person? The answer is surprising and incredibly simple: “If at first you don’t receive, give, give and give again.” But with the following addition to your strategy. Surround yourself with other givers,

their credibility. The more successful

build your network with people who

they are the more they are able to

demonstrate their own generosity not

help you in return. I stress again

necessarily to you but to others. This

though that is not their reason for

should be easy because they are the

doing it, they simply see it as a natural

people who you will want to be with


and want to help. Equally, they will

Their authentic generosity means that others trust them and are highly

feel the same about you. So here are 6 pointers to bear in

motivated to want to help them in

mind as you’re building your business

return. Grant quotes Venture Capitalist

relationships and you’ll be at the

Randy Komisar, “It’s easier to win if

top of your league rather than at the

everyone wants you to win. If you

bottom without having to do anything

don’t make enemies out there, it’s

that didn’t come naturally to you in

easier to succeed“

any case.

to give. This can be especially difficult if they haven’t been in touch for a while. So they don’t ask for help even when it might make all the difference.

True givers just want to help the other person According to Grant, these are a rare breed in business. My own personal experience in the small business world is that they are more prevalent than you might suppose, although I accept that my network is biased in that it is mainly people who have chosen to attend formal networking circles. Back to describing the Givers. These are the people who are comfortable with giving more than they get and

26 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

 Adapted from Adam Grant’s “Give and Take”

The Business Bulletin

■ Be genuine, give because you

■ Learn to recognise and exclude

want to help the other person,

the disingenuous /dishonest

not just to balance the tit for tat.

taker as giving does not mean

■ Identify a few small things that you can do easily and focus on giving these. A listening ear, or connecting people. Adam Grant talks about the 5 minute rule. Seek to help at least two people a day with something you can do in five minutes. ■ Enable people to help you. Accepting help is a kind of

being a doormat. The best way of doing this is just to focus on building relationships with those who give

Jacky Sherman

Lastly have patience, those same people who Grant identified as unsuccessful in the early days often turned up later to be highly successful whilst their taker colleagues start to fall by the wayside.

The Consultants’ Consultant 18 years ago Jacky set up her own coaching company and realising she knew very little about marketing and with no local network she turned to Asentiv for help. Then eight years ago she bought into the company in

giving, it makes others feel

Northamptonshire where she is known

good and acknowledges their

as the local referral marketing specialist

worth and value.

and first port of call for business entrepreneurs who want to grow their

■ Delivering excellence yourself is

business through their relationships.

part of giving as you’re giving to your customers and those who

07970 638 857

helped you win the work.

Business Community



We use words that persuade – where it is the right thing to do We use search engine friendly words – where it is the right thing to do We educate, inform or amuse – where it is the right thing to do

We tell a good story – because it is always the right thing to do.

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“They did a fantastic job rewriting our website content and providing a number of key SEO related pages which we now rank well for on search engines. Nailed our tone of voice and the brief first time every time. Our go-to copy writers...” (but you probably guessed this)

The Business Bulletin

Direct mail…isn’t that a dead marketing channel? For many smaller business owners, direct mail may not be the first option in their marketing plan especially in this digital age. However, there is much proof showing that this isn’t a dead channel and brings a good return on investment (ROI).

One of direct mails great strengths is to

It is clear that direct mailing

help build up a localised brand as part

still carries some weight in today’s

to digital content at just 44%. This

of a wider marketing strategy attracting

marketing world. Personalisation

proves that mailers can influence an

and engaging with targeted audiences.

is essential for direct mail and it

emotional connection better than

If direct mail is not in your marketing

helps it get past all those digital and

digital content. It is a fact that direct

plan you should consider its inclusion

online distractions – 84% of research

mail marketing requires 21% less

for many reasons.

participants were more likely to open

cognitive effort compared to digital.

mail due to a personalised approach.

Another big advantage of direct mail is

Does direct mail still work?

after viewing direct mail compared

that you can get your message across without other distractions, comparisons

So, if I said that digital giant Google

Attracts and engages

use their database to send out direct

If you’ve posted or indeed advertised

help the audience make a decision

mail to target audiences, would you

on social media, do you ever think

on a product or service by providing

believe it? Also, around five years ago,

‘will my audience, remember me,

creative informative content. Also, an

businesses invested £1.5 billion into

my business name or what I’ve said?’

impressive 66% of direct mails in the

direct mail marketing, so would you

Research suggests that audiences

UK are opened, which influences a

think it is a dead strategy?

have recalled brands 75% of the time

staggering 56% of audiences to visit

28 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

or notifications you get online. That can

The Business Bulletin

websites and physical stores following

integrated message across all your

the exposure? This suggests direct mail

marketing channels, direct mailers

campaigns get a high response rate

can play a major part in your planned

and influence target markets. It is said

marketing activities.

that, on average, 39% of homes have a dedicated area for direct mail… you know that ’busy kitchen noticeboard’ … where mail is kept.

Good ROI

And finally… Now, after being convinced that direct mail is worthy of inclusion in your marketing mix; you’ve taken advice and guidance from a reputable

Naturally there are costs linked to

marketing expert; got some great,

postal services, but direct mailers,

but simple creative to promote your

when comparing a mixture of

product or service … BUT have you

marketing methods, stand as the

thought about the paper stock you’re

third highest when considering return

going to use?

of investment. This is ahead of paid search and online display. If you are looking for a steady return with your marketing material, adding direct mail to your list should be a priority.

This can make or break your campaign … too thin and cheap paper, the recipient bins it as the impression of you is just that! If you are arranging print, then take time to talk to your printer about paper stock and finish.

