The Business Bulletin
Where to start when it comes to website hosting? If you’re a start-up attempting to launch your business, there will no doubt be a lot on you plate to prepare and consider. Even if you are already established and are in a position to further grow your business online, how do you go about deciding what type of hosting is going to be best suited?
Your website should demonstrate
No matter what type of company
shared hosting platforms tend to be
or organisation you run or work for,
the go-to-option as they are simple
who you are and be easy to use,
having an online presence is vital in
to get started with and very cost
without draining much-needed
this day and age, and for those who
resources with expensive and
don’t have the IT expertise, it can be costly or tricky to know which option to choose. Here is a simple guide to the different types of hosting available and how to choose the right plan for your business….
Shared hosting is ideal for blog sites, test-sites, and sites which have less than 1000 visitors per day. With this type of hosting, you are sharing the resources of the server with other
unnecessary charges. You’ll need to consider bandwidth, SSL certificates, subdomains and webspace in order to choose the right hosting plan. Once you start to grow and gain
sites so there could potentially be
more visitors, then it’s time to look at
100s of other sites sharing the same
more advanced hosting options.
pool of resource and storage. That’s why shared hosting isn’t a viable option for e-commerce sites as a serge
VPS Hosting
For businesses who are just starting
in traffic could affect the performance
Virtual Private Servers are a great
out and have simple requirements,
of your site.
option for businesses who have
Web Hosting
24 | Issue 11 – Operations and Resources