The Business Bulletin Issue #8 - Focus On Strategy & Personal Development

Page 44

The Business Bulletin

Emotional resilience: are you an oak or a willow? Nelson Mandela once said, “Do not judge me by my success – judge me by how many times I fell and got back up again”. When we consider emotional

For some of us, the art of resilience

against until you can stand on your

is about building strength to bear

own again. And that’s the point –

resilience specifically, building that

the strain, for others it’s about

achieving and maintaining resilience

strength comes from being able

growing new shoots to start again,

means having a choice, being able to

to consciously review and instigate

and for many of us it’s just looking

decide how to think and which tool

how you respond to stress, pressure,

for someone or something to lean

will work for which situation.

environmental impactors and the rest

44 | Issue 8 – Strategy and Personal Development

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