The Business Bulletin
What’s the difference between a mentor, coach and advisor? Mentor. Coach. Advisor. We often hear these three words and job titles in the business world in a myriad of conversations, articles and reports. However, what do they actually do and why is it important to know the difference between them? Firstly, they are all different. The
provide information and direction. Is
roles can be fluid which is why
the distinction becoming clearer?
there is often some confusion
From a personal perspective and
over the differences in approach
my own experience, I doubt it! All
but fundamentally, the roles have
three ‘titles’ have usually undergone
different skills and attributes which
training, had experience of business
have their own benefits to clients
or corporate life and will have an
and supporting businesses. It is
intention to want to help you to
crucial to understand which role
succeed. So how do you know who
covers what aspects to ensure that
to work with and how to bring
you engage the correct person to
someone on board to help you and
support you – or that you market
your business?
yourself (if you are a mentor, coach or advisor) in the right area.
Much of this relates to personal chemistry and that sounds as though
If you’re looking for someone
it is going to be harder to assess.
who has ‘been there and done
Leaving that aside, temporarily, I
that’, a mentor could be the
would always recommend that you
best option. However, if you
think about what you are looking to
want someone to help
achieve from this relationship. Make a list – is it important to you that
you clarify your goals and encourage and
they have an understanding of your sector? (it shouldn’t matter, but if
challenge you to
you are new to working with a coach,
achieve those goals, look to
mentor or advisor it is important
a coach. An
to understand the credentials of
advisor, on the
someone and that can translate to
other hand, and
sector experience or the leadership
often a business
level of people they have worked
consultant, may
with previously, for example). Do
well have particular
you want to know who else they
specialisms where they can
have worked with? Do they have any
Issue 8 – Strategy and Personal Development | 37