Creating a strategy for your business Strategy can be a
Putting together a strategic plan isn’t
mission statements can be pretty
scary word for a small
as difficult as you may think – it doesn’t
meaningless; possibly because they
have to be “War & Peace” and in some
have been created for the wrong
business. However,
cases may even be condensed to a
reasons and don’t resonate with
having a clear strategy
one-page basic outline of what you’re
employees or customers.
looking to achieve.
for the direction of your business can help you make clear decisions about where you want your business to be.
So let’s crack on and show you how to put one together.
Vision Your vision should outline where you want your organisation to be or
Where we start may be considered a
how you want to be perceived in the
bit namby-pamby for a small business
domain in which you operate – this
and you may see it as something for
could be an idealised view of the
corporates: it’s creating your vision
world from your perspective. It’s a
and mission! Now I appreciate that
long-term view and concentrates on
you may have worked for a bigger
the future. It could be the basis of why
company. Often the vision and
you’re in business.
Issue 4 – Strategy and Personal Development | 13