The Business Bulletin
So, why should I purchase my own commercial premises? So many of us own
It’s commonly said that in the UK
our own residential
contrast with our European friends
property but so few own the freehold premises which our business trades from!
6 | Issue 13 – Finance | 6
we are a nation of homeowners, in who prefer generally to rent their homes. Despite this, a vast majority
The reality is that there are many benefits to renting your premises. These include: ■ The ability to leave the
of business owners either trade from
premises if required due to the
home or, if they do require offices or
business folding, outgrowing
a factory, either prefer to rent their
the premises due to a business
premises on commercial terms or
expansion or a disagreement
don’t understand the benefits of
with the landlord. Most
property ownership.
commercial leases have break