Making direct mail campaigns work To ensure a successful direct mail campaign, consider the following: 1. The message must connect emotionally with your target audience 2. Their ‘pain points’ must be addressed 3. Your offering must be clear and concise 4. Creatively attention-grabbing With today’s digital print technology, direct mailers can be much more than a post card or simple letter through your audience’s letterbox. Think about including QR codes, VR links and materials, or using customisable designs and shapes. It must stand out amongst other mail, be unique and have a visually appealing design. With the right knowledge and support, direct mail can be very

However, as a rough guide, a

■ 110-120 g/m² is ideal for fancy stationery paper and the like. ■ 130-170 g/m² This weight is perfect for flyers, posters and brochures. ■ 170-200 g/m² is the preferred thickness for luxurious posters, double-sided flyers and brochure covers. ■ 200-250 g/m² leans toward cardboard. This thickness is recommended for high-quality brochure covers. ■ 300-400 g/m² is what you might call the cardboard category. It’s also where business cards start. ■ +400 g/m² is mostly selected for top-of-the-line business cards and other types of luxury prints. . Research sources: PCS Systems

smooth paper stock allows for the most detailed images, with vivid colours and sharp contrasts, while textured paper invites recipients to adopt a more tactile approach. Smooth paper stock is the goto option for coupons, flyers, free magazines, etc … it can have a glossy, matte, semi-matte or silky coating. Textured paper exudes a luxurious feel and is recommended for high value direct mail (cosmetics, fashion, automotive industry, etc.). As well as deciding between smooth and textured, selecting a suitable paper stock for your direct mailing campaign comes down to choosing the right weight or thickness. Luxury, high value items call for heavier paper, while a moneyoff coupon booklet gets away with thinner (cheaper) paper option.

Andy Sarson APS Marketing Consulting Services Andy helps small businesses ‘make their marketing pieces fit’, by developing marketing strategies with affordable plans and campaign delivery designed for growth and to get results. With more than 30 years’ marketing industry experience at marketing agencies and large corporates, much of it working with local and regional sales outlets, he has the knowledge to find the right marketing mix to reach your target audience to achieve the best possible ROI. Services include marketing strategy and planning, project management, campaign management and, of course,

As a guide: ■ 80-100 g/m² is the thickness

successful, even in comparison to

of your standard office paper,

alternative marketing channels. From

and rarely used for direct mail

a stand-alone campaign to a fully


marketing consultancy. Andy is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing 07773 366393

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 29

The Business Bulletin

Marketing vs sales –

which is more important?

In the world of business, there has always been a noticeable divide between the roles of sales and marketing and until late, the two have always been recognised as two separate entities that work one after the other. People often debate which role brings more to the table for their business, and therefore which one should they invest more into?

30 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

Ultimately, we’re not here to argue

prospects. With a successful marketing

with the definitive differences

strategy in place, opportunities are

between both sales and marketing,

created over a larger scale, and you

but what we do want to do is help

will get the right people turning heads

you recognise the obvious cohesion

towards your company. Essentially it is

between the two and how it can help

up to your marketing team to reel in

you as a business owner.

the interest and produce the leads.

This article will encompass the

Sales on the other hand, is

idea that sales and marketing

a more intricate approach that

should in fact, coexist in a peaceful

targets your ideal customer, directly.

partnership together, and that any

Without marketing, sales is a process

barrier that did sit between the two,

associated more so with direct

should no longer exist.

conversations, cold-calling and upfront persuasion of the product/service

Let’s start with the differences

in hand. However, when coincided

Given that sales and marketing have

the generated leads (whether virtual

resided in different departments for

or face-to-face) and give them that

many years in business, we think we

final push to convert and sign on the

owe a quick summary of the two.

dotted line.

with marketing, it is then the role of sales to make direct contact with

The role of marketing is to kick-start the entire sales process, by sparking interest in the services or products your business offers and develop relationships between you and your

It’s undoubtable that both play an important role in converting prospects to customers. So, rather than debating

Let’s take a relatable example… Apple. If not Apple, let’s take the sofa you buy from DFS, or the Tesla you buy from Elon Musk, or the website you create on Wix or Squarespace, or even the Head & Shoulders shampoo you buy for that little bit of dandruff (don’t worry, we won’t tell…). Before you make these purchases in store, over the phone or online, how much does someone have to push, negotiate, and convert you over the line to buy? Nowadays… probably not that much. The truth is, you will have probably made a big part of your decision before the need to communicate with a sales team. What causes this? The answer is marketing. ■ Websites ■ Social media ■ YouTube Channels

as to which one is more worthwhile

■ Adverts

for generating business, should we

■ Direct mail

not instead see how they can work together as a successful power team?

■ Emails And the list goes on and on….

Let’s look at the impact Until recently, sales has always been associated with being the main driver

Stephanie Holmes Unumbox Steph manages integrated marketing and operational strategies for the business through; campaign creation and management, content creation, engagement data analysis & reporting, social media scheduling and networking. She ensures that Unumbox’s company voice, brand and values are at the core of all content created. With an ability to build rapport quickly, along with her skills in creative writing, content management and an eye for design, she sees success in all aspects of her work. 01536 217490

for generating custom in business. After all, it’s the sales team that get the signature on the dotted line. But when we look at the sales process collectively, it’s important to recognise how the customer got there in the first place. Some would argue it is merely the work of sales. But, with marketing flourishing more than ever before with an uproar in digitisation – the tables seemed to have turned. It can now be said that with

Through the availability and diversity of these channels, a heavy amount of research can be conducted on a service or product, prior to reaching out to a sales team. In some cases, it is solely marketing that leads the customer to the sale. Essentially, marketing can facilitate the customer’s buying decision much more now than ever before. This by no means diminishes the need for a sales team, but it certainly proves that you can utilise the two of them together for an efficient turnaround with your lead generation.

prospects can get anywhere up to

Marketing – an educator every sales team needs

90% of the way through their buyer’s

So, you might now be thinking… “how

journey before a conversation with a

exactly can I use both marketing and

salesperson even happens!

sales together?”. Allow us to explain.

marketing used to its full potential,

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 31

The Business Bulletin

Marketing is a tool that every sales

positioned correctly, your marketing

team can utilise to their maximum

should be capable of presenting

potential. A tool that can, quite simply,

everything your prospects need to

educate and inform any prospect,

know in an effective and transparent

before they know they’re even looking

way – enabling them to make an

for your service or product.

informed decision for themselves.

