The Business Bulletin
Ten reasons to hire a virtual assistant Arguably, every business owner needs a VA, but what are the most common reasons for taking that next step to hiring a virtual assistant.
1. Time pressure
2. The admin-overwhelm
3. …focus on your genius!
This must be one of the commonest
It’s easy to let your admin mount up,
Jack Canfield et al’s book, “The Power
reasons for businesses to start thinking
especially if it’s a task you’re not keen
of Focus” tells us, “focus on your
about hiring a VA. You’re a busy
on doing. Suddenly, without noticing,
strengths and eliminate everything
entrepreneur or a small business and
an admin mountain begins to emerge
that’s holding you back”. Let’s face it –
you just don’t have time to sort out any
and grow until you reach the point
most people start their own business
of those boring, but necessary jobs.
where there’s so much to do, you can’t
because they have a “superpower”,
You’ve got plenty to do during the
think straight anymore. The truth is you
but that skill is rarely enough on
week, looking after your clients. And
feel overwhelmed! There are simply
its own, to run a business and be
the evenings and weekends are meant
hundreds of great VAs poised to break
successful at it. Just imagine if you
for relaxing, not catching up on admin.
that mountain down, so that you can
could outsource all the jobs that
So, you start to consider delegating.
breathe again and feel liberated to…
are holding you back to a Virtual
Issue 11 – Operations and Resources | 13