The Business Bulletin
Pivot – the new buzz word! Business to business support is vital today: for many of us it has become the lifeblood of our existence. That referral, introduction or the welcome conversation with another business leader going through the same kind of experience as we are has become a vital part of our working week.
Checking in with another is a way
Many businesses (start-ups, SMEs
room table! Being able to video call
of checking in with ourselves – are
and multi-nationals) have embraced
colleagues and clients has not only
we doing okay, have we given our
the opportunity to learn and discover
kept businesses running, it has been
business the best possible way
new ways of communicating safely
an encouragement to make some
forward to not only survive, but to
and effectively which has opened
rather significant changes in our
flourish and grow? It is also the way
doors for many people – home
operational and strategic thinking. So
we can pick up new ideas, challenge
working has never been so productive,
what does this mean for your personal
our thinking and help to steer us in
or seen so many businesses being
development and your business
the right direction.
launched from the kitchen or dining
strategy moving forward? Like other
44 | Issue 4 – Strategy and Personal Development