Let’s take our trusty Tesla as an

So why conduct a big part of your

example. Most will be aware of some

sales process through marketing, as

of the innovative features these cars

opposed to a direct conversation with

boast, including battery powered

a salesperson? The answer merely

engines and fancy computer systems,

lies in the fact that marketing has

for top-notch efficiency. But think

the capability of reaching out to a

about it… you know most, or all

much larger audience, increasing

these facts, without even speaking

your chances of more leads. With this

to a salesperson. So, in theory, the

example in mind, is it not apparent

marketing strategy in place here

that good marketing means easy

has facilitated a big chunk of the

sales? With a successful partnership

sales process – effortlessly. Not only

between the two, your marketing

does this alleviate the pressure off

makes for an effective tool that your

a salesperson, but it also increases

sales team can feedback to and use

your chances of good, quality leads. If

to their advantage.

Marketing & sales, a power team together All in all, it is evident that sales is now far more about marketing than ever before. Based merely on the information your potential customers can find through marketing; people are making more firm decisions simply based on what they see prior to the communication with a salesperson. We appreciate that this isn’t always the case, but if positioned correctly, your marketing can effectively assist your sales team, with good quality leads that won’t need much convincing. There really, should not be one without the other.

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The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on…

Spotlight on Julie Futcher Julie is the lady when it comes to all things sales: training, consulting, management, recruitment and lead generation. She runs The Sales Ace. In this interview she talks about her business journey and how she came to be where she is today.

How did you end up where you are

we built it to a level with employees

and obviously know how to work with

today? What's your background?

doing training, consultancy

them to get over the challenges that

I had been 20 years within

recruitment and telemarketing.

they have and how we can get the

However, never wanting to be

best from them.

recruitment. When I came out of it, I was burnt out to be completely honest. After doing a brief stint with somebody I knew in a sales rep type role, I had the idea for sales training

daunted by a challenge, I was like a phoenix - I rose from the ashes! It's been an interesting journey in my life.

Do you feel that you are in a better place now?

The thing I suppose that I bring to

Yes! It was an interesting time. What

the table, which a lot of sales trainers

did I learn from it? I learned a hell of

don't, is I'm still a jobbing saleswoman.

a lot about myself and what I wanted

I'm still at the front line selling. I still

from my life going forward. I'm so sad

do a telemarketing campaign for

that I'm not working with the people

Unfortunately, due to good old

clients. I'm cold calling for clients once

that were with me then because

fashioned COVID, I had to shut it

a week, and I know what it's like. I

they were a great team. It ripped me

down. It was a real shame because

really know the pains of salespeople,

apart to end that. The journey that I

– that when The Sales Manager was created, which a lot of people will know me for. We built it to a great business.

34 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

Spotllight on…

The Business Bulletin

went on, gave me an opportunity to sit down and look at what I wanted going forward for the rest of my working life. The words “work-life balance” came into that. You learn a lot about running businesses, you learn a lot about managing businesses. We scaled up very quickly. I'd learned a lot about how growth happens. I learned how to downscale a business very quickly and when I did this, it was a weight off my shoulders. My goals are very, very different. When I set up The Sales Manager,

Too many business owners just run from one month to another to another to another. That's what can cause the roller coaster of revenue. Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 35

The Business Bulletin

I wanted world domination! And

Spotllight on…

we'd have bloody done it as well if it hadn't been for COVID. Now I want to obviously make a difference with clients still. But now, I work four days a week, and I'm a big believer that in order to be effective in business you've got to have that rest, you've got to have that break. You've got to have that time to recharge the batteries. I've done the running at 50 million miles an hour on that hamster wheel. One of the things I did learn, when you fall off your hamster wheel, it's not good. You have to take that time out. And hence the reason I structured my world very differently now. What would you say is your why? What's your reason for fighting the good fight on a daily basis? One of the reasons that drove me into working for myself was I was absolutely fed up of being a cash cow for somebody else. In my sales career, I was successful. I made a lot of money for

and they apply that. When they do, I

working really well. They're over budget.

me, but I also made a lot more money

see them go from strength to strength.

I said you must be very proud to him.

for other people. Now I work for myself,

I've been doing a big project with a

And he said yes, I am but you also must

which is great. Why do I do what I do?

company, multi-million pound turnover

be very proud of what you've achieved

What gives me the biggest kick now

business, that supplies into the food

for us. Which I thought was lovely. And

is when I see people that I’ve trained

manufacturing business. We did a big

that is why I do what I do!

have an epiphany during the training

sales process review and sales change

– it’s like that little light bulb goes on,

around. I had a lovely conversation with

and they take away what you've taught

their MD because they won a massive

them. They put it into their businesses,

piece of business. Everything was

You run a sales club for smaller business - what is it? How does it work? I created The Sales Club to help people who were doing the sales

Never wanting to be daunted by a challenge, I was like a phoenix I rose from the ashes!

themselves within a business. I noticed that these people are time poor. Sometimes budgets don't allow them to spend a lot of money to go on to do sales training. They don't have a lot of time because they're trying to deliver their services and products as well. These people are the ones that need the sales training the most. So we invented The Sales Club for them. What people joining the sales club get is free sales training. We also have quarterly review sessions where we plan your business on a quarterly

