The Business Bulletin
Redundancy – what next? Looking at the big picture, avoiding the knee jerk decision and making the most of the opportunity
When people get news of an
much more than just the last job
impending redundancy, they can
and much of your experience is
rush into action but may miss
transferable. Whilst job descriptions
opportunities by not thinking deeply
typically ask for specific sector and
or broadly enough.
functional experience, this is because the ad is written to describe their
ideal candidate. Great attitude,
When the decision is to get another
and evidence of where you have
job, we find that people can think quite narrowly and limit their options by believing that the only choice is to replace the last role with something incredibly similar. Of course, if you keep repeating this exercise your options will ultimately become more limited further down your career path. We suggest completing a really
Jo Thurman
Personal Career Management
clear motivation, transferable skills contributed and previously learnt can trump specific experience. Don’t limit yourself to only look at more of the same unless you really enjoy it and staying in the same field isn’t career limiting further down the line.
Jo is a career and outplacement coach with an absolute passion for helping people reach their potential, to have confidence in their employability and to know how to find and secure work that they love. For more than 25 years, she has supported and guided individuals to make good career decisions and achieve career success; from those starting out as new graduates through to board level
Another pitfall is to only look at roles that are being advertised. List out your personal and professional
thorough audit of everything you
network, including customers,
have to offer. List out all of your
colleagues, ex colleagues, suppliers
areas of expertise, your experience,
and share with them the options
skills, qualifications and training
you are looking for as these can
and your career achievements. This
be a hugely valuable source of
will help you see that you are so
unadvertised opportunities.
appointments. She has partnered with startups to multinationals across all major industries and job functions in both the UK and Europe to identify great talent and great cultural fits. 07950 108689
Issue 8 – Strategy and Personal Development | 49