The Business Bulletin
Business networking: Love it or hate it? As you can imagine I talk to an awful lot of business people about how they generate new business. When we get onto the subject of
you maximise the value of that
networking it usually gets a visceral
relationship, as well as managing your
emotional response. People either
expectations on both sides?
love it or hate it and then continue to give details to justify their position. Either the amazing client they got
So what are the results you want from these relationships? Business relationships fall into three main
as a result and support they get from
categories based on what type of help
others or the frustration of pitching
they can give you; information, support,
up to meeting after meeting and
and referrals. The people you know
never getting anything from it and
don’t fall into neat little categories like
how their clients aren’t in the room.
this and many people may provide
coaching company and realising she
They are always defining networking
you with help in two or more ways (see
knew very little about marketing and
as pitching up to events with a room
Venn diagram opposite). These are
full (or “zoom full”) of other business
likely to be your strongest relationships.
people and pitching their business.
I want to take you away from that view of networking and give you another perspective. Whether you like it or not if you’re in business then you network. Business networking is the process of building relationships with the intention to generate business, increase your knowledge and influence, gain support from others and give back to the community. Every interaction you have with others you are influencing that relationship and in turn, influencing the quality of the response you get from the other.
For the purposes of this illustration, I’ll focus on each type of help other people can give you separately. 
Jacky Sherman Asentiv 18 years ago Jacky set up her own
with no local network she turned to Asentiv for help. Then eight years ago she bought into the company in Northamptonshire where she is known as the local referral marketing specialist and first port of call for business entrepreneurs who want to grow their business through their relationships...
Information network These are all the people who have knowledge or expertise that you
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lack. They cover such basics like legal, financial, tax advice, insurances, marketing, sales training, data protection and specific professional compliance as well as new industry trends or innovations. If you have a mentor or business coach they also fall into this section. Often you are their client but not always. One of the advantages of
some may act as informal board level advisors or even as you grow become non-executive directors. These people have a vested interest in your success. As a supplier of services to you the more successful you become the more likely you are to retain their services or spend more with them. For those offering their services
going to formal networking events is
free whilst the monetary reward may
your fellow members who have that
not be important their reputation
wouldn’t it be better to have a strategy
expertise may share information with
is. Psychologically we only help the
and business process that means
you. As your relationship deepens
people we like and we tend to like
As this is happening anyway,
12 | Issue 2 – Sales and Marketing