36 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

knowledge within sales through guest speakers. You’ve also got the input from other members of the group as well if you need a sounding board. It’s not a great big commitment for people, it's one hour every other Monday. You also get access to me to pick my brains if you need to. There's a lot that is on offer for people, and the feedback I get is that it really helps them overcome their fear of sales and they're seeing an uplift in sales, which is the best thing. Outside of that new business journey, what would you say has been your biggest challenge? Being back on my own. I face the same challenges as a lot of small business owners - the balance

You can wrap yourself up in your business and be delivering your product or service, lift your head above the parapet, and all of a sudden, you can't see any business coming over the horizon

between bringing in new business and delivering to your clients. I'm sure every business owner feels the same. You can wrap yourself up in your business and be delivering your product or service, lift your head above the parapet, and all of a sudden, you can't see any business coming over

you just have to work smarter and look

from. I know for a fact that networking

at ways that doesn't involve that. That

brings me a lot of business, so I will

is why I've done what I've done with

continue with that. I know that other

the areas of the business to help me

referral partners generate a lot of

channel through new leads, etc.

business. LinkedIn does too. I make sure that the activities I am engaging

the horizon. You need to overcome this problem. I have put some plans in place that helped me with that. I have some great referral partners. They have helped me a lot and will continue to help me. I, in turn, will help them with their business. I'm dabbling with things like Google ads. I had to look at areas where I can generate business without me being present. When I first started out in business, I would say in networking meetings “I'm a sales trainer”. People would say I don't like cold calling and then run away from me! When I set up the business, I set it up to prove that you can build a business without having to do cold calling. Don’t get me wrong cold calling works. I do it for clients, we are successful with it. However, if you don't want to do it, you don't have to -

From your experience, if there was one top tip that you can give somebody, as a small business owner, what would that be?

in are current or up to date. It's about reviewing it regularly whether you do it weekly, or bi-weekly or monthly. It’s what keeps you on track.

Create a sales plan and review it

Too many business owners just run

regularly. It’s very simplistic: I will sit

from one month to another to another

down before the end of the year and

to another. That's what can cause the

plan for my next year and look at what

roller coaster of revenue. They’re up one

revenue I want to bring in. That breaks

minute down the next. A plan helps

down into how many workshops, how

you keep control of all of that.

many members of The Sales Club, how many days training that I want to do and so on. So going into a new financial year, I've got a clear view of what I want to achieve. And then on a week-by-week basis, I look at how I'm getting on with that - what marketing activity do I need to do to generate the sales I want to achieve. I review that on a six-monthly basis. I review where my business has come

Watch the interview This is an extract of a video interview – to watch the full session, visit: https:// watch?v=QLgrZfYbWg0

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 37

Spotllight on…

basis. We look at expanding people's

The Business Bulletin

Should you start a podcast? A few years ago, having a podcast was a unique and highly desirable element of a marketing strategy. However, as the popularity of video began to increase and the functionality of social media channels began to embrace and prioritise video, we saw the podcast trend slowly disappear in favour of vlogs.

Podcasting is a labour of love, and

quality remote recording became

for many, as downloads slowed, this

realities. Jump on Amazon and

activity started to weigh heavy due

order a decent lapel (or lavalier) mic,

to the time and intensity of work

download an app and you can pretty

spent producing and delivering each

much create and launch your podcast

episode. Fast forward to 2019, and

via your iPhone!

there was a clear resurgence of this audio-based media. Like all good trends, podcasting

easier to create; it was on-trend; people

was back in vogue! Downloads

were listening on their commutes,

were on the up, and thanks to what

listening for their self-development

I’ll describe as ‘the Gary V effect’,

and for their entertainment. But

repurposing content meant that

then lockdown hit, and, as a large

content creators were no longer

percentage of those commuters

seeing podcasts as a thankless task

were forced to stay at home, we saw

but simply another medium in which

downloads slow a little.

to distribute their message using something that had already been created. Let’s also consider the technical

38 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

Yep – come the end of 2019/early 2020, podcasting was on the up. It was

However, we also saw an increase in new podcasts being created and launched. We thought people weren’t listening – it wasn’t that they’d stopped;

side of things. The tech required to

they were creating their own shows!

produce a podcast at home had

The dip in downloads was relatively

sprinted ahead, and producing

short-lived, and although they may not

podcasts became much, much

have fully returned to pre-COVID levels

easier too, in that mics and recorders

for everyone, the expectation is that

were suddenly compact and easily

numbers will continue to increase and

transportable, and options for high-

exceed expectations.

The Business Bulletin

So why am I telling you all this? Marketing your business is about spreading your message, creating awareness and making it so that your brand is firmly positioned in the minds of your ideal client as the solution to a particular issue. We create strategies to achieve this, and the tactics required to implement those strategies mean we need to create assets that we can rely upon long-term to serve us. Podcasting really is the ultimate solution – a fantastic tool to include in your strategy that offers multiple tactical opportunities – and add to that how

Podcasting really is the ultimate solution – a fantastic tool to include in your strategy that offers multiple tactical opportunities

you can’t really have a podcast without creating some form of asset, as that’s exactly what each episode is! hours to consume and is still (usually)

it’s often an intimate experience.

podcasting. If you’re reading this, you

interrupted. Listening to a podcast

Ok, maybe intimate isn’t quite the

have a message to deliver – imagine

episode offers the opportunity to

right word, but you produce content

being able to download that message

consume easy to digest chunks of

intended to be listened to by many

directly into someone’s brain? You

information, making it even more

that offers an experience of 121. It’s the

can literally get into someone’s head!

convenient and accessible. Your

ultimate touchpoint when it comes to

I realise that might not be the best

listeners get a clear idea of your

nurturing and retaining your audience.

analogy but think about it – most

message, and by listening to more

people, when they listen to a podcast,

episodes, they can learn more

are consciously choosing to block out

detail from you, the creator, without

the world around them by putting

interruptions. Podcasting is about

something in, or over their ears. They

offering value through content –

are choosing to have the voice of that

not overtly selling. Give solutions,

podcast host in their heads. They’re

share your expertise and practical

choosing to listen. If it’s your podcast,

experience so that it’s clear you are

they want to hear from you. I’m not

the person that can help should they

sure there’s a better way to develop

experience the problem or challenge

trust in you as a professional than

you’ve been discussing.

