The Business Bulletin
Setting up your business for exit Many business owners only start to think about the true value of their business as they approach retirement, and begin to explore the possibilities of selling their company. But what they tend to find out, is that the things that add value to the business are the very things that help grow a business successfully.
It’s also, in many cases, the most
If you do decide you want to sell,
buying, it can help increase the value – more on that a little later).
valuable asset many of them own, in
you may have to become far less
many cases far more valuable than
attached your business than you may
a property. So whether or not you’re
be – right now it’s your baby but you’ll
Example 1
considering selling your business, the
have to let go.
I recently sold my small inbound call
sooner you take action the stronger and more valuable your business will be, should you wish to sell it in future.
It’s also useful to bear in mind that
centre. I employed five part-time staff,
it’s not necessarily what you’re selling
had small offices, a bunch of computers
that’s important. It’s what the other
and specialist software. I sold to a larger
person is buying that really counts;
player. The buyer had spare capacity
process starts on day one – but don’t
another reason to learn to let go.
and offices plenty big enough to house
panic just yet if you’ve only just made
And here are a couple of examples to
any additional members of staff that
up your mind to sell, or thinking about
illustrate the point (and if you can find
might be needed to cope with the
selling, there’s much you can do.
out the potential buyers’ reasons for
additional business.
And for some business owners the
Issue 4 – Strategy and Personal Development | 9