The Business Bulletin
How to create a diverse and inclusive working environment It’s safe to say this is at the forefront of all of our minds. The world is ever changing, technology continues to evolve but people also evolve with it.
We all know we SHOULD be inclusive, but perhaps we are not, and maybe
1. What is diversity an inclusion?
really means nothing with the concept of inclusion. Inclusion allows all types
that’s down to lack of awareness of
Diversity refers to differences in people
of people to be celebrated, recognised
our responsibilities. So, today, I want
including the differences in race,
and INCLUDED. So, inclusion in the
ethnicity, marital status, gender, etc.,
workplace means to actively and
and goes even further to considering
consciously go out and attract all types
the different life experiences and
of people to be part of your workforce.
to share my top tips on creating an inclusive working environment.
circumstances of people. But diversity
2. Recruitment What specifics do you look for when hiring candidates? Do you state
32 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development