There are very clear benefits to

being someone people choose to listen to on your chosen subject.

Podcasts are episodic by nature,

One of the biggest benefits of podcasting for business owners and entrepreneurs, however, is simply positioning! Your podcast is exactly that, yours. It can be whatever you want it to be. You can position yourself and your brand exactly how you want it to be perceived, and simply being able to say you have a podcast adds a level of gravitas that can open doors that were previously shut. It’s a fantastic business development tool,

and so a massive benefit is the creation

so if you’re looking to have guests on

of an audience who continue to

your podcast, interview the people

education is something that many

tune in episode after episode. In your

you want to do business with. It’s rare

business owners and professionals

marketing efforts, you’ll look for ways

that they’ll say no, and it’s a great way

engage in regularly. Listening to an

to nurture and retain – a podcast

to build rapport as part of your sales

audiobook is convenient but still takes

gives you exactly that! For the listener,


Self-development and self-

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 39

The Business Bulletin

Realistically, if you asked me why

with are priceless. That said,

you should start a podcast, I would

podcasting also gives people

probably give you a never-ending list,

access to you. Solo episodes

so these are my top three based on

where you can speak on a

my own experience.

subject on a deeper level are

1. Personal brand – Whether you actively engage in a personal brand strategy or not, you have

uncomfortable, but it’s that vulnerability that seems to get people reaching out to you.

one. You may not have put yourself out there previously

Christina Robinson Green Umbrella Marketing Christina works with business owners

and if that’s the case, I suggest

Will podcasting make you money?

giving podcasting a go. It’s a

That’s on you. Podcasting is a

more comfortable medium

commitment, but stick with it,

than video for many. There are

create and maintain momentum,

she offers online coaching, 121 or group

fewer ‘rules’ than with written

and you’ll find that there are several

training to help you as a business owner

content – your podcast means

ways to monetise. You just have to

it’s your rules!

pick the right one for you! It could

using video or the written word,

2. Perception – I launched my podcast ‘Christina Talks’ at the end of August 2020; it is amazing how the way you are perceived by your peers changes almost overnight because you have a podcast. Using your voice to express who you are and what you stand for is a definite reason for having a podcast. People pay attention, and they know you have something to say, even if they don’t listen! 3. Access – I’ve mentioned it previously in this article but being a podcaster opens doors. It gets you past the gatekeepers you were once struggling with. It gives strength to your brand. Interview episodes where you speak to someone you’ve been trying to court as a prospect

be sponsorship, it could be adverts, it could be that you seed some sales messages into your conversations carefully. There really are a host of

and marketing directors to educate them on how best to maximise their online marketing activities to enhance their business, increase brand awareness and ultimately increase sales. Alternatively,

or B2B professional discover how to generate more business using tried and tested strategies. 01604 726758

options, but initially, you need to decide to begin. Once your podcast is up and running, and you are actively promoting it, you may well find that you gain more referrals and that business opportunities, in general, seem easier to convert.

creating! If you get to this point and want to know what to do next, get in contact with me, and I’ll happily talk you through the next steps. This article was very much intended as an overview to get you thinking

Where to start with podcasting

about the value of podcast for your

There are two initial questions before

another day and leave you with this

you get into the techy stuff. Firstly, who is the podcast for? Secondly, what’s the concept? By that, I mean what is the podcast supposed to be about? Your concept is your podcast’s elevator pitch. Once you know the answer to those questions, you can work on your podcast name. From there, you can decide on the

business. There is so much more I want to say, but I’ll save that for for now. When it comes to marketing, podcasts (like video) are very much here to stay! They’re something that requires time and effort that few people choose to commit to creating. Yet, for those who take the leap, it’s almost like you’ve been added to an elite guest list, making it possible for you to talk to and hang out with

or someone who is seen as an

format (solo, interview, a mix, perhaps)

almost anyone you could possibly

influencer in their field that you

and how often you want your episodes

want to! Start podcasting, and I

could be rubbing shoulders

to be released. And then… you can get

guarantee you won’t regret it!

40 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

5 common presenting mistakes and how to avoid them We are often gifted the opportunity to present to a group of people and our first thought is “the nerves”. We think about “what to wear”, the “topic” anything but the basic preparation steps. Often, we completely forget the prep & delivery plan, the key techniques and what our audience wants.

This is common though, so here are

is the presenter faffing around with

our top tips to help you do your best

paper, fiddling with IT equipment or

job – you’re the subject expert so how

flipcharts, or asking the audience to

can you prove it?

“hold on a minute”.

Be prepared – perception is everything and takes less than a second The best way to lose your audience instantly is to be “seen as” unprepared. The worst thing to see

The audience starts out with

Be on time Simply put, turning up late, or even at the exact time looks unprofessional. Unexpected travel delays, technical glitches (although

inherent “trust” that you’re an expert –

these might be forgiveable and

so being ill prepared will eat into that

‘unforeseen circumstances’ won’t be

trust immediately. Be totally familiar

forgotten, no matter how engaging

with your content and make sure you

your presentation. Don’t let being

have a backup plan to access the

memorable be that you were late

presentation – on your phone, USB

or kept people waiting in the virtual

stick or email it in advance. Check

world. Make sure you know where

your flip chart pens and paper – and

you’re going, pre-empt traffic issues,

have your step by step running guide

parking and need for cash the day

close to hand. If delivering virtually,

before. Be ready, relaxed, and waiting,

test IT the night before.

when people arrive.

