2 minute read
Who am I….?
Don’t panic, this isn’t going to be an existential review of the meaning of life! I just thought it would be good to introduce myself in this first of my monthly columns and talk about what I do and, more importantly, why! But firstly, thank you to Paul Green for the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas about topics that are of particular interest to me (and hopefully you) in my area of expertise.
I help people with anxiety, fears and phobias to make changes to improve their mental health and, more importantly, bring the joy back into their life. Stress, feelings of overwhelm and being out of control can have a devastating effect and my aim is to help people with whatever is going on right now and to teach them techniques to maintain good mental health. So why did I decide to move from a successful training business into running a hypnotherapy practice?
So it all started with finding help for myself with no plans to turn it into a business. I had some counselling and coaching, learnt self-hypnosis and then embarked on extensive training in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and coaching. I saw and experienced some amazing transformations in peoples’ lives so, having got those qualifications, I decided to train to be a clinical hypnotherapist and start a new business and, as they say, the rest is history!
Therapies for the mind
07881620586 judith@judithhanson.co.uk judithhanson.co.uk