The Business Bulletin
Ask the experts Do you have a burning question that you would like the answer to? Or maybe you’re looking for some advice to help your business? In each edition some questions will be shared and answered by some of The Business Bulletin experts.
Q. How do I better manage my time? There are not enough hours in a day – how do I cope? A. One of the best bits of advice I was given was to set up a default diary. Break each day down into a set of tasks. Something like ■ 9am to 10am – plan social media posts for the day/week ■ 10am to 11am – Reply to emails ■ 11am to 11:15am – Tea break ■ 11:15am to 12pm – make sales calls ■ …and so on through the day and week It’s not 100% fool proof as unexpected things will happen or things may over run. But by having these clear times outlined and sticking to them you ensure that you make the most out of your working day.
to use a time tracker such as Toggl
Chris Lambert Blue Sky Computer Solutions
or Clockify to track everything you
for producing income” and “not
do, so that you can build a picture of
necessary for income production
how much time is needed for each
but need to be done”. Go back a
task and feed that back in to your
week later and check that you have
planning. If you’re still struggling
included EVERYTHING.
A. If you’re struggling with hours in the day, then you need a plan to stick to. Take an extra moment to brain dump everything that needs doing, then block out some time in your calendar and allocate each task some time. Don’t forget to plan in breaks, meetings and phone calls. It’s useful
to fit it all in then delegating and
Categorise tasks into “necessary
Sort the tasks into those you love
outsourcing are your next options.
doing and are good at and those
Sarah German VAVA
you hate doing and aren’t terribly
A. Write down every task you do, and time spent on it, on a weekly basis.
repetitive tasks that are vital tasks to
proficient at. The second list of laborious and
46 | Issue 4 – Strategy and Personal Development
keep your business running you may