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 41

The Business Bulletin

Take control Let’s not send the audience to sleep, so watch your tone and pace – particularly when virtual. Notice if people are yawning, slumped or glazing over – they’re not listening so keep on your toes and change it up. This is the time to WOW the audience and enjoy yourself. Practice your delivery skills and vary the pace to make key points. Use pauses to relax, to look your audience in the eyes and punctuate what you’re saying with breathing. Use your body to move and make appropriate gestures. People will ‘hear’ what you are saying when your delivery sings – using varying tone and pace.

Share valuable information A bored audience feeds negative energy to each other – and it won’t be long before it reaches you too. Research your audience in advance, and make sure your content meets their needs or answers their questions. If your audience is there, it’s safe to assume they have an interest in your subject matter. Keep their attention with bite-sized information surprising links and additional facts using different delivery formats. Presenting in person using gestures and body language gives you another dimension – however, remember virtual presentations require a different style – more succinct, constant signposting and directly asking for engagement.

visual image of what you are saying.

Use the mirror, practise with

back of your head while you read

the dog – but make sure you

slide content!

stand up and deliver. Talk the

Talk freely about your subject matter – using wordy slides means you’re focusing on the slides and not the audience – you’ll risk spiralling into a wobbly mess so keep visual content short and to the point. Finally, never put pressure on yourself to have slides or flip charts as verbatim notes.

Some top tips ■ Don’t wing it completely but allow a little bit of winging it. It’s about balance, being authentic and not repeating verbatim notes. Certainly, prepare and write things in full initially, get used to talking the content naturally. Trim

the skills and techniques you have learned. Make it a REAL dress rehearsal. ■ Freestyle it. The nerves tend to kick off when you start talking and the room goes silent, so allow yourself a couple of minutes before you start to worry. Introduce yourself, thank the audience for coming, talk about the weather, coffee, the window blinds/zoom backgrounds – anything to relax. Get used to talking, breathing and relax into your environment before you start your planned content.

sentences and eventually bite-sized prompts. Above all, trust that you are the subject matter expert, rehearse key points and allow the real you to attend. ■ Stop self-criticism. You have been asked to present for a reason, so remind yourself of your achievements so far.

Charlotte Green Specific Learning & Coaching Charlotte is a leadership and

Focus on the “can do” and

management specialist, offering

leave all the negative stuff

coaching, training, mentoring, employee

where it belongs. “I do know my stuff, I am prepared, I have it all under control”. ■ Limit paper notes. If you’ve decided on slides, make sure visuals. Lines of text on slides is boring, it encourages you to read them so no eye contact

Don’t rely on your deck to get the

with your audience. Consider

message across. Most audiences can

no slides or visuals at all (scary

read – remember they are here to

thought?). If you need to

listen to YOU and your take on this

refer to notes, it’s ok, you can

subject – so your deck should simply

still be professional with an

highlight the key points or provide a

occasional check.

42 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

talk, walk the walk and use

down the content into smaller

they’re bullet-pointed with

Too much detail – don’t be lazy

■ Practise, practise, practise.

And…avoid people looking at the

and customer insight, along with associated business consultancy. She is driven by a firm belief that harnessing the input of clients, customers and employees, is a super valuable resource for every business. Charlotte is passionate about personal development, leadership resilience and customer experience and believes her clients already have great people, services and products -and it’s often small adjustments or adaptations, rather than massive changes that help to realise your targets. 07954 179010

The Business Bulletin

The “top top” tips

all eyes are staring at you.

feel. Why do we do that? Don’t

Remind yourself that people

feed the anxiety, remember

are simply looking, calmly

that thoughts become reality

the day of your presentation,

listening, paying attention and

– what you think about affects

‘switch on’ your energy and

being interested. It’s okay.

how you feel and how you feel

■ It starts immediately. On

delivery style as soon as you arrive or dial-in. If you are greeting people onsite or entering a virtual room, this is your first opportunity to engage. These moments are valuable connections and help you get used to ‘performing’, combating any nerves before they start. ■ All eyes on you. When you start, there’s usually a

■ Curveball Q&A. One of the recurring concerns is; what if they ask me a question and I don’t know the answer? But so what if that happened?

affects how you behave. Focus on a positive statement, an affirmation of how this will go, how you will behave and feel. You’ve got this.

Think about 3 possible generic answers that you could pull out of the bag…like “I’d like to think about that and come back to you with a detailed answer”. ■ I am fine. We’ll often tell

deafening silence from the

people beforehand how

audience, and you realise that

nervous, or unprepared you

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The Business Bulletin

Stories build bridges We all share the planet together, but we each live in our own little world. On a personal level, it’s easier to

Once we know exactly who our

what happens. The hero is struggling

understand some people and the

customer is, we can then build a

with a problem and we feel their pain.

world they live in because they are

bridge into their world. We meet

Will the villain get the better of them,

closer to ours. Others live in worlds so

them where they are and persuade

or will they persevere against the odds

far apart from ours that we just can’t

them that we know just what they’re

and eventually succeed. What can we

reach them.

struggling with. We have a product or

learn from their experience?

On a business level, the more we understand about our customer and the world she lives in, the more we can empathise with her problems. Specifically, the problems that we’re in business to solve. Our customer could live in a world very distant from ours personally, but in business, the common ground is our empathy with the problem they struggle with.

