The Business Bulletin
Creating space for your team to thrive Did you know that in Norwegian, Tomrom means empty space or void? When thinking of a name for the business this one stood out for me because team coaching is about creating space to think, to be more and to become greater than the sum of your parts. Cheerlead – be proud
Who doesn’t love a cheerleader? In
Seems a simple thing to do but how
the UK we are a little less accustomed
regularly do we see a disengaged
to cheerleading than our American
leadership? Engagement is bandied
cousins but that doesn’t mean we
about a lot these days and rightly so
shouldn’t give it a go. One of the
as it is key but I like to put things in
primary functions of the leader of
plain language. If you do not show
a team is to support their team
that you are interested in what your
but more than that I want you to
team do or say or think they why
■ Cheerlead
celebrate them, tell everyone who will
should they bother contributing?
■ Care
listen how great they are, have their
How do you create that “space” for a team? It doesn’t matter if your a team of 2 or 102 the basics are the same. I have made a list and then gone into more detail below because once you know what to do you can keep this handy list nearby to remind you of the commitment you have made to the team. My team guide:
■ Feast on feedback ■ Don’t play the blame game ■ Knock-out negativity ■ Include ■ Know yourself ■ Walk your talk
backs when things are getting tough and give credit when due. Push for your team too, get them
So listen and listen well, nod and lean in to hear more, ask questions to better understand, DON’T assume you know what they are going to
what they need be it personal or
say! Let people know it is good to
professional development or greater
share their opinions and that you
flexibility in working patterns. They
want to hear them. Show that you
need to know you are on their side, in
understand their thoughts even
their corner and will fight for them.
when you disagree. This shows them
26 | Issue 8 – Strategy and Personal Development