The Business Bulletin
Life after furlough! 2020, not a year that most of us want to remember…..although some have thrived!
It’s no secret that the small and
What does this mean?
medium-sized companies got the
The table below shows the detail. You
biggest hit over the past year with
can obviously find more information
the COVID-19 crisis. It could even be
on the Government website here
considered as the worst crisis to hit
Furlough Scheme Extended
businesses hard in modern history.
and Further Economic Support
There were 3.4 million people still on furlough, according to the latest published figures up to the end of April 2021. That’s a lot of people who
announced ( Now is the ideal time for you to start to plan your way out of furlough. Whilst this might seem like a
don’t know whether they have a job to
challenge for your business, it could
go back to.
be an opportunity in disguise. You
Rishi Sunak announced an extension of the scheme until the end of September, which provides companies with some level of comfort
may be tempted to go back to how you worked before, but is that the best fit for your business now? The pandemic brought in remote
that they have time to re-build
working for lots of employers that
their business before furlough ends
didn’t have staff working from home
completely. However, companies
previously. Some struggled with
will need to contribute 10% in July,
the sheer technical impact of how
and 20% in August and September
they could facilitate it, especially
towards wages for the hours
with such short notice. Others were
employees cannot work.
already equipped from a technical
Wendy Slater Breedon HR Wendy’s experience spans 30 years of managing people and the last 20 years as a director leading people with responsibility for strategic HR. She has been in your shoes, so she understands the struggle with finding a flexible and approachable solution to your HR management. Breedon was built on this understanding and to put it simply – we are real people who you can rely on 07870 574355
Issue 11 – Operations and Resources | 11