Robin Kirkley Vizeo Media Robin is a very talented, creative storyteller who uses video and copywriting to engage his customers’ audiences. He started writing, producing and directing television ads when he

service that can help, and we can do it better than anyone else because we understand exactly how the problem is affecting them. This is where we build trust, and it’s what customers respond to. But how do we reach them in these times of clutter and noise online, with “Buy Now” buttons staring at them everywhere they look? Not to mention the cookies that follow

his early days in the industry. It’s not the only approach, but it is what keeps him loving what he does. 07970 723145

44 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

noise. We’ve built a bridge from our world over to theirs.

Finding your stories business? Why were they motivated

We go back to basics and share stories

market? Was this an entrepreneurial

they can identify with. We go to that

effort, or has the business been in the

place deep in their neural networks

family for generations?

that remind them that they love to listen to stories, especially ones that mean something to them in their world. We all grew up learning by listening to stories. The mechanics of a well-told story are imprinted as a pattern in the most primal levels of a story begin, and we

reaction, so it’s been his approach from

(keeps their attention) then we are not

We build a bridge into our customer’s world

1980s. He shot in film in those days, a

always found that a story gets the best

in a way that entertains our listener

Stories are everywhere in and around

our subconscious. We hear

just as powerful in storytelling. Robin has

deep within. If our story is well-told

them on every search.

worked in advertising agencies in the vastly different medium to digital, but

When we apply story principles to business, we strike the same chord

listen. As the story progresses, curiosity gets the better of us and we want to know

your business. Who founded the to start this particular business? Was there a need or a gap they saw in the

Do you have a team? What are their stories and why are they as passionate about helping customers as you are? Have they got stories about customer experiences? Employees feel recognised and appreciated when they are trusted to share their

The Business Bulletin

■ The distance between you and

stories and be your ambassadors. They

do. You’ve helped others with similar

come across as authentic, and it is a

problems, so you’re an authority on

those you need to reach is

powerful way of strengthening the

the subject. You’ll be seen as a trusted

your story. It’s the bridge from

‘identity culture’ within the company.

guide, and this opens the door to a

what is, to what could be.

What about the ups and downs you’ve been through and survived?

meaningful conversation. Then there are customer success

People relate to those stories because

stories. These case studies are told by

it makes you human in their eyes.

satisfied customers who are happy

Everyone struggles, but not everyone

to recommend you to others with

survives. Steering your business

a similar problem. These are more

through the rough times will motivate

powerful than mere testimonials. If

others, and they’ll respect your efforts

they are produced in an authentic

and successes. If you can do it, maybe

and believable way, they’re probably

they can too.

the most powerful referrals you could

Tell stories that tell others about

wish for.

pitfalls to avoid. Things you’ve learned from experience that will help them avoid the same mistakes. Or mistakes you’ve seen others make that will warn customers about what not to

■ Telling your story will connect you with your audience. ■ Listening to their stories will connect them to you. “Successful brands – individuals and companies – see themselves as storytellers first. They go to where their audiences are living their lives and, once there, create authentic, personal, and passionate stories that are tailored to fit the way their audiences

Crossing the great divide ■ Your customers are worlds

consume content.” – Carmine Gallo, The Storytellers Secret.

apart from your business.

Like what you have seen? Spread the love and share!

The Business Bulletin

Ask the experts Do you have a burning question that you would like the answer to? Or maybe you’re looking for some advice to help your business? In each edition some questions will be shared and answered by some of The Business Bulletin experts.

Q. How much should I spend on marketing? A. I suppose the easy answer is that you should look to 8 – 10% of your turnover being re-invested as marketing, but the more realistic answer is that it will vary depending

Certainly never throw money you don’t have at marketing in hopes of a short term return (that’s not how it works) but never stop marketing under any circumstances. Kevin Robinson 13 Media

results you want to achieve and the budget you may have set aside. I have heard that you should be investing about 10% or more of your turnover into marketing. It’s important to also decide what marketing will have the most impact if you have only a small budget and want to

on your circumstances. Spend as much as you can but no more than

A. When it comes to marketing

concentrate your efforts. Keep in mind

you can afford.

budgets, it depends a lot on the

that when you are doing stuff yourself,

46 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

Contributing experts

Kevin Robinson

Marie-Louise O'Neill

Christina Robinson

13 Media

Lovely Evolution

Green Umbrella Marketing

Mark Coster

James Tarry

Charles Jones


Scottsdale Moneywise


although you are not paying money

takes a week to convert a prospect

can afford and can plan accordingly.

out, it is taking up your time that

into a paying client for others it could

If a client is looking at investing their

has a value and would be better to

be 6 months. Use this figure and plan

entire marketing budget with me,

outsource to a VA.

to grow your marketing spend. I’d

I look at things from both of these

always suggest stepping things up bit

angles. The 12-month P&L and the

by bit rather than launching into a

calculation above and we decide on

mass of marketing ‘stuff’ all at once.

what’s manageable from there.

Whoever you work with in marketing, make sure to look at testimonials, case studies and examples of work. Give the process at

If you turn marketing on and off,

As for where you should invest your

on and off like a tap – it’s a cost. If

money – that’s easy. Don’t spend it

you plan and maintain activity with

where you want to hang out. Spend

consistency, it’s an investment. Your

it where your ideal client is hanging

business will have a level of tolerance

out. Focus there and use it to leverage

for this additional spend, so you need A. Where do you want your business to

attention, to build relationships, to

to consider a whole host of things and

drive traffic to your website, to build

be? What’s the overall goal? And how

plan your activities so that you don’t

your email lists. Spend your marketing

many new clients do you need to bring

overstretch and waste the money

budget on servicing your prospects

on board in order to achieve that? How

you’re spending.

and cementing in their newsfeeds,

least a couple of months. Marie-Louise O’Neill Lovely Evolution

much is it costing you right now to acquire the clients you’re getting? If you know all of that you’re able

