Virtual assistance: everything you need to know Virtual assistants,
As more companies embrace flexible
century. As businesses move more
or VAs as they’re
working, adaptive workforces and
toward working online, they’re often
modern solutions to their skills and
finding that having an Assistant
commonly now
resources gaps, VAs are becoming a
available virtually to work on what they
known, are a relatively
more popular hire than ever before.
need when they need is more suitable
But if you’ve never worked with a VA
than having a staff member sitting on
new service personnel
before, you’ll undoubtedly have some
a desk in the office. It’s cheaper, more
concept; born
questions. Here, I cover off all of the
flexible and less resource-heavy on a
most frequently asked questions
business to hire a VA than hiring an
through the advent of
around my profession, its perks and
additional full-time staff member.
businesses becoming
businesses to offer their services.
more digital and working more online.
14 | Issue 3 – Operations and Resources
just how a VA could work with and for
What exactly is a VA?
Working virtually Most businesses now no longer only communicate with their staff face-
A VA is a Virtual Assistant – a PA
to-face when they see them on the
(Personal Assistant) for the 21st
company’s premises, but instead