The Business Bulletin Issue #2 - Focus On Sales & Marketing

Page 24

The Business Bulletin

What is Public Relations….? Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising …… a common misunderstanding is that these terms are interchangeable; they are not. When I meet a prospective client for the first time they are often confused by these terms so I thought I’d use this article to explain the differences between each of these terms.

Think about your favourite brand….

have undertaken market research,

What made you decide to buy their

focus groups, branding exercises,

product or service?

photography and a myriad of other

■ Was it because of the glossy packaging they used? ■ Did you fall in love the story behind the company? ■ Was it because you

things all designed to create a story around the product and make it attractive to you, their consumer. Having identified that there is a demand or a need for their service, and worked out who their target

saw a friend using it, or

customer is the company now needs

maybe a business contact

to get their messages out to you.

recommended a particular

This is where Public Relations and

service to you?

Advertising play their part.

■ Had your read stories about the product or seen reviews in the media, whether print or online? ■ Did you see their advert in a

Public Relations is the discipline which looks after

is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and

According to the Chartered Institute

mutual understanding between an

of Marketing “Marketing is the

organisation and its publics.”

brand to market, the company will

24 | Issue 2 – Sales and Marketing

can bring to small and medium sized businesses.. 07764 611971

influencing opinion and behaviour. It

In order to get your favourite

and drink, fashion and online retail. She is a passionate believer in the value

understanding and support and

customer requirements profitably.”

Professional with over 20 years’ experience, including B2B, lifestyle, food

of Public Relations, “Public Relations

Instagram or online?

identifying, anticipating and satisfying

Eleanor Lester is a PR and Marketing

According to the Chartered Institute

reputation, with the aim of earning

management process responsible for

Shrewd PR

that good PR and strategic marketing

magazine or TV, Facebook,


Eleanor Lester

favourite magazine or website? Perhaps you saw an influencer review the product or do a live unboxing on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube? Do you ever wonder how the journalist

Going back to your favourite

or influencer found out about the

brand, what spurred you to make

product so that they could review

that purchase If it was a technology

it? This is where the company’s PR

product or fashion item, had you

will have been involved; they will be

seen reviews of the product in your

responsible for getting the brand’s key

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