When we look retrospectively at a P&L, marketing costs would hopefully come in around 10-15% of revenue

inboxes, and minds that YOU are the solution they need! Christina Robinson

to work out what your new budget

over a 12 month period. With that

NEEDS to be. (Essentially cost per

in mind, it might be worth looking

acquisition x number of new clients =

at what you have spent versus what

£££’s) We need to remember however

you could/should have spent over the

A. It depends on your budget, but

that it really isn’t as black and white

last 12 months. If you’ve spent less

equally you can temper your

as that! We all have different products,

than you could have done, you now

expectations to whatever budget you

services, price points etc. For some it

have an idea of the minimum you

have It wouldn’t matter if I said I could

Green Umbrella Marketing

Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing | 47

The Business Bulletin

Got a question?

of a business that couldn’t benefit

happy to share their learning. If you

from some form of networking.

generate work from ‘a few’ meetings

People do business with If you have a question – then

companies they ‘know, like and trust”.

email us and these experts

And networking is simply another way

will set about answering it for

of getting to know each other and

you. It can be on any business

starting that journey. But it takes time,

topic you like, be it finance,

and it’ll depend on your sector and

sales, marketing, operations,

niche as to exactly how long. But a

resources, strategy or personal

relationship that is built up over time


through networking will be as strong

If you would like a more immediate response, then raise your question on the “Ask The Experts” forum.

marketing idea, if you don’t have the money to hand. But if there is a good chance that £50 will result in at least one customer that is worth £1500


3. Are you trying to join the group and contribute or are you just trying to sell (hint: don’t do that) 4. Are you giving people enough able to refer you (or become a

marketing had a small chance of


Some ideas are going to be more of a ‘punt’ than others because it’s perhaps a new market or the data is lacking, but it is all about risk vs potential reward in the end. And some of this will have stronger historical data, and more certainty than others. Wherever possible measure and keep an eye on results as this can help with future decisions. Mark Coster Pixooma Q. Networking doesn't work for me! I’ve been to a few meetings and haven’t generated any leads – so what’s the point?

Finally, it is important to consider that it is not just about the people in the room, it’s about who they know. And it can be very surprising who people have in their contact lists. You’ll only find out by being active in the group(s), being helpful and honest and contributing regularly – because this will increase the chances of them ‘knowing, liking and trusting’ you enough to give you access to their trusted contacts. Mark Coster Pixooma A. I think that people who don’t get work from networking (in some shape or form) aren’t doing it properly or expecting quick results for little effort. Many networking groups provide

A. Then you’re doing it wrong, or in

training or support in getting the

the wrong places. There must be a

most out of networking, and there are

few examples, but I struggle to think

plenty of old hands about who’d be

48 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

credibility is where they understand what you do and would possibly refer to you, profitability is when you’re actually getting referrals.

1. Have you given it long

of the right information to be

thinking about it.

slight understanding of what you do,

Scottsdale Moneywise

experiment. Equally, if £5 invested in

you’d probably take no time at all

people actually notice you and have a

James Tarry

then that could be a worthwhile

landing that same £1500 client then

& profitability’ stages. Visible means

worked so far consider this:

enough? double your investment of £1m in a

go through the ‘visibility, credibility

and long-lasting as they get. If it hasn’t

2. Are you there regularly guarantee (I can’t by the way) to

then you’re very lucky. You need to

A. Networking certainly isn’t an overnight success and isn’t for everyone. It’s certainly a time commitment, is all about building relationships and trust. So many new businesses enter the world of networking expecting to get sales from the off. If you are going into a room for the first time get rid of the hard sales pitch and become a people’s person. Build relationships, make friends, pay attention and an interest in those you are speaking to. You may have an accountant already but that doesn’t mean the accountant in the room hasn’t got your ideal client on their books. The old saying of “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is very true when it comes to this form of marketing and if I can give you advice it would be – Your Network is Your Networth as you never know when that person may come in handy. Charles Jones JPAD UK





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The Business Bulletin

SME Survey What are your predictions for sales over the next 12 months?

Small to medium sized enterprises/

were expecting no growth or a decline

businesses (SMEs/SMBs) contribute

in sales. 9.8% were uncertain which

significantly to UK plc. In 2019, there

is understandable as they may not

were 5.82 million small businesses

undertake sales forecasting and their

in the UK1. These accounted for 60%

industry sector maybe unpredictable;

of the employment and around half

particularly if impacted directly by the

of the turnover in the UK private


sector2. On that basis, then the future economy heavily rests on the success of SMEs in the marketplace. The Bank Of England is forecasting a 7.25% growth in 2021 (source: Financial Times) which is encouraging given the COVID-19 pandemic and the completion of Brexit.

Delving a little deeper to find out

To take part in the next survey – it looks at what outsourced services you use (if any) as a business owner – visit here: https://forms. gle/8hDdByTqFvQMTqFK7. The

what the main contributors would be

results will be shared in the next

to this growth, figure 2 shows the top 5

edition of this magazine.

reasons that businesses were expecting an increase in revenue. It is good to see, that despite the challenges a lot of business owners have experienced during the pandemic, they are still

Therefore, this survey looks at how

Get involved


looking at investing in marketing

some of those small businesses (61

and are optimistic about the market

1.Department for Business,

responses) are expecting to perform in

conditions they are facing.

Energy and Industrial Strategy

terms of sales over the next year. And there is good news (as can be

Overall, this is a very positive picture giving the confidence that SMEs will

seen in figure 1), with the vast majority

bounce back and impact the growth

of those surveyed (85.2%) predicting

of the economy this year and for years

sales growth going forward. Only 5%

to come.

Figure 1

50 | Issue 10 – Sales and Marketing

2.Federation Of Small Businesses


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